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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 127 KB, 425x282, goals22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3735061 [Reply] [Original]

What are your life goals /sci/? I'm talking long-term here.
What is the purpose of life, for you?

Hoping to see some with good goals here, after all, this IS /sci/, not /b/.

>> No.3735077


What is your purpose of life?

>> No.3735085

I'll post mine after I get a few people going.

>> No.3735087
File: 1.01 MB, 2957x2616, marscolorcorrected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The largest one is getting my ass to Mars.

No joke.

>> No.3735090

Avoid death.

Acquire funds.

Accumulate knowledge.

>> No.3735094


>I'll post mine after I get a few people going.
>I'll post mine

Like what?

>> No.3735102


How do you intend to do that?

>> No.3735103

I suspect there are probably a lot nihilists here that would say life has no purpose. I would certainly be one of them.

>> No.3735105


Which knowledge?

>> No.3735107


And you havent developed your own purpose?

>> No.3735118
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Damn, and here I thought I was being ambitious to say low Earth orbit. Dude, I'm meeting you on that red dust ball so we can do a spacesuit fist-bump.

I am working towards being a science teacher for now since I like working with kids but I really want to be an astrobiologist and be responsible for the first long term colonization of space and other planets. If we manage medical nanotechnology and master the human genome to provide immortality within my lifetime, then I am setting my goal higher, I'm talking Alpha Centauri bitches. Whoever said the sky's the limit had no foresight.

>> No.3735119

To achieve the most happiness possible.

Essentially every decision I make, when it comes down to it, is "Which option will make me happiest, taking into account long and short term and the duration of said happiness?"

>> No.3735120


I'm not picky. I studied physics for a few years, but had to drop out after I got sick. I'll be going back to school in '12 some time, probably physics again but who knows?

>> No.3735131


>and we should all do this

Record a tape, file it under 'only to be opened if anon suffers amnesia', and put a message telling you to get your ass to Mars on it.

Then just sit back and wait for major head trauma.

>> No.3735156

I want to earn a PhD
But my cousins keep trying to persuade me that I'll end up poor - because I'll be overqualified for bachelor degree jobs and that it's going to be super competitive to get a PhD level job.

>> No.3735172


Physics for what?
What do you intend to utilize that knowledge of physics on?

>> No.3735177


How will that help him reach Mars?

>> No.3735187


And how will you do that?

>> No.3735195


Who knows? Do a decent tape and it would be one hell of a mindfuck.

>> No.3735197

The only logical reason to live is to be able to see and benefit from future technology. If that's not going to happen for whatever reason, we should all an hero.

>> No.3735208

If that's what you need to keep telling yourself

>> No.3735212

Win a somewhat meaningful belt in professional boxing (not necessarily a world title.)

Get my CISSP certification.

Make a bunch of money doing comp security so I can travel the world.

>> No.3735214

Moon or Mars.

>> No.3735216


Oh and get a math paper published.

>> No.3735233

- Use my STEM education to emigrate elsewhere before America becomes a wasteland.
- Related to above, competently learn another language.
- Pork hot babes
- Contribute to my field in some meaningful way that isn't just Ph.D bait
- Money is secondary. Only a means to do the above, not make money just for the sake of making money. If I'm going to pork hot babes it's going to be because I'm just that awesome, not because she's a gold digger or prostitute.

>> No.3735245

I want to:

-Become advanced in a field of science that will greatly aid future technology. (nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, computer-neural interface, etc)

-Make a successful company that both brings this technology to the masses and enriches me.

-Be part of a global anti-religious movement. I'm talking about the fairy tale part, not the moral part; which is important to keep. (think the enlightenment)

-Visit space somehow, at least with spacex.

>> No.3735261

>he reads and watches lots of science fictions

>> No.3735264

>Build a working hybrid rocket motor with a sizable amount of thrust
>Witness the Rise of LFTR's and Fusion

>> No.3735265


>Not already porking hot babes

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3735269

Become a police officer within the next year. Make detective in ~8 years. Retire at 45. Teach at a community college. Have 2-3 offspring and encourage them to take part in physically and mentally stimulating activities. Watch offspring grow up and become contributing members of society, ideally on a grand scale (i.e. professional athlete, author, actor, astronaut, etc.)

