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[ERROR] No.3717970 [Reply] [Original]

Why *do* poor people smell like sour milk?

One of the first things I learned the first day of kindergarten was not to get too close to certain kids, because they just *reeked* of sour milk. And every one of them was from the "wrong side of the tracks", on welfare, getting free school lunches, etc.

But it's not like the government is feeding them sour milk.

So what's the cause?

>> No.3717980
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1315539743563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissing poor people

>> No.3717978


the same ones that sour milk

>> No.3718000


Where are they acquiring Poor People Bacteria?

>> No.3718006
File: 47 KB, 420x558, 156555lol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


School isn't free in your country? You can only be poor to get free breakfast/lunch school ? Fuck man what poor ass country do you live in?

>> No.3718010

Fuck you. This is science.

>> No.3718084

School is free. The cafeteria isn't. Unless you're a poorfag.

Semipoorfags get reduced-price.

>> No.3718093


Government Cheese is full of it.

>> No.3718116

in ancient times the rich bathed in milk

>> No.3718151

Fuck. Now I want to know the answer to this.

Explain, scientists!

>> No.3718169

>Parents work their asses off
>Parents get decent paying jobs
>Cafeteria costs so much fucking money I end up just making my own shit and bringing it in
>Other kids Parents never work hard
>Other kids parents get shit job
>Other kid gets free lunches and loads of other free shit
>Other kids parents get paid to do nothing

I grow up hating poor people

>> No.3718542
File: 55 KB, 500x326, food-stamp-restaurants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of the fact I never ate a single school cafeteria meal in my 12 years of publik skooling. Always brought it from home, where my parents PAID FOR IT.

I've never even touched a food stamp. Only seen them in the hands of ... others.

>> No.3718612


I used food stamps after being unemployed for a long time. Used them for about three months. It was great. Almost like getting free food!

I laughed at the jelly idiots in line behind me at the grocery store.

Look, I pay taxes on my income. I paid taxes on my income before food stamps. That shit best be coming back to me in one form or another.

That shit isn't coming from you, anon, or OP. The measly pennies you pay in taxes goes to fund granny's retirement, her health care, and the wars over seas. So I feel nothing but cuddly warmth eating free govmint food. (I did when I was getting it).

And your guilt complex is kind of depressing. How much corporate welfare do you think goes on every year? How many companies file for bankruptcy protection every year?

Grow up, dude.

>> No.3718628

Let's get to the important stuff. When you were on food stamps, did you smell like sour milk?

>> No.3718634


Sadly, no. I'm sorry.

Maybe I wasn't on it long enough to take effect?

>> No.3718665

>My single mother raising three kids working sometimes two jobs and going to school full time for years
>Inspired me to pursue education which planted the seeds of my lifelong dedication to science
>She recently graduated with her Masters and I am damned proud, though only a year into college myself
>Ate that shittastic cafeteria food, grease-on-a-crust "pizza", salad that consited of "Lettuce and sometimes other things fall in by accident", weird chicken things where I'm not sure if the outer layer was skin or fried crust or what, until I got so sick of it that I ended up making my own creative lunches out of what little I could find in the kitched, tapatio egg in tupperware, dorito sandwhich, much of this obtained with foodstamps
>See my friends in highschool get free lunch
>one of them spits milk out of their face and checks expiration date
>Awwww shit

>> No.3718679

I want to know why black people smell weird.

>> No.3718694

Their clothes aren't washed regularly

>> No.3718696


The black people that lived on the corner from me smelled like weed.

>> No.3718700

Also true. One of my better friends freshman year of college was black. I loved her, but she had Dat Black Smell. At first I thought it was hair products, but it wasn't.

>> No.3718712

Two simple answers:
-lack of hygiene
-and lactic acid

>> No.3718723

>Other kids Parents never work hard
right, because low income work is a cakewalk...

op, i think hygeine could be another cause. if you go a couple of days (at least 2) without brushing teeth or showering, you end up excreting all of the lactic acid produced by oral bacteria through your skin.

it's something i learned when i was too depressed to bathe regularly.

i don't think this is the full answer though. some kids just STINK like sour milk and on my worst days i never smelled like that.

>> No.3718725


Black people, on average, have significantly different hormone levels than whites. They're also usually poor and reek of poor smell (their per capita income is like 18,000).

>> No.3718727

for some reason i like the way black chicks smell. i like the way white chicks smell too i mean they just smell pretty, but black chicks have like this stench that makes me hard

>> No.3718729

Look, I know poor people and I've smelled the "poor smell" before. But "black smell" is a different odor entirely.

>> No.3718731

oh yes and here's an addendum to that:

if you regularly fail to brush your teeth, you will also begin to experience extreme fatigue, stabbing kidney pains upon waking up in the morning and be highly irritable.

having good hygeine is incredibly underrated.

>> No.3718736

You miss the "fermentation" process that creates tha lactic acid, but it's OK

>> No.3718942

Bad oral hygiene is also a good way to acquire heart conditions. For whatever reason, the gums are a good direct line to your heart when it comes to infections and such.