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[ERROR] No.3711106 [Reply] [Original]

What is the evolutionary advantage of having the male G-spot in a place that can only be reached by shoving things up your anus?

>> No.3711118 [DELETED] 

>implying every aspect of our biology is evolutionarily advantageous


>> No.3711119

>male G-spot

You mean the dick? I'm pretty sure you don't have to shove things up your butt to touch your dick.

>> No.3711129


The prostate, kid.

>> No.3711128

>implying it exists at all

>> No.3711131

It's proof that God loves gays

>> No.3711134

yeh, prostate


>> No.3711154

They can be reached by muscle contractions if you're not obese or suffering from some other dysfunction.

>> No.3711176

panglossian paradigm and biological spandrel

>> No.3711198

Evolution doesn't know purpose. Men have one because it's not evolutionarily disadvantageous.

>> No.3711234
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>people actually believe this

listen here buddy, here's the big secret: WOMEN DON'T GET PLEASURE FROM VAGINAL PENETRATION IN ITSELF!!!!

If they did, they'd do stuff with cucumbers and broom handles and everything men wish they could have a vagina for a day so they could try: women never do this stuff.

Have you ever heard a man say "not tonight honey, i'm not in the mood?" NO!!!
Women clearly don't enjoy sex. If it was purely a thing about sex drive, then anytime a woman says "not in the mood" you could just start anyway and she'd suddenly be "wow i'm really into this". Imagine if you weren't in the mood for a blowjob, but a woman started giving you one anyway, how hard would it be to tell her to stop? fucking impossible.

What women do do is rub their clits, but Vaginal penetration is actually kinda painfull.
Women enjoy being wanted by a man and they feeling close to a man, enjoy pleasing a man (i actually think there's a huge altruistic component to female enjoyment of sex, like you know when you make someone you love really happy and it just makes you really happy for no reason? that kinda feeling), all these things make them enjoy sex , but they also don't enjoy it, turning it into a weird pleasure/pain thing i imagine to be like repeatedly rubbing the sole of your foot against a new carpet.

>girl: sex is like intense pleasure and pain at the same time.
>me: wtf? sex is pure pleasure wtf?

>> No.3711241
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>they'd do stuff with cucumbers and broom handles and everything men wish they could have a vagina for a day so they could try: women never do this stuff.
and dildo's were never invented, rite?

>> No.3711242

Just want to say, you're beutiful EK.

That is all.

>> No.3711247

anon posted that first pic, not me.
also, pic is not of me.

>> No.3711253


What part of *male* G-spot didn't you get?

>> No.3711251

also, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.3711250

> they'd do stuff with cucumbers and broom handles and everything
I've got news for you.

>> No.3711249

Fine, she's gorgeous though.

>> No.3711254


I'm a girl and I enjoy sex.

Except I'm a virgin.

So I guess it's more like I enjoy my fingers.

But still.

>> No.3711248

>Imagine if you weren't in the mood for a blowjob, but a woman started giving you one anyway, how hard would it be to tell her to stop?

Not very hard at all, if I'm not in the mood, it means I'm not in the mood.

>> No.3711258

conversation has moved on, hun.

>> No.3711259


The prostate is not a G-spot. That is not what it was intended for.

It is simple coincidence. The prostate has its own uses and its location is relevant for its normal function.

>> No.3711256

lol, i actually agree.

>> No.3711260

do you have a dildo? how often do you use it? when where and how long?

>> No.3711262

>What is the evolutionary advantage
>Implying everything in evolution has to be advantageous or disadvantageous
Go read up on some evolutionary biology kiddo.

>> No.3711261

i dont have one, i never have. i know some girls do.

>> No.3711264

>implying you take up the ass.

>> No.3711265

could you at least provide from fictious answers to these questions

>> No.3711269

FYI if you do it right your orgasms are 10x better with prostate stimulation.

>> No.3711271

>That is not what it was intended for.

It feels good, though. Who cares about its function.

>> No.3711274

Clioral tissue extends beyond the clitoris itself and into the vagina; sometimes even the anus.

Also, the Clitoral hood has many time the number of nerve endings as the penis.

>> No.3711275

>could you at least provide from fictious answers to these questions
Do you want to rephrase?...

