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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3686248 [Reply] [Original]

Dr James Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really"

He was ripped to shreds by academics and world, rabid with white guilt and an imaginary "injustice"; despite the fact he is right. Why does the world refuse to see what they know is true? In no other field of science would evidence be swept aside purely because it's unpopular. Racial differences in intelligence is the great embarrassment of biology.

>> No.3686261

He was accused of "scientific racism". Tell me what is scientific racism? Science is empirical, is fact. How exactly can facts and figures be prejudiced? Is is the logic that is racist? Or do the numbers themselves and statistical tests hate black people?

>> No.3686264

the world is fucked

>> No.3686266

So half of African americans are retarded?

I would've put the figure higher.

>> No.3686267

yeah and since when do I give a fuck about some demented old racist asshole's ranting?

>> No.3686268
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Tests beez all raycsiss en sheet

>> No.3686275


essentially yes because they're heavily skewed culturally?

also they assume knowledge of mathematics beforehand so its in no way equal and doesn't even translate to intelligence in any way

>> No.3686278


And i repeat, wheres the racism? In the tests? In the numbers and figures? You are a blind idiot.

>> No.3686279

libtard detected

>> No.3686283


No the tests were on African Americans who had spent there whole lives in the US. Environmentally, blacks and whites are exactly the same. The tests were fair.

>> No.3686285


what will you try convincing me of next?

"Whoa man just feel the vibrations aliens are real man"

No serious scientist in the world would ever say anything remotely like what watson spews

We get it dr. watson why dont you retire to this comfy chair. Nobody wants to see you embarassing yourself because of old age

>> No.3686287


>doesn't know who James Watson is

Isn't /b/ missing you?

>> No.3686292

>Racial differences in intelligence is the great embarrassment of biology.

>IQ Test

Maybe if you put like. A black and white person in a cage with some boxes and a piece of chicken hanging of the ceiling, and the white person would figure out to stack the boxes to reach it and the black person wouldn't, that would convince the biological community that racial differences in intelligence exist. An IQ test can only convince psychologists, aspies and Fox news viewers.

>> No.3686293

>racist thread on /sci/
>guaranteed responses

>> No.3686296


How are you so close minded lmfao. You are so brainwashed. If you dont believe in scientific evidence why are you on /sci/?

>> No.3686299

How about the fact that whites conquered the world and blacks didn't do anything?

>> No.3686298 [DELETED] 


No their culture is different because of an instilled sense and a deep fear that forces them into segregation

who is supposed to teach these kids math so they can do well in tests?

so much edgy deep lolniggers so randum teens in here

>> No.3686303


there is nothing scientific about watson's bullshit

>> No.3686302 [DELETED] 
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>"scientific racism"
>science is by nature classifying things into categories such as races
>yfw all science is racist

>> No.3686305

Because intelligence is something that is defined culturally, it isn't some fixed value that depends 100% on genetics. If you were to take children from Africa at birth and raise them in a western country in the same way that western children are raised then any difference in intelligence would be negligible.

Of course people born and raised in the less developed areas of Africa are going to be "less intelligent", but assuming that they are somehow incapable of learning is just ignorant.

>> No.3686307


In a controlled environment? I think not. This is biology, not sociology.

>> No.3686310
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science beez all rayciss n sheet

>> No.3686315 [DELETED] 
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He did bad science (trollin), so people called him out. It is called peer-review, it happens all the time.

Basically his research methodolgy is shit-teir. You would almost expect him to be an engineer or someshit, it was so horrible.


>> No.3686314
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>not stupid

full retard

>> No.3686326 [DELETED] 

anyone who think niggers are human dont have to interact with feral niggers on a daily basis. liberal college pussies.

>> No.3686337 [DELETED] 


>anyone who think niggers are human dont have to interact with feral niggers on a daily basis

Correct. I only interact with civil niggers, exchange students from Nigeria, Congo and elsewhere. Which niggers are the feral ones? The ones who have to spend their lives surrounded by Americans. Can't blame them, can you?

>> No.3686343


>> No.3686349

fucking hippie

>> No.3686368
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Are you angry?

>> No.3686388

ITT: Pseudoscience to make white people feel better about their small dicks.

>> No.3686398
File: 62 KB, 294x294, ohboyherewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh dik

>> No.3686420

Couple of things to consider here, IQ test have never been renowned for their accuracy or known as being particularly unbiased.

IQ test results can drastically change with education.

IQs can be improved through hardwork.

