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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3736072 [Reply] [Original]

Green being the highest and red the lowest. Since Africa appears to have loads of red...I'll let you connect the dots.

>> No.3736076


>> No.3736074

There is no way the average of that map is a 100.
BS detected.

>> No.3736082

Since when did /sci/ become /new/?

>> No.3736127


We refer to these people as /new/fags.

>> No.3736134

Huh, when I connected the dots, they spelled out "OP is a stormfaggy faggot, making him a DOUBLE faggot".

The dots have spoken. Now go, my son, and stormfag no more.

>> No.3736137

saged and reported

inb4 this becomes a /stormfront/ eugenics thread where scrawny whites and asians try to justify genocide because tyrone made fun of them in high school

>> No.3736453

Hey OP, why do you post facts that everybody already knows?

>> No.3736488

oh, i like how the eu is a single entity....

that romanian educational system must be awesome!

>> No.3736494


>Romania,Bulgaria,Spain,Scandinavians green

>> No.3736498


>Must be both

>> No.3736505

>usa not deep red

inb4 amerifats don't even find their country on a map

>> No.3736516

i'm noticing the richer countries are doing better than the poorer countires.

did i connect the dots right?

or were you referring to melanin contents?
because melanin has nothing to to with geography....

otoh, countries and their economies are directly related to their geopolitical status

>> No.3736525

Well, many winners of math olympiads and international contests come from Eastern Europe and China, not US or Nordic states. So yeah, it makes sense that their smartest people would raise the average score.

IQ is not only a matter of educational system, as you psychology crap books taught you. It's also a matter of personal motivation, which most Amerifats lack, when they have such high living standards...

>> No.3736536

Yeah no shit. people aren't familiar with IQ tests don't respond well to IQ tests.

>> No.3736547

>biased and false
Faggot detected

>> No.3736556

>because melanin has nothing to to with geography....
My god are you retarded

>> No.3736557


>Implying Romanians and Bulgarians have any kind of mathematical winners
>Implying Scandinavians and Spaniards are from Eastern Europe
>Implying Psychology doesnt study motivation
>Implying i am a Psychologist
>Implying i am an American


>> No.3736604

Centralized countries tend to do better at contests. If seen Russian or Chinese students participate in these contests, for them it's their whole life right their. For us it's a silly contest you do for shits and giggles.

>> No.3736614
File: 50 KB, 426x318, 1307860068019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average of 100 is meant for white western folks. The world IQ is below that thanks to jiggaboos who lack darnisian and neanderthal genes. To those saying that the data has been biased look at research done after the year 2000 that were published in peer reviewed journals. You are the same as Copernicus and the Church. This is not /new/ or /stormfags/ it's a scientific fact, whether we like it or not.

Here have some further information:


>> No.3736631

Do you realise that the average MUST be a 100; by definition. This is how IQ tests are defined.
Also, 100 on our IQ test is 104 on american IQ tests.
I think somebody just made a cool looking map to make niggers seem stupid.

>> No.3736643


Red Herring

And still no evidence for this map.


>> No.3736646

Nobody is advocating genocide against niggers. Who else is going to pick our cotton?

>> No.3736664


Dumbass whites and asians.

>> No.3736670
File: 97 KB, 946x472, hitler-reasonable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical race thread:

>niggers are inferior for this and this reason
>hurr bullshit durrrrrr racist stormfront /new/ derp derp derp
>here are the studies that prove it

>> No.3736674


More like
>niggers are inferior for this and this reason
>look at these studies

>> No.3736678

Enough of a shit to reply.

>> No.3736686
File: 20 KB, 428x383, 1308198409035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The evidence for the map is:

Lynn Richard, Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis, Washington Summit Books, Augusta, GA, 2005. ISBN 1-59368-020-1, 318 pp

Also look at this site though it's not the most reliable source:

Here is the paper itself published in a peer reviewed journal in 2005:


>> No.3736688
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>> No.3736692

>not using haplogroup to determine race

>> No.3736704
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>> No.3736712
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>> No.3736717


YOU, stop it.
Don't derail a legit science discussion into racism bullshit.

>> No.3736720

Yes White Europeans and South East Asians are the smartest races, every other race is retarded.

Tell us something new already


>> No.3736726
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>> No.3736731

>implying there was any legitimate science discussed in this thread
>implying /sci/ is for science

>> No.3736736
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>> No.3736741
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>> No.3736745
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>> No.3736747

That we should just willingly cease reproduction and allow East Asians to demographically replace us.

>> No.3736749

Okay. I didn't intend to reproduce anyway.

>> No.3736752
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>> No.3736754

Racist thread on /new/?

Why am I even surprised anymore.

Fuck you /new/.

>> No.3736758
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>> No.3736764
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>> No.3736777
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>> No.3736783
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>> No.3736792
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>> No.3736809


>> No.3736811
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>> No.3736819

But IQ is increased by education, countries which dont have education systems/where people are very poor and may have to pay for school there will be low IQ's.

4/10 for masking me a tiny bit mad when I read the post.

>> No.3736823

>Directly linked to motivation

>> No.3736826

>Not science
You make my ass laugh

>> No.3736831


>> No.3736832

Protip, its not.
