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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3736554 [Reply] [Original]

>In organic chem
>Arab professor who I literally cannot understand AT ALL
>Test is worded confusingly, semi-broken english
>Memory blank, cant understand test, cant remember lectures due to his voice
>write "ALLAHU ACKBAR DEATH TO INFIDELS" on every question
>get suspended for hate speech
>MFW i got the email this morning

wat do /sci/?

>> No.3736559

Are you fucking srs? Throwing mom and dad's money away is great fun, eh OP?

>> No.3736560

Go away.

>> No.3736561

Stop being a dumb fuck.

>> No.3736564


Literally kill yourself.
You dont deserve to breathe my air.

>> No.3736565


>> No.3736566

I got a federal grant, it's all good.

>> No.3736568

I was just pissed cause that fucking sand nigger is a shit proffesor.

How the fuck is this hate speech?

>> No.3736569

Post the email.

>> No.3736571
File: 45 KB, 480x318, 1221361172529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get suspended

lol highschool; 4chan is for big kids dude....


>> No.3736577

Did you try asking if you could transfer to another class with a different teacher? Assuming there are still seats. Obviously, the next time you go back.

>> No.3736589


>> No.3736599

You're autistic.

>> No.3736612
File: 99 KB, 314x1262, 1221354850038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take honors Organic Chem
>Professor always speaks clear English

>200K starting

>> No.3736621

Why don't any science/math proffesors speak fucking english?

>> No.3736671

blame the professor for your unwillingness to do the work and learn from a text book
OP confirmed for faggot

>> No.3736682

>teacher can't teach
>that means it's not my fault if I never learn
>would you like fries with that?
I'm guessing some of your classmates got good grades through NOT failing in self-study.

>> No.3736685
File: 20 KB, 400x447, corner_dumb_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write "ALLAHU ACKBAR DEATH TO INFIDELS" on every question

Why? What does that have to do with your professor or the class?

>> No.3736693 [DELETED] 

Why does it make me rage to see how fucking imbecile some highschool kids are?

>> No.3736697

I think this is an undergrad, makes you feel good, knowing that universities are gathering intellectuals, right?

>> No.3736699

Because the nations that natively speak english are all retarded.

>> No.3736706 [DELETED] 

What is an undergrad?

>> No.3736721

You could of just know acted like an adult and asked for a transfer.

>> No.3736743


I hope this is real, because it meant that another bigot is butthurt.

But its just a troll so sweet sweet lulz is beyond me :(

>> No.3736757

Which uni is this?

>> No.3736771

And then OP was reported to Homeland Security for making terroristic threats, and spent the rest of his life being waterboarded in Cuba.

>> No.3736773


This. Don't expect imbecile behaviour to go unpunished, what you did is something I'd expect from an eight grader.

>> No.3736797

Probably an unknown community college.

>> No.3736851

>print name and ID number on paper
>derp all over paper

>> No.3736870

OP is a retard but I also am sick of unintelligible professors. I'm basically learning everything on my own, it's ridiculous. What am I paying for, again?

>> No.3736873

A piece of paper that says you can learn on your own.