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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3681740 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share elementary school stories /sci/ can relate to.

>Everyone has to solve math exercises in their book
>Finish them quickly
>Get impatient waiting for the rest of the class to finish them
>Decide to move on to the more advanced math exercises on my own
>Teacher walks by and notices it
>Get punished for going ahead of the class

Also :

>Everyone gets new assigned seats
>My new neighbour is a slow kid
>Teacher asks "Hey anon, you're good at math right ? Could you help out your neighbour sometimes ?
>End up losing half my time explaining stuff over and over to my neighbour

>> No.3681744

>be in 2nd grade
>tell people i'm in love with the clock
>everyone doesn't know if i'm serious or not
>me and that clock now have 3 beautiful children

>> No.3681746

>Elementary math class
>teacher writes problems on the board
>another kid and I are asked to come up and solve
>finish mine quickly and turn around to face class
>other kid cannot solve, gets frustrated
>calls me a dork
>math teacher yells "NO! YOU'RE THE DORK"
>kid shamefully stares at the floor

>> No.3681760

Inb4 getting bullied and never talking to girls.

>> No.3681776

>be in elite prep school I go to due to a scholarship
>teacher writes a math problem on the board
>teacher says he put it up there as a joke, even his >mentor Dr Leaky couldn't solve it
>Says that if anyone solves it we'll never have to worry
>about opening another math problem again
>put down my latte and solve it like a boss

>> No.3681788

>be a straigth A student
>be bored
>break into the school on Saturday evening
>take a shit in one of the classrooms

>> No.3681791

Inb4 obviously made up stories to booster egos

>> No.3681793
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i want to see this

>> No.3681794

>Ask for children to solve math exercises in their book
>A fag quickly solve it
>Pretend not to notice him
>Get angry because the fag can't integrate in society
>Punish him like a boss

>> No.3681797

Shit, my timing

>> No.3681799

no wai on /sci/?

>> No.3681800

> 5th grade
> in math class
> thinking about math
> I suddenly realize that x^(1/2) = √x
> Only one in class to

>> No.3681807

>be fifth grade
>playing middle-earth in the bushes with bros
>my 7th level sorcerer kicking troll ass
>bushes are poison sumac

>two best friends get in a fight after school
>one throws a huge ass rock
>hits other kid in the head
>splits his skull
>I study cranial anatomy years later just out of curiosity

>> No.3681819

>be twelve
>be in a geography class
>be able to show where North America and Europe are on the world map
>get beaten up after school

>> No.3681825

>Be 26
>Moved around a lot as a kid, my dad was in the Navy.
>Can't remember anything from any of the 5 elementary schools I went to.

>> No.3681826

>be in grade 5/6 split
>coloring maps
>map of the Caribbean
>some dumbass grade 6 girl is coloring the Atlantic Ocean green and Jamaica, Cuba, etc blue
>tries to tell me that Jamaica is water and that the ocean is land
>the average person is really, really, really stupid

>> No.3681832

>11 years old
>get tested for reading speed and comprehension by the school psychologist
>one of the two people in the class that can read more than 10 words in a minute
>go to the bathroom, see the slowest guy there
> make fun of him for being able to read only 3 words/min
> get punched in the face
> back of the head slams against the wall, so it's lika a double punch

>> No.3681834

how much time has it been now? do you keep track?

>> No.3681850

>1st to 4th grade
>like numbers
>find cool ways to calculate sums of rational numbers and shit like that
>teach the class, show the teacher
>teacher tells me she doesnt want the other kids to just memorize these things without understanding them and forbids me to do these things anymore
>give up on my number friends

and now i still feel bad whenever i need to calculate something. if that fucker was more supportive i might have ended up something cool like a number theorist.

>> No.3681868

>be in grade 1
>singing the abc's with the whole class
>say them really fast every day because that's fucking retarded
>teacher tells me to stay to the pace of the class
>tell teach the class should stick to my pace
>i forget the rest

true story

>> No.3681974

>2nd grade
>checking out trilobite fossils in the cabinet in class during free time.
>steal those shits and add it to my rock collection.


>3rd grade
>science fair
>geology exposition
>steal three of the rocks and add them to my rock collection.

I wanted to be a geologist for a few years until one of my friends in like the 4th grade said it was stupid. Now I'm a chemistry major and I think geology is boring.

I kinda miss my rock collection.

>> No.3682004

wow OP really sounds like you're a faggot if you have to complain about this now. better yet, you probably are just starting 8th grade this year and feel like you should be a big boy now and post on 4chan. fuck off

>> No.3682019

>1st grade
>we have speed math tests
>100 problems in 5 minutes
>all addition
>do it like a boss
>tests go by
>ok test time
>do it all like a boss
>finish in half the time
>hand it in and go to get a fucking juice box
>get it back later
>every problem wrong
>what the shit
>i used addition for every problem
>they were all subtraction problems
>still added with 100% accuracy
>feels good

>> No.3682031
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>> No.3682037

>3rd grade math test
>person sitting next to us corrects our test when the teacher gives the answers because the teacher doesnt want to do it
>problem: 6 • 0 = ?
>write 0
>handwriting sucks
>person correcting thinks it's a 6
>i tell her
>she says im lying
>i go to teacher
>he doesnt give a shit
>there goes my flawless math record

>> No.3682079


how many people are in your class?
only 10 words a minute?
are you guys fucking stupid?

>> No.3682086

>Grade 2
>Math class
>Finish in-class exercises early so proceed to try and complete every exercise in the text book
>Class has only progressed a few chapters. Meanwhile, I've finished every exercise in the text book
>Spend time drawing mazes
>Teacher confiscates a large stack of papers overflowing out of my desk (consisting entirely of mazes) and puts it on the top of her filing cabinet while telling me to focus on lessons
>Slightly annoyed, but continue to draw more mazes
>Filing cabinet stack grows
>Am told later that I will be skipping grade 3
>Have not drawn a maze since

>> No.3682087

>how many people are in your class?
>only 10 words a minute?
No, most of them did between 3 and 6 wpm
>are you guys fucking stupid?
pretty much

>> No.3682092

>9th grade chemistry
>90% of the class loses their shit when trying to comprehend electron orbitals

>> No.3682096

I fucking loved drawing mazes when I was in elementary

>> No.3682136

>3rd grade
>sheet with 100 add/subtract/multiply problems
>bonus 100 on back
>I usually finish all 100 then get 20ish on back
>this day I'm like fucking James Dean Math Magician
>finish all 200
>get all correct except the last one
>its an incomprehensible scribble
fucking bullshit, man ;_;

>> No.3682151

Right there with you OP
>3rd grade
>make it to the purple sheet in math, way ahead of everyone else
>Teacher tells me to put down the math packet and do my reading instead.
>Start bawwwing loudly
>Teacher lets me finish my math.

>> No.3682198

>first week of 6th grade advanced math class
>p good at math, usually straight A student
>take quizzes every day
>students pass quizzes back one person for grading every day
>same kid corrects my quiz every day
>kid just moved here for this year, doesn't know me
>fail first 4 quizzes because I'm gay or something I dunno lol
>finally on friday get a C- instead of an F
>kid who corrected it wrote "Good Job!" right next to C-
>not patronizing, kid was a bro who valued improvement
>hate this kid's fucking guts forever

>> No.3682204


>> No.3682207

Too late for that.

