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[ERROR] No.3688358 [Reply] [Original]

Will future humans mine the moon, and build a huge metropolis inside it?

>> No.3688363


We might mine the moon, but building shit on/in it is unfeasible and not worth the effort even if we could.

>> No.3688371


I disagree, if we can build the ISS today, i see no reason why it could not be feasable to build something similar in the future

>> No.3688373

by the time we are prepared for such a endeavor, we will have already outsourced all our work to sentient robots, making the job incredibly easy and worthwhile, just like how humans used to make negroes do our work.

>> No.3688383

The ISS is not self sufficient.

A metropolis wold need to be.
Otherwise the sheer cost of transporting hundred onnes of supplies every goddamn day would become too much.
How will you become self sufficient on the moon?

Further, do you have any idea of the materials required to build a city? We can't just assemble it the way we did the ISS.
The economic costs would be above the GDP of every member of the UN.

>> No.3688384

Sure we could build it, but why put it on the faggot moon when it could be floating around in space?

>> No.3688395

I think it will become very feasable once we run out of room on this planet. At the moment, humans are like an exponentially growing yeast population inside a closed jar. If they jar fills up and you don't open the lid, the yeast dies. In order to survive, we need to pop the lid off! In other words, the survival of human species will in the long room come down to a question as to whether or not we move into outer space.

>> No.3688406

That was not the question however.
You asked if we'd build shit on the moon.
We wouldn't.

>> No.3688415

So you think we are stuck on this planet forever?
If we can mine the moon, why wouldn't we eventually live there. There are a few mining companies already looking into it at the moment.

>> No.3688419

You want >>>/x/ OP, they're the ones who predict the future.

>> No.3688422

This is assuming we don't find a cheaper and faster way of transporting materials into space. Why couldn't we start off a small operation on the moon, and even use some of the materials we mine to build larger infrastructure?

>> No.3688423

I already stated why.
You just keep dodging the issue and spout the usual TV physicist "WE MUST GO TO SPACE" lines.
It's not relevant to the question you asked.

>> No.3688431

Not OP. The moon is incredibly close to us in cosmic terms. If we ever decide to populate space, we will surely start there. Concepts such as the space elevator will make space travel far cheaper in the future.

>> No.3688432

You don't know anything about biology.
>Implying living organisms haven't existed on this planet for much longer than humans.

Species don't procreate into extinction. Equilibrium is reached wherein growth rate is equal to the death rate at the maximum number of sustainable organisms. This is simple stuff.

We just keep raising the maximum through the use of technology.

>> No.3688434

Well don't you think we are putting all our eggs in one basket by just staying on one planet when we are perfectly capable of populating others in the future? All it would take is a nuclear war, a large asteroid collision, maybe even a supervolcano eruption like Yellowstone, and boom, human race is history.

>> No.3688442

I might add that the life expectancy of humans is increasing every year. Eventually we may even find a way to life indefinitely. In which case, we will have no option but to start moving into space.

>> No.3688446

Sure we could slowly build up infrastucture from moon resources, I suppose. But we'd still need to import half of the resources necessary.
And supplies are still a problem.

>> No.3688450
File: 17 KB, 205x300, millennialproject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

Read this fucking book. It has some awesome concepts for humans colonising space.

>> No.3688455


We would all LIKE to go to space.
We all think it'll be necessary given an exponential growth of the human population.
We're just saying there's problem with your lunar metropolis.

>> No.3688488
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>How will you become self sufficient on the moon?

Grow our own food. Everything else we need, including oxygen, is in the dirt.

>> No.3688493
File: 17 KB, 298x298, soilprocessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We're just saying there's problem with your lunar metropolis.

"We" is plural. There only seems to be one of you. If you were unaware of the high oxygen content in lunar soil, fine, now you know. Otherwise I'd like to know why we can't use chemical processes understood centuries ago to separate the elements we need out of lunar soil.

Here's a video of NASA proving it can be done at a rate sufficient to sustain life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_ctkYUJ7q0

>> No.3688499

Ok I'll list out some issues, maybe people can come up with with possible solutions

1. Very expensive. At the moment, we exclusively use rockets to get into space. Most of the fuel is used up just escaping earth's gravity.

2. Large amount of space used up by carrying fuel means there is very little room for people and other resources required.

3. The moon doesn't have an atmosphere or magnetic sheild, leaving us exposed to radiation.

4. There is no water on the moon.

Solutions and other problems?

>> No.3688502


>There is no water on the moon.

This one is false. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32987896/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/prospect-moon-ice-spurs-excit

>> No.3688522

Say's 'may be water' on the moon. Not definite. Assuming that there is, I doubt it is enough to sustain a large population. We would still have to find a way to manufacture it from the lunar soil, like that other guy said.

>> No.3688527


This link says it's confirmed.


