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File: 72 KB, 300x390, numl_engineering_student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3734271 [Reply] [Original]

How is an average engineering student supposed to find work when there are 40 applicants for every job? What can i do to make myself stand out if thats even possible..

>> No.3734274

Switch your major to Economics.
>Get money and wymen.

>> No.3734278


>> No.3734275 [DELETED] 

40 engineers? That sounds like a great orgy.

>> No.3734281


but I already graduated.

>> No.3734283

apply for 40 jobs

>> No.3734284

get an internship you fucking retard.

>> No.3734288

Thats only for ppl who are still in school.

>> No.3734294

You can have more than one degree.
Try to graduate from a university that people actually care about, instead of "Small Town College" = Instant job
Whats the matter, too beta?

>> No.3734295

Then you should have been looking into careers and interneships while you were still in school, shouldn't have you.

>> No.3734300

>still in school
>not since birth
I feel bad for this generation.

>> No.3734308

I should have. So if you graduate w/ an average GPA and no internships your pretty much fucked?..thats what it looks like.

>> No.3734316

you can still get an internship without being a student stupid fuck.

>> No.3734320

Join the Army,
You'll become an officer quickly with a degree.

>> No.3734330


how do i get in? where do i apply??...do i have to live on a base or some shit??..I applied to 145 jobs, have had a total of 2 interviews who went nowhere. Im getting pretty desperate at this point.

>> No.3734338


go to the fbi or some shit, they value engineers for their analytical skills not just their degrees.

>> No.3734342

>go to the fbi or some shit
Oh yea because if normal companies rejected him, he has a chance with the Federal agencies.

>> No.3734348

graduate school

>> No.3734349

>implying the federal agencies recruit competent people
also, airforce is the best for benefits and just general respect.
don't become some army grunt.

>> No.3734351

what the fuck is wrong with you?
There's a company throwing a goddamn party in my dept just because there's so much fucking demand for engineers right now.

>> No.3734356

good idea. Ill look into it, wonder if they'd value an EE degree somehow.
I have a 2.53 GPA.

>> No.3734357

also internships that pay 20+/hr
where did you graduate
what field?

>> No.3734363

Well, every graduating engineer is skilled in anal-receptive and cocksucking. So in order to stand out, you will have to develop some extra skills, such as rimming.

>> No.3734365

I went to a science and engineering school thats regionally ranked, but have a shit GPA.

>> No.3734368


>I have a 2.53 GPA.

Well THERE'S your problem.

If you weren't a retard you would have had multiple job offers before you even graduated.

>> No.3734374

>>didn't answer either question

>> No.3734385

since when was 2.53 average? i had a 3.4 undergrad and still felt dumb as shit.

>> No.3734396

But i have my EIT certification, im also a certified LabVIEW developer and AutoCAD drafter. Plus the companies that i interviewed for never asked about GPA. I dont think they care too much. Theres just not that much demand for entry level EE's

>> No.3734398

just do some internships. You can still get them. They're everywhere. Also, start networking like mad.

>> No.3734402

Get charasmatic.
Volunteer work around your community.
Join organizations.
Get involved in the politics around your community.
Join some form a military.
If you're into it, sign up for the Peace Corps. Travel the world helping people and come back with that on your resume = instant win.

Most prestige political figures, scientist, presidents, etc got to where they are now because getting involved in the community, military, or some form of helping your country out. Heck, Roosevelt was an average student. Look where he got to just because of his community service.

>> No.3734408

keep applying. Forevrything foreverything.

>> No.3734409

can you help me get a job?

>> No.3734414


My friend in his senior year of EE has a ~3.8 GPA and several job offers. They don't ask because it's a waste of time to listen to you defend your shitty grades. But if you think they don't look and/or don't care, you're deluding yourself.

>> No.3734416

this is actually true. the amount of EE's is projected to grow by only 1% over the next 10 years.