>> No.3682226

>then proceed to wake up and romance bill murray and a female teacher

>> No.3682249

>7th grade
>bored as fuck with school in general(they go through stuff much too slowly)
>math class
>never do homework/assignments
>get almost all perfect test scores
>one question i got wrong, my calculator for some reason spat out 9.9999 instead of 10, wrote 9.9... autopilot
>explain to teacher that 9.9... Is the same as 10
>he says im wrong, i still get the mark off on the test
>sends me out of class to repeatedly to write this stupid poem as punishment for not doing homework
>eventually decides im stupid and sends me to a class for retards
>different teacher in retard class, takes me for an iq test
>score 98th percentipe, promptly transferred back to reg class

Fuck public school. I coulda finished high school by 14 i bet if id been allowed to go at my pace.

>> No.3682255

Posting on a phone, forgive typos.

>> No.3682262

>8th grade algebra
>advanced class
>but i mean, i get it. it's all fairly logical
>dont do homework
>ace tests
>teacher thinks im cheating
>goes on a crusade trying to expel me
>get him to agree to write a test and let me take it in a private room alone
>ace it
>he mad

>> No.3682414

>high school bored me
>smoked weed
>barely graduated
>go to community college
>go to top 10 university
>go to Princeton for grad school in physics
>get high paying research fellowship
>wtf didn't expect that 5 years ago
true story

>> No.3682416

>story starts in elementary school...

>> No.3682427

Holy fuck
>German class (foreign language)
>Discover shit under radiator

>Geography class
>Tell to neighbor "Did you know that you only need 4 colors to color every two-dimensional plane without any regions sharing a color?"
>Whole class starts drawing random stuff trying to disprove it

>> No.3682439
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>Always the last one to complete any assignment
>Teacher points out that i'm taking too long
>Makes the class wait on me
>Here the snickering a whispers of the entire class silently judging me
>Can't focus mind goes on a tangent
>teacher finally moves on
>The bell rings, but still not done
>teacher makes me stay after class
>the room fills with kids from her next class
> I don't know anyone
>Some fat black kid says I'm in his seat
>Get into a fight
>get suspended

This is a true story that happened to me in elementary school. I dropped out of school in the 11th grade and have been a social recluse for 3 years.

>> No.3682447

>My mother taught me how to read when I was only like 3 years old.
>1st grade
>Reading class

I fucking hated reading classes.

>> No.3682468


>> No.3682505

Be today
Sitting in class
Ask a guy how to do division
He spends the entire day explaining
me "what"

>> No.3682523

Sorry i don't know if you mean by that. And if you think i'm someone named alec, it's not me.

>> No.3682524
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start with complex numbers in gymnasium
half the class goes "why the hell are we learning this??"

>> No.3682527


>> No.3682537

>sucked at math because I was too lazy and never listened to the teacher
>6th grade finally decided to do better in math
>was always the first to finish the math lesson every day with at least a 95%+ on each assignment
>family is impressed because they thought I was retarded at math
>felt good man

>> No.3682561

Did you continue to smoke weed after high school?
Just curious..

>> No.3682582

>4th grade
>Like dividing numbers
>We do all the division problems for the day
>Want to do more
>Not allowed to
>This goes on until 5th grade
>Think it'll be a whole different world where I can do as much division as I want
>Forced to do shit I don't want with fractions
>Forced to learn about square roots and powers
>But I want to divide
>Few weeks pass
>Lose all interest in science and maths

>> No.3682628

yes, a lot, but my use tapered-off over the first year at university. i wasn't used to actually...doing work.

i was constantly in the mindset of "holy shit how the fuck did i get here working for this world-renowned badass in particle physics?" weed would convert my stress into pretty bad anxiety... i'd feel really guilty about not studying, i'd be paranoid of what my research adviser really thinks about me, etc. i just had to cut it.

soon, whenever i felt the craving to smoke, i would try to substitute it with studying... turns out that was a much better use of time.

>> No.3682634

>creativity =/= stupidity

>> No.3682666

>Math bores me in elementary school, I dont get the problems done in time and daydream a lot.

>Parents order the math book im using, we go through them every evening adressing the problems we will have next day.

>Later, parents get this neighbour girl to babysit me (she's 12, I have no idea what grade I am), and she teaches me fractions. Go to school understanding what they are and feel like a boss

>My dad is a chemist and explained orbitals to me. Go to school already knowing what they are. everyone else flips their shit.

Feels good man.

>> No.3682667

> be 16
>in only year of school where exams results actually matter for getting into university
>first day of math class
>best friend is in the class with me
>decide to sit apart because we know we just talk if sat together
>sit by myself
>everyone else sits beside someone else
>first small test comes up
>fucking destroy that shit, highest mark in the class like a boss
>teacher recognises my potential and decides to pair me up with some obnoxious loudmouth hockey-jock girl
>she constantly pesters me about answers and what the fuck is going on
>try to help her out when I feel she genuinely doesn't understand
>realise that she thinks she's being wily and using her 'womanly charms' to weed answers out of me when I'm really just pitying her
>my test marks continue to climb while hers do improve but level out
>prelim test before final external exam
>teacher offers me a harder exam rather than the easy-modo exam the rest of the class is taking so that it holds more weight
>take that badboy
>ace it, achieving higher mark in hard test than anyone in the rest of the class did in the easy test
>whole class thinks I'm a god
>transcend to a higher plane of existence

That was the first time I realised it was actually pretty easy to excel in math if you just payed some attention. Up till then I'd just fucked around in classes with my friend.

>> No.3682685

>I'm 22
>Fucking love pure maths and graduated with a first (Britfag here). One of the highest in the year.
>Never truly understand why people hate it or have trouble understanding it
>Usually when I explain their problem they can see the answer because maths is just following logical steps.

Feel good man

>> No.3682704

>two years old
>sister is born
>stop speaking for two years
>learn how to read

>teachers look at me in awe
>"how the fuck can he read"

>solve questions faster than the teacher
>teacher sees potential in me and my two friends
>teaches us privately at home
>do homework on breaks
>play computer games all day everyday
>games are in English
>notice I can't into English
>learn English
>best thing I've ever done

>> No.3682737

>be in fourth grade
>have crush on cute girl in my science class
>be randomly paired up with her for plant-growing project
>mack on her during the 5min each day we measure our plant and record data
>the plant is basically our child
>our plant kicks all the other plants asses re: growth
>we make small talk about what good parents we are to our plant
>project ends and our plant is a behemoth of unparalleled strength and virility
>can't bear to throw our plant away
>offer to plant him in her front yard so we can continue to nurture it
>our relationship blossoms from there
>pun intended, motherfucker
>I make daily visits to her place to chill out
>this continues until last day of school and I am going to ask her out on a date the first day of summer break
>go to her house and knock on the door
>her dad answers
>she and her mom aren't there
>they moved away because her mom left her dad for being abusive
>never find out where she moved to
>our plant is still in the front yard a decade later and I see it when I drive past her old house sometimes

>> No.3682742


>Math bores me in elementary school, I dont get the problems done in time and daydream a lot.

