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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3685891 [Reply] [Original]

I can prove science exists, can you prove god exists christianfags??
Also pulling all nighter:
>>Give me physics/chemistry topics to research
>>General discussion of space

>> No.3685903

>I can prove science exist
do it

>> No.3685908

Q: why does space warp down in one direction instead of all around it in all directions in your pic?

Also, you're retarded. Science itself isn't in question. Its conclusions and methods are.

>> No.3685909
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>pulling all nighter
What are you, twelve?

>> No.3685911

>>Give me physics/chemistry topics to research

Rea-search a way to make cornflakes stay crunchy in milk without coating them in sugar

>> No.3685915
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>> No.3685918

There are Christians on /sci/ that aren't trolling?

>> No.3685919


pick 1

>> No.3685923

We have a logical way of explaining and labeling the universe and can use this to manipulate the world around us

>> No.3685934

prove it, dont just say it

>> No.3685943
File: 9 KB, 200x179, 7120583054370265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would humans go about warping space artificial the way a celestial object does naturally?

>> No.3685940

Science is simply man's grasp on existence and the way it functions. For all we know we're wrong as shit.

>> No.3685957

create somthing large and dense enough to have a big gravity beam

>> No.3685959

It's just a representation in one plane.... if it was shown in all planes the picture would look shit. I probably am retarded, but what you gonna do?
I'm not here to discuss my age fucktard
>>to any other haters... op shall always remain a faggot, there is nothing you can do about that

>> No.3685965

where there is faith there is a god.

>> No.3685998

Gravity is hypothesized to propagate as waves, not beams
The use of inter dimensional gravity 'funnels' may be a possibility... but the research atm (as far as I am aware) is very new
>>3685965 I like that =] I'm not a total atheist, I just don't believe in the 'conventional' god

>> No.3686015

pretty sure its beams, seeing as how gravity is higher on some places on the earth than others.

>> No.3686031

That's down to geographical density changes, gravity propagates as a wave and because of this the gravitational 'attraction' of two similar mass bodies is proportional to a 1/4 of the distance I think??

>> No.3686037

>gravity beams

>> No.3686057

yes its 1/4 of the distance, but its still beams

waves = beams


>> No.3686066

Just had a quick google, apparently there are theoretical way's of forming gravity beams, a part of fringe physics apparently.... but generalised gravity travels as a wave

>> No.3686074
File: 17 KB, 304x304, jesusumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A lot of Jews are intelligent
>The most intelligent ones revolutionize the world in some way
>Intelligent people that revolutionize the world do not tell complete bullshit
>Jesus was a Jew who revolutionize the world
>then Jesus was one of the most intelligent jews
>goto point 3

lol I'm agnostic btw