Many Africans don't get good educations or work in jobs where a good education is required.

I think it's a matter of both genetics and social situations

>> No.3686510 [DELETED] 

Mfw liberal race/connection deniers are probably worse than fundies

>> No.3686528

Protip: it doesn't matter much whether 80 or 60 percent of the population is semi-retarded. It's the one-in-the-few-thousands that make a society shine.

>> No.3686566

I don't see how believing all races are the same is fundamentally different than a religion. I mean there is no evidence to support it, no reason to think it, and all the evidence contradicts it. Yet, people seem so sure that they are right.

>> No.3686585


They're not the same.

But IQ is not a valid test of anything. And little effort is made to control variables. Which is why no one takes your racist drivel seriously, because for all your whining it's not scientifically substantiated.

>> No.3686597

Think of black people as rats.
There have been tests done where rats that are given harder tests and forced to memorize more information actually give birth to smarter children.
So basically, the generation after this one, provided they have adequate food and schooling, should be as intelligent as white people. It might take a little while, but black people DO have smart genes in them. If they didn't, why are some black people smart and civilized?
They are human, they just need good nutrition and more mental exercise. Right now their only thoughts are "I want food", but once they can focus on other things, such as wondering about the stars and planets, we should see a lot of change, at least in intelligence.

>> No.3686602

Idk, I think IQ is a decent indicator when measuring groups. But its not just the IQ tests, its the SAT, crime rate, and really everything.

>> No.3686610

that kind of rat test sounds so amazing i'm a bit suspicious of it, got a link?

>> No.3686626


>But its not just the IQ tests, its the SAT, crime rate, and really everything.

Again, not controlling variables.

>> No.3686640

Which variables?

>> No.3686643

No link, but it does make sense, doesn't it?
As you live your life in comfort and relaxation, your body gets signals that indicate
1. You have plenty to eat
2. There is little difficult physical labor to do
3. You are surrounded by mental stimulus
4. Sperm is constantly produced; why can't it be modified by factors in your life?

And as for a link
Doesn't really go into what I mean, but again, a mother that has more free time will be able to raise a healthier, smarter baby. A smarter mother should also know that protecting and nurturing her baby is important, a stupid or starving mother may not.

I was hoping to have at least one relevant link, but I guess I can't find it. It may have been on Science Daily, I read that rather often.

>> No.3686694

Yeah, I was a bit suspicious cause I wasn't really sure how something to do with the brain like memorization would effect offspring. I kind of put it in the category of scientifically plausible, but not worth believing without proof.

>> No.3686733

Due to the Flynn effect, this would mean that the average person, as little as 50 years ago, would also be considered retarded by today's standards. I call bullshit.

>> No.3686737


Meant to say the average white person.

>> No.3686739 [DELETED] 


>> No.3686760

We should split tests up not by race, but by subculture and music preference. Then we can disallow funding to shit like lady gaga and make laws allowing the persecution of emos.

>> No.3686768
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I just want to know how our system of government relies on IQ.

>> No.3686772

Yes, I'm only repeating things I've heard. I can't find a source, so I'm also reserving judgement on it.
Have you seen the 50's?
All that propaganda that people actually believed?
Drugs are bad?
Commies are bad? (Communism is bad, but the people didn't understand communism, they just hated it because they were told to.)
War is necessary?
Nuclear war was necessary?
The holocaust?

People were incredibly stupid. Group mentality and whatnot.
Now they we are in more of an individualized society (The internet, where instead of learning as a group, you look things up yourself, like wikipedia or 4chan talk), where the common man can make an internet or choose college classes, even if they're NOT incredibly smart, (colleges used to be much more selective, but now nearly anyone can go in for higher learning) and feel power and form opinions himself.

>> No.3686785

*now that we are

>> No.3686807

the generation in 50 years from now will consider us retarded

repeat ad infinitum

>> No.3686816

Is this a surprise?
Just a generation ago (50 years) we didn't have computers or internet. Internet gives us a way to learn just about anything, instantly.
That helps us exercise our brains, leading to more intelligence. I'm sure there's a limit, but that is where transhumanism comes into play.
I've already bought some Piracetam, a very safe nootropic that is supposed to boost memory and enhance brain function.
I'm not sure if it will actually do anything, but it's cheap and very safe to use, so there's not much harm.

>> No.3686830

Even if the tests happened to be biased, it would not be enough to justify censoring.
But whatever.