>> No.3688540
File: 14 KB, 516x344, lunartube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We would still have to find a way to manufacture it from the lunar soil, like that other guy said.

Btw, that guy was me. And that isn't sustainable in the long term.

You can actually create a livable space for hundreds or even thousands on the moon without the expense and complexity of most existing plans. You seal a lunar lava tube, pressurize it with an initial atmosphere, fertilize the soil, plant crops, and install overhead lights and heaters fed from the nuclear reactor on the surface.

This eventually creates a stable atmosphere provided you quickly scale up the number of human inhabitants as the plants grow, and balance it so that there are just enough humans to consume the crops' waste oxygen and just enough plants to consume the humans' waste CO2. The system would self-correct to some degree, with plants dying off if humans are removed and new seedlings appearing as you add more humans and thus create more CO2.

Pic related, entrances to lunar lava tubes.

>> No.3688541

Ok, good. A base of water would be very useful for starting off a colony if we ever get there.

>> No.3688547

Why isn't it sustainable? In the long run, we could even mine asteroids for water if we decide to colonise further into space.

>> No.3688553


What for? We might mine it but there's no point living there.

>> No.3688558

The moon is only going to be colonized by something other than humans, maybe machines that can happily manufacture solar panels as their source of energy and expand across the surface without asphyxiating or dying of radiation poisoning. They would probably have to have a fuckton of faraday cages though so they don't all die next time there is a solar flare.

>> No.3688571

No. The only places we would build another "Metropolis" is Mars and possibly Venus.. 300 years down the track

>> No.3688576

/Sci/ is a really cool place where I can get excited about humanity expanding to space and new environments.

>> No.3688581

Just wait till the "Terra-forming is impossible" people show up

>> No.3688584

>Just wait till people over the age of 14 show up


>> No.3688588


They've already shown up

>> No.3688592
File: 24 KB, 360x288, lunarbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What for? We might mine it but there's no point living there.

As a backup population and a backup instance of modern technological civilization to restore civilization on Earth from in the event of a global catastrophe.


>The moon is only going to be colonized by something other than humans

No, because we'll start doing so long before the technology exists to become anything drastically different.


>/Sci/ is a really cool place where I can get excited about humanity expanding to space and new environments.

Chill out bro, I go this.

>> No.3688598 [DELETED] 

I know realize my comment could have been interpreted as sarcasm.

It wasnt.

>> No.3688602


NASA Logo? Should it be BP or Rio Tinto

>> No.3688603


I now realizde my statement could have been interpreted as sarcasm, or meant to high light all the critics in this thread. It wasnt.

>> No.3688608



>> No.3688609


Oh. Well, good I guess. BUT I STILL GOT THIS. >:O

>> No.3688625

>that feel when there will never be a better tripfriend than MadScientist

I love you, man ;_;

>> No.3688637

Nice try, MadScientist

>> No.3688639

>That feel when MadScientist isn't actually that great.
He's just... okay.
It's sad, because he's the best I've seen on /sci/.

>> No.3688648

The pesssimism and bitterness is so strong. I feel like Ive become sensitive to it since that thread Mad made about cynics.

Its really true. I think 4chan is the best internet community there is, and Ive certainly seen my share of message boards. 4chan is the bitterest. Its the hardest to read.

I feel like, for me at least, its a real love/hate relationship.

>> No.3688684


>I think 4chan is the best internet community there is

Strangely enough, I think so, too. Sure, there are a lot of retarded people here - just like everywhere else - but past all the trolls and the hate is a really interesting place to discuss ideas.

>> No.3688695


Yeah, and to elaborate. Even if we have a lot of retards (and thats hypothetical, I dont want to say there are retards), the fact that they can express themselves represents the honest that exists on 4chan.

Ive spent time on reddit where popularity, and appealing to the majority are more important than honesty, and the result is a bunch of faggots.

>> No.3688723

Why did this thread die? it was just getting good

>> No.3688737


I guess because everyone either got told by Madscientist and stopped asking questions or discussing or they all started reading that 9/11 truth thread.

>> No.3688741


I was thinking the same thing.

Here maybe this will restart the thread:

Moon is really cool. Y/N?

>> No.3688748

The obvious answer is no. Phobos and Deimos on the other hand

>> No.3688750


Yeah it's like close and junk!

>> No.3688756

Why would we want to colonize the moon? It's a piece of shit without any benefits.

Colonize mars. At least that shit has ice which we could use to substantiate some type of teraforming if an when we develop a technique that works.

>> No.3688763

>because we'll start doing so long before the technology exists
And so we'll be limited to mining it, not living there.

