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[ERROR] No.3741292 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you realise you aren't as intelligent as you've been told your entire life and no matter how hard you try you will never contribute anything to scientific or technological advance

>> No.3741299

>needing someone to tell you how intelligent you are
yeah you're pretty dumb.

>> No.3741298

>that feel when you realise you ARE as intelligent as you've been told your entire life and being so damn lazy will never contribute anything to scientific or technological advance

>> No.3741304

I know that feel.

>> No.3741308

i know all tehse feels. all of them have been wrong.

>> No.3741312

>that feel when it doesnt matter anyway

>> No.3741315
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>That feel when you ask someone to please respond, and they don't.

>> No.3741317
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>MFW that's why I've been costing through school and just recently decided to kick my ass in gear.

>> No.3741323

youc an contribute, it is more then just intelligence required. most of all you have to work hard, you need social skills to eventually start your own research groups, you need publications, you need to meet peopel and talk to them so they recognise you. if you work really really hard and become better then most other people, you can contribute a thing. at that point you can form your own group and research things that you want to know.

tl,dr hard work is more important than intelligence in science nowadays

>> No.3741324

>realising you are so magnificently insignificant that even if you don't do anything to make a change, the world will keep on spinning.

I use to get scared at the idea of being pointless, but its really liberating when you think about it. Its okay to just live. Things will work out one way or another.

Also, intelligence has little to do with accomplishment.

>> No.3741326
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>That feel when reading the posts in this thread.

>> No.3741329

>Also, intelligence has little to do with accomplishment.
If you're not intelligent, you'll never be a leading pioneer in physics, computer science, math etc

>> No.3741330
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>That feel when you respond instead of not responding.

>> No.3741335
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>> No.3741338

Those are not the only things you can do to accomplish things or contribute to society.

>> No.3741341
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>That feel

>> No.3741342
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>That feel when you're already published

Stay jelly, high school fags.

>> No.3741350

Yes, being published once is the pinnacle of scientific achievement. It's not like every person could do it with enough dedication.

>> No.3741352

Quick, someone post that news about that class of elementary schoolers being published on some biology journal!

>> No.3741356
File: 28 KB, 704x396, kagami-in-thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw kids in my time had to prove they were good
>mfw kids these days get handicapped by praise
>mfw their parents caused this crippling

>> No.3741362

Peer reviewed?
If so, link plz indeed.

>> No.3741370

nvm, found it
also has reference ot paper

>> No.3741371


The jelly is showing.

That's cool. I'll just be here with the rest of the academic community.

>> No.3741382
File: 15 KB, 222x203, 1270813634623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that feel OP.

That's when I said fuck it and went to become an Accountant. I won't earn as much/be as much, but fuck, it's a living.

>> No.3741392

I had this feel in my mid teens.
Then this feel from 18-20.

Now I'm somewhere in between. I'm definitely smarter than most people in my classes (Math major) but I'm nowhere near the level I always thought I would be. I pictured myself contributing something worthwhile. Now I just want the dosh.

Here's a tip OP: Go into business/accounting/economics. It's easy and people will mistake you for being smart.

>> No.3741391

Thats actually pretty neat. Wish we had done experiments like that in elementary.

The only cool thing I ever remember doing was making those little terrariums, use fish, plants, and soil in one, and miraclegro in the other.

By the end of the experiment, the one with miraclegro had grown three times as large as the other plant, but all the fish had died.

>> No.3741397
File: 15 KB, 292x223, Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you realise you aren't as omnipotent as you've been told your entire life and no matter how hard you try you will never contribute anything to annoying Starfleet Captains ever again.

>> No.3741403

Who gives a fuck about contributing to science or technology, money is what its all about.

>> No.3741413
File: 23 KB, 400x400, dat feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when you dont have feelings anymore

>> No.3741421

>mfw when I honestly disagree.

>> No.3741430

That's because you're not an engineer.

>> No.3741437

>that feel when intelligence is just potential, and being lazy and intelligent is as good as bein lazy and dumb
Stop being lazy. Do you think all theories/systems were written by themselves? Nothing worse than someone pittying himself and getting comfort in the fact that "at least he has potential".
Get your mind together and start doing stuff. There is information to be read for several lifetimes, without counting the possibility of actually generating some

>> No.3741444

I was talking about real money(as in finance), not some shitty engineer making $150k at 30 years old.

>> No.3741446
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existentialism trollface

>> No.3741450

150k a year ain't that bad.

>> No.3741456
File: 11 KB, 320x240, Carl tries to fit in with clones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Q just give Picard a permanent vagina or something?

>Oh, that's right, he already has one.

>> No.3741467

>that feel when you realize you are have more intelligence than you've been led to believe and you continue to improve daily as you go through life.

No limits, only plateaus.

>> No.3741470
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I live by this everyday.

Never let anyone or anything tell you you can't do something, unless you yourself know you cannot do it.

>> No.3741476

>unless you yourself know you cannot do it.

Wait this was retarded, even if you think you can't do it, still do it. You'll surprise yourself.

>> No.3741480

Some limits are imposed for a reason. Heart attacks are gay. He should have stopped and slowly worked his way up to five miles over an appropriate amount of time.

>> No.3741481

>>talking about intelligence
>>world view is confined to 15 lines of text

Basically, you exclude all other people's concept of imposible, but your own knowledge of what is impossible again comes from other people.
So basically that's a hipocrisy

>> No.3741487

Why didn't he do 6 miles? 7? 8?

You have to set a limit somewhere and "oh fuck I think I'm going to have a heart attack" is already beyond that point.

>> No.3741490

Personally I set my limit in exercising when I break a sweat. I'm not saying everyone should do the same, but a heart attack is indeed a bit far.

>> No.3741492
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>that feel when you are intelligent enough to know what your skills and priorities are and you are able to follow them.

I don't know what your problem is OP, but i'm happy as long as i can do my stuff in peace and I'm able to improve on it.

>> No.3741493

Let me elaborate since you seem to be taking this critically.

There are limits.
We can't have nanotechnology today because the hardware is lacking.
We don't have AI-complete today because the understanding of our minds is lacking.

To tell someone they can't contribute to something is saying that no one can contribute to anything that will advance us and thus we would stagnate.

a new invention wasn't conceived because everyone stayed the course. Someone went beyond the course.

I push myself not stagnate, that was the point.

>> No.3741500

>I push myself not stagnate, that was the point

I push myself, not stagnate*