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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3742464 [Reply] [Original]

>"alright class, now split up into groups."

>> No.3742467

>implying I give a fuck

>> No.3742473

/sci/ - autism, assburger and social fail

>> No.3742477

>don't move
>"is everyone in a group?"
>don't raise hand

>> No.3742486

>people want to have me in their group
>they come over to the place where I sit
>alpha as fuck

>> No.3742495

I always end up grouped with girls, I don't know why. And yes, I'm still a virgin.

>> No.3742500
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>at nearest girl

>> No.3742537

>get grouped with the most stupid students
>do everything like the nerd I am

>> No.3742545

Just yesterday I had a group project assigned in my mythology class. So the people sitting next to me formed a group with me, so we wouldnt have to change seats. Hopefully it will work out well.

>> No.3742554
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>> No.3742557


I know that feel.

>That feel when they are all girls and you analytically pick apart their personality traits and know how stupid they are, you mark their insecurities and false confidence and you know every way to destroy them in a sentence.

I think of ways to emotionally abuse people all the time. It is like a game for me but I probably would never do it.

>> No.3742561
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Mythology is awesome. I'm not even that guy.

>> No.3742567

Need a 200 level lit course for my.education degree

>> No.3742580

I love doing group stuff. It's a good change from listening to the professor drone on.

>> No.3742605

Why would you ever even think of such thing? You (assume male, for the sake of fun let's assume you are on technical course) and the rest of your group consisted of girls. Do you even realize how rare that is in engineering courses? Man that's as rare as winning a lottery or even perhaps detecting a double gravitational lensing.


>> No.3742627

Switch to Biomedical Engineering, it's like 50% women.