>> No.3734421

how does the job market for computer science compare to engineering

>> No.3734428

booming in some places, receding in other. Overall, booming.

>> No.3734430


I have been, thats all i do all day. But when youre not getting called back for even shitty technician jobs it starts getting to you. I like engineering but i shoulda got into healthcare field, at least i would have a job right now.

>> No.3734443

Dont get into EE or MechE, only one friend that i know out of about 8 who graduated last year have been able to find a job. The others are like me bagging groceries or sweeping floors.

>> No.3734461

how's the market for chem E looking, people who know this shit?

>> No.3734468

not good. there are expected to be less ChemE's in 2018 than there are today.

>> No.3734483

ask /g/ about prospective high-level job, and they'll say it's shit.

why? they're failing and have no hope with their own future.

>> No.3734484

hows the job market for pharmacists doing

>> No.3734506

I know how we can solve OP's problem! Let's insult his GPA (even though that's a completely unnecessary / dick move) instead of giving him constructive advice.

You guys suck

>> No.3734508

you're the first person i've ever heard say that.

>> No.3734510

wow. you and your friends must be retarded as fuck. or you went to itt tech and don't actually have a real EE degree.

>> No.3734512

well do your friends have around the same gpa as you?

>> No.3734521

i get the feeling he went to a crap school or something.

>> No.3734523


Well the truth is that with a 2.53 GPA, there's not much to be done. If he wants a job in the field then he's going to be looking a for awhile, and what he finally gets will be pretty shitty.

>> No.3734556

Not OP, but I want input. I'm a sophomore and, extrapolating + estimating that my grades will slowly drop as courses get harder, I'm going to graduate with a 3.4 in EE.

I'm going to try hard to get an internship this summer and next, but if not, definitely next summer. I don't know how hard it will be given that I have no real work experience. (Over summers I go clamming with this guy I know, but that's off the books).

I go to a not very notable state school. It doesn't seem like there are many opportunities for research. Other people I know have managed to get on campus jobs and shit, but I can't seem to find that stuff.

How am I doing /sci/?

>> No.3734582


>(Over summers I go clamming with this guy I know, but that's off the books).

It's been years since I was part of the engineering community, is "clamming" the new slang for purposely infecting guys with HIV? In my day we called that "circuit design"

>> No.3734587

That's such bullshit, but its the truth.

>> No.3734590


Nah, like literally going on a boat and diving for clams. He'd dive and I'd sort/watch for other boats so they don't fucking kill him.

I don't think I'm far along in the major to have gay sex yet.

>> No.3734595

1. Get experience. Even if it means working for free (e.g., some charities need engineers).

2. Be willing to move.

3. Leverage your connections.

>> No.3734597


>implying that they don't call the first week of college "orientation" because you're sorted by sexual orientation and forced to participate in a giant orgy with everyone in your major

>> No.3734608

Design something, patent it, collect royalties.

>> No.3734678


I went to CalPoly State University, were ranked in the west i think #6 for engineering. Theres just waay too much competition for EE's, the whole market is saturated with engineers. If you dont have a 3.5, several internships and awards then your fucked and your engineering degree is about as worthless as a philosophy degree.

>> No.3734696
File: 30 KB, 320x240, fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is looking promising. Some of their highly desirable requirements are foriegn language proficiency(which i have), and CS/IT degree, which i dont have but an EE degree will probably be just as good. Looks like im going to be an FBI Special Agent boys.

>> No.3734700
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>> No.3734827


That's the reality. You need to show strong initiative and work very hard to make yourself stand out. I would much rather live in a world where only the best engineers get jobs. Mainly because I am potentially trusting my life to their work. You don't need a 3.5, but you'll have trouble landing good internships with less, and without internships you'll have SEVERE trouble finding a job.

>> No.3734868

Fuck engineering then, even if i have a 2.53 in EE that still makes me smarter than the idiots making $70k/yr with MBA and finance degrees. These engineering employers want to have their cake and eat it too then fuck them.

