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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3684039 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, what kind of music do you listen to? What are you listening to right now?

>> No.3684047

Listening to tinnitus right now

>> No.3684049


>> No.3684050

I never listen to music, I only whistle to myself.

>> No.3684051

I was listening to flobots a while back

>> No.3684055

The reason that comic is true is because that is the wrong way to share music. What you do is take you music collection, put it on a hard drive and put it in their library, and let them explore it. They'll have a much better appreciation for it, and they'll probably find stuff that you looked over.

>> No.3684057


>> No.3684059
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Listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGJ1MdMEA0k&feature=channel_video_title right now.

>> No.3684069

>hear something on the classical station on the radio
>fuck, this is actually not boring and generic
>check the playlist for the time i heard it
>get name
>fucking no where to be found, other than classical cds

and uh.. anything i guess. the weirder and niche-r , the better.

holyshit, i actually thought i was in /mu/. how'd i end up ehre imma sleep now.

>> No.3684071


Beatles. Can't go wrong.