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[ERROR] No.3682755 [Reply] [Original]

How many 5 letter "words" can be formed with the letters in the string AABBCDE?

>> No.3682760


>> No.3682761

binom(7,5) = (7!) / (5! 2!) = 21

>> No.3682763

no, wait, I meant 7!/(7-2)! = 7!/5!

>> No.3682765



>> No.3682767


Even more wrong

>> No.3682774


Case 1: 2A and 2B
Case 2: 2A and at most 1B
Case 3: 2B and at most 1A
Case 4: no more than 1A and 1B

>> No.3682784


>> No.3682788

2530 which is 7*6*5*4*3 cause it doesnt matter if there is a 2 As in word or Bs while we take A A as A1 and A2.

>> No.3682790

of course it matters

>> No.3682794

5*5 = 25

>> No.3682797

Wait I meant:
5^5 = 3125

>> No.3682802

What he means is the binomial thing is for when order is important. There is no difference between A1A2BCDE and A2A1BCDE since both are AABCDE

>> No.3682809

>What he means is the binomial thing is for when order is important. There is no difference between A1A2BCDE and A2A1BCDE since both are AABCDE
The binomial thing is for when the order is not important, like when AABBC and AABCB are the same 'word'.

>> No.3682811

What is the answer, OP?

>> No.3682812

Oh yeah. What's the other one again for sequences? I've forgotten just about all combinatorics.

>> No.3682813

Case 4 is simple because we can discount one A and one B. Thus we only have to know the number of ways we can rearrange the remaining five letters (ABCDE).

Case 4: 5! = 120

>> No.3682816


The answer is 690

>> No.3682821

>Oh yeah. What's the other one again for sequences? I've forgotten just about all combinatorics.

You can just use the multiplicative principle.
You have 7 ways of choosing the first letter, 6 ways of choosing the second, ..., 3 ways of choosing the fifth. So 7!/2!

>> No.3682831

what's wrong with this reasoning then?
If all the letters were different, you'd have 7!/2 ways of making words with them. But you have to divide by 2 for the A's and by 2 for the B's. Then you'd have 630.

>> No.3682835

Nigga wat?
You have 5 slots with 5 possibilities each, so that's 5*5*5*5*5 = 3125

>> No.3682848

wait, i see my mistake now.

>> No.3682851 [DELETED] 


>> No.3682863


Some of them are the same, though, which has already been explained. Since A1 and A2 are the same letters and the same goes for the Bs, of course. You are counting them as different letters as well as reusing the letters. Each individual "character" in the string is only to be used once.

>> No.3682897

I can confirm 690 is correct.

>> No.3682913


Please show how you solved the problem.

>> No.3682985
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Case 1:
(5 choose 2)(3 choose 2)3 = 90

Case 2 and 3:
(5 choose 2)(4!/(4-3)!) = 240

Case 4:
5! = 120

90 + 240 + 240 + 120 = 690

>> No.3683043
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import random
from sets import Set

set = 'AABBCDE'
setA = set
restab = []

while 1:
a = random.sample(setA, 1)
except ValueError:
setA = setA.replace(a[0], '', 1)
setB = set.replace(a[0],'', 1)
while 1:
b = random.sample(setB, 1)
except ValueError:
setB = setB.replace(b[0], '', 1)
setC = set.replace(a[0],'', 1)
setC = setC.replace(b[0],'', 1)
while 1:
c = random.sample(setC, 1)
except ValueError:
setC = setC.replace(c[0], '', 1)
setD = set.replace(a[0],'', 1)
setD = setD.replace(b[0],'', 1)
setD = setD.replace(c[0],'', 1)
while 1:
d = random.sample(setD, 1)
except ValueError:
setD = setD.replace(d[0], '', 1)
setE = set.replace(a[0],'', 1)
setE = setE.replace(b[0],'', 1)
setE = setE.replace(c[0],'', 1)
setE = setE.replace(d[0],'', 1)
while 1:
e = random.sample(setE, 1)
except ValueError:
setE = setE.replace(e[0], '', 1)

print (len(Set(restab)))

>> 690

>> No.3683085


>> No.3683204

(7 + 5 - 1)! / (7! * (5 - 1)!)

>> No.3683223

The answer is 0.


>> No.3683225

10 + 5*3 = 25
25^2 + 65 = 690

>> No.3683280


Hmm, tried a quickie in Java with a bunch of for loops, but got the wrong answer. :(

char[] chars = {'A','A','B','B','C','D','E'};
ArrayList words = new ArrayList();
String word = "";
ArrayList wordsb = new ArrayList();

for (int a = 0; a < chars.length; a++){
for (int b = 0; b < chars.length; b++){
for (int c = 0; c < chars.length; c++){
for (int d = 0; d < chars.length; d++){
for (int e = 0; e < chars.length; e++){
if (b != a & c != a & c != b & d != a & d != b & d != c & e != a & e != b & e != c & e != d) {
word = Character.toString(chars[a]) + Character.toString(chars[b]) + Character.toString(chars[c]) + Character.toString(chars[d]) + Character.toString(chars[e]);

for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < words.size(); j++) {
if (words.get(i).equals(words.get(j))) {


>> 685

>> No.3683389

It works, it's your duplicate removal algorithm which isn't good.
You remove stuff of words so words.size() changes and words[i] doesn't go where you expect... I don't do java but it looks weird.
I get 690 with your for loops logic and using Set for duplicates.

>> No.3683439


Fixed. A bit speedier also.

char[] chars = {'A','A','B','B','C','D','E'};
ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList();
String word = "";

for (int a = 0; a < chars.length; a++) for (int b = 0; b < chars.length; b++){
if (b != a) for (int c = 0; c < chars.length; c++){
if (c != a && c != b) for (int d = 0; d < chars.length; d++){
if (d != a & d != b & d != c) for (int e = 0; e < chars.length; e++){
if (e != a & e != b & e != c & e != d) {

word = Character.toString(chars[a]) + Character.toString(chars[b]) + Character.toString(chars[c]) + Character.toString(chars[d]) + Character.toString(chars[e]);
boolean var = true;

for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) if (words.get(i).equals(word))
var = false;

if (var == true)


>> No.3683467

Nice, but as I said we should use Set, they're made to automatically remove duplicates, actually in my Python algo I also added to an array instead of a set, full retard.
My favorite data structures, learned about them in C++.

>> No.3683482


Awesome! Didn't know about sets. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.3683494
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i smile when i see a thread with code in it

>> No.3683514

I was all like 7!/(2!*2!).