>> No.3686853


>implying that blacks and white start out culturally equal in the united states

>> No.3686861 [DELETED] 

>implying the united states is the only country where they don't score equally.
>mfw its a world-wide phenomenon

>> No.3686877

Yes, racism and white privilege is a worldwide phenomenon, I agree

>> No.3686895


>implying you can control for someones own self perception fed by society

>> No.3686906 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1242622775842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people trying to argue thoughts of whites (racism) make blacks score lower on tests and make them commit more crimes per capita.

> mfw

>> No.3686925


If you don't believe in the existence of white privilege, then you are ignorant on the topic of race. Nothing else to say, educate yourself

>> No.3686942

Works against women, why not blacks?

>> No.3686953

Any thought not going to an IQ lowers the IQ simply be reducing the efficiency.

To think you could just hook someone up to an IQ machine and measure IQ, is a rediculous, transhumanist thought.

>> No.3686951 [DELETED] 


Stop making excuses for your ethnic group's lower mean intelligence, nigger.

>> No.3686968

You think family of origin is accountable for all privilege? Oh wait gender exists. Good try.

Also, I'm white

>> No.3686974


> whites are privileged
> this makes blacks commit more crimes per capita and score lower on tests

Can you throw any logic in there?


Women don't commit more crimes per capita.

>> No.3686976

>Ignoring that black people know they're black.
>thinks societies expectttations don'[t form behavior

>> No.3686980



>> No.3687003

nice non sequitor, we're talking about IQ moron.

>> No.3687034

definitive proof the tests are true, whites over the centuries / millennia have developed to this state, africa for the most part hasn't developed at all, still nomadic mud huts, and the only developed areas are because of whites coming in and forcing it
if they really were equal they would've developed relatively equal to the rest of the world

>> No.3687071

right, japan is also a decent reference, isolated until a couple hundred years ago and even they developed almost exactly equal, and once introduced to other knowledge gained they caught right on, look at them now

>> No.3687082

well my iq is 105 idgaf if the rest are retarded

>> No.3687085 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 437x586, raceiq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't believe all races are equal if you believe in evolution.

>> No.3687096
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Yes. look at them now.

>> No.3687117


>chart 1

Seems like legit science to me

>> No.3687125

cultural differences such as art and entertainments are one thing, looks insane to us hilarious to them
I was specifically referencing their advancement of architecture, science, and electronics based technology

>> No.3687130

You can't believe in intelligence if you believe in abstract quantification.

>> No.3687133

They are not less intelligent but they do have a non western epistemology which makes it appear so in western contexts. Africa looks gloomy to Europeans (and those who think like them) because Africans do not think the same way Europeans do. Also, economic rape does not a bright future make.

>> No.3687146

You guys that cling to your belief of racial equality are really sad. If you can actually overlook all of the overwhelming evidence you are anti-science and should go to a different board.

Minnesota mines study: google it.

>> No.3687155

You know if this was the 1800s we would be having this discussion with Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans instead of African-Americans.

>> No.3687160

eh, they were raping china long before we showed up, so your entire point is invalid.

>> No.3687162


I call troll. You can't be this stupid.

>> No.3687165


Read some Richard Rorty on pragmatism and see why you are wrong and in fact are anti-scientific since you are disregarding comparative ethnographic data you ethnocentric twatnozzle.

>> No.3687166


This proves that blacks' low IQ is genetic and not environmental. Mullatoes with white genes scored higher on IQ tests than full Negroes even though their adoptive (white and middle class) parents were told they were fully Negro.

>> No.3687178

or you could say their culture is inferior and then solve the problem while still appearing sane.

>> No.3687179


Yea and see how those groups have been able to overcome negative sterotypes. The black community has had a LONG time to do the same and they NEVER will. The only way they can improve their communities is with government money.

>> No.3687181
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Did they also inform them that they were white and gouge out their eyes so they could never see themselves?

>> No.3687185

post modernist detected

>> No.3687190

Environmentally they were the same? I doubt it. Even black kids raised in white families still will make black friends and be influenced by popular black culture. African Americans have a popular culture that shuns higher education, glorifies violence, and promotes poor grammar among other things that would bring their scores down. Environmentally, it is not a fair test.

>> No.3687200


>Overcome stereotypes
>laughing guidos.jpg

>> No.3687215

Especially when a white culture would make them acutely aware that they're expected to be such.

