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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3705778 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /sci/. Since today is International Literacy day, I found it to be offensive. Especially since I a illiterate. How do I fix myself? Is there anything I can do?

>> No.3705793

khanacademy....I think. I'm not sure if he has started his grammar/literacy vids yet.

Reading books works too.

>> No.3705802

Read children's books. It helped me learn Japanese.

>> No.3705805

Sacrifice a goat to calculon, golden god of theatre and math.

>> No.3705829



>> No.3705831
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Since the elder days they made us read a billion and one books in school, as a little kid you don't really know how to appreciate this "classical literature" so everything is really fucking boring. After reading half a dozen of books that didn't interest me, and looking at the mandatory list of books that goes up to high school (One school, classes went from 5-12, where 9-12 is high school) i just decided to cheat my way through every single test that was about a book.

So now my biased gray matter that starts to bleed at the sight of bound paper realized that not all of it is completely overhyped garbaged and i've actually begun to read some fantasy books. Reading still goes slow as fuck, and it doesn't help that one book is like 800 pages but atleast i like what i'm reading. Every day before i'm going to sleep, even when i'm dead tired and it's 5 am i squeeze in like 10 minutes to half an hour or so of reading, which is basically ~10-20 pages , right now i'm going through Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.3705862
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also heirchan