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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3740139 [Reply] [Original]

Which type of student are you /sci/?


The greatest number of students are of this type. They have little self-confidence and are very dependent on the teacher for knowledge and support. Their feelings of incompetence and the outside pressures from others (especially parents) lead them to be overly concerned about grades. They may take notes on everything the TA says and will often ask "Will this be on the test?". They become more involved in the class and less concerned with grades when they feel that the instructor cares about them. With encouragement and patience on the part of the TA, the student has the potential to become a productive and satisfied class member.

These students are quiet out of a feeling of personal insecurity; they judge their own personal worth on the quality of their intellectual ability. Silent students speak only when they are sure that the TA will approve. Although they want a personal relationship with the TA, they are too shy to promote it. A TA who shows interest, encourages the silent students to participate in class, and is supportive of their comments can promote self- confidence in these students and enhance their learning.

>> No.3740144

Compliant students are quiet, non-critical, and trusting of authority. Although they are task-oriented, they tend to do only the work required for successful completion of the course. They are usually seen as good students and are liked by their teachers. Most teaching styles are compatible with this student type, although they prefer an instructor who takes the role of authority figure.

Independent students tend to be sophomores or juniors. They are confident of their abilities and do not feel threatened by the teacher, classwork or the other students. They favor class discussions over lectures. They enjoy collegial relationships with their TA during classtime but do not try to form personal relationships with the TA outside the class. They may resent a TA who is authoritative when they feel that their independence is threatened. At the same time they will not respect a TA who is so friendly that he or she loses control and authority in the classroom.

The discouraged workers are students who are dissatisfied with themselves. They become depressed with their academic work but use the depression to push themselves to improve their work. While they tend to become withdrawn from the teacher and other students, they understand that their feelings of discouragement are within themselves and do not blame others for their feelings. The best way a TA can help a discouraged student is to be patient and encouraging.

>> No.3740146

Snipers are typically underachievers who tend to be rebellious and defensive. They appear to be uninvolved and emotionally indifferent to classroom activities. They dislike ambiguous or highly abstract topics, and they are often intolerant of others. Snipers expect to do poorly in the class and are pessimistic about having a positive relationship with authority figures. They have low self- esteem, and one way they might counterbalance their feelings of inadequacy is by finding fault with the instructor's explanations of the course material. It is important to understand that snipers are often attacking the issues rather than the instructor personally. The TA needs to be able to distance him or herself from the issues so the snipers's attacks are not taken personally.

The "heroes" are very involved with the coursework and may feel superior to their classmates. When they enjoy the class, they may identify with the teacher, but dislike students who make unnecessary comments or try to challenge the teacher on minor issues. Hero students are very intelligent and resent being told what to do. They resent an instructor who they perceive as highly authoritarian since they fear having their "freedom" and classroom independence taken away.

>> No.3740151

Attention-seekers are the most social and extroverted students in the class. They are eager to be liked by their TA and peers. A desire to do well in class and get good grades is apparent, although at times they tend to be "show-offs". Being approved of and reassured by their teachers is very important to them, even though their behavior is sometimes inappropriate or extreme. Because they are very concerned with self-image, they want the TA to set clear guidelines for appropriate classroom behavior. They need to know just how far they can go with their behavior in class even though they often test the limits of behavior set by the TA. They are extremely sensitive to reprimands, and contrary to their attention-seeking behaviors in class, these students do fear being put on the spot by the TA.

Student types are not static and a particular student may display behaviors of various student types in various courses, depending on his or her relationship with the TA and the subject matter of the course. While a TA cannot hope to meet the expectations of every student, knowing about different types of students can provide a basis for understanding student behavior, facilitating student learning, and developing productive TA-student relationships.

>> No.3740150

Neither, I talk alot but don't give a shit what the TA says.

So, gg.

>> No.3740163

Social science != science.

>> No.3740164

Added some more since then. This i the full list. It's something that's taught to graduate TA's in the humanities. I got the list from my roommate and thought it was kind of interesting.

I'd personally identify with Anxious-Dependent

>> No.3740167

Hard working student who keeps his mouth shut unless my input would benefit someone.

god tier?

>> No.3740173

im a sniper, 2.51 GPA ftw

>> No.3740178

yeah, none of those suit me when I was in school.