Exactly me. :D

>> No.3682743

>fifth grade class
>teacher constantly going out of her way to shit all over me.
>seventh grade class
>she apologised for treating me that way
>I refuse

fuck you, Mrs. Lazo

>> No.3682771

>1st grade
>licks knees
>teacher documents this
>find document 15 years later
>"Anon licks his knees"

Well okay.

>> No.3682775

>5th grade music class
>"I assume youve all finished your composition projects"
>a minute of pause with her staring directly at me with pure rage
>spend class in hall

I guess I fucked up her schedule or something.


>Have asshole 5th grade teacher.
>If you ask him how to spell a word he simply spells dictionary
>ask him to spell dictionary
>he spells dictionary
>thank him and leave
>pure rage on his part

Also one time I held up class for 5 hours because I refused to accept any other view point besides the idea that the universe is infinite, thus everything I can think of must exist.

>> No.3682785


lol, good one. You should write scenarios for B movies.

>> No.3682792 [DELETED] 

>mfw I just realized teachers would tell you to look up words in the dictionary cause they couldn't spell them themselves

>> No.3682799


I never considered that.

I always considered it bullshit. Like, what if I got the first or second letter wrong? How the fuck is the dictionary going to help?

I remember that same year I needed to spell "Education"

And I thought it was spelt "Egucation"

Fucking dictionary didnt help at all.

>> No.3682843

ITT: People who are failures today lying about things that happened 20 years ago

>> No.3683117

that was beautiful man

>> No.3683396

>Lunch Break
>Friday eating cafeteria food
>Side dish is mashed potatoes, but they're shitty, bland, and lumpy as hell
>Don't want to eat them
>Teacher angrily states I'm not allowed to leave until I finish my food
>But I have choir practice
>Completely miss choir practice, completely miss entire afternoon just sitting in front of a plate full of ass-poo mashed potatoes
>End of day, teacher comes down irritated and baffled as to why I didn't show up for class
>You told me to do this

>French class, in Monotone v. 1.0
>Board. As. Fuck.
>Teacher writing on the blackboard
>Wrap unraveled paper clip around the end of a wooden pencil and start poking it into wall socket
>Suddenly there is a loud noise as a huge spark singes the first half of my pencil
>Teacher is oblivious and doesn't even turn around
>Entire class looks in my direction
>Poker Face

>> No.3683448
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>be in 1st grade
>eating cereal, being a lord
>teacher catches me eating crayons like a boss
>hey anon pay attention, do the 5 times table
>do it without thinking
>errbody mirin
>awarded merit certificate in assembly

and it was the BEST celery i ever ate

>> No.3683461

>learn about 2 dimensional kinetic equations in Physics class.
>hit two foul balls in a row in Gym right after Physics.

>> No.3683500
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>1st grade, can't read at all
>start going to a reading program part of the day
>in a few months I'm reading at the 7th grade level
>by 3rd grade I have collegiate level reading
>in the 6th grade I stopped paying attention, stopped doing classwork/homework
>all comprehension tests still collegiate level
>pass up to the 10th grade on straight F's, purely because of my test scores
>drop out of high school
>spend 7 years on the internet
>now 24, starting community college this winter
Better late than never.

>> No.3683508

>sophomore year, mandatory digital design class
>adobe illustrator
>bullshit class, mostly consisted of "work on this one lesson and email it to me"
>finish whatever lesson we were on
>bored as hell
>start next lesson, finish it
>teacher yells at me for moving ahead of the class
>she never notices kid next to me on his cellphone

>> No.3683516

What's all this bullshit about being punished for being ahead of the class? Where I'm from such things are encouraged by teachers.

>> No.3683741

>2nd grade
>Move to new area, thus new school
>Score 99th percentile on all subjects in state wide standardized tests
>3rd grade
>IQ test shows 136
>Get put into accelerated program
>Class size for this program per school is around 3
>Spend elementary time learning about cool shit like caves and chemistry.
>Get to middle school
>All the kids that were in the accelerated program are in the same classes
>All bros, make many friends for life

>> No.3683747

Are you outside the U.S.? Or did you attend a private school in the U.S.?

>> No.3683748

You went to a good, probably small, school where you actually got the individual care of the teachers.

>> No.3683756


NCLB policies. Probably the stupidest thing our government has done in a long time.

>> No.3683763

Of course I'm not American. But your school system encourages competitiveness between students (while my school system encourages equal opportunities, for example, advanced classes for high-scoring students would be illegal) how the hell can you be competitive if you are not allowed to study ahead of others?

It's mindboggling, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

>> No.3684023

>be today

>> No.3684182

>third grade
>asked by teacher to solve a problem using multiplication in front of the class
>kind of unsure, hereigo.jpg
>trying to write numbers, only weird signs coming out
>teacher is robert langdon, instantly recognizes them as ancient semitic scripts
>everything is shaking
>large tentacles emerging from walls, everyone shits pants
>get grabbed by one, pulled into oblivion
>see cthulhu
>spat out in the sahara desert
>almost die from dehydration, finally make it back after 10 years
>nobody remembers anything like what I describe
>get put in mental hospital
>decide to stay away from maths

>> No.3684568

>be in 4th grade
>maybe it was 5th
>beta as fuck
>get asked if i've ever gone out with a girl
>name some girl who showed up for a couple weeks in 1st grade then transferred
>lie is untraceable
>suddenly alpha as fuck

>> No.3686576

Finished the whole math book ahead of time and noticed it never cover the possibility of a number blow 0. So I addressed this issue and presented my finding as a report which I called "Subtractive Numbers" in hopes of getting input for others as to how validate such an idea was and to nullify the teachers argument that she used to crush my discovery of long addition for numbers involving 5, earlier I found a pattern that consistently worked (I figured out how to multiple by 5, although I did not know at the time). Well I passed them around at recess hoping for peer input before I brought it to the teacher as she had rejected some other ideas under the grounds nobody else talked about them. This way people will talk and she would have to listen to me. By the end of the day I was in the main office with my mom, my teacher and the principal. Apparently there was talk of expulsion as I was actively undermining the education system, which was partly true. It can down to the principal telling me if I spoke of this madness again I would not get recess. The next year in 2nd grade I learn about negative numbers and was furious, but said nothing as I wanted my recess privileges.

>> No.3687454

>be in 8th grade
>was in AP math, lang and, science form 6th - 8th full of people from the other AP classes, aka nerd group
>get b's for 4 quarters in a row for 8th grade in math but score 98th percentile compared to whole nation
>Other kids in AP classes think they are superior to me because they got Straight A's in math and scored 99th percentile
>Go to middle school graduation and literally half the town is there, town is approx 5,000 people
>They start calling the awards and shit
>Math award comes up and all the people in the nerd group all have a smile on their face because they all think they will get it
> they all get owned when the principal announces my name for the math award, troll face when I accept the award
>Sit back down like a boss
>finally get respect that I wanted
>Proves that you can be the best and get straight b's

>> No.3687478

> year 11
> using some shitty piece of software that's supposed to suggest good careers for you
> the software tells me there are literally no careers for my interests, every career is ranked 'poor match' or lower


> year 12
> talk to some shitty careers advisor
> tell her i want to research intelligence, ask about potential career paths
> she prints off some random unrelated piece of paper about neuroscience
> head of college comes up to me
> he's basically a psychopathic killer robot
> 'the careers advisor told me you were asking silly questions'
> my suspicion that the british education system is a soulless machine driving to quash creativity and forcibly create mediocrity is confirmed.

