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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3719796 [Reply] [Original]

So i have a question: How do you guys study and how much time a day do you spend on it?

I mean, do you just get a physics (or whatever science) textbook and read from beginning to end doing the exercises and shit, or do you just read something very specific that you want? Like 'i wanna know about how a battery works', google something, learn it and be done with it.

I'm asking this question because i'm trying to change my studying ways, since i've ALWAYS (and i really mean always) studied for the tests. Never grabbed a book and read it just for expanding my knowledge.

tl; dr: share your studying methods.

>> No.3719810

Bump for interest, I've noticed that as I've gotten older I've found it much harder to study.

Interested in seeing how other anons do it.

>> No.3719825

>do you just read something very specific that you want? Like 'i wanna know about how a battery works', google something, learn it and be done with it

this, except for the last part, most of the time looking up something might require some concepts you're not familiar with or you might also start asking yourself other questions, this goes on and on until you satisfy your curiosity

>> No.3719828


>> No.3719865
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I by books on amazon and study them on my own.

also rollan

>> No.3719905

I don't need to study because I'm a genious.

>> No.3719918



What are you, a nerd? gtfo my /fit/

>> No.3719925


Anyone has something to actually contribute?

>> No.3719932


>> No.3719969

I'm 25 now (00:15 here, my bday). I have more experience, so here are some protips:

1 - Sleep well
2 - Build a routine
3 - Eat well
4 - NEVER escape your routine
5 - Ocasionally fun won't kill no one.
6 - NEVER escape your routine
7 - Sleep and Eat well
8 - NEVER escape your routine

I'm exactly this, enjoy your hobbies enjoy your "computer time"

>> No.3719994

I mostly just dont study shit because i know that even if i know how shit works, it will still be that way and nothing has changed, except i know how it works, which doesnt really matter, because i know that i wont ever contribute anything to the subject because im not einstein smart

>> No.3720008

what are you even doing on /sci/

>> No.3720014

When a test is coming I grab all my books and start reading and look at resolved excercises.

But my grades sucks so don't do this.

>> No.3720029

I have to study a lot of mathematics. For that, I write down everything as I read. If I just let myself read, I tend to skip ahead and read too fast to actually understand things. Transcribing the main points helps me stay on track. I also tend to solve all the exercises and do all the proofs by hand with the book closed. After I finish a chapter, I go through and see if I can make at least one novel corollary from the presented information. You have to fight hard in mathematics, which is something people just don't tell you.

Because of my job, I also end up reading a lot of scientific papers. My boss has a photographic memory (and assumes everyone else does as well), so I end up trying hard to memorize all the important figures, results, methods, and details. In general you can just skim through an article for what you're interested in, but knowing more than the minimum has always helped me. Sometimes it's nice to pick up something easy for a change to help get your focus back.

Finally, it's absolutely vital that you study effectively. A lot of people I know (even Ph.D. students) try to get by with skimming through a book while watching TV or listening to music. I know only one person who can do this well, and he only listens to instrumentals. It helps to grab your book and go to the library on a Saturday morning, fully expecting to go home only in the late afternoon.

>> No.3720051


why dont you try to refute my point you little bitch?

>> No.3720061

I'm this guy, as >>3720029 said I forgot

9 - Have a total silent place to study

I have a music studio, just play some simplynoise.com and you are in the mood for awesome

>> No.3720068


>If I just let myself read, I tend to skip ahead and read too fast to actually understand things.

Holy fuck. I thought i was the only one. This is really a pain in the ass.
Also, saved for future reference/motivation.
Thanks bro.

>> No.3720082

Yea, I've noticed that with derivations in physics as well (I'm talking superconductivity, quantum mechanics 2, type derivations here). Just reading through it goes way too fast: you have to carefully look at it line by line. Basically, the information being conveyed is far denser than an average piece of writing, so it should take longer to read it.

>> No.3720096

But why do you just read it? If I don't fully understand something I don't go with the next.

>> No.3720157


>not understanding

>> No.3720164


It's kind of automatic. You let yourself read really fast, and then realizes that you haven't understand shit and then start reading all over again, and then it happens again... At least for me.

>> No.3720195

A DAY? Anyone who studies every day is either a grad student or insane.

>> No.3720225

Easier to study a little bit every day than a lot just before a test. Plus, if you don't practice now to be a grad student, chances are you'll never have the chance.

>> No.3720229

Why do you say that? I study everyday and I am in undergrad.

>> No.3720233

or wants to learn outside of school

>> No.3720241

Doing my Third Bachelor's, it's vital to study everyday.
like this guy said >>3719969, NEVER escape your routine

>> No.3720252

Well you might be right, but I am a grad student, and I rarely studied in undergrad. I guess it just depends on your habits and attitudes towards study. Admittedly it was hard getting used to studying.

Because undergrad is usually not so demanding as to require study every day, although I double majored in maths so I can't really speak to physics - applied maths certainly required more study than pure, and is more like physics I suppose.

Still studying every day in undergrad seems a bit out there to me.

>> No.3720275

>I rarely studied in undergrad
>Admittedly it was hard getting used to studying.

Like 99.9 % of the people who entered UNI, but many just drop/shitty-graduate/change-to-woman-studies

>> No.3720705

I have a shit study habit, mostly because of my untreated ADD.

But I wouldn't have gotten by without a few tricks.

I essentially skim a chapter first. Read every title and subtitle, a little of the body text. Then I rescan it, but a little more in depth, which is basically just me trying to read the whole thing, but getting bored in two sentences.

Then I answer the review questions one by one by referencing the corresponding material in the book.

So by this time, I've essentially read the book like 3 times.

Seems kind of crazy, but if you've got ADD it'll probably work like a charm.

>> No.3720718
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>> No.3720720
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>> No.3720724
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>> No.3720727
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>> No.3720824

These are useless, they assume you're studying a field that requires memorisation instead of thinking. Most people here study maths or physics, though I guess it can help out the premeds and what not who cruise around.