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[ERROR] No.3685222 [Reply] [Original]

Neuroscience is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.

The human brain.

>> No.3685242

Linguistics is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.


>> No.3685236

Biology is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.


>> No.3685247

>hard science
>a science

>> No.3685249

Theology is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.

Definite articles.

>> No.3685250

Physics is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.

The laws of the universe.

>> No.3685257

Shouldn't you be at school by now?


>> No.3685263 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 480x480, 1302234022443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major in neuroscience
>find out its just a psych/bio double major

>> No.3685259
File: 14 KB, 281x86, RAPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophilia is the greatest of all fetishes, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other fetishes.

>> No.3685265

I thought summer was over... Oh wait its always summer here.

>> No.3685272

If human beings or any living things had never been created and were without the ability to contemplate the workings of the Universe around us would the rest of the Universe and its laws still exist and function without interruption? Yep.

So you are wrong OP.

>> No.3685274

Women studies is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.


>> No.3685276

What element is more important in the creation of water, Oxygen or Hydrogen?

[spoiler] It's both

>> No.3685279

Winter Is Coming

>> No.3685275

Psychology is the greatest of all sciences, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the research of all the other sciences.

Human behaviour.

>> No.3685285


What is the point if there is no one to understand them?

>> No.3685324


There would be no point. But that's not what you claimed in the OP.

>> No.3685358

Herp is the greatest of all derps, because it attempts to understand the very thing that made possible the hurr of all the other derps.

The durr.

Seriously though, neuroscience is pretty new. Give it time.

>> No.3685369


I agree and with trips I agree 2x.

>> No.3685980

I wouldn't say it's the greatest, it hasn't had enough time to be the greatest
it's certainly one of the more interesting studies though

>> No.3685999

Hey OP, what is the best textbook for undergrad neuroscience?

>> No.3686029

OP i think you'll find genetics beats neuroscience. All of biology is encoded in the genome. It's unraveled at your conception, and wrapped back up when you yourself reproduce. The genome is the beginning and the end.

>> No.3686043

How were you not aware of that going in? I mean, what did you think a science centered around the BRAIN was going to boil down to?

Not OP, but I majored in neuroscience. I'd recommend "Principles of Neural Science" by Eric Kandel, 4th edition. It's definitely the most comprehensive, in-depth intro-level neuroscience textbook out there ("intro" being a relative term; you almost never see this textbook used outside of upper level top 25 university undergrad neuroscience courses and grad courses). Unfortunately it's extremely old at this point (a decade old in fact) so there's a couple chapters that aren't even relevant anymore, as well as some instances where the book glosses over some topics because back then we didn't know much about them but in the past 10 years we figured that shit out. The 5th edition should be coming out within the next year or so, but they've been saying that since 2004.

>> No.3686080


If that surprised you then you need to re-evaluate how you look at the field. Too many biologists think the mind can be understood completely through the chemistry and synaptic connections, and too many psychologists think thats unecessary and it can be understood completely by looking at behaviour.

>> No.3686093 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 128x128, dawkinsTurner128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the brain is biology