>> No.3740181

>smug tier

>> No.3740184

Hero: 80 percent

Sniper: 20 percent

>> No.3740188 [DELETED] 
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mfw when i could fit into all of these categories based on what class i'm in.

try harder with your pseudo-science.

>> No.3740191

None of the above, but have traits of a few.

>> No.3740193

I do the bare minimum but I have no social...like, guidelines. Sometimes I make good relationships with the TA and other times I don't feel like it. Sometimes I say shit and other times I don't. I'm not a category

>> No.3740195


>> No.3740215

those categories seem very arbitrary
I'm probably a mix of silent independent sniper which is way different than this categories

Also no way the anxious dependent is the most common

most student at least thats my experience try to do the bare minimum and don't participate unless they really have to

>> No.3740217
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Next we'll be asking each other our horoscopes and Meyers-Briggs.

>> No.3740221

lol, thats actually pretty much me too, maybe a bit of the independent student one too

>> No.3740234

try not going to a shitty college, sounds like im just being a dick but its a huge difference, there are plenty of idiots at my school but its highly ranked and they had to work to get there and most of the people who managed to get in do give a shit about what theyre doing, also i notice the source on this is ucsb which suffers from a plague of asians similar to my school and it seems like 3/4 of the asians are anxious-dependent

>> No.3740242

>typical human egotistical response with a hint of autism

>> No.3740252

did you read my post or did you stop at the first comma
or are you just too sensitive to deal with someone who has had more success than you

>> No.3740254
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>dat over-inflated sense of worth

>> No.3740257

What about students who are pretty much self taught because most lecturers are boring as shit. I would think most of /sci/ would be behond giving a shit about a personal relationship with a TA and only really care about getting good enough grades to make 300K a year starting.

>> No.3740260

mostly independant student with a dash of sniper

>> No.3740262

thanks dude, ive been having serious issues with self esteem lately and your post actually made me smile

>> No.3740267

Independent in high school, but I feel like more of a silent student now that I'm in university.

>> No.3740269

Master Race Reporting In

Tachyon Mini-Gun
TMG's are Critical Thinkers 24/7.They are extremely inquisitive individuals, who tend to turn class lectures into actual discussions with the lecturer, allowing them the advantage of asking the lecturer to clarify any and all concepts that may be fuzzy to them.They are usually resented by nearly everyone, including lecturers, for their inclination to always ask for further clarification and justification which usually only reveals inconsistencies and illogicality of beliefs and arguments of those that are inquired.They will respect authority only in the particular field and only after it has proven itself to be competent and knowledgeable in it.

>> No.3740273

Almost always Silent, occasionally a sniper if a teacher is an incompetent fuckwit.

>> No.3740277

Yeh, most of the lecturers at my uni can barely speak english and pretty much just read the lectures straight off the lecture notes. I learn more by myself so I don't bother.

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach"

>> No.3740285
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All of these kiss ass to the teacher and class. There are many people who find the professor or course to simply be aimed at a retard demographic and thus largely a waste of their time. Notice how there are no mentions of student's approaches to busy work. It is implied here that the Hero Student loves busy work and rote learning, probably even considers it the epitome of modern education. To claim such a student is a hero is simply a disgrace.

>> No.3740286

Hero is the closest.
More accurate is "That guy who you don't realize is in the class until he shows up for the final exam"

>> No.3740289


>> No.3740301

In other words:
This guy is always asking questions in class, even if they do not contribute any significant insight into the material. He seems to be trying to prove to everyone that he is smarter than the teacher. Generally disliked by the whole class.

>> No.3740307


I was going to say a combination of Hero and Attention-Seeker, but this fits better.

>> No.3740316

I'm sure you can think of more categories, but I was just curious to know where people would put themselves if they had to. I got this from my roommate while we were at a university on the east coast, while the document itself was written in the west. Apparently it is taken seriously by more than one university.

>> No.3740319

compliant more so than independent

if you take 20 credits for six semesters straight you gotta be compliant too. otherwise how the fuck to survive.

>> No.3740320

I didn't really look too far into them, but it seems like every single one has something to do with low self-esteem. Are we supposed to believe that no student is actually confident in themselves?


Actually, you know what? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

>> No.3740331


>Dat autism

>> No.3740340

60% independent student
40% hero