>> No.3687218

and there'd be no arguement that those gooks are dumber than a box of rocks

>> No.3687217
File: 28 KB, 590x472, raceiq..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We base our social policies on a scientifically debunked idea, that all races are equal in cognitive abilities.

>> No.3687219 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 324x276, carlton4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I'm Black and have an IQ of 140

>> No.3687222

You people who put absolute faith in the conclusions of researchers are equally wrong. Like people who think that brain size indicates intelligence when the correlation is so bad that it looks like a gunshot. Even IF the correlation were better, and it's not, you would also need the believe that the intelligence tests used actually measure intelligence. However, we hardly even understand the nature of intelligence. Scientific fact my ass.

>> No.3687228
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The idea is that if you modulate your expectations, you can gain better results.

You're essentially arguing that we should all be emo, because eventually we'll die, or be hurt, or never have sex.

>> No.3687241


>> No.3687239 [DELETED] 

>Like people who think that brain size indicates intelligence when the correlation is so bad that it looks like a gunshot

YFW it's been proven time and time again that brain size in humans is highly correlated with intelligence.

Brain size is correlated 0.44 with intelligence

>> No.3687249


Science should be taken with undying and unquestioned faith. Kind of like a religion but without the silly establishment.

Nice trips btw.

>> No.3687255

exception not the rule
bigger size means bigger capacity, so in theory ....

>> No.3687266
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>> No.3687269


correlation implies causation

>> No.3687270


Who gives a fuck. Intelligence doesn't have an agreed upon definition. We are talking about IQ here. And the fact that IQ has incredibly strong correlation with success in all tasks that we know require intelligence should speak for itself.

The burden of proof is on you to prove that races are somehow the same. Good luck proving that, by some grand cosmic absurdity, evolution has only been taking place from the neck down in humans.

>> No.3687272

Trufax: The hierarchy of intelligence among the basic races (Mongoloid > Caucasoid > Negroid > Australoid) has been observed even before modern times.

Arab explorers in Africa commented on the uncivilized, brutish, unintelligent, and oversexualized nature of the natives. Marco Polo wrote that he thought there were no more intelligent race of man than the Chinese. The Chinese had a postal system, roads, complex language, mathematics, and civilization, entirely independent from European instruction or influence.

This is not environmental. This is not "new" in the history of man in that the differences are a result of "discrimination." The Chinese are successful wherever they go, even if they start out dirt poor. The blacks are poor and unintelligent wherever they go, even if governments throw billions of dollars their way.

Sooner or later people will wake up to this when blacks make no progress in America despite all the efforts of liberals.

You can't fight genetics with remedial programs or welfare.

>> No.3687279

exactly, if you sat down at talked with a porch monkey you'd see for yourself how ignorant and profoundly retarded almost every single one of them is
obama is a figurehead anyway, just does what he's told like a good slave

>> No.3687281

It's also been shown in studies that go back 100 years to be correlated between 0.10 and 0.20. Sample sizes were in the thousands in some tests. I don't buy that argument at all. Within a species, brain size is not related to intelligence. However, the rate at which the brain's outer cortex thickens does.

>> No.3687284


But races don't work culturally the way they do genetically. The most distant race from blacks, genetically, is australian aboriginals.

>> No.3687288

>anecdotes by white people


>> No.3687293

what he said

>> No.3687294
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Redo this study with haplogroups instead of "race" (cause honestly race is a social construct, and we all know how retarded those can get) and then we'll have TRUE UNDENIABLE FACTS.

>> No.3687292

>citing 100 year old studies

Except the one I quoted uses MRI. It is among the most recent tests using this new technology. Previous brain size studies were not accurate because they had to wait for autopsies, when the brain is subject to shrinking due to aging.

I implore you to find one MRI study that shows no correlation between brain size and any of the measures of intelligence.

>> No.3687299 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 410x272, never_go_full_retard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's like this entire thread is populated by niggers, just by measuring the value of the content.

>> No.3687323


>we all know race is a social construct

I don't think so Tim

>> No.3687333 [DELETED] 

sad truth, most american niggers aren't even half as smart as african niggers
most true africans I've met, aren't that bad but they have unanimously told me if I bring a city nigger to their country they'd straight up kill them

>> No.3687340


Genes are undeniable facts.
Haplogroups are genetics.

You see where I'm going?

>> No.3687342

I'm saying that within these 100 years, many tests were done. For example, the sample size in a test by Broman (1975) was about 12,000. Looking up the test methods now.

A correlation of 0.44 is still a shotgun blast.