>> No.3711277

I pity the silly man who has never put anything in his butt.

>> No.3711280

lol, i could but i wont.

use your own imagination. =p

>> No.3711283

you only need to change from to some

>> No.3711292

Ek is giggling and being cutesy

>she wants to fuck

>> No.3711288

Lol, so your internet persona is some kind of "decent girl"? Everyone in here knows you're a whore.

>> No.3711298

heeey! i AM a decent girl.

>> No.3711300

>you need to have sex for procreation
>procreation is good because the species will survive
>so sex feels good

>you need to poop so you get rid of toxic substances out of your body
>when pooping, the fecal matter grinds against the prostate, making it feel good to some extent
>ever wonder why pooping felt so good now?

>> No.3711303

Nope, I know your type. The kind of girl that enjoys being among 100 guys and still be feminine and decent. Yep, you're a whore.

>> No.3711304

no harriet is a decent girl

>> No.3711310

>when pooping, the fecal matter grinds against the prostate
no it doesn't

>> No.3711311

>harriet is a boring girl
and we are both 'decent' anyway.

>> No.3711320

I know that the OP was referring to the prostate, you shitwits. 1/3 cannot climax from prostate stimulation alone, and even at that it's difficult for the average man (who's into that kind of thing) to climax with prostate stimulation alone.

Believe me. I know from experience.

>> No.3711322

actually i am the type of girl who doesnt act particularly femine, and does like hanging around with guys, but not for attention or anything, i just prefer their company because they tend to be more honest and to the point, wheras i dont particularly get on with some of the other girls because they are 2 faced manipulative bitches.

>> No.3711326
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you don't even have one yourself proving how popular they are. Women who do use them use them for the "experience" to remind them of sex, it's not really the same sort of pleasure as guys get from wanking or girls get from the much more popular clit-based vibratory products (whose vaginal component (if they have one) is only to add to the "experience" and not neccesarily add to the pleasure in themselves).


and how much of this "finger enjoyment" is due to your clit and how much to your "g-spot".

>female friends say they masturbate lots and then it turns out to be ~3 times a week
>male friends consider it normal to bookend their day with wanks (morning and night) and perhaps one in the middle if they're bored.

>harriet is a boring girl

you and harriet are no longer friends?

>> No.3711329

At the same time though, if you're really into prostate stim then it's hard to cum w/o it. I know from experience :\

Been pretty close to hands free as well w/ just prostate stim too.

>> No.3711334

i presume the ones who use them are the type who can't or won't get a guy to fulfil that need, so they improvise.

nah, we are friends, i was just joking, sort of.
she's ok. just a bit quiet.

>> No.3711336

Yeah, I expected this kind of reply, actually i've been with two girls of your type, you probably do a lot of stuff in bed, hang on facebook all day, play vidya, etc. Your comment is just reaffirming my ideas about you, both of the girls I used to bang were stoner whores. I can picture you in your daily life already, the fact that you don't think you're a whore doesn't make it false. "Real" decent girls don't fit these patterns.

>> No.3711339

that old argument. "people only masturbate when they can't get sex". you're an idiot

>> No.3711338

Sure thing bro, but if you are a girl then you know the rules.


>> No.3711350


are there not enough tits on the internet already?

That phrase stopped being funny about 12 years ago. tbh it's just embarassing for us guys more than anything :'(.

>> No.3711352

EK must be really generic because I can think of several girls who have the same characteristics she;s mentioned

in other words, EK is boing - just like harriet


>> No.3711357

>enough tits on the internet

>> No.3711359
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>list 4 character traits
>lol she must be very generic

>> No.3711362

>implying decent girls cant play vidya or be stoners.
>implying one cant be a stoner and still be a decent girl
>implying being a stoner atomatically makes you a bad person.

>> No.3711366

>implying being a stoner atomatically makes you a bad person.

It does.

>> No.3711367

lol, why?

>> No.3711368

no actually ive been monitoring ek's behaviour for months now

>> No.3711369


>> No.3711371

Because all potheads are retarded. Case in point: you.

>> No.3711373

i just gave you it

>> No.3711375

>carl sagan

pick one

>> No.3711376

thats it?
oh ok.