>> No.3734875

Anyone have other advice for what i can do with an EE degree?..do you guys think i can be an acountant??..its not like the math is hard

>> No.3734908

get an mba, supervise other engineers

>> No.3734929

You better enjoy making hippies mad by working for an oil/gas company. Halliburton wants to hire 11,000 people which includes engineers

Of the chem E's I know who graduated a year ahead of me:

2 sorority chicks with a 3.5 GPAs are working for exxon
another guy applied to 100+ jobs before he got one
one got a job because his dad was a PhD researcher at the company
one may be working for halliburton
another who did work for a bio professor got a job with a drilling company

I don't know about the other 50 chem E's who graduated.

My friend who is an EE got a job offer from Mitsubishi electric in Japan(every weaboo's dream) as a junior when he applied for an internship. His application ended up the full time position pile. His GPA is still at 3.25 and he loves power system far too much.

>> No.3734931


Just because you're smarter doesn't mean you're more useful. You may have a higher IQ, but those people in the industry with finance degrees have practical and applicable experience. Ultimately when the rubber meets the road, practical application is what matters. Employers don't care that you can solve a differential equation. They care that you have the knowledge base, work ethic, and intelligence to get things done and make money for the company. It's an unfortunate fact today that engineering education gives inadequate preparation for industry. ABET actually disregards industry input when evaluating engineering curriculum requirements.


Try to get a job at a company that hires electrical engineers, but not in an engineering position. Start as a circuit tester or something and try to work your way up to engineer.

>> No.3734969

I'm an EE too. Educated to Masters level and in the same position as you, OP. I feel your pain.

>> No.3734982



If EE is hard to get a job, what isn't? Seriously.

I'm going to try to get internships, but what if even that isn't enough? I'm not going to a well known engineering school (can't afford anything else), and its not like I'm going to be winning any awards or publishing shit.

And what if I can't even get an internship? I barely even know how to do that.

>> No.3734996

If in doubt you could stay in school and get a second degree. If you do, actually try hard this time around to get a good GPA, do research, apply for internships and coops, etc.

>> No.3735004
File: 130 KB, 562x806, 1274156676289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't study liberal arts degree because everyone says there's no job prospects
>study engineering
>no job prospects unless you have a 4.0 from MIT with 4+ years of internships

>> No.3735025

graduated last year from a middle of the road school in ee. gpa ~3.85. got a short intership end of senior year and interviewed at maybe 5 places, got a job at the last one

it's not so bad i think everyone i know ended up with a job

>> No.3735034

US Patent office. They'll take anyone with a pulse and an engineering degree.

Basically free money for a year while they train you, then get out and on to better shit.

>> No.3735039

Seriously bro, its fucked out there. The EE field is so fucking "niche" based nowadays that a broad education is meaningless to employers, they want "demonstrated engineering ability"..not a bunch of theoretical knowledge. Get out while you still can.

>> No.3735041

>expecting any guaranteed job with just a bachelors

It ain't the 1950s boy

>> No.3735046

this has got to be a troll thread.

engineering demand on the decline? what?

especially EEs? wtf?
what is this shit you smoke?

The world is getting advance after advance and computers are at the heart of it, and EEs, CEs and CS are the foundation of it, i'd like you to tell me why you think the need for it is going down.

>> No.3735047


Get good grades (3.6+), get as many internships as possible, and get your name the hell out there BEFORE graduation and you should have few if any problems. Part of what employers look for is a strong interest in the subject that goes beyond the classroom. You need to live and breathe engineering


Not true. See above.

>> No.3735052


Demand for nearly every job has declined bro

>> No.3735057

>The EE field is so fucking "niche"
full fucking retard

>> No.3735064
File: 120 KB, 278x380, 1290385232392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MS & BS in nuclear engineering
>3.41 GPA
>experience with lasers, plasma science, and Gen III nuclear reactor safety systems
>job market wide open
Sorry bro, I can't sympathize with you.

