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[ERROR] No.3729899 [Reply] [Original]

Why did chickens evolve to be so tasty?

>> No.3729908

If God didn't want us to eat pigs, he wouldn't have made them out of bacon.

>> No.3729915

They didn't. Chicken meat, and birds in general, is very low in fat for obvious reasons. They way in which chicken is prepared, that is, covered in fatty batter and cooked in oil, is what gives chicken all of its flavor.

>> No.3729919

They didn't.

Thousands of years ago, chickens tasted just like any other feral game-bird like a pheasant or grouse.

They were just easy to domesticate, and have been selectively bred over time to be delicious.

>> No.3729921

We evolved so that chicken is tasty to us.

>> No.3729940

So they could continue living.
I mean, the greatest point of evolution in a species, more so than the survival of an individual is of the species, right?
Think about it, chickens might be making it to space in colonies since they're the domestic animals, when shit on earth hits the fan, those chickens in the colonies will still be alive, every billion other species except for the ones useful to us will have gone extinct.
In some way, them being tasty helped their species survive the armageddon.

>> No.3729943

Seriously? Have you ever tried plain chicken breast? It's pretty nasty.

>> No.3729951

plain chicken breast tastes just plain, not bad by itself. it's perfect for adding spices or any taste you want

compare to to say, pork, which tastes terrible in any form

>> No.3729963

Kill two chickens, both have offspring. Taste test both, the one that tastes more palatable, raise it's offspring to breed. The one that doesn't taste that good, get rid of it's offspring.
Repeat 500x

Delicious chicken.

>> No.3729965

he's asking why, not how.

>> No.3729969

Tasty things are tasty.

>> No.3729976


>not delicious

English speaking countries confirmed for cannot cook

>> No.3729986

Kill two chickens. Decide which one tastes better. Use that one for breeding.

Wait what?

>> No.3729981
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But why?

>> No.3729992


pork is just harder to make delicious is all, compared to the 1 step cooking process of beef.

>> No.3729996

We evolved to find them tasty.

>> No.3730011

>not tasty
what the fuck guy?

>> No.3730028

>Breed two chickens.
>Kill them and decide which one tastes better.
>Exterminate the brood of the less tasty chicken.

>> No.3730038


Pork is full of diseases and pests

>> No.3730044
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The REAL question is.

Why did Oysters (w/o flavouring) evolve to become so god damn fucking delicious to ME and disgusting to everyone else?

>> No.3730052

you're asking us why you're a hipster?

because you're not attractive to be top alpha in society so you reject society as an internal defense mechanism

>> No.3730059

more like the real question is why does everything that lives primarily in water taste like ass

>> No.3730066

>implying evolution
silly OP. chickens are tasty because god willed it so. just like he made bacon, pork chops, hamhocks, and boneless ribs taste so good, and all the different animals they come from so abundant. let go of your juvenile preconceptions about the world and open your hearts to the almighty.

>> No.3730072

>swim in your sewage and the sewage of your entire species

>> No.3730083

Actually it's more, or less, likely that we evolved to find chicken meat "tasty."

>> No.3730137

get off of sci you troll

chickens were selectively bred by people to their desire. which isn't natural evolution nor god's creation.
>see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_breeding and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Junglefowl