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[ERROR] No.3702606 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a shit-tier education state. However, it's starting look like I'll only be getting good scholarships from my in-state schools. Possibly full rides.

Should I go to a shitty-instate college or an expensive out of state college?

Pic related. It's probably the best public college in my state. My other option is Louisiana Tech or Tulane... but I don't plan on being a lawyer or an engineer.

>> No.3702634

I have a 4.5 GPA and a 30 on the ACT if that helps.

>> No.3702642
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>4.5 GPA

>> No.3702650
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>> No.3702674

In my opinion, you should find the average cost of an out of state college you are interested in and then account for the total years for your degree and all other expenses and then compare that to the average income of someone in your field to see if you can make enough extra money with a more impressive school or if making less money will be compensated by not paying back school debts.

>> No.3702680

I get paid 8000 a semester to attend LSU, and thats after books/tuition (Tops honors, some freshman award and something else). Go to lsu if you're doing science/engineering, Tulane is shit for that stuff even with their higher rank.

>> No.3702691

Oh and 32 act here, and there's better people here than myself. Try not to get too high off your score and think you'll find this a laughable program. Most people fail and leave

>> No.3702704


I took the ACT my sophomore year and I'm going to take it again. Hopefully I can do pretty well.

I have some questions if you don't mind

Does LSU give you just 8000 dollars to spend on yourself per semester?

I am currently undecided on my future but I'm thinking about anything in the sports medicine field. Would LSU be a good school for this?

>> No.3702742

Actually I'm not sure whether lsu would be the best for medicine..you might wish to check with someone else on that.
The 8,000 they just deposit in my account the beginning of the semester and never ask about it again.

>> No.3703373

If you're studying biology or chemistry, University of New Orleans has better programs than LSU

>> No.3703432

Why does everyone want to do sports medicine?! It seems like a complete and utter waste of time.

On a side note, I see your school has a nice GPA inflation.