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[ERROR] No.3708649 [Reply] [Original]

>Asking questions during lectures

Lectures are not for questions. Thats what office hours, discussions, and labs are for. That's what e-mail is for. The only one that needs to be talking is the professor. How hard is this for people to understand? Can't stand when people interrupt to ask their stupid question or even worse just ramble with no question trying to sound smart.

>> No.3708672

There is no professor who always explains things the right way or doesn't make errors in notation while writing on a blackboard. Questions are the solution to this.

Asking questions is taking control of your education. Asking and answering questions gives everyone a better understanding of the material.

Sage for aspie retard.

>> No.3708675


Its even more hilarious when there are morons like you who lack the inquisitive mind and interest to understand the world, who complain about those who are actually inquisitive and interested.

And its beyond hilarious when idiots like you never learn what they need to, because they are too afraid to ask.

>> No.3708680

God damn you're stupid

>> No.3708684


Hey fucknut. The answers to your questions are obvious to anyone who spent 5 minutes with the readings. It's clear to literally everyone in the lecture hall but you that you're just hijacking our time and attention to feel special for 15 seconds. Do everyone, including yourself, a favour and shut the fuck up.

>> No.3708716

Actually I had some ENGINEERING professor who were explaining everything perfectly and with no errors for the whole semester

>> No.3708762
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>Circuits class
>Someone asks if voltage is a vector

I wanted to cry. E&M physics is a pre-req to circuits. I can't imagine someone going through all of physics believing that voltage is a vector.

>> No.3708778

Sometimes questions are useful. Perhaps the professor made an error, or his work disagrees with your textbook. Usually, by asking questions, people are wasting time trying to sound smart.

>> No.3708786

So that's why the professor asks "Are there any questions?" during lectures

>> No.3708792

If you are not asking questions, you are not doing it right!

However, if your questions constantly involve repeating material discussed multiple lectures into the past or future, you need to slow your roll and realize that there is an entire classroom of students waiting on your dumb ass.

>> No.3708810
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OP, questions are asked whenever the person feels confused during a lecture. That's why they are paying to go to school and it means they want to learn.

>> No.3708829
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>mfw I remember when I was taking calculus for the first time, talking about limits to infinity, and someone actually asked if "so you substitute infinity for x?"

>> No.3708835


Jesus fuck, these people got into college.

Haven't taken a day of college classes yet, this shit is high school level dumb.

>> No.3708864

semi-related so no point starting a new thread.. I'll be starting uni in the next few weeks and I'm just wondering whether the professors will ever ask students questions in class? They frequently did in my secondary school, so is it the same at uni?

>> No.3708875


No lectures are too large for that stuff. Most of your professors won't even know your name.

>> No.3708883

alright, thanks.

>> No.3708893

As you specialize, your classes become more personal. Then teachers will often ask for suggestions on how to solve a problem.

>> No.3708898

I know how it is OP, there's this guy in one of my lectures that constantly tries to correct the professor, when he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Good questions are one thing, but some douchebags are just trying to show off.

>> No.3708904

Lol, keep crying in your little internet corner fucking asspie, there is a reason no one likes you, it's the same reason you're posting here.

>Using 4chan as your secret diary to bitch about people you wouldn't dare to do IRL

you are pathetic.

>> No.3708931

actually in my ochem class of about 500 people, we all had clickers with an id # and the professor would randomly pick on people every lecture and give them a mic to answer questions. there were cameras too so they would film you and your face would be on the jumbo projector screen

>> No.3708934

>professor does a bad job explaining something that I understand
>see confused look on everyone's face
>ask the question everyone is thinking even when it feels dumb.
I'm such a bro.

>> No.3708946

Professor doesn't want a million students in his office asking the same question on the same material.

>> No.3708953
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That...is terrible. A big screen, really?

>> No.3709017


>> No.3709035

That's fucking brilliant

>> No.3709043

That's a bit harsh

>> No.3709065

We used to have (way back in my first year) a little voting thing in my chemistry classes. So everyone got to vote on how to solve the question. If a significant proportion of people didn't know how to solve it, then the lecturer would know to go over it in more detail, without making any one student feel silly for asking obvious questions.

Good for large classes. Obviously when you get to 3rd year, not so necessary.