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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 440x587, lala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3717582 [Reply] [Original]

I got this last week and as I’m sure you know, it’s the second law of thermodynamics (the original equation, by Clausius) before -N even represented entropy. This is a strange story, because I’m not a physics or math major, I’m a female philosophy person.

I really do love physics though, and I’m about to leave my home country and all my undergrad friends behind and go and do my MSc at LSE. So the sentiment behind this is that now, after undergrad, we begin to disseminate. Entropy.

It’s also a great boyfriend filtration system:

‘Can I have your number?’

‘Wait, what’s this mean?’

‘Um… I don’t know?’

‘Too bad, you were cute’ (walk off)


>> No.3717603

> It’s also a great boyfriend filtration system
> It’s also a great boyfriend filtration system, theoretically.

>> No.3717608

You must be starved for attention


>> No.3717609

Hipsters gonna hip

>> No.3717613

You're never going to have the opportunity to test that scenario.

Step back and think about your life for a moment.
>holy fuck I think I just got trolled

>> No.3717624

I like your bathrobe.

>> No.3717629


I never realized there were so many jealous fatass femanons on /sci/ before...

>> No.3717633

oh god you are one of those pseudo-intellectual philosophy majors

>> No.3717638

>stupid decisions
>female philosophy person
How shocking.

>> No.3717649

post face,
you'll prove your worth in this world

>> No.3717647

this thread is worthless without tits.

>> No.3717644

> not denying you've never actually had cause to use your 'system'

well, that's one more fatass femanon.

>> No.3717657

>You're never going to have the opportunity to test that scenario.

Actually, I already have. Which is why I had used a past experience to demonstrate one of it's perks...



>> No.3717661


>Uses it as a boyfriend test
>Thinks that everyone who doesn't know it is retarded when they could be in another field of science

My fucking god, lemme guess. You're from the UK or America?

>> No.3717662

You're being deliberately inflammatory.
That, or you're a stupid bitch.

Either way, go fuck yourself.

You know as well as we do that we aren't "fat jealous femanons", and that you're a very pathetic person.

>> No.3717677

sage goes in the captcha

>> No.3717688
File: 76 KB, 640x480, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you. It's best for when you get out of the shower!


No I'm not?


I don't think so mister.


I'm not sure what good it would do, but okay...

>> No.3717699



>> No.3717701

>thinks sage does anything

>> No.3717710

So, do YOU know what those fancy symbols mean?

>> No.3717709


Why are you so hostile?

>> No.3717716



>> No.3717717


I've already explained it in my opee!

>> No.3717723

Oh, it's a dude. Didn't see that coming.

>> No.3717730

Who is your favorite philosopher, OP?

>> No.3717735


actually, if you're in chemistry or physics (ie: a hard science) you're kinda dumb if you haven't seen this.

also: if you're in another branch of science, but using thermodynamics (say for example, on the membrane of a cell) then you get even more bonus points.

Plus she probably means as a talking point, if you don't know what it is, you'd still recognize the S and the T and could have a cute nerdy conversation about what you DO know about thermodynamics (which to a philosophy major I imagine is more interesting than memorizing a mathematical statement).

Also, OP, I am quite jelly of your tattoo, I wanted to get a statement of the second law as a tattoo, I guess it's not original anymore, but I'm sure I can think of something else.

Also: I don't like your entropy analogy with your friends, it feels kinda angsty.

>> No.3717736
File: 57 KB, 464x704, 1313803248696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an EK thread

>> No.3717738

>goes on /sci/.seeking approval
>doesn't realize that the scientific chauvinism is just as bad as any
>confirmed douche bag
even if girl. jeez.

>> No.3717758


Sorry I am in denial. I do not believe Elizabeth Kelly whatever is EK. I just can't. She looks quite charming for the total whore she is on here

>> No.3717761

OP, explain what |PN| = |R| means, with another pic for confirmation.

Failure to do this makes you an academic moron who will never get the number of any discerning educated guy.

>> No.3717756
File: 178 KB, 538x1510, anonymous 4chan poster gets doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3717765

You did not explain anything, you just claimed something that doesn't really show you understand the mathematical apparatus involved. You obviously didn't get a tattoo of "the second law of thermodynamics", you got one that displays something mathematical in nature. Care to explain?

>> No.3717776


Har har. Very funny.


Friedrich Nietzsche.


Marry me!

And I don't think it's angsty (sic?), it's a part of life... (unfortunately)


She looks like Lady Gaga. ^___^

>> No.3717789

> Nietzsche
Confirmed for edgy teenager.

>> No.3717796

Oh, are you one of those trannies who gets upset when they get called a dude? Okay, 'miss'.

>> No.3717825

Not science, dumb attention whore.

>> No.3717896


that's rude bro.

>> No.3719060

> bump

>> No.3719093

why are you bumping the thread? it's not even sci related. OP is just an attention whore.
>derp i'm a philosophy major, entropy = people spreading out. i can into physics

>It’s also a great boyfriend filtration system
>implying OP is even somewhat attractive