>> No.3687343

>killing people frivolously

You're right. It sounds like they're a bunch of Nobel Prize winners.

>> No.3687354

Fine, most of us accept that it's a construct, the rest think they have DNA vision, like superman

>> No.3687359

ITT: People discuss racial differences while being oblivious to the fact that two people from same race are more different (genetically and otherwise) than two races ever were.

>> No.3687356 [DELETED] 

the african niggers that have been able to learn english to communicate you, are obviously a subset of the ones that have any education at all, which make up the like 1-5% of the entire population that doesnt suck

>> No.3687365


No it isn't. .44 is pretty reasonable.

>> No.3687368

Race, Evolution, and Behavior by J. Phillipe Rushton

Everyone should read this little book. The author is a psychologist and has researched race differences in IQ for several decades. Everything in there is supported by scientific evidence.

It really changed how I think about race. It's extremely controversial (can't think of one thing more controversial than a scientific proof of racial inferiority), but it's the truth that we will all one day have to face and deal with.

>> No.3687375

>empirical evidence

pick 1

>> No.3687373 [DELETED] 

at least they recognize stupid when they see it, or deliberate ignorance w/e you want to call it
they're maybe half a step to a full step above american niggers
they might still be way down the food chain but at least they don't have the same stupid attitude a city nigger does, that self righteous entitlement to the world and everything in it because some of their ancestors were slaves for a little while

>> No.3687391


And two individuals from different races?

You stupid as fuck. We are 99% the same as chimps genetically. A TINY difference in genotype can account for a huge difference in phenotype. Fallacious claim is fallacious.

>> No.3687447 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 160x160, double slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ tests say niggers are stupid
>/sci/ nods its head and happily agrees to this fact being proved by science

>IQ tests say /sci/ isn't as smart as he thought he was
>bash IQ tests as useless, inaccurate, and overall wrong


>> No.3687465 [DELETED] 

stupid niggers are too stupid to realize they're stupid
like the rainman thinking he's Einstein or some shit
you wouldn't know smart if a fifth dimensional traveler appeared in front of you and hit you with a rolled up copy of relativity

>> No.3687466 [DELETED] 


logically that would prove that the test taker in question is a nigger.

>> No.3687469

Sigh, I'm just saying that looking for racial averages is idiotic, since everybody is drastically different to each other ANYWAYS. When it breaks down, everything is interaction between individual people.

Understand that average is just a tool of mathematics. You can have the GDP per capita of the nation to have an idea of the wealth of the people on average, but it doesn't do shit when you want to trade. In the same way; what use is of knowing average national IQ? The country isn't intelligent, it doesn't have an IQ. The number is meaningless.

>> No.3687482

if any two individuals are so different, where does "average" come in to play? we are more similar than you care to admit, your scope is fucked

>> No.3687531



Hitler and Al Roker share the same haplogroup. This throws any preconceived concept of race out of the window.

Your move.

>> No.3687562 [DELETED] 

That appears to apply to this entire thread.

>full of niggers

>> No.3687579

Fuck, let me illustrate it this way.

Apples have "races," we call them cultivars. Now, they more or less taste the same (ie. like apples), but let's say you are a veteran apple taster and could taste the difference.

Now imagine if they had more characteristics than just taste, and those characteristics were not entirely dependent on the apples cultivar. It could have texture of beef. Or it could smell like pine cones, yet taste the same. Furry apples or apples that are shaped like cucumbers

You probably wouldn't pay much attention to the apples cultivar anymore, since all of them would be so different from each other anyways.

>> No.3687584

If niggers made their own IQ test, do you think white people would score higher than them on it?

>> No.3687594

People who think all races are the same are the dumbest kind of people. They draw the conclusion out of thin air, and then when the evidence comes along that shows they are wrong they go "herp derp, dat evidence not good enough". And then after herp derping enough evidence to convince any intelligent person, they go "you didn't prove anything", or "herp derp why would it matter anyways, you only think it matters cause you racist".

>> No.3687599

We appologize for waiting for more accurate evidence than melatonin concentration.

Feel free to collate some actual evidence.

>> No.3687605

do you not notice that the skull structure is a bit different?
Or that blacks tend to be more athletic in general?
I think that is more than enough evidence to show that there is a difference between races other than skin color.

>> No.3687616

Nice set of anecdotes you got there, care to back up your correlations with genetic testing?

