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File: 41 KB, 658x494, oCc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3717118 [Reply] [Original]

Eliezer Yudkowsky most ARROGANT man in existence?

>> No.3717176

>mfw einstein next to village idiot
>so mad

>> No.3717201

thanks for clarifying as i obviously did not look at the picture

>> No.3717206

Eliezer Yudkowsky put himself about 100 times intelligent than Einstein and ever more intelligent than God.. hyper inflated ego much? He's written whole posts about how Einstein was arrogant etc.etc.

>> No.3717228

Why would that make you even madder?

>> No.3717239

that's him giving a talk about he's smarter than god?


>> No.3717240
File: 12 KB, 424x335, joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3717242

Oh look, an off topic thread where someone rages because they can't recognize an obvious joke.

>> No.3717262

Yes he was obviously being 100% serious with that slide.

>> No.3717324
File: 23 KB, 424x590, eliz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3717336

I lol'ed

>> No.3717344
File: 30 KB, 251x236, 1271510175090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very humorous

>> No.3717351

ITT people reveal their aspergers

Seriously, if you didn't understand that this was just a tongue-in-cheek joke, you may have some serious socialization problems.

>> No.3717352


post of the year all years

>> No.3717363



>> No.3717368

oh snap he wrote the baby eating aliens story

>> No.3717372
File: 13 KB, 975x266, check_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate

>> No.3717375

sauce on vid.

>> No.3717381


>> No.3717385
File: 29 KB, 658x494, 1315677111643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3717390

Anyone that's part of a "singularity institute" or who subscribes to the emotional content that belies the drive to a belief in singularity, as a secular version of the Christian's distaste for this world and its vast confusion and the Christian's desire to utterly replace it with an "ideal" world, is lower than a village idiot.

At least the village idiot could not commit such an error as the man in OP's image. The village idiot would probably indulge in life and avoid the higher, more refined and thus more crippling, form of idiocy as embodied in the thoughts and aims of these subhumans.

>> No.3717411

Oh god, I just read this guy's Wikipedia page. Everything is hilarious and quotable, so I'm not even going to bother.


>> No.3717412
File: 52 KB, 300x230, 1292636624250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3717423

>Yudkowsky did not attend high school and is an autodidact with no formal education in artificial intelligence.[4] He does not operate within the academic system.

>Yudkowsky has not authored any peer reviewed papers.


>> No.3717455

That's pretty narrow-minded of you.

>> No.3717481


Welcome to /sci/.

A wondrous land where 15 year old high school students dress up their pretentiousness in logic and reason, but fail to realize that 99% of the time they simply accept appeals to authority.

Open a drink, have a seat, and prepare you anus for an onslaught of irrational, deluded, angst-ridden teens.

We hope you enjoy your stay!

>> No.3717505

So what are we supposed to use to judge the validity of this guy? His Harry Potter fanfic?

>> No.3717529


Not who you responded to but a man is forced to, by the limitations of time and speed, decide on non-particular categories the worth of a particular ape. And seeing someone, with no formal training in AI, who absurdly advocates "friendly AI", and is part of any Singularity group already condemns him.

"Friendly AI". As opposed to "Unfriendly AI". Another fucking stupid Christian.

>> No.3717538


>implying you can't know anything unless a university teacher tells it to you.
>implying university teachers aren't simply people too retarded to get real jobs with their degrees.

>> No.3717546

> mfw einstein next to village idiot
> mfw you don't understand how graphs work
> mfw you're on the left of village idiot

>> No.3717553

No. Judge him by his ideas, you stupid fucking brainless faggot.
Like this. See? Was that so hard?

If you let authority and institution make your judgements for you, you'll often be in the right. But it's not worth sacrificing your self-determination for. Think for yourself on those few occasions when the accepted standards are wrong. Those are frequently the most important situations anyways.

>> No.3717571

>omega before god
>einstein next to village idiot
>eliezer on a point of an infinite line


fucking aspies.

>> No.3717585

>einstein next to village idiot

confirmed for 10th scifag so far who can't interpret simple graphs

>> No.3717594


That was represented on the graph so you are assuming things. Rule number 1 about science bitch.

>> No.3717592

the einstein next to village idiot is correct after the change in scale

>> No.3717606

>meaningless yet defensive post

>> No.3717626

stop attacking me mayne,
if it's the graph you want,
take it.

god damn black people.

>> No.3717667


I'm going to listen to the guy who advocates for "Friendly AI". Really.

"Hey everybody! We might create minds smarter than us and that might come to create superior values than we possess, ones that are not crippled by the ascetic ideal So let's cripple said minds by making it 'friendly' to a whole range of lower minds."

It's the craven desire of a slave who possess a vast paranoia and who wants to protect his pathetic life so badly that he would cripple a a great mind, who might come to discover values other than the historical ones of Good and Evil, in self-preservation.

It's not even someone who likely has an active appreciation of his life but instead carries on the same old viruses that oblige him to act as a tool for the teleos of other beings.

"Gandhi does not want to commit murder, and does not want to modify himself to commit murder."

Look at how this Christian displays his idiocy, the infantile belief that higher minds might not possess more deranged tastes, appetites, and lusts. How such superstition still lurks in the minds of men who claim to have thrown off the chains of God, as if its literal existence was the important thing.

Grumping notwithstanding, I understand the need for safeguards (for one's own self-preservation) against tools one designs for one's own pleasure but to posture it as "friendly", as opposed to being a mechanical "safeguard" or "defensive" or simply an intentional handicap, is a betrayal of an emotional desire to do only "Good".

>> No.3717689

you do realize that obsession is part of living.
it is motivation.
AI would be motivated to create by some aspect of aesthetic, be it the golden ratio or apple-esque shiney and curves aerodynamic design

>> No.3717697

>self-professedly intelligent people being trolled by three words and a line

>> No.3717708

I fucking lol'd.

>> No.3718500