>> No.3735065


Uhhhh that's how it's always been. Theory isn't worth dick without application.

>> No.3735078


So why single out engineering as a 'bad choice' when it still guarantees a job much more than most liberal arts degrees ever would?

>> No.3735091

because too many idiots thought "hurr durr engineering = guarnateed job!@!!" instead of actually wanting to do it and/or being good at it.

everyone i know that was smart or actually liked the field had zero problems with internships, jobs, whatever. it's good enough that even the lesser ones get decent or good jobs.

>> No.3735099

He is wrong. Engineering is not on the decline. The amount of engineering students has increased, however. The demand for engineers is still heavy but they only take the best, so you have to outdo the competition which is becoming increasingly numerous.

>> No.3735108

Have you considered applying to the State Department? They always need technically knowledgeable people.

>> No.3735111

there's a massive swell of asian/chinese/indian engineers who are avaiable to do low to moderate quality work for cheap.

the only safe bet is to be a high quality one

>> No.3735113


What do you mean "live and breathe"? I tried emailing my professor, twice, about opportunities for research and he never responded. I probably don't have enough background yet, as I'm only a sophomore.

I'm going to apply for internships (BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, my university career center sucks dick). What's the general process/timeframe for doing this?

What else can I do? I don't want to literally spend every moment of free time doing engineering related stuff, and I can't think of what that would entail anyway. Its not like I own expensive equipment that I can play with.

>> No.3735121

>implying out of millions of chinese/indian engineers, no one is of "high quality"
>confirmed for ameretard

>> No.3735123

you have access to a lab? scope / breadboard / components and shit?

build some circuits, mess with microcontrollers. start with simple old & classic shit like 555 circuits, then get your feet wet with some uC's like you'd find in an integrated systems class.

>> No.3735127

>implying they don't follow a gaussian distribution
>implying said distribution isn't centered on a lower quality of work then a 1st world engineer

confirmed for no knowledge of statistics

>> No.3735144


As far as I know the labs are only for classes. Besides, how does that help me get an internship? That's really all I am asking. I have no idea how to get an internship, when/where you apply, etc.

>> No.3735148

>I tried emailing my professor, twice, about opportunities for research and he never responded. I probably don't have enough background yet, as I'm only a sophomore.
Your professor is probably just an ass. My lab group has had several freshmen doing solid research last year. One of them already has a publication in the Journal of Applied Physics. Go talk to other professors. You can even go talk to professors in different departments.

>I'm going to apply for internships (BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, my university career center sucks dick). What's the general process/timeframe for doing this?
Generally your school should be offering internship opportunities. You should also be going to job fairs and contacting student organizations that would know about internship positions.

>> No.3735157


For internships you can just e-mail the HR department of companies and ask if they have internship positions. There isn't much to it. Just ask around. Go to career fairs. Make some calls/emails. You have to take initiative.

As for research, there is only so much you can do there... Just keep on asking professors I suppose... Offer to T/A for courses. I've done this many times and gotten paid. It also makes for a great opportunity to meet professors and possibly get recommendation letters for grad school.

You don't need expensive equipment for a personal project. Try something on Instructables. Projects are everywhere. I built a pneumatic golf ball cannon in my room freshman year from some neoprene, washers, and some PVC pipe/fittings.It made a great story for my interviews for internships. It showed a strong interest in my discipline, it was cheap, and it was a hell of a lot of fun to build and shoot >:)

>> No.3735161

gives you shit to talk about when you interview. shows initiative, drive, talent, etc. all good things.

>> No.3735174
File: 209 KB, 849x1099, Resl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what do you guys think of my resume?? honest opinion..Ive applied to 140 jobs all over the country and cant get shit. Is my resume that bad???

>> No.3735191

no gpa on your resume?
I assume you properly capitalize your address on your actual resume.
Also, you have a shitty worthless job at the bottom. If that was an internship you would probably be fine.
Basically, your resume says nothing about your actual ability to me.