>> No.3735275
File: 28 KB, 550x535, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't we all...

>> No.3735279
File: 17 KB, 500x500, TharsisAerospace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet you at Tharsis Tholus.

Assuming every one of my plans gets pulled off without a hitch...
- Bachelors in EE which I then use to work in the mining industry, to get a feel of the business of mining. May do mechatronics as a minor, as i'm doing this step for knowledge relating to automation systems designed for asteroid mining (I want to design the first commercial systems)
Then work a bit there, until I move to Canada and go for Masters in Aerospace Engineering and Nuclear Engineering. After/while I'm doing this I'll probably try and start up some hydroponics growing business; I recently became interested in trying to turn Spirulina algae into a kind of super-nutritional bread and then developing that as an aid food or as 'Human Chow.' When I obtain enough money I will begin a aerospace company that will work on a relatively low budget but with ties to greater corporations while we start our experimental asteroid mining (material wealth) and automation/replication systems (HUGE step towards space colonization.)

If all goes well I should be a multibillionaire, where upon I will attempt to become Ultra-SpaceX and begin offering relatively cheap tickets to LEO, GEO, Luna, Mars, Venusian and Jovian orbit. Use personal fortune as well as the replication systems to begin terraformation of Mars via massive orbital mirrors/reflective solar sails to add extra solar radiation to the surface.

Yes, all this seems incredible pie-in-the-sky but I really want to make this happen, so I'm going to try my hardest.

Pic related, might want to buy stocks in it.

>> No.3735289


The fuck is THARIS Aerospace.. If I was to invest in any aerospace company it would be XCOR or Armadillo

>> No.3735291
File: 17 KB, 229x261, 1259670815640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck is THARIS Aerospace
It doesn't exist yet.

>> No.3735303

I'd love to work at the CDC.

>> No.3735306
File: 37 KB, 512x384, 1313627671418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735329

I hope you do this.
Despite all the optimism, I'm afraid I won't even see medical applications of nanotechnology in my lifetime.

>> No.3735342
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>> No.3735345


Wow. Okay then. Well, I'll keep that in mind...

I do have a question though, as you bring up economy into this. Although it may be a bit off topic and deserving of it's own thread, what are you thoughts on governing bodies in space. Would colonies ultimately become independent and maybe revolt against Earth's government(s) just as the European colonies all did? What country would support such an inevitable and foreseeable succession?

>> No.3735347

That's deep, man. I hope you do it.

>> No.3735356

I want to know why the fuck gravity works. I don't care if someone else figures it out first, I just want to know what the fuck is up with it.

>> No.3735358

Not guy you responded to but.
I think by that time most countries would dissolve into bodies similar to the EU except more power placed in those larger bodies than the respective nations.
States will be a joke by then.
I can't see USA colonizing Mars.
I could see The Americas colonizing Mars.

>> No.3735367

I'm stealing your human chow idea, fyi.

"Great artists steal."
- Carl Sagan

>> No.3735378


Hence why I said "government(s)" assuming there isn't one ruling body. Either way, what beneficial reason would the Earth's ruling party fund colonization knowing it will most likely be followed by a revolution since managing such a system over vast distances is near to impossible. It seems counter productive to a nation's best interests considering past colonizations.

>> No.3735383
File: 23 KB, 376x421, 1309979986270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm from the future.

It's a property of the multiverse's geometry.

>> No.3735387

NASA and ESA will be cooperating for Mars missions. Throw in ISRO and CNSA somewhere in future.

>> No.3735392

Finish my degree in physics, and after that get a PhD.

>> No.3735394


Maybe the CSIRO as well?

>> No.3735416
File: 240 KB, 773x800, 1305661708935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you thoughts on governing bodies in space. Would colonies ultimately become independent and maybe revolt against Earth's government(s) just as the European colonies all did?

Absolutely. Some examples of this are rednecks complaining about how people on The Hill not living 'round these parts and knowin' all our problems and sipping caviar martinis. Well, just that people that grow up on these large colonies/cities will feel far removed from the places of governance and will naturally want to establish themselves as a state or union of colonies.