>> No.3711380
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>> No.3711383

yeah my conclusion is you remind me of a friend of mine and that you are a adorable.

>> No.3711384

aww, thanks hun.
whats her name and major?

>> No.3711408

Look, i'm not gonna spend more time arguing with a retard like yourself, in my experience girls that have the traits I mentioned usually are whores, i'm just gonna go ahead and post the traits I saw in them:

- they don't have any girlfriends except for the occasional nutjob girl who is similar to them
- they probably have a tattoo
- they play vidya
- they spend all day on facebook posting trivial shit
- they smoke weed and drink heavily (probably do coke as well, one of the ones I banged did)
- they do pretty much everything in bed (anal, great at oral, etc)
- they've been at least in like 40 "relationships" and let's not forget we're not considering one night stands. (AKA whores)
- they hang around in places where males are predominant

How many of these traits apply to you? I'm thinking 90% or 100%.

I feel confident in thinking you're a whore because based on my experience these factors were the main cause of their whoreish behavior.

>> No.3711415

define 'whore'
also, only about 4 or 5 actually apply to me anyway,

>> No.3711419

>not schizophrenic
>not bipolar
>not a dissocative identity of Teacunt

>> No.3711420


you are a faggot.

>> No.3711425



>> No.3711427


are you a moralfag or just a misogynist retard?

>> No.3711428

whore: you

>> No.3711430

oh look at that. 90 year old jewish mormons with islamist tendencies figured out how to use the internet.

>> No.3711432

I'm not that guy and I'm not sure if you're a whore but you're a huge attention whore that's no need to debate about

>> No.3711434

>confirmed for 15 year old
>opinion irrelivant

>> No.3711441
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It would be hilarious if EK actually turned out to be a dude after all this time :D

>> No.3711447

Probably 2 virgins that would settle with any female, regardless if she has been penetrated by 3km of dicks. Proper women aren't like this.

>> No.3711448

Does the '>40 relationships' applies to you? Holy shit you cavernous

>> No.3711457

I'm 110% she is a guy, even if she has a vagina.

>> No.3711468

>implying one cant be a stoner and still be a decent girl
Nope stoner girls are always mooching.

>> No.3711489

>type of girl who doesnt act particularly femine
so other words your ugly and fat.

>> No.3711504

EK left the thread :(

>> No.3711507

by your reasoning women in a monogamous relationship for all their lives and a healthy sex life with an average of 2 times a week will have wider vaginas than "whores" that have ONS every other week.

Also, I am a guy, had 3 relationships and 31 sexual partners, 30 female, one questionable.

How about you? are you fat? ugly? very religious? whats your university degree?
all are rhetoric questions because you will probably lie anyway. I just want you to think about this tonight and cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.3711511
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>implying I cant rape 20 bitches/hour without g-spot

>> No.3711519

>shoving things up your anus
..and you would know about that exactly *how*, OP?
By shoving things up your ass and getting off from doing it, you say?

>> No.3711671


Why do you think that is a clever question?

>> No.3711676

What's the evolutionary advantage of having lungs that breath in from the same direction they breath out? Get yourself four mouths, one for breathing in, one for breathing out, one connected to an extra lung that allows you drone continuously like a bagpipe, and one for consuming nutrients.

>> No.3711690


>Human Bagpipe Augmentation


>> No.3711695
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>> No.3711739

Well, as far as OP's question, I think it's vestigial in that it gives pleasure, but the organ itself still serves a function.

The prostate is made up of spongey, highly vascularized tissue. It produces and helps to expel seminal fluid as well as closing off the bladder from expelling urine during ejaculation.

Females have something similar, though largely inoperative in the Grafenberg organ. Studies of developing human embryos show that males develop the prostate while females develop the same spongy mass into the Grafenberg organ, they are related in more than just popular nomenclature and conception.

Our reproductive systems are all highly interconnected. What in males develops into a penis will, in women, develop into the clitoris. The associated prostate in males becomes the Skenes glands and Grafenberg organ.

Nature doesn't waste. Why code for entirely separate things when you can simply use fewer genes and hormonal regulation to develop organs that are largely similar?

I'm shocked /sci/ hasn't already spelled this out for everyone.

>and that's why I enjoy pegging
>Why yes, I did intern with the Kinsey Institute