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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3745237 [Reply] [Original]

Biology is a hard science!

>> No.3745247

engineering is the king of the sciences, mathematics is the queen.
biology is the jester

>> No.3745250
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>> No.3745266 [DELETED] 
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>field of science

Nope. Engineering is more like the retarded cousin of science.

>> No.3745292

Name one testable and inviolable axiom of biology.

>> No.3745294


Wow, what a terrible field.

>> No.3745303 [DELETED] 
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Of course

>> No.3745310

We seriously need a /bio/ board.

That way we can keep nonsense threads like this one out of sci, and biologists can engage in their denialist circle jerking without offending our eyes.

>> No.3745322 [DELETED] 
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>axiom in science

>doesn't know the difference between science and mathematics

>> No.3745331



>> No.3745334

>Cells are the basic unit of life
>New species and inherited traits are the product of evolution
>Genes are the basic unit of heredity
>An organism regulates its internal environment to maintain a stable and constant condition
>Living organisms consume and transform energy.

Thats all

>> No.3745345
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>implying there are any biologist in this thread

>> No.3745354

> implying anybody else would claim that biology is a science

wtf is up with your logic bro, seriously?

>> No.3745355
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>> No.3745365



>> No.3745368 [DELETED] 
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>Implying a physicist didn't make the thread, cause he is sick of the anti-bio bullshit

We should be focusing our hate on non-sciences, like lib-arts or engineering (homosexuals).

>> No.3745372

pure "biologists" are rare anyway. most "biologists" actually blend multiple disciplines and usually are biochemists or biophysicists (i.e. hard scientists)

>> No.3745376

or worthless 'american scientists' who have to resort to stealing the achievements of europe

>> No.3745379

>viruses are life
>species are defined ambiously
>not all genes get shared, not all genes are transmitted
>not a biological axiom
>fire does this

anyone else want to try?

>> No.3745380

Protip: Biology is more of a science than Computer Science or Engineering.

>> No.3745381

congratulations. you have somehow managed to make this argument more retarded by adding a eurofag vs. amerifuck dimension to it. 9/10 troll.

>> No.3745383 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 310x232, s16682_mhargitay-more-you-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Biology is classified as a "hard" science.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology make up the "hard sciences".

All other sciences are classified as "soft sciences".

Engineering is classified as "homosexual studies".

>> No.3745389

hard = erect cock.

>> No.3745392
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>implying axioms are used in science

>> No.3745394

>no good american scientists

>not good

nigga you are so fucking dumb

>> No.3745401

l2 definition of life. have you ever even taken biology?

>cells as main units
>grow and develop
>DNA as hereditary information
>evolve over time
>require energy

>> No.3745404


>viruses are life


>not all genes get shared, not all genes are transmitted

What does this even fucking mean?

>> No.3745408

>loves to talk about cocks

Where did you get your engineering degree from?

>> No.3745412

highschool fag. your meaningless terminology bemuses me.

>> No.3745419



Pick one.

>> No.3745421

>viruses are life
>species are defined ambiously
>not all genes get shared, not all genes are transmitted
>not a biological axiom
>fire does this

>> No.3745435
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So, not axiomatic.

Good try, it's almost like you ever followed along.

Got any other useless definitions to try to curtail the ever growing fear that biology consists of nothing more than parrots?

>> No.3745439

do viruses have cells?

Do they spread their genes?

Wow. looks like life to me.

>> No.3745450

Viruses aren't life...they're self-replicating molecules. I can't even believe you don't know this. This isn't even debatable, it's just a fact. VIRUSES ARE NOT CONSIDERED LIFE. Someone obviously never took high school bio...

>> No.3745453


not that guy but

>do viruses have cells?
>Do they spread their genes?

>> No.3745457

Anyways, back to the proposition, before you idiots get confused:


>> No.3745461

God. Damn it.

How many times do we need to go over this on this board?

>> No.3745464

one more time apparently

>> No.3745460 [DELETED] 
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Nice thread OP

>> No.3745465


I'm a neuroengineer, I study applied biophysical chemistry.

What now?

>> No.3745466
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Sounds like we got a whole lot of giological butthurt in this hizzous.

>> No.3745469


>do viruses have cells?

What the fuck? No, are you 12?

>Do they spread their genes?

Do you mean does DNA (not every virus contains or uses DNA) from one virus get replicated and encapsulated in groups of translated viral proteins sometimes?


Do you mean, does it create progeny that "inherit" a genetic lineage?

No, or the Alu and L1 LTR sequences in your genome would be considered life too.

>> No.3745474



>> No.3745485

inviolable axiom? the central dogma of biology. mission accomplished.

>> No.3745482
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>testable axiom

Do you evern know what an axiom is?

>> No.3745489
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Is anyone going to answer this challenge?

Failed miserably.

>> No.3745491


see >>3745485

>> No.3745495


>> No.3745492 [DELETED] 


So you mean your a faggot?

>> No.3745498

How is that an axiom?

>> No.3745506
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What is am axiom of physics or chemitry then?
Can you give any?

It sounds like your just butt-hurt cause the hot girls in biology won't give you the fucking time of day. Sorry, bro. Maybe if you stop being a little bitch and man up, you would get more pussy.

>> No.3745507

outside of mathematics, the definition of axiom is simply any established principle. obvious mathfag is obvious.

>> No.3745510

It's not, there are no axioms in biology, as there are no axioms in physics, or chemistry, or anything in reality. Not that we can know anyway. Get over it.

>> No.3745515 [DELETED] 
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Name one thing in physics that is an "axiom"?
Can you?

>> No.3745528

Axiom has no true context outside of mathematics. You are all faggots.

