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[ERROR] No.3715427 [Reply] [Original]

>some girls at school are holding a prayer group during lunch

give me some sweet troll ammo.

>> No.3715436

Did God implement evolution?

Yeah, uhm, I've got a question, how long do I have to pray before I become a angel?

>> No.3715435

"If God exists, then why doesn't he?"

>> No.3715442

Leave them alone. No matter how good your arguments are, they'll still laugh at you and each party will think the other is retarded.

Your only hope of defeating them is

>> No.3715445

dude, christian chicks put out (and let you put it in their ass)

join up!

>> No.3715452


for real and for true?

>> No.3715460

Yeh something about being Christian that drives them ass crazy!

>> No.3715464

Don't troll them if they're hot OP. If they are butt-ugly say this 'Can God make something so hot that even he can't hold it?'

>> No.3715467

Not >>3715452, I call bullshit.

>> No.3715468

Religious people have their minds consumed by a single blindspot covering the topic of god. Theres no use debating it. Theyll only be convinced if they spend enough time in the company of atheists and that wont happen unless they want to.

>> No.3715472

"Did you know Jesus was brown?"

"Why does the bible talk about slaughtering women and cutting out their unborn babies, bestiality, and noah's daughters getting him drunk and raping him?"

Say that and they will explode

>> No.3715478

OP you're a retard. Why would you troll them ? Just for their system of beliefs ? Everyone should have right to believein what he wants to.

>> No.3715500

And if you believe in something stupid I have the right to make fun of you

And if you say I don't, i have the right to my opinion and my opinion is you don't have the right to your opinion

>> No.3715511

Ask them if their God Infinite.

If they answer the question "NO", my God
is not Infinite, their God is refuted and
disproved because of the following reasons:

(1) It is refuted, because, not being
Infinite, their God is contingent, and therefore
superfluous. It is against Occam's Razor to
make up a God, to explain things, when that
God, being contingent, needs to be explained
as well. That multiplies explanations beyond
logical parsimony.

(2) It is disproved, because a supernatural
entity, of which Gods are by definition, if finite, are
subject to Infinite regress, which is self-refuting.
Non-supernatural entities are not subject to
infinite regress, because existence is
conceptually irreducible.

(3) If they say their god is finite, then their
God is disproved because it can't be called
a God. Gods are by definition, supernatural, but
finitude is of the natural world. So, saying your
God is finite, means it can't even be called
a God. Not only that, but the concept would
be further self refuting, because, if finite things
can be called God, then the entire God concept
is impossibly incoherent, since everything in the
natural world. including them selves as a human, can be called God!!

>> No.3715515

A person can disrespect someone's belief without disrespecting their right to believe in something.

>> No.3715517

If they answer the question "YES", my God is
Infinite, their God is disproved because of the
following reason:

(1) An actual Infinity is impossible.

(2) An actual Infinity commits the fallacy
of the floating abstraction, which makes it illegitimate.

>> No.3715522


who said i want to convince them? i want to troll them.


>> No.3715527

What are you saying is just another kind of racism, Im a gnostic atheist, but I as long as nobody interferes with my coming with boots into my life with christ, mary etc I dont fight with them cause:
primo its unnecessary to invade someone's mind
secundo its 99% of times fight with windmills.
So I laugh @ you OP cause you're just a retarded kid who doesnt know shit about world.

>> No.3715528

And this is why nobody likes atheists.

>> No.3715529


Why is an actual Infinity Impossible?

Because an actual Infinity violates the Law
of Identity. Existence is by nature, limitation. To exist,
is to be something specific. An Infinity is unlimited, which means, it's nothing in particular. Something that is nothing in particular, has no Identity. Therefore, it doesn't exist.

>> No.3715530

is it ok to sell my daughter into slavery?
assume answer is no
Then why does it say i can in liviticus?
assume answer will be "thats old law, we dont listen to that book"
oh, so we can ignore everything in the old Testiment then? then its ok to be gay?

>> No.3715534

What is your definition of Infinity?

(A) Something that is not finite in any way, shape, or


(B) Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude;

>> No.3715535

Infinity is impossible

Also why the ayn rand terminology?

>> No.3715549

What logical support do you have for
claiming the Universe is everything that exists, and
that the Universe is existence?