>> No.3687590 [DELETED] 
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>1st grade
>Don't know english
>Completely fluent and in the 99th percentile for reading/writing/speaking exams by 3rd grade
>Bullied because I'm foreign and socially inept
>IQ test in 4th grade
>School calls me gifted
>They still don't put a stop to the bullying
>I get terrible grades since I'm not interested in most subjects and I dread going to school
>Switch to private school in grade 6
>Bros for life with everyone there
>Teachers amazing
>I'm interested in a whole bunch of shit now since there are 15 people in my class, not 35, and I get more personalized teaching
>I place in the 95th percentile for mathematics, reading, writing in the province in grade 9
>I'm still in contact with half of my grade 9 class
>I'm currently a pilot
>I run into one of the people from my old elementary school last year

Public elementary schools, man. They're shit.
I went to a public high school, though. It had the IB program so I also met a bunch of bros. Inner-city but not as terrible as most suburban high schools. Funny how that happens.

>> No.3687607

The short answer is likely, you're just a sloth who has no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3687721

>social intelligence of 15 year old
>testing IQ in grade 1
>complete high school in my spare time by grade 2
>alpha 15 year old personality so everyone adores me
>lose virginity midway through grade 3 with some 8 year old ho
>start company in father's name
>make first million at 9
>get bored and spend it all
>get expelled from school for getting a blowjob from some other grade 3 girl
>enter university at 12
>tuition paid in full
>physics degree by 15,
>math degree by 18
>currently just finishing up an engineering degree
>bang at least one chick a class
>do at least 10 peoples homework a night for $100 a page

Life's boring when you're smart.

>> No.3687739

>go to a private elementary school
>must go 1 day a week to public school for the gifted program
>table groups get rewards for the most points at the end of the day
>behaving, doing things correctly, etc. nets you points, misbehavior loses you points
>be the best behaved student in the gifted program in elementary school
>get put next to the worst behaved student in the gifted program, because apparently behaving well will rub off on him if we sit next to each other
>never get the most points because of misbehaving kid, never get lolipops at the end of the day
>rage subsided when that teacher asked us to write down names of students we would like in our group, and I never wrote his, and he was never in my group ever again.

I hate how classrooms tend towards group selection theory....

>> No.3687762

>it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

That's why it's a central part of American education.

>> No.3687784

Actually it makes sense. It rewards those who do it anyway.

>> No.3687800

2nd grade:
>get distracted a lot
>teacher thinks I have ADHD
3rd grade:
>reading 3-5 books at once
>can't remember anything I read
>read really fast
>try to test into a special learning thing, have 130 IQ or so
>don't make it in because of the spelling portion
4th grade:
>do some reading tests at the beginning of the year, score high school level
>do more reading tests toward the end, score college level
>always asking the teachers to spell odd words that kids my age wouldn't know
5th grade:
>don't remember practically any of it other than kids throwing stuff out windows and putting small animals in the teachers chair

I was a smart kid, I just had/have horrible memory.

>> No.3687805

>be in 5th grade
>teacher was old wingnut who was just waiting for pension to kick in
>I fail one test because I didn't study
>teacher sees that more than 1/3 of class didn't do very well
>counts test as two tests, everyones averages go down the drain
>massive parent shit storm.
>school social worker says that many kids have ADD and ADHD these days
>parents buy the whole shit
>teacher goes on liek a boss
>parents ridicule me for being slow with ADD
>made to take pills of anti-ADD stuff
>the stress of school caused physical pain in my body
>get diagnosed with IBS and forced to eat fuck tones of fruit and take anti-depressants as an EXTRA relaxant
>look at myself today and think of all the things I could have done better if I wasn't fucked by 2 years of drugs, fruit, and more drugs

>> No.3687813

forgot to add one more thing

>I am as cool as a cucumber in ALL situations now.
>got into fight at school, fight broke up before anyone was thought to be winrar
>Feel no pain and show no emotion because I can't

my dad died, I can't cry

>> No.3687814

>5th grade
>writing a poem
>what are some rhymy things?
> marijuana and tijuana sound good
>write about my hand being a gay pothead
>get 100% be proud
>show parents didn't see the note to have a conference
>teacher parent conferences are awkward and still see the teacher years later.

Atleast she recognized the genius of my writing.

I might be able to remember the whole poem if anyones interested

>> No.3687827 [DELETED] 

>Be intelligent
>Doing well in middle school
>Develop anxiety
>Panic attacks at school trigger more panic attacks school
>Never want to be there
>Have teachers constantly shouting at me in class because I never paid much attention as I never felt comfortable there
>Would argue back (because the teachers were being cunts, and I was a cunt with an overdeveloped sense of justice) and would usually get kicked out of class
>End of middle school, still hit all of my targets
>Still get a "able student if he applied himself" in my report card from most teachers
>Start high school, panic attacks worse
>End up leaving high school in year 10
>Forever known as "the kid that went mad"

>> No.3687829

1st grade:
>read whole English text book in an hour
3rd/4th grade:
>find out that 5*n=(10*n)/2
>learn cool trick for multiplication by 11

This thread is digging up old memories...

>> No.3687835

>find dads porno
>it was the SHAG edition that month or something
>start saying the word shag like theres no tomorrow
>tell teacher I'm going to shag her if she doesn't gimme an A
>don't understand what a shag is until 2 years later, see the teacher again for my high school science
>awkward as fuck

>> No.3687841

>In prep (grade 1)
> class is told to count to 10
> I count to 23 and get told to stop.
>Move to new school.
>Teacher me to keep counting as high as i can.
>make it to 110.
>class thinks im god tier.

>never learnt long divison in primary school
>doing Comp Sci
>Gets laughed at for being the only person who cant do long division.

>> No.3687842

>Be intelligent
>Doing well in middle school
>Develop anxiety
>Panic attacks at school trigger more panic attacks school
>Never want to be there
>Have teachers constantly shouting at me in class because I never paid much attention as I never felt comfortable there
>Would argue back (because the teachers were being cunts, and I was a cunt with an overdeveloped sense of justice) and would usually get kicked out of class
>End of middle school, still hit all of my targets
>Still get a "able student if he applied himself" in my report card from most teachers
>Start high school, panic attacks worse
>End up leaving high school in year 10
>Forever known as "the kid that went mad"


>> No.3687848

I'm going to shag EK if she doesn't first

>> No.3687844 [DELETED] 


>yfw you realise your teacher probably just thought you were sexually abused.

>> No.3687851 [DELETED] 


I just felt weird seeing it in writing. It's fine if you want to post it.

