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[ERROR] No.3683522 [Reply] [Original]

how to get more of a dont-give-a-fuck mentality?

>> No.3683530

Don't give a fuck?
I believe it's up to you, man.

>> No.3683528

You've got to get a fuck to not give a fuck.

>> No.3683533
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your first step...go back in time and do not post this thread. this thread shows you giving a fuck.

>> No.3683551

be successful without trying

>> No.3683555

Put a lot of effort, ridiculous amounts of it, towards something, then see it fail.

>> No.3683560


>> No.3683582
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>> No.3683604

just quit caring about stuff
think about how small you are compared to the universe and how what you do doesn't matter

start here and watch the next few videos it will make you feel small


be warned if you do this you will have no motivation to do anything and will fail at life, but you wont care!!

>> No.3683628
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THIS and also trips

>> No.3683718
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Its fairly straightforward: pretend "you" doesn't exist. That means don't ever picture yourself in the past or future tense. Don't build up images of the person you "want to be" in the future. Don't see yourself as having any unique values or ideas or defining attributes. There is no "you." Self is an illusion. Clear your mind slowly of any and all conscious thought. That voice in your head that builds you up and tears you down, that narrates your every action? Silence it.

No one said it was going to be easy.

>> No.3683737
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absolutely this

I've NEVER not given a fuck more than when I was on valium. literally anything would happen and I just wouldn't give a fuck.

For example, my wanted to get outside to piss but i just didn't give a fuck. then he pissed on the floor, and I can't even describe how little i cared.

not a single fuck was given that day

>> No.3683742

my brother*

>> No.3683770

Any opiate, really. Tried heroin once, it was the definition of not giving a fuck. I wasn't even enjoying it, but I didn't give a fuck. Weird and stupid.

>> No.3683777

Cut off all social contacts.

>> No.3683781

So, become a zombie.

>> No.3683806


Yeah. Some people call it enlightenment. Its more like disappearing into your sense data as a result of never processing anything into memory, but whatever. Your consciousness is removed of all "blockage" that is to say self awareness, and merely becomes a tube through which sensory information flows.

>> No.3683846

ever notice the people that "dont give a fuck" are successful?

they're lying about not giving a fuck. they just won the game & are then able to have that "oh its just a game" smug satisfaction with themselves. meanwhile they're very driven and motivated to sustain their level of success & pretend everything comes naturally to them to maintain their sense of worth and ego.

people that really don't give a fuck have given up & live a modern day monk like life style. they don't study math and science hours on end everyday.

>> No.3683855

Not giving a fuck is achieved by being an atheist because as an atheist you have no reason to live except to procreate. So when you realise that the only reason that you are alive is because life is programmed to survive without any global goals, then it should be easy to stop caring.

>> No.3683865 [DELETED] 

Why would atheists want to procreate? Why would they even care about having children?

>> No.3683875

It's part of being human.

>> No.3683880

Once you accepted that there is no after life and that your children will be living in the same non caring world without a true goal you don't want to do that to them.

>> No.3683883
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>ctrl+f weed
>No results


>> No.3683885 [DELETED] 

It can not be. Some humans never have children, nor desire to have children. Most do, but many still do not.

>> No.3683890

To enjoy their company as pets, and dupe them into providing for my retirement.

>> No.3683889 [DELETED] 

You can not be certain that there is no afterlife. You might be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.3683896

Survival of the species you belong to is programmed in every living creature.

>> No.3683950 [DELETED] 

I think not. Keeping yourself alive is instinctive, but there is no such love for the entire species, only for yourself and your friends and families.

>> No.3683956

avoid stress and heal up yourself by meditating

>> No.3684082

With survival of the species I meant trying to not die and procreate not loving the species.

>> No.3684092 [DELETED] 

Some people do want to die, and some people do not want to procreate. These people are rare, but they do exist.

>> No.3684110

Did you know that suicide is part of evolution and that your instinct can decide that your own death is positive for the evolution of your species.

>> No.3684121 [DELETED] 

I think not. It is not feasible for a gene to evolve which brings about the destruction of itself. It could not persevere in the genepool.

>> No.3684130

Your instinct actually decide that you not procreating is positive for the gene pool

>> No.3684140
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Use a lot of dissociatives or induce it naturally by shock and horror. Never give a fuck again in your life. Also be happy no matter what the situation. Get stabbed in the gut? No problem man. Just disconnect yourself from the pain too.

