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[ERROR] No.3742632 [Reply] [Original]

I currently have 3 options i'm considering.
I am currently studying for a degree in mathematics at Cambridge.

I can either:

Do a PhD-> Go down an academic route, earn decent enough money to live on, enjoy being at the forefront of knowledge

Do a PhD-> Go into engineering, earn more money than above, design and create stuff people need

Graduate -> Get a job in finance, earn considerably more money than the two above, though with higher stress, and enjoy my job less.

>> No.3742664

How much is "considerably more"?

>> No.3742668

You'll enjoy a rewarding career much more than money in the long run.

>> No.3742677

Well if I graduate next year I can be earning £30k, rising to £45k after 3 years, then rising steadily to £150k over my career.

Or as an academic earn 25k after doing 3 years of PhD, then after so many years start earning 45-50k, and if lucky and get a proffessorship, earn more, but it'd take longer

>> No.3742678

Get a Nobel price/fields medal at any cost, no matter what it takes no matter how long it takes no matter what i will have to sacrifice and give up, i live breathe sleep and eat physics and math.

>> No.3742682

She's hot.

>> No.3742686
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>> No.3742695

Finish my undergrad:
(A) bachelor's in biology
(B) bachelor's in investigative & medical sciences

(1) grad school for neuroscience
(2) work a few years and take some extra classes on the side then go to grad school
(3) attempt to work and go to grad school at the same time (unlikely)

>> No.3742704

i would go with the third option, only because in my own experience, the pursuit of happiness is much easier when you can fund it.

..so it would seem as a poorfag

>opinion invalid

follow your own dreams

>> No.3742715

The thing is, I come from a poor family, and get lots of government poor people money. Even as an academic i'd earn considerably more than my father does, and he has a family to support too, whereas i'd just be... me (and my girlfriend (fingers crossed))

>> No.3742723

what you could probably do, is study math and minor in engineering or whatever you britfags do, then go in to finance with that, make enough money that you dont have to worry about working a shitty job for a long time then after like 5-10 years or whenever you burn out, go back to school for engineering and still make plenty of money doing that

>> No.3742738

We don't really have a major minor system. You pick your degree then you do it. I picked maths, and i'm tending towards applied maths and fluid dynamics stuff, and engineering firms seem to like fluids and shit.

>> No.3742760

>150k starting


actually I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Feels bad man.

Yet, I understand that it is at my lowest that I am closest to God. Life's a journey that goes round and round and the end is closest to the beginning. So if it's change I need, relish the journey.

>> No.3742767


i seriously hope you guys don't believe this

>> No.3742769

OP is forgetting bonuses potentially, which means £150k/year + huge fucking bonuses.

Go finance OP, fuck science. Get rich, have a family.

>> No.3742773


>funding happiness
say wat

>> No.3742789


cool, good luck

>> No.3742825

Depends on what type of finance job it is. Investment banking is basically fucking boring(I've done 2 years as an analyst). Trading on the other hand is really interesting and exciting. £30k sounds quite low though, my first year after undergrad base+bonus was $130k.

>> No.3742827

You can also get an MBA coupled with an engineering degree and start a business, great money there.

>> No.3742844


thats a funny way to say it, god loves you most when your down and out?

that requires a belief in life after death to even break even.
...and i doubt they have aston martins in heaven

feel free to rebuttle

>> No.3742845

They don't call us yuropoors for nothing you know.

And I was quoting figures from an acturial firm. I know you can earn more in banks, but i'm not sure that's for me.

>> No.3742856

Academic Ph.D./research professor is my plan.

>> No.3742865

>feel free to rebuttle

I done spoke the english

>> No.3742885

Ah, ok. I know some people over in London in finance but they are in trading/IB, I have no clue about actuaries. With a quantitative background you might be a good fit for some prop trading firms(I work at one now, earning considerably more than I did in banking). Some good firms I know with London offices : DRW trading, IMC, Jane Street, Wolverine(ok firm), not sure if Optiver has a London office.

>> No.3742904

Currently in first year uni.

Plan on getting my degree in biology, either concentration in Marine Biology or Zoology.

Go to graduate school and get my masters for whichever of the former I choose.


Fuck if I know what Ill actually do with it, but Im sure I can find an enjoyable job to support myself on with a masters. Ideally I would work directly with animals, like in zoos or research or some shit, but jobs like that pay little and are pretty competitive.

>> No.3742925
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>I am currently studying for a degree in mathematics at Cambridge.
No you're not

>> No.3742984

Yes I am.

>> No.3743001

Some one has to be studying mathematics at Cambridge, there should be no reason why this couldn't be OP.

>> No.3743024

And infact the maths course at cambridge has one of the biggest student intakes of any maths course in the whole of the UK

>> No.3743041


I'm sorry, Paco, not everyone is an academic worthlessness that could only make it to a community college (or other shit school for that matter). Please crawl back into your cave and continue being an academically unaccomplished trash that you are.

