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File: 110 KB, 800x512, 33-27-TrilobiteFossil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3690289 [Reply] [Original]

I have some random fossils of trilobites, shellfish, etc i got from this rocky area by a river a few years back. is there any good chance they're worth anything? is there any point in bringing them to local university or nature museum?

pic semi-related. not my fossils, but similar to some i have.

>> No.3690301

been browsing /b/ too long, thought that was a pussy

>> No.3690312
File: 13 KB, 240x180, Monster Island 2F05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should be worth something. i remember hearing a simpsons writer saying nicholas cage outbid him in an auction for a set of trilobites for many thousands of dollars. a pawn shop would probably give you a few hundred.

>> No.3690318


They sell these things to tourists for like five bucks each, and those are complete and in good condition. Trilobites are found all over the place, they're not worth much unless you have a particularly rare specimen.

OP, do you have any with eyes on stalks, or with large spines on their backs?

>> No.3690329

Somewhat off-topic, but one of the possible lines of decent from trilobite-like creatures I hear about is through intermediaries to modern insects and arachnids, in particular scorpions. Is that accurate, or is it just people who know nothing about evolution or natural history blowing conjecture out of their asses?

>> No.3690337

sell them to a creationist, then they can hide the truth.

>> No.3690339
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 1f22_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that shitty pawn shop show? well anyway they gave a guy a few hundred bucks for a set of mazon creek fossils. they were nothing special.

>> No.3690351

Well, I guess they're worth just as much as a sucker would pay for them. The same goes for pretty much anything else though. If I can sell a paper-clip to a moron for $500,- because it supposedly has magical powers, that doesn't make it actually valuable. But who knows. If someone's willing to pay for it then that's great.

>> No.3690355

hmm. i might take pics of them later (or atleast bother to find them and examine them myself) if you guys think they're likely worth anything, but I'm just trying to figure out if there's any reason to even bother doing something with them. I doubt they're worth much because they seemed to be quite common at the river bank i found them at. if they're worth even a few hundred (or by some small chance i have some special missing link fossil) that'd be awesome though.

>> No.3690374

It never hurts to bring them to a university, and point out to the paleontologists where you found them.