>> No.3684143

don't worry bro, I crtl+f'd weed and found your post.
thanks for being there.

>> No.3684145


>> No.3684146

I do not think that is instinctive. It is a consciously thought out choice.

>> No.3684153

You don't want one of these, trust me.

>> No.3684157

This guy has it right:

>> No.3684358

How could you scare yourself to death or traumatize yerself in a way that will make you not give a fuck?

inb4 fight club

>> No.3684379 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 842x658, 1306007774720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sociopathy means i very rarely give a fuck

>> No.3684382 [DELETED] 

>mfw your edginess is amazing

>> No.3684404

>single anonymous post on slow board
>so edgy

>> No.3684413

Sweety, you aren't a sociopath :)
It's okay, you can be special about something else too.

>> No.3686273

How I did it
1. study the most brutal parts of history and realize it pointless unless idiots magically vanish. (Note: due to the fuzzy nature of idiots this can not happen)
2. survive suicidal depression and some incredible shocks first hand and safely dwell on the fact part of you died, the part that cared
3. study the soft science of economics, once you realize how money is connected to everything you can see how the structural flaws in money system and will bring everything back to a dark age it changes you
4. care for everything so much you find the futility of it all and stop caring

This could be better designed if we knew what you are trying to not care for. It is magnitudes easier to stop caring about a specific part of life this the whole deal. There are degrees as well. Physical pain still motivated me to eat for example, despite how I stop doing it every so often. Another approach is to over come your problem and fine happiness. Ironically after 2 years of this careless wandering I figured out how to care in a different manner and have became happy and healthy, a frame of reference can change everything.

>> No.3686330

Be intelligent enough to realise, and accept, that nothing matters. The universe is juts one big bubbling quantum blob.

>> No.3686359

I'm not the guy you posted to but your attempted condescension makes you look stupid. some people are sociopathic, why do you even give a fuck?

>> No.3686371
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Don't tell him that, he might go back to cutting his wrist and listening to linken park

>> No.3686950

Anti-depressants worked for me.

>> No.3687593

Get raped if female.
Survive fight with a gang of niggers if you have balls.

>> No.3687734

Stop giving a fuck.

>> No.3687759


dont-give-a-fuck about, not-giving a fuck about,not-giving a fuck about,not-giving a fuck about,not-giving a fuck about,not-giving a fuck about,...

>> No.3687768
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I think it can only really be done by exposure to emotional extremes.

I gave many, many fucks. So many that it made me go mad. But from experiencing being mad, and then fixing it. I now don't give a fuck.

Unless I maybe still mad.

Seriously, though, you can not change an entire life's worth of brain programming in one night. All of your experiences and memories have culminated in you being someone who gives a fuck, to change that you will have to go through weeks and months of behavioural "therapy".

Simple thing to do would be putting a tough rubber band on your wrist, and every time you care about something pull it back and snap it on your wrist. Reprogram your brain on an instinctive level and you can stop giving a fuck.

>> No.3687782
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this. because creating this thread is Needy. Neediness stinks, get rid of it. You need nobody's approval.
this. because you need to be alright with whichever way something will turn out.

and there are some others, but I shall give you an exercise (which, for a 4channer, I don't think will be difficult). It's called: The caveman. This occurs over the duration of 2 days (it's a part of a bigger thing, though..). Day 1: give someone a random compliment. something that catches your eye. after the encounter, try to remember their eye color.

day 2: when you wake up in the morning, don't shower, bathe, brush your teeth, comb your hair, or attend to any hygiene other than medical. this allows you to be comfortable with however you project yourself.

most of all, though, be confident. i don't mean to say that you need to be bold and fight a bear or something. but, rather even if you do something wrong, you have to stick to your guns. go down with the ship. be deliberate, and don't show any signs of faltering. from more neurotic point of view, this could ruin the structure of your life. but, that's the point: to free yourself from the expectations of others. that's how you don't give a fuck.

>> No.3687797


By the realization of what you can and what you cant control.
But to realize that you would have to be knowledgeable.
Hence you would first have to give a fuck about learning to not give a fuck about all else.

>> No.3688111