>> No.3687859 [DELETED] 


Out of interest, why are you copying these posts?

>> No.3687860

>in senior kindergarten
>only one who answers questions
>be told im going to the 1st grade now
>first day of 1st grade
>ask where bathroom is, kid takes me to girls bathroom
>run out, accidently crash into fish tank
>fish tank explodes
>its going to be a long year

>> No.3687864
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Lmfao what?!?!?!

Okay, I got one.
>2nd grade, I think
>teacher tells us 6th sense is real
>Believe that until I remembered it at 14
>Think about it for 3 minutes
>lol that dumb bitch

>> No.3687867

1st grade:
So class if I have 6 apples and 3 oranges, how many fruits do I have all together?
"duh, 9, that's so obvious, are we gonna play with some puzzles or what because first grade sucks"

>> No.3687871 [DELETED] 


>mfw you can't into kinesthetic sense

Must be hard, not knowing where your body parts are.

>> No.3687905

Did you go to Dunham Academy?

>> No.3687954

>finish every assignment more quickly than everyone else
>"disrupt" class by making jokes and talking with peers
>teachers decide that I'm so bored and disruptive because the work is too easy so they skip me up a grade
>feel isolated
>start getting bad grades

>> No.3687963

>>Seventh grade technology class
>>Teacher asks us to read a document online and find the required information to write a small essay in Microsoft Word
>>Use ctrl+f to find the information I need
>>The teacher doesn't know what I'm doing, looks impressed
>>Finish before everyone else
>>Everyone thinks I'm a hacker
>>Goes on like this for the rest of the year

Years later:

>>In English class, people are talking about internet neutrality while doing some work in the computer lab
>>Talk about proxxy servers
>>No one else knows about them
>>Everyone thinks I'm a hacker

Feels good, man.

>> No.3687964

>Middle School, Algebra I
>Smartest one in the class, scored highest on tests
>Teacher pairs me with the slowest girl in the class for in-class assignments
>Spend more time explaining to her concepts than actually getting work done


>Hardly ever did Algebra homework
>End of the year award ceremony
>Teacher announces who got the highest grade in the class
>Not me
>After the ceremony, teacher told me I would've won if I did my homework

>> No.3687973

>>After the ceremony, teacher told me I would've won if I did my homework

had similar experiences myself. though it was usually "if you were better behaved...".

>> No.3687982


Wow, was I the only one who was smart and did their homework?
Or did your peers still isolate you because they thought you thought you were better than everyone else.
When really... you just did your homework?

>> No.3687997

ITT: Whiney bastard's that can't handle being redirected in school, ending up blaming school for their, now, shitty life,


>> No.3688024 [DELETED] 

Grade was easy mode for me. I usually got A/B grades by acing tests with minimal studying and doing little homework. However, reading and history were the bane of my existence. Either you did the assigned reading or you didn't, and it showed on tests. I just didn't give a fuck in middle school.

>> No.3688030

Grade school was easy mode for me. I usually got A/B grades by acing tests with minimal studying and doing little homework. However, reading and history were the bane of my existence. Either you did the assigned reading or you didn't, and it showed on tests. I just didn't give a fuck in middle school.

>> No.3688054 [DELETED] 
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I told this one before But I'll tell it again.
I was in Geometry class. The teacher had a problem she had not taught us on the board, I remember the problem, it is to calculate the size of a slice of pie. The pie is cut into 8 slices and the diameter of the pie is 8 inches. Who ever gets the prize right gets a pat on the back.

I slept through geometry most of the year, but i felt up for the challenge. The teacher 4 answers from the class and had a vote to see who's answer everyone thought was right. No one voted for my answer.
>MFW my answer was right. I slept the rest of the year and somehow i still passed the class, I think the teacher looked out for me.

>> No.3688057

> Be in year 6 extension class
> Be the only kid who doesnt get tutoring
> teacher walks out of the room for 1hr+ most days
> she knows that people will study by themselves
> Play tetris in class
> watch others attempt senior math which their tutors set for them
> feel like a dumbshit
> come first in every mathematics test
> stop trying at all then feel sorry for people who try

>> No.3688060 [DELETED] 

>be in 8th grade latin class in Catholic school
>class is reciting word endings
>I say word endings with the class
>bitch teacher calls me up in front of the class talks down to me
>gives me detention and demerits saying I was fooling around saying ass instead of "as"
>mfw the teacher's ass is on DVD because she has done porn

>> No.3688062

Oh god, OP, I have a similar story

>AP Chemistry, sitting next to girl who was in germany the previous year and apparently didn't learn any chemistry
>Miss everything I needed to hear because she talks over the teacher, asking me to explain what he's talking about
>Always just say, "Ask the teacher, he'll probably know better."
>The teacher tells her to ask me
>It never ends

>> No.3688094

No balls to link us to it.

>> No.3688342

That, and also, did you ever whack a pencil against a sheet of paper, making a bunch of dots, and then play connect the dots randomly?

>> No.3688380

>9th grade
>new highschool
>try and get a girlfriend
>get beat up in the bathroom
>go to principal's office for help
>get molested
>graduate with 4.0
>my life is a complete success and i am genius

>> No.3688407

>Be in kindergarten
>Already boss at reading
>18 WPM at age 5
>Grade 4, 25 WPM
>Also boss at "computation" as my teacher called it.

You'd get a little booklet with math problems every Monday, each question getting progressively harder. Always did the 5 page book in 15 minutes, and did the bonus 2 page book in 5.

>top of class in math.

>Junior high
>Suddenly no fucks, at all
>Barely scrape by
>Year 11
>Dad bitching the fuck out of me for shitty marks
>Grade 12
>Pass everything with >95%
>dad thought I was a dumbshit for 7 years.
>Move out the following week.
>Now an electrical engineer.

>> No.3688430
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>Be in kindergarten
>Build little wire-controlled motorized car from legos, tape, and electronic parts, before they had the official motor and battery kits
>Bring in for show and tell
>Somehow it amazes everyone
>The kid who went before me only had a winning popsicle stick
>That kid finds me at recess, kicks the shit out of me, stomps on my head and tells me not to bring stuff to show and tell ever again
>I don't for the rest of the year

>> No.3688445

I hate life.

>> No.3688477
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>Be in junior high
>It's a christian private school
>I have to answer tests with shit like "6 days" and "6,000 years"
>Science fair coming up, excited I can finally do something worthwhile at school
>Build a wearable computer from 386 laptop, VGA video converted and eyepiece from old camcorder
>Everyone else built handheld fans from toilet paper tubes, motors, batteries, buttons and wires
>Turns out one kid built it, everyone else copied to get a passing grade
>The held back kid brought a 2x4 piece of lumber with an electric motor bolted to one end, a wheel mounted on the other and a rubber belt running between them so the motor would turn the wheel
>Everyone gets the same grade
>Homeroom teacher tells me it was self esteem building exercise, and next time bring something that isn't obviously something my parents helped build
>Curse at him out of inense feeling of injustice
>He makes me spit in a cup all day because somehow this is supposed to teach me not to curse?
>At the end of the day I find his locker. His jacket's in there. I dump the cup of spit in the jacket pocket and go home

>> No.3688481

>mfw I was always the one bullying others as a kid and now feel guilty after reading your stories

>> No.3688485

In my country, elementary school 'math' is always referred to as computation. It is actually exactly that, so that's good.

