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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3742914 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to inject one ml of 95% ethanol directly in the vein.

What should I expect?

>> No.3742920

depending on how much you inject, blindness, then death

>> No.3742918


>> No.3742927


>> No.3742926

Webcam plz.

>> No.3742931

>one ml
Missed that.

>> No.3742933

you might get slightly drunk, you should be fine tho,
Steve-O from jackass did it with a LOT of vodka, and he survived.

>> No.3742945

>Steve-O from jackass did it with a LOT of vodka, and he survived.
>It was on TV so it must be true
just fuck off already

>> No.3742952

1. Obtain potassium chloride (KCl)
2. Inject 200g intravenous
3. ???
4. See Jesus

>> No.3742953


vodka is not 95% pure you dumb fuck.

>> No.3742962

its fucking jackass, you spastic. they dont fake it.

>> No.3742968
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i never said it was you presumptuous cunt!

>> No.3742971


Did he inject vodka or didn't he?

>> No.3742983

>they dont fake it.
you are even dumber then I though you were

>> No.3742993

he did,
fuck that stupid saging cunt anon, he has no fucking clue.

>> No.3742999
File: 40 KB, 726x604, trol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a little more mad please

>> No.3743002
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How would the effect of 1mg of 95% ethanol differ from 2.33mg of 40% vodka

>> No.3743175

I'd take ethanol over vodka, because of the impurities. 5% shit is safer than 60%.

Also, report, I didn't feel shit. Okay, maybe a slight buzz, could be a placebo though. I'll try with 10ml next night.

>> No.3743208

shove it up your ass. like three shots. right up your ass. don't worry about the people that say you might die. fuck them. you want to live forever???

>> No.3743215

Careful about injecting large pure quantities all at once. A drip would be safer. Too much pure ethanol all at once and you'll be destroying local cells. There's a reason we use alcohol as a topical disinfectant.

>> No.3743216

No idea what would plugging alcohol do, but in my experience with other soft tissues (under tongue etc), it wouldn't be the most comfortable thing ever.

>> No.3743222

Forgive my rough generalisations. Say the human body has blood ~5 litres. Injecting ~1 mille pure alcohol would make ~1/5000 = 0.2 per mille pure alcohol. Not very drunk. 10 milles should thus get you at about 2 per mille, which is major. I'm not familiar with the importance of how fast you get drunk, so if you die, I take no responsibility.

>> No.3743273
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Injecting shit into your body without medical supervision is foolish. Injecting shit into your body, when you don't know the effect it will have on your body is down right idiocy. If it kills you, good riddance, we don't need retards like you in this world OP

>> No.3743288

It's Science!! Go back to be you retard.

>> No.3743298

expect to go blind because there's methanol in your lab alcohol

>> No.3743310
File: 14 KB, 272x244, 1313865713474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to be you retard.

>> No.3743333

enjoy you burning injection site pain.

>> No.3743336

<span class="math">\mathbb{R}[/spoiler]etardation.

>> No.3743347

haha cool paint job. She even sexier. :D

>> No.3743348

>He did, fuck that stupid saging cunt anon, he has no fucking clue.
Learn to capitalize your sentences.

>> No.3743349

"Hurrrrrr, what will happen if I poke needles in my eyes?! Who knows it's sciencerrrrrrrrr"
That's what you sound like all the time.

>> No.3743359

Mix it with saline, 95% alcohol will suck the water out of any cells it touches, killing them.

>> No.3743368

You're just jelly of my dubs

>> No.3743370
File: 14 KB, 204x197, grammarnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody fucking cares, aspie prick.

>> No.3743375
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some guy made quite a few...not sure why, but i liked them so i saved them.

>> No.3743377

You did it again. This isn't Facebook and you aren't texting someone, so use proper English; it's more civilized if you do so.

>> No.3743379
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>> No.3743385

lol, this shit thread deserved to be derailed by ek

>> No.3743389
File: 100 KB, 400x331, comeatme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're a biology or psychology major.

>> No.3743391
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i answered the thread early on, pretty accurately. i even provided a case study for comparison :)

>> No.3743395

i dont care if you think its shit.

>> No.3743408

Facebook is the only place where people using shorthand typing. That's fascinating. I NEVER KNEW THAT.

>> No.3743413

Animals are amazing. I wish I was doing zoology. Whats your favourites animals? Mine is birds. I can watching them for ages.

>> No.3743418
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>case study

>> No.3743425
File: 133 KB, 640x502, paradise_tanager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like birds too!

Steve-O is my case study =p

>> No.3743426

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Lol unemployment

>> No.3743432

well i'm likely to be getting a 1st class degree judging by my performance so far, so i have a hell of a better chance than most of the other soon-to-be graduates.
if i cant get a job then your average person is completely fucked.

>> No.3743437

If you were not EK, I would troll the shit out of you for this post.

>> No.3743441
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont need special treatment, hun.
go for it! :)

>> No.3743443

Have fun picking up elephant poop.

>> No.3743448

nah, that's like raiding /b/

>> No.3743458

oh, i'm not worth trolling?
i'm not sure whether i should feel insulted or proud...

>> No.3743463

>come at me bro

Someone already did that:

>> No.3743464

Anything over and above a 3.4 GPA or 2:1 is overkill since everyone from that entire bracket will be accepted for everything. Beyond that, work experience and other credentials becomes the focus for employers.

>> No.3743472
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