>> No.3687618

I love how people who jump on the IQ differences band wagon as proof of other races being inferior also ignore that Asians are more intelligent than whites and ignore most other science based facts as bullshit.

>> No.3687631

>ignore that Asians are more intelligent than whites

Nobody is ignoring that. Orientals have a 5 point advantage over whites in IQ. That is not as significant of a difference as the 15 to 30 point difference between whites and blacks.

>> No.3687637

Why not, blacks don't have any neanderthal DNA in them, whereas europeans have up to 4%, africans are the only race that don't have any.

I mean how hard is it to accept that races may differ on average from eachother in intelligence? They differ on average in so many other ways, it just makes sense that they would in intelligence too.

It makes far less sense that they wouldn't differ at all, care to explain your reasoning behind that?

>> No.3687640

melatonin is a hormone that is produced and makes you sleepy
melanin is the pigment causing variation in skin tone
not trying to be a dick

>> No.3687651

do aboriginal australians have the neanderthal DNA? if so, why do they have a lower IQ than most indigenous sub-saharan africans (according to that IQ map by Rushton that everyone always posts)?

>> No.3687661

I am actually curious as to how the standings came about. If it is a globaly accumulated% for the IQ. then that is an uncontrolled factor considering the differences in educational systems. Then the whole argument is bullshit. If it was a controlled experiment then the empirical data is valid.

>> No.3687662

if this is the case why is it that asians which have a totally different culture from the US come here and repeatedly score higher than whites which the test is supposedly gears towards? not just east asians either south asians as well

>> No.3687665

Not samefag, but yes, Australopaupuans (encompassing aboriginals and also Paupuans) have a significant amount of Neanderthal DNA. I've always mentioned this here as reason to believe Neanderthal admixture didn't lead to greater intelligence. Doesn't mean higher intelligence in other races didn't evolve through natural selection, it just means that Neanderthal DNA proabably isn't the culprit.

>> No.3687673

>Nobody is ignoring that.

Oh, sure they do. I've never even seen a discussion where it was acknowledged that white people are inferior.

>> No.3687675

Why people tend to accept more socially acceptable observations such as the length of dicks being longer within the black population, but can't accept another one where we talk about the intelligence.

It may sound racist, but blacks are less intelligent than whites, and I don't need any scientific studies to prove it. I mean, I talk to black people on a daily basis; I am friend with some of them. However, you can't deny that you always get the impression that they are not as bright as the average white perosn. No racism intended, it is what it is. I don't judge them for it, I don't despise them, that is just the way it is.

Some psychiatrist explained a few years ago that it would make sense, as there was an artificial selection with the slaves. The brightest one were killed for they could sometimes outwit the white owners, and so the dumbest slaves were kept and reproduced...

>> No.3687677


This test is for American born citizens, fuck you and your gook cultures.

>> No.3687681 [DELETED] 

I have no clue if they do or don't.

>> No.3687696

also, the dumber one were more likely to be captured as slaves to begin with.

>> No.3687709

then maybe you can't read?

The only people who don't acknowledge that Asians are smarter than whites are the neo-nazi lookalike trolls, and the idiots who think all races are the same.

>> No.3687716


Then why do Africans score lower on IQ tests? Don't pull that "HURRR DEY DUN HAV WATER" bullshit on me, they score lower than most European 3rd world nations, such as Italy, Spain, and most importantly the Balkans.

>> No.3687727

here's how it went down, the dumb ones were captured as slaves, while the regular ones stayed in africa. Of course, the regular ones are still pretty dumb. However, the dumber ones that are captured interbreed with whites boosting up their IQ by a reasonable amount, so now when you average the white-black hybrids and the regular blacks, you get a average that is higher than the blacks back in Africa.
Make sense?

>> No.3687731

You mad with someone who agrees with you...

>> No.3687735


africans, not african americans. Learn to read you fucktard.

>> No.3687747

Well, there are reasons to believe that asians aren't as smart as whites. Their societies certainly accomplished less in the modern era. Nobel Prize winners, creativity professionals, etc. But it's pretty well established that the asian IQ is higher than the white IQ on average.

>> No.3687767

this is just my personal experience, but asians are really good at memorization and learning things from other people, but in general are not as good at designing things and coming up with ideas(but still pretty decent at it).

>> No.3688453

Some people will only be satisfied with the Proof of intelligence with what a man does. What Nationalities can claim the most advancements of science technology, music and art? How about just civilization?

Now to point to one country that made strides in sub-saharan africa that compares to ALL OF EURASIA.