>> No.3688521

>be punished for using a pen instead of a pencil
>mfw im not even fucking kidding

>> No.3688544

an hero

>> No.3688555

alpha as fuck

>> No.3688707
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>> No.3688798

I'm sure something like this has happened to most of you
>Be in 6th grade
>Doing easy math test
>Don't show work because I can do it in my head
>Girl who was grading my test raises hand and asks teacher if we were supposed to show work
>Get all answers right but get a 50% on the test because I didn't write down steps

>> No.3688828


I applaud you.

>> No.3688838

what is this thing where you people had your reading speed tested in terms of Words Per Minute? and why are the scores you give insanely low? I am pretty sure even the dumbest kid in my 3rd grade reading class would top 60 words per minute, even if he read the words out loud.

look at this guy >>3688407

how could it take anyone (except someone just learning how to read) more than two seconds to read one single word?

>> No.3688874


>> No.3688875

times are probably skewed
but as a child that could read really well, i remember dreading classwide reading activities

just because kids took fucking years to read paragraphs

>> No.3688913

>remember this shit so vividly
>Be in grade 2
>Catholic school
>everyone is given a large sheet of paper with a large 10x10 grid of boxes on it with every sequential number up to 100 in them it.
>doing multiplication
>except we are meant to do it in such a way that we count to each multiple until a maximum of 50 or something.
>each multiple is coloured in a different colour pencil or something.
>get to multiples of 5
>realise that if I coloured in the whole column of numbers with a 5 or a 0 at the end, its a multiple of 5.
>proceed to do so, and I'm finished in like 20 seconds
>everyone goes quiet when they see what I'm doing
>teacher realises what I'm doing and shouts at me for 15 minutes for not keeping pace with the class.
>made to rub out the colour fvrom every number we havent covered yet.

I swear I will punch that bitch so hard in the face if I ever see her again.

I swear, what the fuck is wrong with teachers. Are they afraid they'll lose their jobs if they don't keep control of every arbitrary thing in class, even if it means holding kids back? Fuck equal opportunity. Physics doesn't work that way. Steam and condensation will still escape from a pot of simmering water, even though the whole thing isn't gaseous water.

>> No.3688925


did a nigga just threaten to punch a nun, and then compare his self to some steam in a pot

>> No.3688937

ctrl+f taser
i am disappoint.
4th grade.
emailing some guy via excite back and forth about his schematics on his web site for making a taser from a disposable camera.
build it.
mom confiscates it.
build another one, this one built into a radio shack project box complete with safety toggle and "trigger" button.
take to school and show my friends.
someone tells my gifted teacher.
break it up and stuff parts all over the school.
get called to office where principal tells me if i don't give it up i'm expelled from the county district.
start crying.
retrieve parts and give them up.
not expelled.

>> No.3688939
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Oh my god! Me too!
>Be in grade 4
>Every single kid in my class wasn't too keen on reading aloud.
>I happily took on the opportunity, and read with a natural flow and rhythm that normal conversation/narration like one would hear on a proffessional voice-over.
>teacher is impressed enough and allows me to read several chapters worth (unlike other kids who were barely allowed to read a chapter because they were so crap at it)
>Everytime the teacher asked who wanted to read, I would shoot my hand up into the air faster than
anyone else.
>Be in 8th grade
>"No, maybe not you this time anon"
>Supposedly second-best kid that goes before me is still stuttering his way through the first paragraph even after 5 fucking minutes, when it should've taken anyone else 30 seconds.
>teacher has a barely hidden pained expression on his face as the other kid reads out.
>we make eye contact during this
>doesnt even have to ask me to continue on
>finish that day's book chapter like a boss
>This continues even into yr 12
>"So who wants to read, class?
>Everyone points at me simultaneously
>had a sore throat though. reading out loud for an hour and a half straight without drinking occasionally does a number to you apparently.

>> No.3688967
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>2 years ago i was able to go on for hours talking about my stupid school happenings
>now cant remember a single thing

but ill leave you with this
>be beta as fuck
>never do homework, always hang out with alphas, girls think im alpha too
>bonus points: never bullied

also, now i do my homework, but i still do it in school, at home the only work i do is problems i come up with.

and to all the butthurt madfags here, pic related.

>> No.3688969
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>mfw teachers and students try to hold kids back who're capable of making a difference in the world when they're older.

If there's anything to take from this thread, it's that the world's education systems are fucked.

>> No.3688974

>6th form
>take further maths, get loads of free periods
>finish homework quickly
>spend rest of the time playing mario kart and other emulated games on my shitty laptop with ps2 controllers
>teacher walks by, sees us playing it
>tells us to "stop playing the playstation 3"
>ps3 hasn't even been released yet

>> No.3688995

I shed a manly tear. ;____;

>> No.3689043 [DELETED] 

>9th grade
>leave camera and iPod in locker for 20 fucking minutes
>some nigger bitch BREAKS THE LOCKER, literally pulling off the top half of the locker out of its hinges and steals all of my stuff
>over 500$ worth of stuff is gone
>somehow its my fault for bringing it to school

>3rd grade
>bring my yu-gi-oh deck to school
>didn't have lockers, all our backpacks were in the hallway on hooks open to anyone
>some faggot decides to go on a stealing spree and steal from everyone
>cards don't get stolen however
>out of nowhere everyone blames me because my cards weren't stolen
>i didn't leave the classroom to go in the hallway alone even once for the whole day

Wtf guys seriously.

>> No.3689054
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>calling the teacher "mom"

>> No.3689060


More like, the world's public education systems are fucked. But that's how things roll in public schools, stupid kids group up and stomp on the smart kid. Majority picks on the minority.

>> No.3689071

>Further Maths
>Free periods

>> No.3689077 [DELETED] 

>4th grade
>bring gaemboy to skolliwoll
>some i tell some of my friends and some nig-nog overhears and decides to steal it
>I find it to be missing 10 minutes before school ends
>Inform the teacher
>"Anon you should not have brought it to school"
>teacher searches people's backpacks anyway because she's not a nigger like y'allses grammar school teachers apparently were
>finds it
>he get figuratively assfucked with grammar school punishments, I get my gaemboy back
>is good day to be giant man

>> No.3689096

>1st grade, have to pee
>too afraid of teacher to ask
>piss my pants instead

>> No.3689107

>5 periods a week
>further maths
>6 periods a week
>still counts as 2 subjects
>+4 frees per week

>> No.3689120

>year 7
>have to do PSHCE which is a bullshit subject
>get out my science textbook and read it because it's actually useful and interesting
>teacher confiscates it and says PSHCE is important and I need to listen

>> No.3689158


Sander ?

>> No.3689194

hahahaha Sander is such a geek name oh my god.

>> No.3689231

i had a similar problem,
>5 years old
>play time outside
>too embarrased to ask the teacher to go back in for a shit
>shit myself
>get washed by the teacher, some back-up trousers given by the primary.
ah, the good old days when no one was surprised when you shat yourself and no one made such a big deal out of it...

