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[ERROR] No.3744026 [Reply] [Original]

>skipping lecture

You're going to have to learn the material sooner or later. Yes, you read the textbook and do problems either way, but isn't it just so much more convenient to sit on your ass and have everything spoonfed to you?

>> No.3744032

>not taking online courses


>> No.3744033

i don't know of any lectures where it is spoonfed. most profs just touch on the basics and expect you to learn the course material from reading the textbook.

>> No.3744037

If the lectures are too slow there is no reason to attend them, except for socialising. Oh wait ... I have to friends.

>> No.3744041

actually this

>> No.3744042

I have some easy ass classes this semester. The temptation to skip is high. Although I can now use the class time to become more social.

>> No.3744049
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>mfw classes in college make attendance mandatory

if people want to waste money that's their problem. we're fucking adults, christ.

>> No.3744051

They should go through problems on the projector, and do demonstrations and other things to reinforce the concepts. Plus you can always ask questions, and they hardly ever tell you to fuck off.

>> No.3744058

This is college, not highschool. If you don't feel like showing up, don't. If you're going to talk over the prof. the whole time, don't show up.

>> No.3744066

Well, son, you sound mad.

>> No.3744071


Fuck that, I even get mad at people who come to class and sleep or use their laptop quietly. Come to class and pay attention or not at fucking all.

>> No.3744079

My Chem lectures are a piece of shit so I don't go.

I discuss things I need help with ~30 min a week with my prof and 4chan. Easy as any

>> No.3744080


I am mad, because my GENERAL PHYSICS 2 CLASS IS BABIES! Seriously, it's a giant lecture class with 150 people in the room, at least. There is always at least a background hum and heaven forbid everyone miss the clicker questions because then the NOISE OVERPOWERS THE PROFESSOR.
Also, the last 10 minutes of class, THERE IS SO MUCH NOISE I CAN'T HEAR THE PROF. WHEN I AM 20 FEET AWAY FROM HIM.
I am not paying $170/credit hour to listen to babies in my classroom talk over the professor.

>> No.3744088

I never understood this


What gets me are the troglodytes who don't even drop the class even when they don't even come the first week. Like fuck nigger, why you even in college? Whos parents are dumb enough to pay for that shit?

>> No.3744090

>$170/credit hour

that's pretty damn cheap

>> No.3744097

Hohoho. That sounds a lot like my classroom.

>> No.3744101

He should be mad. I mad too. There is no reason to go to a non required place of learning if all you are going to do is NOT learn and hinder the people around you who paid good money.

I know Jamal probably doesn't find General Psychology all that fascinating, neither do I Jamal, but please stop yelling to Dantaevius like he is across the fucking room. Some of us came to learn.

>> No.3744107


You had me until the casual racism.

Cry more, speglord.

>> No.3744113

How is danteavus pronounced? Sounds like a cool nickname because im white.

Also, I think precursor courses are a load of shit, is there any good college out there with completely free enrollment?

>> No.3744114



>> No.3744115

In the 150 people lecture halls, its always the fucking black people. Not racist, just saying, at my school, which is less than 8% black people, it always manages to be them who disrupt shit.

>> No.3744117
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>in first year
>take classes outside my major because i need the credits
>go to those lectures

>> No.3744131


In state tuition in Florida.
But I'm still drowning in debt because the government says my mother, making 35k/year, has enough to contribute 5k a semester (10K per year) to my expenses WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY supporting my younger brother who is attending community college and living at home because he did shit in school because he's bad at doing work.
Don't get me wrong, I got as many scholarships as possible, but it's not enough to pay for classes and books and housing and food expenses. I am not working my ass off to have fucktards talk the entire time in non-mandatory class. It was bad enough in k-12 when people did that, but they were required to attend. Fuck, there isn't even a dumb 5% attendance portion of our fucking grade in this class. At least in k-12 the teacher could remove them from the classroom. What recourse do I have being a student in a lecture hall of 150 people? What am I going to do? Stand up in front of the entire class when it starts and tell everyone to not talk the entire time and get the fuck out if that's all they are going to do?

>> No.3744132


This is what gets me, gen ed classes are so fucking ass. The only reason they even exist is to force you to go to school an extra arbitrary amount. If you can't write a paper as well as you are required to in comp 101, then you really don't need to be in college. And why the fuck do I need a foreign language if I major in bio, or an Earth Science if I major in communications.

Why the fuck do I have to get 120 hours to get a degree when only 45 of them even have to be within my major? Who the fuck thinks this is at all a good system?

>> No.3744135


hey I was wondering if any of you have had experience endeavoring in a double major?

I'm a freshman and I am majoring in computer science, but I am curious about doubling in something like english or philosophy.

>> No.3744143

not him, but if you're doing CS, you should double with math or EE

english/philosophy is useless and entirely unrelated; there will be no course overlap

>> No.3744144

>isn't it just so much more convenient to sit on your ass and have everything spoonfed to you?

No. That makes you complacent, and then the lecturers miss shit that you need to know.

>> No.3744146

so you are bitching about being poor and you are in fucking florida and couldnt even get bright futures? youre gettin whats comin to you imo

>> No.3744155


electrical engineering?