>> No.3688643

Not to be a libfag or troll, but what would be the sociological ramifications of undeniable proof of racial inferiority? I doubt it would improve anyone's situation. Proving that African's are not as intelligent would not cause governments to stop providing aid to African nations. Scientifically, its hard to argue with the observational and empiric data that exist, but its never going be accepted as a mainstream idea because of the impact it would have for individuals and society as a whole. Imagine being told since childhood that science has proven that you will be dumb as hell. Not a lot of reason to try and a great excuse for failure.

>> No.3688663

>still think "races" are a thing

have fun in africa op

>> No.3688689

Not that i disagree that would be a negative, but lets look at the flip side of that perspective. What are the ramifications of convincing people of a smarter race that they are just as intelligent as those races around them they can clearly tell are stupid?

An asian being reminded that he comes a from a geneology of great minds has the same positive as your hypothetical negative effect on a black child being told they aren't.

It may all be a moot point, given the wide variation in intelligence within all races.I doubt a truly bright child is easily help down. Cream will still be cream, and it has this nagging tendency to rise to the top.

What everyone really wants is an end to white guilt. im Tired of watching everything i say because i might hurt a black mans feelings, yet always Cutting them slack socially to avoid conflict. When im in the city ( visiting relatives in my birthplace, chicago ) i am walking on eggshells around rude, stupid, abrasive, and obnoxious black people and yet i never have a problem with whites. is it so wrong i don't want to pretend i don't experience this? i'm tired of hearing its my ancestors' fault they act like this, and i'm a terrible person for taking notice.

>> No.3688745

I posted 3688643. You make an excellent point and I agree with you completely. Once people have proven they are fucktards, it is fair game to call them out on it. I grew up in Chicago too, and the abrasiveness of that population is one of the many reasons I left.

>> No.3688758

Well, I agree that it would have negative ramifications in terms of a black individual's psyche. That said, studies of racial differences have shown that blacks rank higher in self confidence--so I doubt they will question their "abilities" much even if they are irrevocably inferior.

But acknowledgement of the data on racial differences in IQ should lead policy makers to realize that affirmative action is flawed. They ought to stop making it harder for Asian students to get into top schools, and likewise stop making it easier for blacks. AA is based on the idea that all races are equal in cognitive abilities, and the only reason for differences is racial discrimination which can be rectified by adjusting standards for individual races. But if blacks indeed are inferior, then only their genetics is standing in their way, in the same sense that genetics is preventing a dog from evaluating limits.

Suppose we do keep the "convenient myth" that blacks are equal simply to avoid hurting feelings. Then we would continue sending money to Africa despite the fact that the money would have no permanent effect on their condition. If their genetics does not permit the type of behavior and intelligence required to maintain civilization, then how *possibly* could sending billions of dollars in foreign aid be of any use?

>> No.3688791

We would still help africa, because its the humane thing to try to help those that suffer, even if it is their fault.

Not without irony in the title, have you read The White Mans Burden? It outlines how treating Africa like a charity case instead of a capitalist endeavor leaves no accountability when what why try fails. Mosquito nets never in stock, medicine never goes where it should, who cares? We were giving them away, so we lose nothing.

Sell it them on the cheap they not only value it more than free gains, we have a way of keeping track whos making a profit, and if we pay the workers who deal them out, we have people to hold accountable for costing the company money in wages when they don't make sales.
a company giving items for free through a network of people who aren't paid, to people who wont value it. Hasn't been working so far.

>> No.3688815


We say dogs are all one species, yet there are hundreds of varieties of them. There are ~10 races, yet people still say WE'RE JUST HUMANS. Cry more.

>> No.3688865

I would support this policy.

>> No.3688879

Yes, exactly.

Asians are really good at memorizing rules -- hence their aptitude for math -- but fucking blow at creating their own stuff. This is why, despite the higher Asian average IQ, they don't invent shit.

>> No.3688882

As a stereotype, yes. But I hope you understand the difference between individuals and stereotypes.

>> No.3688885

implying there's a difference

>> No.3688892

Well for what it's worth Africans never received the Neanderthal genes through interbreeding. They're pure Cro Magnon. That might make a difference.

>> No.3688893

Wait, so Dr. Watson is basicly saying that people who may have "weak" genes in certain spheres of intelligence and are in a non stimulated environment, both from lack of food and lack of mental exercise in the said spheres will score less on a test that points out the said spheres of intelligence?