>> No.3689244

Describe your reaction if you were in my place.

>6th elementary
>Teacher summarizes the matter states: vaporization, melting, etc.
>she doesnt mention 'sublimation'
>Me: when we will learn about sublimation?
>Teacher: whats that?
>Me:when a solid becomes a gas straight away.
>Teacher: lul no, there is no such thing.
>Me: *silence*

>> No.3689254
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I'd ask that bitch to get me liquid CO2.

>> No.3689264

Entire elementary school experience:

>whatever we're doing in class is easy and boring as shit
>forced to do it hundreds of times for "practice"
>ask why we're still doing the same boring shit
>"oh, it's for practice. You can never do enough practice."
>If that were really true, everyone would still be doing addition and we would never have higher level math

>> No.3689265

Raep her. Tear off her skirt and raep her right then and there.

>> No.3689268

sublimate her! Either way, something gets resolved.

>> No.3689309

>10 year old
>immigrated to Canada from China
>the math curriculum here is a few years behind what i was learning back in the motherland
>finish worksheet really fast
>walk up to the front and hands in
>teacher surprised
>she gives me some harder questions on the blackboard
>solve them like a boss
>teacher impressed


>> No.3689346
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>Have to do presentation in front of class
>While other people are up presenting no one gives a shit(Everyone forming their own conversations,not paying attention ect...)
>My turn
>All eyes turned
>Everyone focusing on me

>> No.3689349

You forgot the part when the whities become jealous of you and beat the shit out of you and leave you paralyzed to the neck down.

>> No.3689367

>Have fucking bitch for a teacher in third grade
>Would actually make you give her change if you did something bad
>If you forgot what problem the class was on while checking homework she would wreck your shit instead of telling you what problem you were on
>Everyone fucking hates her
>Parent teacher conferences
>Usually just the mothers come and listen to what the teacher has to say
>Fathers come too, including mine
>She gets her shit pushed in by all the parents at the meeting, she even started to cry apparently
>Whenever she was absent we usually had a crazy (but nice and effective) polish substitute
>Original bitch teacher gets really fucking irritable shortly after the meeting
>Eventually quits
>Crazy polish lady becomes our teacher

And it wasn't just the class not liking her because she was hard. Her assigned work was nothing too bad. She had a fucking reputation as the bitch of the school.

>> No.3689369

>all eyes on me because they know my presentation will be the best
>breeze through that shit like a champ, compelling as a motherfuck
>get laid at least 3 times after class
>skip to 12th grade
>10 years old
>Masters degree in electrical engineering at 13
>PhD in physics at 14
>CEO of multinational corporation at 17
>My current net worth can only be measured in theoretical numbers

>> No.3689378

Oh wow I forgot this motherfucking story.

>be in 4th grade
>have math minutes
>20 questions a minute
>you need to get 100% on one side of the sheet to move onto the backside
>if you get the backside 100% you move on to new coloured paper
>this goes on for the whole year
>lots of smart people in my class, but eventually i take the lead after a close fight with someone
>feeling like a total fucking boss
>we do this shit everyday and it's highly competitive
>teacher dies one day
>everyone's hates the new teacher

>> No.3689379

And then spaghetti fell out of your pocket and you burst into treats

But yeah. For a while I got nervous as fuck when presenting, stuttering and shit. Then I became less nervous but talked way too fast without knowing it, then I slowed myself down over time and it was all good.

>> No.3689384

Is the teacher dying + getting a new teacher supposed to imply that the math minutes stopped?

>> No.3689386
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>Sit at back playing Pokemon Blue every lesson

>> No.3689389

mah nigga

>> No.3689395

Holy shit, being competitive and having rivals was so fun.
I miss enjoying people.

>> No.3689405
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>Me and some other guy in a class have a contest to see who can read a page of a book faster
>He beats me by the smallest of margins

>> No.3689410


Yes, yes it is.

>> No.3689418


>reading out loud for an hour and a half straight without drinking occasionally does a number to you apparently

Are you weak as shit? I can sing for 10 hours in a day for a week and my voice is absolutely fine.

>> No.3689426

Drinking uses a wider range of tones than speaking normally does and only stresses specific parts for the duration. Also, I assume you have drinks in that period while he did not.

>> No.3689433

Oh wow, I meant Speaking uses a wider range

>> No.3689452


Not outside of mealtimes. Also, bitch don't know about my falsetto.

>> No.3689458


Don't you mean singing?

>> No.3689576

>while my school system encourages equal opportunities, for example, advanced classes for high-scoring students would be illegal

Am I the only one that raged at that? Everyone has the opportunity to get into the advanced classes if they study hard enough.

>> No.3689586

>in school
>sat next to dyslexic kid who was awesome
>he got bullied every day
>decided to help him
>dropped from first in class to third in math
>continued 2nd in science
>not regretted

>> No.3689626


Different countries, different school systems. Also, we're talking about elementary school here. Where I grew up (Belgium), there are no such things as advanced classes in public schools. There are schools for the gifted kids which are far as fuck, but in general, kids who were a smarter than average (not gifted) were placed in normal public schools.

>> No.3689631

I'd like to second the notion this is complete bullshit. It helps nobody and is purely a cost cutting measure.

>> No.3689636

>be in charge of AV equipment
>steal all tvs with dad
>when asked say some janitor stole it
>he gets fired and we get new tvs

>> No.3689669


I got 100% on every single one of those every single time up until they stopped doing them in grade 7. Felt good.

>> No.3689676


DUDE ARE YOU ME!? I did the EXACT same thing and I raged when that shit marked it wrong even when I told him it was a 0.

>> No.3689702

>Around maybe 4th or 5th grade, I don't remember exactly, I learned about very basic atomic structure.
>In 6th grade, in the middle of the geology unit, the teacher randomly decides to spend 45 minutes explaining it to us.
>I had to basically teach the class because pretty much everything she said was wrong and I kept correcting her.
>She never said how it ties into what we were learning about. Even today I can only speculate.

>> No.3689710


Well, placing smart kids in public schools helps the taxpayers wallets. Even though a lot of potential can be lost because of smart kids having to go at a much slower pace than they can handle.

>> No.3689764


Yeah, it is a load of shit. I always went ahead in work and I did work question by question because it was logical. The bitch always wanted us to read it all over before we stared, she would read the instructions and I would always be done before she finished explaining anything. She was always mad. Another time she told us all to get our text books from our lockers or cupboards before we come into class. I forget and the bitch says I cannot get it even though we need these charts in order to do the test. I have a photographic memory and the bitch didn't know it, I got 100% on the test using my memory of the pages and when she handed me that 100% I could tell she was mad.

>> No.3689766

>get above average grades despite not caring about school
>don't do homework, have never studied in my life
>get into gifted program in 3rd grade that almost all 4th-6th graders couldn't get into
>shrug off maths and other things because I didn't see the point of it
>always got the "he'd do great if he applied himself"
>waste away my life on video games and internet

>eternal regret

>> No.3689777

>3rd grade
>Reading class
>Teacher is awesome
>"Now class, this is going to be one of the best books you've ever read."
>Gives us copies of Foundation

>> No.3689809


Wrongly diagnosing kids with ADD and ADHD is the way the world deals with kids that are really bored in school. School is fun when you are learning, sadly those fucking retards use a conveyor belt system and assume I should be grouped by age and not intelligence.