>> No.3743061

Actual Harvardfag reporting in. It will be nice to see all of you as guests at the homeless shelter I will build.

>> No.3743066

Live underwater, live underground, live in a high altitude balloon, and visit both suborbital space and the challenger deep.

>> No.3743101

Hmm, i'm at a cross roads here but so far

Path 1---> get my own place, work and finish up xfer creds, move to germany, finish school there, ???, profit
Path 2---> Fuck school, join USAF, travel and yada yada
Path 3--->Move to alaska, finish school work there, go to Germany, ???, profit

>> No.3743108

>move to alaska

oh boy, what are you running away from?

>> No.3743110

also, path 1, i become a physics professor or do something in the science field. Path 2 I just enlist and dick around. Path 3 I can be physics professor or join USAF and become a pilot.

>> No.3743114

Nothing, that's where family is haha. It allows me to concentrate on just my school work for a year.

>> No.3743125

So here's my plan:
1. Get bachelor degree in Cognitive Science, dunno in what direction to specialize
2. ????? fuck If I know
3. Profit?

>> No.3743141
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>complete bachelors in engineering
>PhD in math
>Any job I want
>300K starting
>build my own office
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.3743151

>be law student in germany
>study law
>put in effort, be better than everyone else
>get money

thats the plan

>> No.3743193

What the fuck can I do with a bachelor's in Bioscience? The internet tells me I can become a biology teacher or a fitness instructor. Fuck that.

What are the most rewarding post-graduate courses open to Bioscience graduates and is there much money in research?

>> No.3743198


choose 1

>> No.3743199


Nigga what the fuck is bioscience?

>> No.3743314

>implying "she's" not a a trap

My goal is to get a PhD in Computer Science and maybe a masters in physics, math, or neuroscience. I would like to revolutionize computers and revolutionize science. I want to see humans go places and do things that have never been done before. Getting a job and raising a family? That sounds like a waste of a life and a waste of an opportunity.

>> No.3743328

Be a research scientist. At least you will contribute something somewhat major to man kind that way.

>> No.3743362

Finance. Take it from a guy that was exactly in your position and is now working for one of the biggest Bulge Bracket Banks. You will be so baller you will be laughing every day thinking that you considered other jobs. How does £1 million+ sound after 3 years on the job on the exotic derivatives or the OTC desks ? and thats just the begining, the NKI is going to the buyside on one of the big boy Hedge Funds and PMing for fucking multiple tens of millions, or if you're real smart, start your own Black Pool / HFT / Quantative Hedge Fund and were talking MULTIPLE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF £££ PER YEAR OR BILLIONS. THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO SHITTY ENGINEERING FOR ?


>> No.3743380

What would Carl Sagan do?

>> No.3743388

What the fuck are you even talking about, man?

>> No.3743400

Get the FUCK out of here. You obviously contribute nothing to the progress of mankind. Take your tiny dick and get out. Also, if you really were this big shot millionaire what the SHIT are you doing on 4chan, fucking nerd.

>> No.3743412
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>> No.3743430

Buyside killing it isn't exactly new but FUCK YEAH BRO!!

>> No.3743450

My plan is move to London, become qualified actuary, £70k in 4 years \o/

>> No.3743457


nice dubs, also I said I was working at a BB, not that I have my own hedge fund, Im just telling him the potential upside.

why u mad tho ?

>> No.3743466


also you can potentially contribute more to mankind doing this than you ever could as a lone scientist. You have the capital to fund huge research projects or set multi million dollar prizes for whatever shit you fancy, and get some even smarter motherfuckers that would otherwise be wasting their talents chasing funding for reasearch to actually start researching, which is the main reason that progression of mankind is going so slowly my kind dicksucking sir.

>> No.3743467

Are you in EU or US? EU hedge fund guy myself, my third year at this fund and loving it!

>> No.3743488

How is your typicall day at work and wha did you guys study?

>> No.3743509



Walk in at 7, leave at 6 to 6:30, meeting first thing in the morning with the trading floor, swap ideas, get in desks ready for open, looking news, it opens, frenzy, start trading, gotta keep your eyes on the prize baby, if your market making alot of calls or hits on the terminal, if your OTC just calls and calling, you gotta stay ontop of your positions at all times, even if you go piss you NEED to make sure another trader on your desk is looking at your positions, when shit is going down your sweating houses, when your killing it its like fucking a 11/10 bitch while snorting the finest colombian marching powder of her tits. Once market closes you look over the news of the day for anything you missed during trading from focus, wrap up trades then go home/partying/gym whatever.

>> No.3743567

>>3743467 here

Get in before Frankfurt open, look at news/events/review some charts/talk with other guys. Then I spend my day mainly looking for trading opportunities and managing existing trades. I mainly do currencies, both long and short-term. I'm at a quite small shop so things are probably quite different at larger funds. Day usually ends for me after NY close, after that I review my positions before I go home or out with guys from work.