Wow, never thought of that. Hey, next time, let's take an orphan aphasic and test his intelligence based on how he can either understand or express concepts using words.

>> No.3688896

Asians who come to the US are self-selected for higher IQ, just as Hong Kong has a higher average IQ than mainland China.

let's try using some other statistic than "general knowledge"

>> No.3688903

>obvious jelly is obvious

East Asians have larger brain sizes than whites. Brain size is correlated with cognitive ability, of which creativity is a part.

This whole brain size/racial IQ thing goes both ways. If you deny the validity of the East Asian advantage over whites, you must consistently deny the white advantage over blacks.

Stay mad.

>> No.3688916

Yeah, that's why Neanderthals were so much more intelligent than Homo sapiens, because Neanderthals had bigger brain.

Oh, and that's why women and man score about the same thing on IQ tests while the average size of women's brain is 9% smaller but more "dense".

>> No.3688918

>assbothered slant-eye detected
You can claim you have more creativity all you want, the fact is that you guys don't invent shit.

It with deal.

>> No.3688935 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 800x407, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we compare this slide with the slide in the next post, we find only mild correlation for distribution of intelligence based upon haplotype, which is what some use to distinguish "races."

What then is the genetic basis of IQ, or race for that matter?

>> No.3688933

Asian culture (see: Confucianism) impedes creativity. This is well known, but you choose to overlook evidence to suit your worldview. Faggot.

>> No.3688941

>What then is the genetic basis of IQ, or race for that matter?

You should say, "What is the genetic basis of IQ differences across races?" The genetics of IQ for individuals is quite well established. But obviously group differences--and especially national differences--are subject to the Flynn effect as nutritional and developmental conditions improve.

>> No.3688944


That's not what he was talking about at all, in fact he was saying the opposite. That it is not the environment that is the problem, but underlying genentic differences, and western social programmes that rely upon the assumption that the only difference between Africans and Western countries is environmental, and both races have the same basic learning capabilities - when they simply don't.

Don't let truth and logic keep you from being mad though bro.

>> No.3688948

I disagree. If someone is old enough to be tested, but hasn't bothered to learn any basic math, then that person is just plain stupid and deserves to be penalized on the test.
The same applies to other "culturally-biased" information -- if someone lives in this culture but doesn't bother to learn anything about its norms and common knowledge, that person IS subnormal mentally and that SHOULD be reflected in the score.

>> No.3688949


Even with the Flynn effect blacks (blacks in America, who were born and raised there) lag consistently behind whites, and in the last 40 years have done nothing to close the gap. The Flynn effect can probably be explained environmentalym but do anything to explain the black/white difference.

>> No.3688950
File: 76 KB, 366x240, bul_101_2_171_tbl17a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans can't learn shit compared to other white nations, according to Flynn

Data from 14 nations reveal IQ gains ranging from 5 to 25 points in a single generation. Some of the largest gains occur on culturally reduced tests and tests of fluid intelligence. The Norwegian data show that a nation can make significant gains on a culturally reduced test while suffering losses on other tests. The Dutch data proved the existence of unknown environmental factors so potent that they account for 15 of the 20 points gained. The hypothesis that best fits the results is that IQ tests do not measure intelligence but rather a correlate with a weak causal link to intelligence. This hypothesis can also explain difficult trends on various mental tests, such as the combination of IQ gains and Scholastic Aptitude Test losses in the United States. ~ http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.optionToBuy&id=1987-17534-001

>> No.3688955

Oh, ok. It's not like I was implying that the tests used to define the intelligence of different genetic group of people are also biased towards "western countries".

Man, I which I could live my life thinking that there are three races (asians, whites, blacks) and that their intelligence decrease respectively.

>> No.3688989

Agreeing with me and then insulting me? You're a very strange slant-eye, y'know that?

Oh and
>implying the higher Asian intelligence isn't purely due to that same Confucian discipline

Dump the emphasis on discipline and rigid conformity and you'll gain creativity, but you'll also lose that higher intelligence that you'd like us to believe is genetic.

>> No.3688998

>hillbilly detected

East Asians have larger brain sizes. There is no reason to believe it is not genetic and highly biological. "Confucian discipline" can't give you a brain several cubic centimeters larger than whites.

Stay mad.

>> No.3689017

>East Asians have larger brain sizes.

>Oh, and that's why women and man score about the same thing on IQ tests while the average size of women's brain is 9% smaller but more "dense".


u amd