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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3720295 [Reply] [Original]

>be lazybum and still get A's and B's
>realize that I can't live my life average
>Decide to man up and do some studying so I can be something

However, it feels like I'm too late. I've wasted my entire childhood being a slacker. I'm in pre-calculus right now and it's just killing me. I have no idea what's going on in that class.

Would anybody on here like to tutor me?

>> No.3720320

I have the motivation and talent to do shit.
I just don't have the discipline or focus to complete anything.

Just general plea of help right now for any advice on school.

>> No.3720326

do you need to review trigonometry and basic algebra?

>> No.3720328

Sometimes you just got to fail and cope with how shitty it feels before you make a turnaround.

>> No.3720331

But Pre-Calc is just Algebra II.

>> No.3720334


Never taken trig.

Basic algebra was not my strong subject

>> No.3720337

If so then go tho that sticky on the first page.

>> No.3720347

Tips on how to focus?

I can't seem to focus on anything.

>> No.3720349

Are you in high school or university? The latter offers free or cheap tutoring if you need it. But you don't really need much tutoring for pre-calc or Calc 1 shit. Just look up PatrickJMT or Khan Academy videos on YouTube.

Or of course you could just post your homework here on /sci/ and have a bunch of tripfags fight over the correct answer to some easy limit problem.

>> No.3720351


I'm in high school. This pre-calc stuff is overwhelming. I can't seem to get any concepts down.

>> No.3720366

I just need some fucking guidance right now. I'm so desperate I'm coming to 4chan to ask shit like this

>> No.3720369

Did you take Algebra 2? Unless your school is different, Pre-calc reviews Algebra 2 for the first half of the course.

>> No.3720377


I did. But my teacher just told us how to use the nspire to solve the problems.

>> No.3720389


I'd recommend downloading an IRC client and hopping onto ##math@freenode.net. They usually have 200+ people in there that are adept in a shitload of advanced branches. That might be a better alternative to posting homework questions on /sci/.

>> No.3720394

It's ok, the concepts you're learning will come with time. You can't expect to learn it completely the first time through. Just read it, let it percolate, come back to it later and give it another run through. Rinse, repeat.

If you don't already do this, I've found the best way to learn math is to write down everything you're supposed to know in your own words, without referring to your materials. Try it.

>> No.3720400

lolwat precalc is easy... your life is not over if you don't instantly understand it right now.

Just read ur textbook and do a bunch of questions, works well for me.

>> No.3720411


That's another problem too.. Doing the math problems and getting around to studying it. I have my textbook opened up and everything but I just can't get around to doing it. I end up taking 3 hours to do my homework.

>> No.3720428

Wow, your'e complaining about spending 3 hours to do homework? You should go to university. You spend like, 6 hours a day doing homework (or even all-nighters). Weekends are mostly filled up with work too, you only sometimes get them off.

4th year engineering physics undergrad.

>> No.3720425
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>mfw op is a retard/pseudo intellectual

>> No.3720444
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Feels bad man


No, but the thing is the homework should take like 20 minutes. It's just that I can't focus on it. I end up doing one problem and doing other random shit and then coming back to it.

>> No.3720445

>Would anybody on here like to tutor me?

Well that there's your problem.

>> No.3720446
File: 91 KB, 468x460, castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"engineering physics" is a degree now? Also 4th year math major haven't done shit in 4 years get 4.2 gpa full scholarship to start a masters next year feelsgoodman.gif

>> No.3720447
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Go through the stages.

1: Consider putting in herculean effort into something.
2: Try it.
3: Discover you put in an enormous amount of effort and achieve nothing.
4: Existential crisis.
5: Wonder how succesful people achieve something for their work.
6: Realize that although hard work is a part of it, the hard work would amount to nothing without said individual getting lucky and/or treading on others.
7: Realize that you have no choice but to work hard and work smart to improve your chances, even if you only gain 0.1% of the cash/fame/bitches/sense of achievement/spiritual enlightenment/whatever of the succesful people you've heard about it will be better than whatever you have now.
8: Anxiety and other emotions are just meaningless physical sensations, fuck them. If you can think properly you already make the best decisions possible that your feeble human brain will allow, worrying is pointless. If some transcendental alien being is watching you from space do you think it gives a fuck? It will be thinking "oh, another feeble human", but if you grow a pair and do something interesting it will lean forward, sip it's tea and go "wait a minute, now this is interesting".
9: If all this "self help book" crap doesn't do you any good at least stop caring about society's shit. There is just so much shit and during our upbringing we were entirely dependent on society to teach us about the world, it has a profound impact on our psychology. If you're going to be apathetic do it properly! Whatever you do, do it well! Oops, more self-help book shit. oh well.

I hope I tutored you well.

>> No.3720453
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Are you god?

>> No.3720459

technically it's the UofT's engineering science program, physics option. You take a bunch of engineering courses as well as basic physics courses. It's really good for either going into low-level engineering (I'm talking engineering the next generation of transistors, optical computers, etc.) or experimental physics (you learn the physics, but you also have the engineering background which is really useful)

Currently have a 3.99GPA (my uni doesn't give higher than 4.0GPA, even if you get 100 in a course), and I was stupid and got an 84 in one course in 2nd year... (I didnt' bother studying properly or doing any homework lolz, tried to learn everything in the course in 1 day before the exam kinda deserved it)

>> No.3720469


It's an old degree, THE oldest in some universities' engineering schools.

4th year engineering physics graduate student.

>> No.3720470

It's not entirely your fault OP, it's not set up for you to understand, and you probably (read: definitely) don't have the background to have the slightest idea what these concepts are saying. For now, you just have to deal. (Look up: Lockhart's lament)

The trick to being good at math is to understand it, I mean really understand it. Thing is- your class is probably throwing things out there so fast it turns in to an exercise in memorization, likely because your teacher doesn't really understand it either.

>> No.3720474

It's never too late to get your shit together.

Stop wasting time on 4chan and start studying.

>> No.3720509


This is what I want to do so bad. I want to understand math. I want to understand what I'm doing. I don't want to go mindlessly solve problems and use some cheap memorization tactics to do them .I want to understand what i'm doing.

>> No.3721184
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Same here except I started slacking off of in high school around sophmore/junior year. Same as your childhood too, I got mostly A's without studying. I would suggest going to your library and reading up on the math books they have, thats what I do most of the time.

>> No.3722915