There is only a very narrow set of possibilities that could arise to create the conditions where we would start building a civilization on the moon that is composed of feeble fleshbags, being that we develop all the technology that allows us to not only survive but prosper on the moon like effective solar power and cheap manufacturing of hydroponic farms or some other food source while robotic and other technologies lag behind meaning it's more economical to put millions humans up there to operate everything. We would also have to wait until after the entire earth is covered with these new industries before the moon becomes worth investing in, during which time we may advance other technologies making sending fleshbags to the moon pointless.

>> No.3688782


It's very cool and I'd like to work there if it'll ever be colonised.


Sure is you not reading the fucking thread and blabbering on about Mars. If colonisation of the solar system becomes a viable option, there shouldn't a reason not to go anywhere and colonise. So fuck the Mars vs. Moon debate and test colonisation techniques on the Moon. After that, we can decide where to go. I'm open to other ways of doing things but that's what I think at this moment.

>> No.3688820

I don't think you're familiar with how mining works.
Much of the cities we know in the west of america started because 'ders gold up in dem hills.' the miners make permanent camps, with shops and merchants first riding in to set up wagons, then setting up permanent establishments. with a trade comes tools, so manufacturers like blacksmiths and carpenters, ect. people need medicine and haircuts, food ect. this is how a town is born. How would the moon be much different, a small city sprouted up to fill the miners needs initially, then services ect. ?

>> No.3688821


Are you implying that in the future we will have rocket wagons

>> No.3688824


I think, one argument might be, that, trading between the moon and Earth will be immensely difficult. At least, in the forseeable future.

I dont think this is a big deal. At least it doesnt dampen my enthusiasm. An economy can still form on the moon, albeit isolated by the immense costs associated with trading back onto the earth.

>> No.3688830


Once they setup a maglev catapult on the surface of the moon is will be incredibly cheap to transport thing fs from the Moon to the Earth. And a space elevator will fill in the rest

>> No.3688837

that would be awesome, but no that wasnt my implication. it was more that those miners may not know how to grow food, or cook said food well, and where there is money to be made there will those that service their need for a slice of the pie. consider the following: why be a miner on the moon? You're whole career spent quite a bit of a distance from a place to spend said salary.

>> No.3688848


Speaking of the space elavator. You mean a space elevator on Earth right?

How feasible is it to build a space elevator to begin with?

>> No.3688859


Just need some carbon Nanotubes

>> No.3688884
File: 42 KB, 420x280, 1_towerterror_article-420x0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine this thing on the moon

>> No.3688906

If all we need is just some carbon nanotubes why don't we have one built already

>> No.3688917

It will be "Just" when we are able to produce nanotubes on the scale needed for a space elevator

>> No.3689007
File: 34 KB, 471x376, moonsurface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Colonize mars. At least that shit has ice which we could use to substantiate some type of teraforming if an when we develop a technique that works.

The moon also has ice, and the same concentration of oxygen in the soil. What Mars has that is attractive is an atmosphere of CO2, which can be used in a number of chemical reactions to make rocket fuel, and to feed plants.

Why we may colonize the moon first is that the major argument for any sort of offworld colonization is to preserve the human species in the event of a global catastrophe, and plugging a lava tube on the moon and cultivating a biome inside gives you more bang for your buck than trying to do the same thing on Mars.

Better to get a small backup colony established on the Moon and then attempt one on Mars than to try to go straight to Mars and have an asteroid hit Earth while we're waiting on funding or something.

>> No.3689076

The moon will be like an oil rig in the ocean.

>> No.3689090

Are you guys fucking kidding me? You actually like being confined to this shithole planet? The moon would be a chance to start fresh. Think about it, the people who would move there would be educated scientists, engineers and other rational thinking useful professions. Think of it, once a society is established, it would be virtually free of religion, would have excellent morals, and it would be self sustaining so every need would be catered for. Not to mention the awesomeness of low gravity, imagine being able to fly inside your bio-sphere (or whatever you live in) using just a pair of strap on wings and your arms, being able to leap 10m into the air without trying, and being able to run faster than Usain Bolt on Earth.

>> No.3689130


20,000 of the worlds brightest men and women starting a colony on another planet, fuck yes. I could imagine them setting up and then cutting all ties and communication with Earth and going it alone

>> No.3689175

>being able to run faster than Usain Bolt on Earth.
You can't run faster on the moon than on earth.
Please use your brain.

>> No.3691006
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Personally I think not only with the moon have dozens of large cities, but eventually it will be terraformed. Perhaps not to the extent Mars and perhaps Venus, but enough so there's a relatively thin atmosphere that you can breathe, and some small seas.

>> No.3691050

You must be new to thinking.

>> No.3691080

>self sustaining
>the moon
It's a fucking rock in space, there is no reason why you would make a colony on the moon unless you found some sort of valuable minerals, in which case you would just have mines. Why do you think that a moon colony would be a paradise? Why would only educated people be allowed to live there? I'm all for exploring other planets but there is really 0 reason to have a colony on the moon.