>> No.3735201

We made a "club" in the basement of our EE building to do shit like this. Walked around asking professors we had if they knew of any not being used equipment (o-scopes, function generators, ect) and have a decent collection going on now.

Help me out a lot playing with those things when I was in basic circuits like RL/RC/RLC.

>> No.3735202

It's kind of bare. The lack of internships, research, or extracurricular activities doesn't impress. Leaving your gpa off looks kind of fishy.

>> No.3735205

How do you become a certified CAD person?

>> No.3735210

Needs moar bullshit

>> No.3735211

>no GPA
>no extracurricular
>brief as fuck
>no internships
>glorified mcjob as "experience"

Look like a grade A candidate there!

>> No.3735217


What sort of timeframe do companies hire interns for the summer?

And as far as just cold emailing companies, I don't really know a huge amount of engineering companies apart from the big ones. Career fairs, like I said, my university sucks dick. I don't know when the next one is, but when I find out I'll go but I doubt many engineering companies come.

As far as personal projects are concerned... I'll be honest, I really don't have the motivation or creativity to think of something that I'd feel like doing on my own time. I don't have spare money to buy even the cheapest of materials regardless. I guess I'm just not the kind of person who takes his work home with him if it can be avoided.

>> No.3735218


I know its shit. fucking hopeless w/o internships or anything. HR ppl probably laugh at my ass

>> No.3735222

>brief as fuck
noone gives a shit, you aren't supposed to have longer than a 1 page resume right out of college.
The others are problems though

>> No.3735224

Several problems:
1) Worthless job experience (i suppose it's too late to deal with this at this point), but basically the one job you listed has absolutely nothing to do with engineering and tells me nothing about your skills.
2) The program skills you list (labview, autocad) are nothing special or extraordinary, and
3) You don't mention the marks you got in university, i.e. where's your GPA?
4) Since when do you list all the courses you took in university? Everybody already knows more or less what you took, and as far as i can see the courses you took are very general. At most, you would mention what specialization you did for your undergrad EE degree.
4) The lab equipment you've worked with... if you've done EE and you can't use the things you listed (breadboard?? lolz), what kind of university have you gone to?

Essentially, your basic problems are that you don't list your GPA, you don't have any meaningful work experience, and you don't have any obvious skills which make you stand out from the rest of the EE out there.

>> No.3735227

What extracurricular activities do you recommend?
"I sucked a math professor's dick" ?

I enjoy this thread because it's relevant to me.

>> No.3735235


It's been said, but you lack internships (I know, too late). Also, you haven't linked your technical skills/classes to the job in question. You need demonstrable links between your abilities and requirements of the job description. Also, I would suggest going into a bit more detail on computer stuff, i.e. "Proficient with circuit design software, especially PSpice, blah blah blah. Certified in use of Autodesk software including [relevant programs]".

>> No.3735239

>2) The program skills you list (labview, autocad) are nothing special or extraordinary, and

Wrong. I've met recruiters that want people who have experience in CAD programs. It wasn't really an EE job but it was categorized as EE.

>> No.3735241

Being in an honors society certainly looks nice

>> No.3735253

>What sort of timeframe do companies hire interns for the summer?
Many companies start accepting applications in the fall. The sooner you get started the better.

For job fairs you could also check out any other nearby universities to see if they're having any.

>> No.3735258

This feels utterly hope less. My resume is shit, my career is over before it even started, ive wasted 5yrs of my life getting an unmarketable degree, i almost feel like fucking hanging myself.

>> No.3735259

This brings us back to the original point.
>"You need XXX years of experience to get a job and to get XXX years of experience you need a job"

So because he doesn't have a daddy in the industry and didn't do an internship, he'll never get a job in that field.