There are several reasons why the Universe
is everything that exists, mainly based on Quantum Mechanics and measurement Omission. That may be too complicated and involved for the average person, so I will stick to the two main, and more straight forward reasons:

(1) The Universe is supported by several credible
sources as being by definition, everything that exists.

(2) To say that something can exist outside
the Universe, is to commit the fallacy of the
stolen concept. The Universe is that which contains existence(things that exist). To claim that something exists outside of the Universe, is
to steal the concept of existence, and apply to
something external to itself. Which is fallacious, since one could only appeal to existence again, REDUNDANTLY!

Therefore, the Universe is everything that
exists, thus by corollary, it is existence, since
that adheres to the Law of Identity. Why? Because the Universe is the sum total of all "extants". To say that the Universe is not by corollary existence, is to say that that which has the quality of existence, is not by implication, existence itself in total, which is invalid.

>> No.3715550


that's not what einstein and minkovski are telling.

>> No.3715556

What are you talking about man?

Racism? Lmao what? I have no problem with religious people. I don't troll them unless they start with the pascals wager shit. But if OP is going to more power to him. Does it really matter? Is he going to hurt their feelings? "No it's not it's what the believe." So fucking what? If i bieleve i was abducted by aliens and go around trying to get people to accept our reptilian overlords, people would "make fun of my beliefs."

I'm not Bill Maher. But I don't tiptoe and say "oh ok ok sorry" when someone says "I have the right to believe in what i want."

Most of the time, i just live and let live.

>> No.3715566

Appeal to authority.

Because everything Einstein said is true, right? That nigga had some bizarre ass ideas

>> No.3715564

how can Infinity exist with in are universe?

>> No.3715573

Apparently we,re still doing science in the 50s

>> No.3715577

but Christians don't do science at all.
your point is ignored in the contents that OP want to troll a prayer group.

>> No.3715578

leave em' alone. Do you really need to spend your life trying to change other people's minds? Why are you focusing on just the religious fags that are physically close to you. You are being overwhelmed by your sensory perception of them, but if you had an intellectual awareness of how many praying individuals existed right now simultaneously on this planet then you would reasonably turn your attention to other more pressing matters. way to be swayed by local phenomenon, nice apethink.

>> No.3715581

I don't think he's doing it to change people's minds. If i were him I would to it for the laughs.

Mine, not theirs. Also might get some Christian pussy.

>> No.3715584

The creator of the Big Bang theory was a Priest.

>> No.3715590

i love that show. i didn't know a priest wrote it, weird considering all the sex jokes.

>> No.3715598

that's a terrible sitcom.
i hate Christians even more now.

>> No.3715602

that explains why the big bang came from nothing, all he did was replace God with Big Bang.

What a lazy bastard.

>> No.3715607


Oh shut the fuck up.

Lol, I chuckled.

>> No.3715610

>sex jokes
do they make you blush?

>> No.3715609

You're on /sci/ yet you don't know anything about the big bang? Wikipedia, man, go to it. Also quantum fluctuations. Read about them.

>> No.3715615

i actually do like it, but in an ironic way. being a physics major i feel like its poking fun at the way me and my peers act, albeit highly exaggerated. the writing as awful and the premises are beyond the suspension of disbelief.
Also not a christian.
And i was joking.
And your an aspie.

>> No.3715618
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>> No.3715623
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>> No.3715627

Saw this posted on here a few days ago, thought it's relevant to this thread

" The creation of the universe is the greatest achievement imaginable.
The merit of an achievement consists of its intrinsic greatness and the ability of its creator.
The greater the handicap to the creator, the greater the achievement (would you be more impressed by Turner painting a beautiful landscape or a blind one-armed dwarf?)
The biggest handicap to a creator would be non-existence
Therefore if we suppose that the universe is the creation of an existing creator, we can conceive a greater being — namely, one who created everything while not existing.
Therefore, God does not exist. "

>> No.3715629
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>> No.3715633


BBT is pretty good sitcom. Unless you are an aspie.

>> No.3715640

I'm talking about the actual theory not the show.

>> No.3715643

curb your enthusiasm, is a god tier sitcom.

BBT, is down in the shit tier with friends.

>> No.3715712
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>mfw this post
We were talking about the actual theory.

>> No.3715745
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>> No.3715746