>> No.3745526

I often do think of transposons as the simplest "lifeforms" we know about. Remnants from the most ancient period in the evolution of life, these sequences are leftover "organisms" from the molecular world. Clever enough to hitch themselves into more complex systems.

>> No.3745525
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>axiom is simply any established principle

>> No.3745529

>I often do think

as if anyone gives a fuck what you think.

>> No.3745536

Well that's all there is to it, we'll never know any of these ideas for certain, and we don't have adequate language to describe them anyway. "Life" is a horribly ambiguous and arbitrary definition of anything.

>> No.3745542 [DELETED] 
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>doesn't know how to use wikipedia

Among the most important topics are five unifying principles that can be said to be the fundamental axioms of modern biology:

1) Cells are the basic unit of life
2) New species and inherited traits are the product of evolution
3) Genes are the basic unit of heredity
4) An organism regulates its internal environment to maintain a stable and constant condition
5) Living organisms consume and transform energy

>> No.3745544


And you're probably partly right (although the simplest "life" were probably RNA molecules).

They aren't definable as life though. They're simply chemicals doing what they do. The vestiges of a period before recognizable life.

>> No.3745547

Except, thats right you fucking moron. Nothing can have an axiom as rigid as... well, mathematics. Chemistry and Physics would fail your shitty litmus test as well.

>> No.3745549
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>implying wikipedia is accurate

>> No.3745550
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>"Particle/wave" is a horribly ambiguous and arbitrary definition of anything

All the bullshit you spout can be applied to physics or chemitry as well. According to you NOTHING IS SCIENCE. GTFO FAGGOT!

>> No.3745554

>They're simply chemicals doing what they do. The vestiges of a period before recognizable life.

Ah, you've set your own trap. What am I, if not a collection of chemicals doing what they do?

>> No.3745564

Oh hey, its that slightly out of date guy who teaches some gen ed class and think WIKIPEDIA IS FAKE CUZ ANYWUN CAN EDDIT IT

>> No.3745565

herpderp see ->>>3745401. just because you share commonalities with non-life doesn't undercut the definition of life

>> No.3745562 [DELETED] 
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>Implying they aren't citing a textbook

So when the biology girls laugh and reject you, does it make you sad? angry? Why don't you just consider dating men (engineering)?

>> No.3745568

>he doesn't know how science works

You're right. We don't know anything about reality for certain in any field.


>> No.3745576

this argument is pointless. biology is a subset of chemistry, which is a subset of physics, which is a subset of mathematics, which is a subset of logic/philosophy. these titles are just manmade, trivial pedantics.

>> No.3745582

So if an 'advanced' life form from another planet coded it's processes with PNA, UNA, or some other exotic chemical, it's not alive?

Point is, it's a poor definition because it's based on total arbitrariness. To a scientist, I guess you could say it is defined for convenience. But really, it's just a word coming from a time when people didn't know what was really happening.

>> No.3745590

>if an 'advanced' life form
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

>> No.3745607


>Ah, you've set your own trap. What am I, if not a collection of chemicals doing what they do?

Actually I considered this when I wrote it. While true, that collection of chemicals participating in a specific manner is the definition of life that has been posted. Viruses and other "non-life" can do some but not all of these things.

That very question was at the heart of the controversy on how to define life for a long time.

If you really want to get down to the base of it, those chemicals are just particles interacting in the way that physics says they should.

>> No.3745612
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>What am I, if not a collection of chemicals doing what they do?

Ah, you've set your own trap. What are chemicals, if not a collection of subatomic particles/waves doing what they do?

Acording to your logic, chemistry isn't science either then, huh dipshit?

>> No.3745618

>not keeping up

>> No.3745624


>So if an 'advanced' life form from another planet coded it's processes with PNA, UNA, or some other exotic chemical, it's not alive?

Actually, it's usually said that life on Earth uses DNA but the definition can commonly be extended out to nucleotides are used as hereditary material.

You could argue that an alien could use another system of hereditary but then, would we even be able to recognize it as "alive?"

And then you get into what-if? territory and you might as well put your thumb up your butt because you're going to be there for awhile.

>> No.3745631

>are just particles interacting in the way that physics says they should.

I'm not arguing with you about that. My entire argument is that biology is a science BECAUSE it is ultimately a derivative of physics (by way of chemistry).

>> No.3745632
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cool story bro, will do

>> No.3745640

>you might as well put your thumb up your butt because you're going to be there for awhile.

Exactly, which is why an arbitrary definition was set for convenience. I was just saying it's arbitrary, and if you take it too seriously, you'll just get yourself in to trouble. Sounds like you know as well as I do that it's not exactly a new idea to say such a thing.

>> No.3745653

Also, you aren't me, and I'm not arguing that point at all. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3745670 [DELETED] 
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>Implying all scientific defintions were not arbitrarly set for convience


>> No.3745682


The definition of life is used as a unit of measure in biology.

The meter and the mole are also arbitrary units used in physics and chemistry because they're convenient for the things we study.

Why is our main unit of measure defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second? Because it was defined in a relevantly convenient form when studying things on Earth before we refined measuring techniques.

>> No.3745696

I remember my gen bio professor telling us that biology is nothing more than applied chemistry. It wasn't so funny back then

>> No.3745726



Holy crap, I use that name for any character I make in games.

Anyways, yeah that's been posted and it is true.

The only reason we have subfields and disciplines is because our mathematics/minds/technology are not advanced enough to describe the systems involved.

A chemical analysis of an organism in a holistic way, would produce processing errors in even the best computer technology available.

A physical analysis of every particle in all of the chemicals of the body, even more so.

>> No.3746987

/sci/ - obsessive compulsive disorder

>> No.3747071

what is the objective deffinition of hard?

>> No.3747075

My cock.