>> No.3735271
File: 68 KB, 1654x3000, Yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine :)

Jelly? (haven't graduated yet, going into 4th year, and i fucking hate grad school apps)

>> No.3735277

new start-ups

>> No.3735281

That's actually a somewhat fair assessment. It's very hard to get into industry unless you've had prior experience through internships (organized by your uni), and/or if you had great marks.

Seems harsh, but true.

>> No.3735282


It depends on the company. I'm on a 6 month internship, but you can get 3 month summer ones easily as well. However, if you're good, companies LOVE 6 month internships because the learning curve is usually high enough that 3 months won't give as much meaningful experience.

Go to monster[DAWT]com and look for jobs in your area in your discipline. That means they hire engineers. Then email HR and see about internships.

As for personal projects, maybe join a club on campus that does something in your discipline. That's kind of the same as a personal project except you don't get to make all the decisions and it's rarely out of your pocket. You need to show some interest outside the classroom if you want to stand out. It's okay to "not want to take work home with you", but you've got to care deeply about your discipline and education.

>> No.3735295


That's some good stuff, but stating your class rank makes you look like a colossal prick. I'd get rid of that.

>> No.3735296

>I have a 2.53 GPA
Congratulations OP. You just barely meet the requirement for the Navy Nuclear Officer Program. All things considered, this might be one of your best opportunities for a steady job and to build a strong future resume. It's also nowhere near as strict as a regular military position.


>> No.3735305


Also, listing scholarships? I fail to see how that is relevant. Unless its an actually major one like a Goldwater scholarship or Rhodes or some shit

>> No.3735307


GPA doesn't matter. I've never had an employer ask for my GPA. I had two job offers before even finishing my final exams.

Here's how you get an engineering job: Don't send every employer the same generic cover letter and resume. Write a custom one for every job covering how you have experience with everything hey asked for. Resume and cover letters are usually handled by secretaries or business people who just check that you have all the requirements they're looking for. They're not smart enough to know a microcontroller and an embedded real time system are the same thing. Make sure you explicitly list everything the employer wants by name.

Then they will ask you for an interview. At the interview they will ask you some skill testing questions. Solve the questions and make it look easy.

Employer: Can you find the problem is this code.
>>Me: Deadlock.
Employer. How did you know it was deadlock by just glancing at it?
>>Me: It's called SampleSemaphoreClass. The problem with semaphores is always deadlock. Trollface.jpg.

>> No.3735309

If I had to give one criticism, it's that the text is too dense and difficult to read. You have to remember that the people that look at these review hundreds at a time, and easy readability will make it more likely they'll take a good look at it.

>> No.3735313


This is fantastic advice and I can attest to the truth of it. GPA will come up at some point, but it doesn't belong on your resume.

>> No.3735315

you're a shoe in, bro

good luck

>> No.3735317

Joining the Navy or Air Force is actually a really good option.
Since you have a degree you can join as a Lieutenant/Ensign right out of the park.

Just go to your local recruiting center and ask them for some information. Don't sign jack shit though, until you're ready to join.

>> No.3735322
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OP claims there are 40 applicants per job yet fails to realize that there are probably 80 jobs per applicant. Herrrrp I saw two people interviewing for the same job it must be the great depression derrrp

>> No.3735327


>Essentially, your basic problems are that you don't list your GPA,
Im not going to list a 2.53 GPA right on my resume. It'll just get thrown in the trash bin.

>you don't have any meaningful work experience, and you don't have any obvious skills which make you stand out from the rest of the EE out there.

My Senior project and certifications mean nothing?..I actually worked pretty hard on my senior project.

>> No.3735332

I'd suck your dick, but I'm not an engineer yet.

>> No.3735340


Everyone can claim they "worked hard" on their senior project. What matters to employers is demonstrable PROOF of ability.

>> No.3735344

Navy or Airforce officer training. They'll take you, and it will look great on your resume.