>What country would support such an inevitable and foreseeable succession?
Countries/governments have remarkably little power over some things. For instance, I fully believe space is going to be the next Gold Rush x 1,000,000 and as such those same meddling corporate interests will keep the government from meddling in any way. Of course, there will be some corporations that may be negatively affected by say, the Ceresian colony declaring they're no longer a mining outpost. But others will also be exacerbating the conflicts, either for material gain or just FUCK YEAH SPACE

Even if you do, that's okay. I have thought up a dozen potentially world-changing inventions that might work.

>> No.3735420

Well they aren't going to colonize for government purposes.
If we do colonize Mars, it'll be because we found shit worth mining or we're overpopulating the Earth.
So it's inevitable that we'll need to colonize just to survive as a species.

>> No.3735423


So have I. Heres one to give you a little taste.
Heated Ice cream scoop.

>> No.3735428
File: 28 KB, 600x300, 1315968583184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ.
It's beautiful.

>> No.3735430
File: 72 KB, 734x404, 1259215509428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus I remember thinking when I was a little kid how much easier it would be to scoop ice cream with something like that but I never thought much more of it, I'LL BUY FIFTY MILLION

>> No.3735435

I wish I could just throw money at you.

>> No.3735451

You are my hero, how do I join up?

>> No.3735452
File: 50 KB, 345x345, 1293857577442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pay $6 extra for very little additional functionality
>replace batteries every month, or pay shitload for charger
>lots of ice cream goop
>hard to clean

>> No.3735463


>Implying idiots wouldn't buy this
>Implying people would use it multiple times a day
>I'd use it once or twice a month

>> No.3735469


By asking /sci/ what their long-term goals are, you might as well have asked "What are you going to do in space?"

>> No.3735471
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1293644496307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Email me a four character (letters and numbers) code along with some random word to the email in the email field and if 15 years from now everything's gone almost exactly as I laid it out I'll arrange an interview for you to be trained as a test pilot/someone that works on/in live, in space, spacecraft. This goes for everyone else on /sci/.

>> No.3735474

What if I just identify you by your trip if that company name starts appearing everywhere?

>> No.3735479
File: 193 KB, 900x563, 1315652200890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because dozens of /sci/entists, many who thought I'd definitely fail would remember me and try to clamour for the position.

>> No.3735486

I shouldn't even be on this board.
I'm a /co/mrade and majoring in Finance.
I guess I'll just apply to your company like a regular schmo.

>> No.3735493


Email Sent. You better put me on Mars

>> No.3735495


It would probably sell a couple of thousand, maybe ten thousand if he's lucky, but that's about it... ever.

Most successful products are expendable (causing them to be continually purchased), and those that aren't need to be really practical or have an attachment or other such accessories that are expandable. While technically, that does include batteries, he's not selling the batteries, so it's not a good business idea for him.

>> No.3735502

▲ ▲

>> No.3735508


Oh shit! It worked! My life goal is complete!

>> No.3735511

▲ ▲

Just double checking, been a long time since I've been on /b/

>> No.3735518
File: 155 KB, 1013x1350, imis05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tharsis Aerospace hopes to provide you with the optimal flight experience. On your left you should see the sun rise over the horizon of Earth. Current speed is 22,340 km/h, and in 30 seconds we shall begin acceleration on our journey to Mars. Provided in your cabin is connection to the Earth internet, but forgive us as the connection gets slower due to lightspeed delay. Also provided are full immersion virtual reality kiosks from Sony for entertainment. Burn in 15 seconds. You may feel some discomfort as you will feel forces about 50% greater than normal Earth gravity. We hope you enjoy your flight.

I would definitely buy one. I can think of a few friends off the top of my head who would also purchase one. It needn't be overcomplicated, it can be a simple heating element similar to that used on the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer and be powered by a single AA battery which could be recharged.

>> No.3735531
File: 29 KB, 400x363, 217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be looking forward to working for you as a mechanical engineer.

>> No.3735537
File: 28 KB, 379x395, fallout_thumbs_up_ALL_teh_Pics-s379x395-222893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735547
File: 263 KB, 1200x1193, spacewalk_gemini4_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sent. You have yourself a future astrobiologist. My only request is Europa. It better be on your list.

>> No.3735551
File: 83 KB, 268x265, 1293936989334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Mad Scientist will jump on my nuts if I don't establish a million-strong city on Europa by 2050.

