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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3708455 [Reply] [Original]

Gather round, boys and neckbeards; it's /sc/tory time.

I was on public transportation today for the first time (packed to capacity like a cattle car) and overheard two female art students chatting:

"I believe there are four or five dimensions. I believe there's a fifth dimension... It's consciousness."

"Like, since time began; like, since life first crawled out into the sun, there must have been consciousness. It knew how to do that."

"Like, for it to know how to do that, there must be a higher power."

Such are the highlights of my day. What are yours?

>> No.3708467

> riding the bus today
> my bff was with me
> we're hot, everyone knows it
> this guy gets on
> stain on his star trek shirt
> we make up some conversation throwing bullshit terms around about consciousness, dimensions, and god
> he rages silently
> later we had a threesome

>> No.3708474

>taking public transportation for the first time
Seriously? Wtf, man.

>> No.3708495

I wasn't wearing a shirt. Checkmate, atheist!

Yeah, I'm rich. Don't be hatin.

>> No.3708518

While I was on the train today I had a pretty interesting conversation with a shaved-head prison-tatooed guy about the train schedules and how inefficient they are.

I also overheard an elderly, materteral mormon lady having a conversation with an old black guy about the finer points of gospel.
The odd part was that they didn't seem to know each other, were having a very lively debate, and the black guy had a huge afro and goatee with real jazzy clothes; looked like he was out of a fucking comic from the eighties or something, and he's here having a chat with this old mormon lady.

Also saw some deformed retards/midgets (they might not have been midgets; maybe they were just young) and a short, mousey, balding buisnessman with a quivering chin and darting eyes who kept looking at me like I was going to mug him or rape him or something.

It was a pretty fucking interesting train ride, for barely lasting half an hour.

>> No.3708523

I saw a huge Negress baboon walking down the street babbling on her Obama phone. Fattest fucking person I've ever seen.

>> No.3708524
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How does it feel to swim with the rats of society you bile piece of gastrointestinal bacteriophage.

>> No.3708529

Oh yeah, and the businessman kept looking at the deformed retard girls and sweating.
He creeped me right the fuck out.

What was coolest about all this is that usually the people of this city are boring as fuck; completely mundane, almost stamped out of molds.

Maybe I'm just going crazy today, like that other thread's OP's dad.

>> No.3708535

Riding on the bus. A five year old across the aisle is excitedly telling his mother something in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese; wait did the kid just say "Tyrannosaurs Rex"?... Did he just say "Stegosaurus"?!!!

I know exactly the conversation he's having with his mother because I was doing the same thing at his age. He just learned about Dinosaurs and now he's super excited and he wants to tell everyone.

>> No.3708540

Not today but 2 weeks ago
>Driving to mall
>Listening to a random radio station
>Caller is an old lady 80's
>Asks DJ if she can claim that a child is hers through DNA testing because her daughter gave birth to a child
>DJ asks if lady was pregnant and gave birth
>Lady says no but still insists on a DNA test to prove if the child is hers
The sheer stupidity and ignorance was so much I nearly forgot to brake in time and nearly caused an accident.

>> No.3708545

Once me and my friends were taking the bus downtown to skate, and after going through the poor side of town, a family of spics walked by and sneakily dumped a shit-load of used metro-cards on me . I was like,"the fuck, spics?".

>> No.3708551
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>argue with girlfriend about ancient aliens
>say they could only get to earth if they had time traveling technology, even at the speed of light it would take them a shit load of time to get here, it's too unlikely, etc
>but aliens can travel really fast

>> No.3708555
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niggerwalk.jpg much?

>> No.3708559

Riding the bus because I'm a poor negro.
Look outside and see two lesbians making out. I also saw a midget.

Riding bus again. Sit next to cute girl. We exchange smiles. I try to small talk her and quickly realize I've turned into a huge Aspie as the conversation quickly dies and the last 10 minutes of my journey were spent in silence

>> No.3708567
File: 85 KB, 898x1042, foreveralone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to school
>sit in back row to avoid anyone noticing my foul odor/obesity, listen attentively, try to avoid eye contact with anyone, let alone talking to anyone
>come back home, do homework, get on /sci/, go to sleep

wash, rinse, repeat

>> No.3708572

goddamn those comics were great, I do kind of miss /new/

>> No.3708576
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I drew pictures of them.
I got bored by the time I got to the hideous retard girls, but trust me, they were uglier than that.
And the nervous small guy in the suit was infinitely more nervous and panic-stricken looking.
There's no way I could capture his manner in MSpaint.

>> No.3708577

I just about to say that

>> No.3708581

I would tell you to go to the new one on the banned website with /r9k/ but fuck that place. They don't like me ;_;

It's utter shit anyways. Just unimaginably bad.

>> No.3708980


Perhaps if you focused more on the "wash" part...