>> No.3735348

Well, to tell you the truth, if you deliberately hide your GPA and you have NO work experience, they'll think something is fishy. They'd be generous to think you had a 2.5 GPA; heck, they might imagine it would be somewhere closer to 1. Saying you have a 2.5GPA isn't that bad, it's relatively close to average.

Unfortunately, since you have ZERO work experience, the only thing which shows how good of an engineer you could potentially be is your GPA. It might not be brilliant, but... you have little else.

>> No.3735363


Actually i dont,
Minimum grade of “B” for 1 year of calculus and 1 year of calculus-based physics (both required courses)
>Got C's in all my calc courses
Minimum grade of “B” for all technical courses
>got C-'s in a lot of EE classes

Fuck i suck. I dont even qualify for a military cop out job

>> No.3735372

... did you spend all your time partying in uni?

>>3735271 here, and I worked my ass off to get to that point. Parties? Lol, maybe twice an year max...

>> No.3735374


Bro, I'm mad jelly, I go to U of T too for a far inferior major. Can you teach me some of that shit?

>> No.3735379

Not OP here, but is the nuke officer job actually really good? It seems like it is according to the navy websites... but...

I mean, is it competitive pay wise with a civilian career in engineering? And what if you decide to leave, are the skills really transferrable to the civilian world? I mean it's just nuclear reactors and shit. If I'm studying EE and want to work in EE, it doesn't seem like a good fit for an EE job afterwards.

>> No.3735380

OP is an obvious troll or goes to a real shit uni

>> No.3735388


It puts off a lot of engineers because lolmilitary job. Once you get a couple of years experience your gpa becomes irrelevant

>> No.3735393

LOL, nice job :P

There's many routes to a good start to a career: good marks, good internships, or making and exploiting good connections.

>> No.3735396

LOL, the problem OP has is that he has bad marks AND no experience, so he can't get experience lol.

I don't even know how to fix that problem.

>> No.3735399

The sooner you talk like that, the sooner you give up entirely. Try to get your foot in the door in a position that isn't strictly engineering (but related) then work your way to engineer using that experience.

>> No.3735403

Best advice so far.

I don't see how you could possibly get any kind of engineering position directly with poor grades and no experience...

>> No.3735405


>> No.3735406

OP, there are military jobs out there for you.

I had a shit GPA as an undergrad (2.75 as a civil engineer) because I had fun and slammed pussy on a nightly basis. I was in the same position as you the months after I graduated; unemployed, would do anything for money, etc. Joined the Navy as a Seabee where they didn't give a rats ass about GPA or internships or extracurricular anything; now I'm out and working on my MS in geotech at a decent uni, and getting good grades and being involved and stuff so I'm not in a shit tier position ever again.

>> No.3735407

It's a military officer position where you have the option of not being deployed if you don't want to. The pay isn't quite as good as in industry, but the benefits are top notch. Anyone who goes through that program can land a job at any nuclear power plant if they want to. They'll also send people to graduate school.

>> No.3735422

samefag here. I also knew a geologist who was my coworker and he too was a laborer. Eventually he found a job in his field and left. You should do the same OP, work a "lower skilled" job until you find a job in engineering.

>> No.3735429


thought of that. Ive applied to lots of technician jobs that pay $12-$13 an hour and require an associates degree. Problem with that is when they see im essentially over qualified they think i'll get up and leave once i get a real engineering job, they realize theyre just a stepping stone and dont call me. Ive applied to like 30 tech jobs and not one single response.

Im truly fucker, getting my EE degree was the worst decision of my life. Im in debt almost 30k all for nothing. This feels horrible

>> No.3735437

I paid off my tuition myself each year with money from summer jobs and scholarships... zero dollars in debt (although living at home helped)

>> No.3735442

this thread smells like copypasta

>> No.3735445

... what part smells like copypasta?