>> No.3735555
File: 39 KB, 316x469, ZeonSieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I can live that long. Very well, you have my support.

>> No.3735566
File: 22 KB, 540x465, 1315963987824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention I'll personally be funding the shit out of life extension research.
We have too little time in this inky starscape. We need more.

>> No.3735571

>If all goes well I should be a multibillionaire

uh.. whatever, man.

>> No.3735573

you are not badass yet. how can you even make these plans without even having been in the businesses you speak of at all

>> No.3735575
File: 28 KB, 400x294, 1260696314256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've acknowledged it's nearly impossible and that it's likely I won't get to that point.

>> No.3735577

Because I need to know all of that material and be currently in those industries to make goals, amirite?
And I'll state again, subject to change.

>> No.3735587

i just think you're getting too excited about nothing. you even made a logo. what, are you 6?

>> No.3735595
File: 58 KB, 204x208, 1272508862947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That logo took less than sixty seconds to make.
I am a little excited; is that so bad?

>> No.3735601
File: 66 KB, 350x338, 1307689475037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my working class family to be happy and proud of me. I'm getting a degree so I can help them.
And as a self-centered goal, I want to become wise and virtuous, to be a good person.
I don't care about anything else.

>> No.3735603
File: 8 KB, 251x240, 1296006088934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3735608

I will become so well known and respected that a picture of me will be in every classroom

>> No.3735636

be happy.

>> No.3735641

Grow old and die.

>> No.3735661
File: 42 KB, 374x540, 1312956389995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make lots of money doing something I enjoy and be my own boss or work with people I CAN FUCKING TOLERATE FOR ONCE.

Life is too fucking short to work a shitty dead end job with people I hate.

advaced degree here I come~

>> No.3735673



>> No.3735674

Hitler is proud my son.

>> No.3735685

I'll do what ever I feel fine, I dont have a strong need for getting extremely wealthy, but as long as Im happy Ill do just fine.
Also, move out of Denmark to experience new cultures/people

I want to be able to take my drugs without people interferring.
I want to do what ever I might decide I feel the strongest for (teacher, cook, or various degrees I'm thinking about).

And stay openminded.

>> No.3736081


>> No.3736092
File: 17 KB, 400x343, tumblr_lfb2l49hIL1qg5twro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no purpose depressed as fuck. I get bored of everything i do in between 2 weeks and 1year

>> No.3736096


Build yourself an incredibly powerful hybrid rocket

>> No.3736106

I'm pretty sure that's illegal

>> No.3736111

Fixing the world. I'm a bit ambitious.

Most importantly, we need new methods to test and implement policies that people outside of government have invented. Most governments don't experiment boldly, which is fair enough considering the potential cost of fucking with, say, healthcare systems. I want to devise some kind of playground where risky ideas can be tested.

>> No.3736123

>What is the purpose of life, for you?

To rule the world.

>> No.3736131

To live a life and see awesome stuff happen before I presumably die.

Anything else, I'll just wing it.

>> No.3736136

I want to go into extensive research into how the Human mind works.
My plan is to understand enough about the brain to launch AI-complete and/or Nanotechnology in a feasibly practicable way.

Once we understand how our brain works it will open up tons of different possibilities.
And even if somehow it doesn't. I can't live with myself not knowing how such an incredibly complex organ inside my skull works.

I don't care if i end up poor and on the streets. We will have a full understanding of our brain this century, and AI-complete and nanotech is coming with it.

>> No.3736153

>phd in pure maths
>60k starting
>coke parties
>expensive clothes
>expensive cars
>death by OD at the age of 70

>> No.3736160

this is one of my fetishes as well

long term though, and realistically, I just want to be able to securely stay home, have a good computer and whatever I want (musical equipment among others), eat good food, and browse /sci/, giving advice and enjoying a good laugh.

>> No.3736204



>> No.3736284

I'm recently graduated, and I have to set myself a new goal. I have no ideas that come to mind. I feel so void and empty.. It's a horrible feeling..

>> No.3736296


>> No.3736306
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It takes time and effort to do that, and skill. I have none of that.
I'd like to know what I want in life so I can reach that inner happiness of being fulfilled, but it's easier said than done. I have the best possible degree with respect to pay and job opportunities, but I still don't know what to decide upon... Shit's depressing

>> No.3736370


Takes no effort.. Just build one the same as Mythbusters. You could do it in a week

>> No.3736805

>ctrl+F "love"
>one result, it's for a job.
/sci/, that's horribly depressing.

