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[ERROR] No.3727654 [Reply] [Original]

How many sperm cells does it take to break through and get a woman pregnant and what does it look like e.g. teaspoon etc

I know it takes one to get a woman pregnant but does that mean 1 sperm cell on its own can venture into the vagina and get to the egg in order to make that woman pregnant.

I'm asking this because every time I fap I get paranoid I might of left some sperm on my hands or my items which I touch which then will put the sperm back onto my hands and I'm worried that I might touch something girls use and get them pregnant.

>> No.3727663

All it takes is one.

>I'm asking this because every time I fap I get paranoid I might of left some sperm on my hands or my items which I touch which then will put the sperm back onto my hands and I'm worried that I might touch something girls use and get them pregnant.

The sperm will most likely be dead at that point. If you do manage to make a girl pregnant that way, the child will probably have superpowers.

>> No.3727670

So 1 sperm cell can travel all the way on its own?

and how long does it take to die.

should I be worried about this stuff?

Also I have a fear of contamination of sperm on all my household items

Also I have OCD

>> No.3727686


>> No.3727695

Yeah, you seem like an OCD/Asperger's kinda guy.

One sperm cell can travel 'all that way', yes. It may take about a minute or so for it to die, depends in what environment it's in.

No, you should not be worried. There will be seminal fluids all over the house, school, library, every public place. From everyone.

Start caring less, or kill yourself.

>> No.3727706


We already knew you had OCD... there are some medications that help some people...and the proper cognitive therapy can be very useful.

>> No.3727715

Sperm actually stays active for up for to 72 hours, so make sure you clean everything when you're done.
Ever heard of women getting pregnant off the toilet seat? Yeah. This is from exactly what you're on about.
Be careful.
I'd suggest just not cumming, it's too dangerous unless you've been taught how to do it properly.
I'd suggest speaking to your mother, maybe getting yourself a chastity belt.

Hope this is helpful

>> No.3727742

That happens?

btw if I don't fap I have a wet dream every 3 days

>> No.3727758


Then just wash carefully every 3 days. Tell your mum to clean your sheets so that your ejaculate doesn't spread and you'll be fine/

I'd go with a chastity belt though, you probably wont have the wet dreams then.

>> No.3727760


>> No.3727786

what? are you stupid? Do you want him to get his mom pregnant?

Sick fuck.

>> No.3727798


>That happens?


Generally the woman has to get the sperm on/in her vagina, you see.

Unless your sister rides the doorknobs of your house regularly, you seriously don't have to worry.

>> No.3727809

>Unless your sister rides the doorknobs of your house regularly,


>> No.3727812
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This thread got real lulzy real quick. Thanks, OP.

>> No.3727827


She's a mother, she knows all the safety precautions.

>> No.3727829

If you tell your mom and your sister to wash their hands every time they have been in your room they won't get pregnant.

>> No.3727832
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>> No.3727859
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>Telling an OCD guy that there's seminal fluid everywhere
He's going to need a lot of these.

>> No.3727891
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Sperm are incredibly sensitive to acids and are only able to survive in the acidic environment of the vagina due to neutralizing agents in the seminal fluids. Environments of extreme acidity should prove deadly to your sperm.

Thus, you should jizz into a lemon after every fap.

Then eat the lemon to ensure your stomach acids take care of the rest.

>> No.3727926

This post made my day. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.3727936
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>> No.3727938



>> No.3728001
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Or if you're flexible enough, cut out the middle man

>> No.3728012

Holy shit I do that every time, how do you know?
That doesn't taste as good as with lemon.