>> No.3735449

damn, you know you're fucked when you're going to 4chan for career advice

>> No.3735460


>> No.3735461

>Problem with that is when they see im essentially over qualified they think i'll get up and leave once i get a real engineering job, they realize theyre just a stepping stone and dont call me

this is straight up copy pasta from a previous thread on /sci/

go fuck yourself OP

>> No.3735472

>get easy 3 years work experience working at a nuclear plant on campus
>graduate with a BS in biochemistry and certified nuclear reactor operator
>jobs jobs everywhere

>> No.3735483


lol wat?

>> No.3735488

He's trollzor, that's what.

>> No.3735496


I've seen it before too.

>> No.3735504

>not good. there are expected to be less ChemE's in 2018 than there are today

the gov stats web site can be misleading on this. the data for these stats was only taken from chemE's working in the industrial/factory production sector. it doesnt take into account all the other areas that need chemE's (alternative energy, biotech, nanotech, etc). you'll be fine if you aim for one of the more in demand areas

>> No.3735513

add "loves to fuck and suck huge cocks" to your qualifications

>> No.3735523

Probably because it's true.

>> No.3735542

Don't go to university like every other sheep that wants an education. Do something innovative? invent something. Use your brain to benefit man kind or just show the boss you mean business and take that job.

>> No.3735543


How much dick do you have to suck to reach that Median wage?

>> No.3735553

innumerable dicks

>> No.3735558
File: 10 KB, 225x225, gayerluigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in Electrical Engineering
>any dick I want
>12" starting

>> No.3735572

OP, you've made this thread before. I guess you either enjoy complaining about your shit GPA, or you hate EE's so you're trying to make the major look bad.

>> No.3735581

It's because there are a lot of EE majors in his solution.

>> No.3735584


Im bitter towards EE

>> No.3735590

dont go in the navy op. coming from a cra on a submarine, dont do it.
just dont.

>> No.3735592

fuck society, stay unemployed

>> No.3735594

>on a submarine
Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.3735597

>implying rent, food, bills will pay for themselves.

>> No.3735598


The only way i'll do it is if im still unemployed in another 6 months.

>> No.3735624

similar position to ops.
seriously dude, dont do it. unless you like working 100 hour weeks for months at a time for cents on the hour.

>> No.3735627

Well look at Mister Picky.

>> No.3735643

isn't cal poly's whole philosophy "learning by doing" over theory?
got some 'splainin to do OP.

>> No.3735656

There might be 40 applicants but your country is needing 80. Dont worry

>> No.3735690

gonna try joining the FBI, I have the forieng language requirement and an engineering degree which is apparently in demand for FBI agents..should be cake.

>> No.3735701

Should have studied chemistry...

>> No.3735779

I'm supposed to have a meeting with one of my recruiters tomorrow, and this is a horrible thread to see before going to bed.

2.7 GPA EE here, no internship experience, and god that bit me in the ass. A Mech-E buddy has an even worse GPA and the worst luck. I was able to wrangle 3 recruiters, while only one would take him. His 2.4 GPA didn't help though.

>> No.3735788

the worst decision in your life was getting a c average with no internships dickhead

>> No.3735793
File: 2 KB, 125x126, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinks he'll get a job

>> No.3735874

Just switched into MechE with a 2.3 after biomed raped my gpa. Any luck for me if i bust my balls starting out my sophomore year in engineering? Go to Auburn, hoping for sympathy for a credible engineering school.

>> No.3735897

Was going to go into ME.
Went for physics instead.
How fucked am i?

>> No.3735941

Do a worthy PhD and not like most engineering students do that formalistic bullcrap that becomes obsolete before it gets finished.

>> No.3735963
File: 158 KB, 900x730, teruyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bachelor in EE with 3.0 GPS
>Got a job right away even before graduate

Sorry bro. i don't know that feel.

Protip: GO AND GET TO KNOW PEOPLE FROM WITHIN THE INDUSTRY!!!!!!! For god's sake, human connection is much more important than your degree, believe you me.

>> No.3736690


>> No.3736815

Just considering the possibility, could you get a job with a ME degree from Oxford?