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[ERROR] No.3713262 [Reply] [Original]

Biologists of /sci/, today I call upon you for help. A room in the house I am leasing has a serious mold problem. Not like "oh, there's been a lot of mold turning up," no, this room is fucking devoured. It belongs to the mold now. Today I need to do the unthinkable and venture into the room.

I'm moving into another place soon and need to sort through my things in the mold room first. I plan for it to be a quick in-out as most of it is in crates already. I can just drag them onto the driveway and go through it there. I'm currently constructing a hazmat suit out of garbage bags, ski goggles, a yardwork type breathing mask, and duct tape.

Any suggestions, warnings, or things i should GTFO upon seeing would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.3713268 [DELETED] 

>a science

>> No.3713269

if it's not airtight you're fucked, just saying

mold infection is not funny

>> No.3713276

Bleach. Find out a way to fucking flood the place with bleach and scrub it clean. Get a gas mask for real.

>> No.3713279
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>HAZMAT suit

I'm pretty sure a pair of gloves and simple N95 Respirator would do the trick

>> No.3713285

you might want to consider investing in a legitimate mask

>> No.3713292

>seal room
>poke one small opening and empty a large gas bottle full of some poisonous gas, perhaps chlorine (better make sure that room is sealed well)
>few days later venture inside and open the window in some completely sealed garbage bag HAZMAT suit

I don't suppose that would be effective in killing off the mold?

>> No.3713298

I lost a lung to a mold infection even though I wore a mask, hire a professional for your own safety.

>> No.3713299

>Poisoning mould

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.3713318
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>> No.3713329

dude has a point
chlorine is used as...uh my sweet english
You CAN kill mold and fungus with it, but filling the room with chlorine gas it unnecessary overkill. there are many cleaning products which can deal with it just fine.

>> No.3713371

Was it long time exposure? how much mold was there?

>> No.3713385
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How to kill mold: easy mode

1) mix 1 part water: 1 part bleach
2) place inside spray bottle
3) wear protective mask over face (spores can't penetrate through it).
4) venture into room and spray the mold with the solution
5) step out and take a nice shower (you deserve it)
6) wait 24 hours.
7) mold is dead/inert.

Have fun

>> No.3713387

You should be ashamed of yourself rentinng out such dangerous property.

>> No.3713389

spray the room with bleach

>> No.3713392

>I'm moving into another place soon
>need to sort through my things in the mold room first

>complains about mold being dangerous.
>keeps things in a mold pigsty.
You must be quite filthy yourself.

>> No.3713404

Congrats, your stuff is infected with mold now.

>> No.3713407

a fungicide from a gardening section would work.
It's just sulfer you mix with water.
I don't think there's anything you can get to kill spores though.

Been wondering myself,
how toxic is sulfer /sci/?

>> No.3713423

dont breathe the spores

they CAN and WILL proliferate in your lungs

>> No.3713437

That part's up to the landlord. I'm just getting my stuff out.

>> No.3713440

Dude, the whole room must be first treated with anti-bacterial/anti-fungus by professionals and then have it painted with (anti-fungal) limewash.

>> No.3713452

Then why did u leave ur stuff in mold? What do u think happens if u leave ur stuff in it?

>> No.3713464

I left the place for a month and a half under my roommates' supervision. granted the room wasn't tidy but it wasn't infected. I came back, saw it, nope'd hard, and never went back. it's been another few weeks. The landlord knows and I won't get into it but I need to go through my stuff myself.

>> No.3713482

have a good fan blowing out the window, disturb the mold as little as possible

>> No.3713504

Forget about your stuff.

It's infected.

>> No.3713519

no widows, one door.

>> No.3713529

I mean to salvage anything that can be cleansed. Obviously clothes and books and such will be thrown out but items like spray paint cans, a canvas still in plastic wrapping, and a disassembled desk can be saved

>> No.3713546

OP, please take a picture of yourself in the suit and post it here when you go for it.

>> No.3713573

POST PICS OP i need to see your room at your hazmat suit to... properly judge on what you should bring SO POST PICS, and make a guide about it

>> No.3713611

go with the sulfer (most powdered fungicide in gardening)
even small amounts prevents fungus on cuttings of err... tomatoes
mix as much as will dissolve in water and spray the hell out of everything.

from cornell.edu:
Sulfur is known to be of low toxicity, and poses very little if any risk to human and animal health (1, 8). Short-term studies show that sulfur is of very low acute oral toxicity and does not irritate the skin (it has been placed in EPA Toxicity Category IV, the least toxic category, for these effects). Sulfur also is not a skin sensitizer. However, it can cause some eye irritation, dermal toxicity and inhalation hazards (8).

Chronic exposure to elemental sulfur at low levels is generally recognized as safe

>> No.3713640

couldn't a sufficiently strong array of hard UV bulbs spaced around the room and left on for a day or two do a pretty significant amount of damage to the mold?

i remember reading that mold and its spores can be fried by UV, and it doesn't even need to be that powerful

>> No.3713644

I wouldn't try it, OP.

Buy a proper gas mask with filters. Mold is not to be fucked with.