>> No.3736931
File: 83 KB, 407x405, 1311028361583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live long enough to play SIM City 2058 - in which you are basically like Neo in the Matrix, Alpha as fuck and rule the world whilst fucking bitches. That is the only reason I don't kill all of you and then myself - Future virtual worlds with AI actors that don't know they are actors, in which you can be the sole wizard/overlord. Shit is going to be so cash.

>> No.3736948 [DELETED] 

> that feel when google ads are already trying to rent me 2,500e/hour private jets

>> No.3736965
File: 47 KB, 299x302, 058392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into Oxford
>get Bachelor in Mechanical Eng from them
>get scholarship/money from someone to sustain me
>do masters at MIT
>work and save money
>after 15 years I retire
>will probably have a million dollars if all goes well
>go to MIT
>get degrees in physics and maths
>dedicate all that's left of my life to study those
>get PhD in both of them
>spend nights and days doing only physics and math
>barely eating or anything
>there is a probability that I will discover something, or prove a theory
>get nobel prize
>die happy
>only 19 years old, so I guess I have time for all of this

>> No.3736972


Real hopes and Dreams are far beyond raising a family and finding love

>> No.3736975

Sorry dude, Oxford doesn't do Mech Eng. Just plain Engineering.

>> No.3736976

> 19
> getting to oxbridge

>> No.3736981


Your visual display of autism over an anonymous imageboard and through my monitor/screen has somehow managed to nearly completely choke me to death.

>> No.3736990
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You can specialize in something after in the 3rd year. Yeah, I know, the course is called Engineering Science. Anyway, the purpose of this is to get the money, so any job I can get is good.

I got 100% on my exam in my country. You need at least 80% to get in. And 6.5 or 7 at IELTS. I got 8.5. The Oxbridge physics admissions test doesn't seem to be so hard. I only need a decent personal statement and a clean interview.

I don't like you, so if there is anything I can do for you to choke to death, then I'm glad it worked.

>> No.3736992
File: 54 KB, 570x354, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already got most "long time goals" which includes 2 master degrees, a conferral of a doctorate and (resulting from that, durr) to earn a lot of money ... long term goal would prolly be to get a professorship on some half decent university at least ... long term because that's probably the last thing i'll be doing before not doing anything at all anymore, lol

purpose of life to me means to do what you want (but integrates well into society, herp)

>> No.3736998
File: 622 KB, 1058x854, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Make over $150,000 a year

- Invest over $100,000 a year

- Reach $1,000,000 by 30

- Make some documentaries and short films I have planned

- Travel to every continent and over 100 countries

- Buy a large amount of rural land and build a house

- Host an art gallery

- Host a TEDx event

Just to name a few

>> No.3737003

>Real hopes and dreams are what I say they are

I wonder what it would be like if /sci/ ruled the world. Compulsory education would start at 2, last through 30, contain about 2000 hours of math and science related courses and 2 English courses, both with the sole purpose of burning books and making fun of theater.

At the glorious state institute colleges, people would take special tests to determine if they are best suited for a physics, Chemistry, or math major. Those who are more suited towards biology, social science, or any humanity are instantly recycled as high protein food stuff that will be fed to students through IVs, as they never leave the classroom.

By the year 2078, every problem in the world will be solved. Proofs that explain the universe in its entirety will be babbys first math lesson and all will be right with the world/

>> No.3737012

Just being happy. Right now, that's through maths and physics (amongst other things, of course). My plan is to keep studying these subjects, then go into research, but who knows what will make me happy in the future?
I am close enough to certain that I will keep on with these studies (I spent a long time trying to decide what tod ow ith my life), but if i do change my mind a degree in maths or physics will still be useful in finding a job.

>> No.3737013

Niggers and people with low IQ would be sterilized at a very early age. White and asian would be the only races left in 200 years. Average world IQ increases dramatically.

>> No.3737015

>Working in Mines by 20
>100k a year by 25
>play the stock market
>Billionaire by 30
>Australian SpaceX
>Fund LFTR Research