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[ERROR] No.3698186 [Reply] [Original]

You are looking at a yellow car, you close your eyes; what is the colour of the yellow car?

>> No.3698189

The car is still reflecting the yellow wavelength. So yellow.

You've made this thread fifty times, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?

>> No.3698188


>> No.3698193


>> No.3698200
File: 70 KB, 480x480, mfw pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, wrong.
Damn /sci/ can't believe you can't get this shit problems yet.

It's the same as the tree that falls in an empty forest. IT DOES NOT MAKE NOISE. IT MAKES AIR PARTICLES VIBRATE.



>> No.3698205

colour? why am I suddenly in Europe?

>> No.3698207
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I'm never entertained.

>> No.3698215

Semantics. Everyone knows what you just said. You're like those kids that hold up their hand and say "how many fingers am I holding up?". You say 5, and they say "duuur thumb isn't a finger, retard."

>> No.3698224

>Implying that saying "semantics" can cover any mistake on your part.

>> No.3698248

A tree falling in a forest makes vibrations in the air. It does not cause the experience of sound.

The only reason two people would argue over whether the tree makes a sound is that they disagree about the whether the word "sound" refers to the vibrations or the experience. semantics. The same is true of your question, op. It's just semantics, not worth arguing over. Common mistake, though.

>> No.3698243

What mistake?

>> No.3698262

the yellow car is yellow.

closing your eyes doesn't change the wavelength and other qualities of the light transmitted by the paint on the car.

>> No.3698285

Black from your eyes being closed and yellow from it's paint. Black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow...

>> No.3698293


Now if you had said, "You are looking at a car, it is yellow, you then close your eyes; what colour is the car?"

you'd be on to something, curiosity cat.

>> No.3698334


But that is not the question.

The question should either be;

>If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does anybody hear it? (sound being the sensation of vibrations impacting the ear)


>If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it cause vibrations in the air? (sound being the vibrations themselves)

Otherwise we're just wanking over the double meaning of a word.

>> No.3698361

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's called reductionism, right?

>> No.3698379


Most of these 'dude, what?' questions rely on imprecise language to fake profundity. And while they are certainly useful tools to help you wrap your head around the subtleties of language, essential tools I would say, the danger is that people get weird ideas from them. Like the idea that the forest is silent as a grave when nobody is there. Or that the food in your refrigerator comes to life and dances around when you close the door. Or something like that.

>> No.3698386
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If you ask a psychologist - No, because the colour is a construct of the brain
If you ask a physicist - Yes, because it's still reflecting that wavelength
>taking the word of a psychologist of a physicist

>> No.3698401

Where does it say no one else is there to perceive the colour of the car? In all likelihood there are a couple pairs of eyes strained on the car at most given moments. Ask the question correctly if you're going to be a faggot with it.

>> No.3698416

It's yellow you fucking assclown