>> No.3744170


Because colleges in the US would like to produce "well rounded" citizens.
Or perhaps there is a different problem.
At the University of Florida (where I go) you have the "College of Liberal Arts and Sciences" instead of having those two fucking opposite end of the spectrum crammed together.
Because of within-college requirements, all CLAS majors are required a certain number of credits in a foreign language, a certain number of credits in the physical, biological, and social sciences, and a certain number of lab credits, 3 "international" credits and 3 "diversity" credits. On top of this, there are the government requirements for what a student is required to have to graduate (Gordon Rule; certain number of "pure math" courses, and a certain number of "words", obtained through courses with large writing components).
It's designed to keep liberal arts majors from being completely retarded, but it ends up hurting the science majors by wasting their time.

>> No.3744181

Wat - I pay less than 17€ (almost 1000€/year)
One of the top Universities in the country, top for Electronics Engineering.

>> No.3744194

What is it called when colleges let you take whatever classes you want regardless of precursors?

I know this exists...

>> No.3744201

Well, exactly. If someone wants to do nothing but useless classes, its not like they beat the system. Anyone will see a liberal arts degree and realise its worth less than the paper its printed on.

I just don't see why any class outside my major besides maybe basic composition and college algebra should be required. I could learn all the relevant shit in half the time and be off actually working.

Besides, the thing is, gen ed classes are so fucking easy because the teacher wants to make sure everyone can coast by. I don't recall any lower division gen ed class that I couldn't have gone to maybe twice a semester and still passed. It literally does nothing but waste time and money.

>> No.3744215

One of my classes is taught by this old Chinese guy who is basically impossible to understand. I effectively gain nothing from lecture.

So I skip a lot, and wish I had the balls to just stop showing up at all. There's no goddamn point.

>> No.3744233

Just double major in something like Physics and Philosophy, no problems with that shit.

>> No.3744241

You guys do know that the hard sciences are part of the liberal arts. Liberal arts = things that aren't trades

>> No.3744243

There is no reason not to show up to class. Even if the professor is some incomprehensible immigrant you still gain a lot by going to class and immersing yourself in the subject matter. You are then able to make friends who you can use to study with, or cheat off of if you are in a pinch.

>> No.3744268

which school?

umm, i got the "100% tuition" bright futures award, and this year, it's covering half my tuition, due to skyrocketing tuition rates and cuts to bright futures funding.

going to have $15k in debt while fucking rick scott blows money on drug-testing welfware recipients to funnel money into a company he owns.

>> No.3744313

If the prof sucks and manages to confuse you more than teach you, then not going to class is a good idea. If the prof is reasonably good, then not going is plain stupid, unless you already know the material. I skipped almost all the calculus lectures, since it was too easy.Same with the first general relativity lectures, it just hurts me seeing the way physicists define manifolds and "contra and covariant vectors".

>> No.3744365

God I hate this shit. Call me insensitive, but I think there should be a minimum English proficiency to teach. If no one can fucking understand you, it doesn't matter what you are saying.

>> No.3744385


no fag, liberal arts is everything that isn't a hard science and engineering.

Troll harder

>> No.3744389

(>>3744146 can pay attention too)

I also had "100%" Bright Futures.
The thing is, if the economy hadn't taken a fucking belly-flop partway through my freshman year, there wouldn't be all the BS about not having enough money for it.
Pisses me off, because the deal was, you get a certain SAT or ACT score, and do community service, we give you 100% tuition and fees. And for one year they did, and then they went LOL NOPE SORRY, FUCK YOU.
It's helping some, but seriously, I would have tried to get more financial aid from alternative sources while I was still in HS had I known it would only pay 50% my last year in college.

English proficiency and thickness of accent are two completely different things. If people can't understand through the accent, then they need to man the fuck up and realize not everyone in the world is going to be a native English speaker. But if the prof. literally is not fluent in English, then no teaching.

>> No.3744390

Alot of my classes have the lecture recorded and uploaded to the uni website, along with the powerpoint slides. Shit is awesome for my history classes where i cant be fucked dealing with the innane questions in real time, and can just skip them in the recording.

>> No.3744393

Nope engineering isn't a liberal art but the hard sciences are

>> No.3744398

No fag, you are dumb.

There is nothing wrong with being a non native english speaker. There IS something wrong with not even being intelligible when your fucking job is to convey ideas to people. You wouldn't give a deafmute a job as a translator, why the fuck would you give someone who is unintelligible a teaching job?

>> No.3744400

How is UF with taking ap credits? I know some schools let you go in with ~75 credits (not courses) starting.

>> No.3744405


I almost pissed myself in one lecture where my Japanese professor couldnt pronounce trillion. He tried like 5 times getting out a jumble or r's before he gave up.

>> No.3744408

>number of good colleges with online classes

>> No.3744424

>has online classes

>> No.3744426
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>> No.3744432

When I was accepted in 2008, they let you bring in 30 AP credits total, and you could get more if you also had dual enrollment/"early college".
I never had a car, so dual enrollment could never have worked for me. I ended up bringing in 22 AP credits. Part of why I can graduate after this semester.

True, but at the same time changing it to your model the profs would have to have some kind of knowledge about the current teaching pedagogy. In that case, it would be the professors themselves who would be advocating smaller class sizes, and they definitely wouldn't just stand up in front of a lecture hall and talktalktalk for 50 minutes were this the case.

My physics prof. has an interesting accent. I think he's chinese, but he says "alpha" like "arpha" and once in class he said "iceberg" but it came out as "iceburger" every time.

>> No.3744436


I'm in engineering. Basically all my professors are useless chinese or russian bastards.

>> No.3744447

classes are worthless for learning for some people. We still need the degree to get a good job.

>> No.3744457


luckily we dont have many black folk in scotland

seriously, like maybe 1 in 200