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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3687287 [Reply] [Original]

Many years after leaving college I have come to the conclusion that most of my professors were idiots.
These PHD’s in everything from English Lit to Math were in fact talentless bums who were lucky to get their low-paying teaching jobs.
Over the years I have gotten to know several professional writers and suddenly realized that my English professor was just a dumb fuck who couldn’t make it in the real world.
The engineers and chemists I have worked with have taught me that the science professors I had in school were people so bad at their disciplines that they were only qualified to regurgitate the same coursework over and over again.
Take what they have to offer, study your textbooks but under no circumstances take them seriously. If they were worthy of attention they would not be teaching, they would be doing useful research.

>> No.3687301

Don't you know? Those who cannot do teach.

>> No.3687303

Maybe you just went to a sucky school

>> No.3687310

>professors not doing research
Confirmed for shit school.

>> No.3687309

Most university professors of science and mathematics do their own research and contribute to their respective fields. Unless you go to a really shitty school.

>> No.3687304 [DELETED] 
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>Many years after leaving college

mfw you didn't realise this much earlier

>> No.3687313

Sounds like someone is jealous of the title "professor"

>> No.3687317

Depends on your college. Many of the professors I know teach in order to fund their research. This is actual a problem in itself because at the end of the day they don't really give a fuck about their students; they just want to get in, out, and get on with their own shit.

>> No.3687319

yeah, I remember the math prof. who tried to make us all edit his totally fucked up textbook.

>> No.3687320

OP went to a shit tier uni.

>> No.3687327

And now yoiu realize why our education system sucks.

>> No.3687335

what I experienced was kinda the opposite, professors who are ok at research based on their result, suck horribly when it comes to teaching.

>> No.3687339

depends, if your not going to at least a top 50 university where meaningful research is done thats probably true but i dont get that vibe for the most part here, although many are completely uninspired and pretentious

>> No.3687344

OP here.
I have no great love of my corporate masters but the PHDs who work with me get lots of resources (and official encouragement) to pursue their own interests. they also make 3 or 4 times as much as college professors.

>> No.3687346


>> No.3687347

OP went to a shit tier uni. that's why he neglected to mention where it actually was.

at my uni they're all leaders in their fields of research, and we get personal sessions with them.

>> No.3687351

>implying the lectures and professors at my university are not world-leaders in their field or retired former world-leaders in their field

>> No.3687352

Students who bond to teachers have daddy issues.
Leave them the fuck alone OP.

>> No.3687358

Most professors in the sciences not just teach but also do their own research. Idk what kind of university you go to, OP.

>> No.3687371

>I have come to the conclusion
>Over the years I have gotten to know
smells like an attention whore

>> No.3687367

>I'm anti social, that means everyone else has to be or they'll take mt job =(

>> No.3687374


>> No.3687376

Yes I went to a mid-western state school where the football team gets more respect that the physics department but then if you are studying law at Yale or T at MIT then I ain't talking to you am I?

>> No.3687384

And sounds like a high school essay.

>> No.3687387


> but then if you are studying law at Yale or T at MIT

Who the FUCK studies law at MIT. Do they even offer that?

>> No.3687390

> implying they don't study the law of gravity at MIT

>> No.3687395

Nonsense. Good research in the sciences outside of the university is rare these days, and some of the greatest ever (Feynman comes to mind) would not accept pure research positions. They needed to interact with students to stay sharp, and to keep themselves honest. Of course, I can only speak from my understanding of the sciences, but this is /sci/ so that's all that matters.

>> No.3687404

>implying fully tenured professors dont make large amounts of money
>implying professors dont do research

>> No.3687422

Of course they don't make large amounts of money. Kids with an MS in chem can top 500k/yr at Monsanto before they are 40.
Like cops and military academics trade money for the title.

>> No.3687472

He wrote "law at yale or T at MIT"
as in: "law at yale or technology at the Massachusetts institute of technology"
try reading slower.

>> No.3687538


You must go to a shit university OP.

I get taught by boss motherfuckers like this guy:


>> No.3687546

Not trying to vindicate that guy, but really, who says "I'm going to MIT for technology"? OP should at least act like he's been to uni before.

>> No.3687585

although your monsanto comment is very true, kids with a BS can earn upwards 50 - 75 starting if they really breathe the lab environment. i worked an internship for a summer in woodland, ca at one of their sites. insane how much money kids from UC davis get with NO experience on any instrumentation.

also, this:

>> No.3687621 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 485x563, you_fail-12825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying my professors aren't doing world class research

>Implying there primary focus is not research

>Implying you can stay employed at a decent university if your not doing world class research (the exception being proff emeritus)

>Implying you just didn't go to a shitty community college

>Implying you are not just lashing out becuase you failed out of community college

>> No.3687653
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1298283181494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a class at a real uni
>get renown professors, one was even mentioned on /sci/ a couple times for his research
>do great in the class
>get declined to the school because of my 9th & 10th year grades due to family stuff
>go to shit tier uni
>get teachers that can hardly speak English, religious, and let their TAs teach the class



>> No.3688388

i know that feel.
Highschool drop out because of family issues. In CC now, and obviously acing everything. I'm terrified i wont get to transfer to a good school because of a bad time in my life years ago.

>> No.3688394

if you're a minority you can twist that into a story that will get you accepted anywhere

>> No.3688549

White suburban middle class. Shame im not black, so the white man could keep me down by paying my way through college and getting me the spots in uni and jobs.

>> No.3688578

My favorite IT professor was also a CIO in a major bank.

>> No.3688597


>Take what they have to offer, study your textbooks but under no circumstances take them seriously. If they were worthy of attention they would not be teaching, they would be doing useful research.

Well thats what you get for not getting into a good university, otherwise, stephen hawking would like to have a word with you.

(but he cant, you insensitive arse.)

Theres no point in going to a shit university, thats about as much truth as your post has.