>> No.3689824


I cannot remember for the life of me but I realized that during estimations that the problem would exponentially become more skewed and I came a formula to solve this issue in 3rd grade, the teacher never even cared.

>> No.3689844
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I didn't realise how autistic /sci/ is...

>Be in year 1 (Age 5, UK)
>Can't be bothered to greentext
Doubling in maths, sitting in a circle
Guy before me gets told 6, he says 12
I ask to do 2, teacher says ok
I stand up and say 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,1024,2048,4096 (I now realise my teachers were dumbasfuck by anyone's standards and couldn't keep up)
Everyone's staring.
I stop
I sit down.
After that, I get given tonnes more homework than everyone else. I watch as the stupid kids get assistants to write for them, receiving sweets when they get things correct.
I watch as I notice classmates pretend to be very stupid to get the attention and sweets.

Year 5 and 6, all the mock SATs tests, I get 100% in maths.
Teacher doesn't bother to put me in the higher level test.
I tell a girl she's doing her work wrong. I try to correct her.
She starts crying.
The teacher stops the whole class, and then proceeds to rant and tell me that I think I'm so smart, and I may end up with people working for me, but all those people will hate me and I'll have no friends.
Class stays silent as it continues. Fuck elementary school

>> No.3689864


>People aren't judged by who they are, but by their actions

If you ever meet kids you bullied, show them you're not the same person anymore. They'll feel much better about it and they will no longer carry the weight of what you made them bare.

>> No.3689874



Showing your steps was retarded as fuck, maybe if it was a formula or something I'd show it but why the fuck would I show how 2x0.5=1 and then add it to 5. Why couldn't I just do the fucking work? Fucking hate school.

>> No.3689881


Dude, I know what it is like. I was very creative with math and they scolded me, I want to kill all of them for it.

>> No.3689904


I used to think this. Now I realise it was useful as fuck because when you moved onto things that you can't do in your head you at least know how to write your working in a fashion that someone else can understand.

Fucking aspies. They might be clever but they sure don't understand how to learn; I myself have autism but I learnt how to disguise it and cover it up to the point where no-one even comes close to suspecting it. Rather than being a conceited and arrogant little bitch, how about try using a little empathy to understand what it's like to have to put up with people like you.

This is the reason that you're a basement dweller and I'm working on my PhD in topology at GeorgiaTech.

>> No.3689929


I got in an argument with a kid who though computers were making peoples stupid, his reasoning was that we need to do simple math like adding but instead we do it with a calculator, I said
>Yeah, so? You still have to understand the formulas and the numbers them self are irrelevant

The fucking idiot rambled on about how doing simple math questions over and over is "Good for your brain."

I told him that learning new things is superior to repetition. I was so mad when all the other idiots agreed with him. It is so frustrating when people support their own beliefs even though it is horse shit.

>> No.3689933


How do you like Canada compared to China?

>> No.3689956


>Be 0 I was born with the ability to speak
>I learned ever single math equation in the world by the time I was 4
>PhD in everything
>Rule the greatest country on the Earth
>Other countries are EVIL IMPERIALIST SCUM!!!!
>Everyone has best life ever
>Worshiped as a god

>> No.3689994


I am not autistic, bro.

Way to chew me out on false assumptions you fucking hair triggered faggot.

>> No.3690016


And I am not even done high school yet, an I am talking about an individual incident, I can write them out easily and I do for questions that require it like algebra equations and physics formulas but why would I when it is a 2 step addition problem back in 2nd grade. Man, you really are fucked up. I can tell you are autistic, you fucking flipped over the most simple thing. You fucking asspie piece of shit, you explode over something as simple as this? Get a fucking life. As for your PhD in topology, I don't fucking care. You banter about me and then you go on some self righteous parade about your PhD. Man you are an introverted douche bag.

>> No.3690077


>I am not autistic, bro.

Did I say I was specifically referring to you? And to be honest, you seem like it if you're getting that angry about it many years later.

>> No.3690088

>I am not even done high school yet


>> No.3690096

>Take AMC-8 test
>Get highest grade in entire school
>Get a pin, certificate, and my name on a plaque

>School take National Geography Bee tests
>Get highest score in school three years in a row
>Take test for state competition
>Only 100 students in each state get to go
> Get to go to state competition three years in a row

>> No.3690101


>Call someone autistic.
>Get told 'no u'.
>Implying I was angry and not just frustrated.
>Blatant jellyfag.
>Hypocrite for ranting at me.

Nice going, aspie faggot.

Plus you can say what you like, I'm the one having a successful career. You enjoy flipping burgers or whatever it is you do.

You know how I can tell /sci/ is autistic? When they get called out on being douchebags, they act like small children about it rather than admit they were wrong. Until people can admit that maybe they were out of line sometimes they won't get anywhere in life.

>> No.3690108


How is that introverted? Not that guy, but to be honest it seems like he's trying to give you some sort of advice. All you're doing is raging at him (and criticising him for raging, lol). Nice going proving him right.

>> No.3690118


Autismal faggots.

>> No.3690124 [DELETED] 


You sound like someone I know. He played games in 24 hour stints and got angry when people beat him in school. I can imagine him saying this, at the age of 18, with tears streaming down his face at the top of his lungs.

>> No.3690138

>Have "paces", basically bookletts that you work through throughout the year, one for each subject. The teacher assigns a certain number of pages each day and if you finish all of them you get to go play
>get the bright idea to just finish all of my books at once and then goof off the rest of the year
>works for about 2 days, teacher finds out
>I get punished for it AND have to do even more work out of harder books

fuck dis gay erf

>> No.3690159
File: 2 KB, 154x139, 1254360208670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be like 6
>They give us these weird tests
>"Anon, find out what is wrong with these pictures"
>38 pages later, finally get one wrong because I knew it was wrong, but couldn't place my finger on it
>He's shocked and in awe
>Have teacher pull me aside and calls my mother
>We have a meeting, apparently I am incredibly gifted, in fact I got farther than any other student in the district.
>Teacher and the guy conducting the test offered the GATE program to me, saying I could get really far in life, etc...
>Didn't go because my mother wanted to move someplace else, to a shitty little town for no reason.

Thanks mom. In the end my grades are mediocre because I find all problems that are easy boring and as such never attempt to solve them.

>> No.3690162

>get to higher level maths
>it's now expected of you to do complicated shit in your head

>> No.3690163
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>3rd grade
>time to learn cursive
>handwriting conveniently goes down the tubes
>everything must be written in cursive
>teachers can barely read my homework anymore

I had the shittiest handwriting.

>> No.3690173

>be smart as fuck
>mom won't let me join the GATE program or be in honors as a kid
>later on ask mom why
>"because you have enough problems already, I just wanted you to be normal"

>> No.3690176

Or maybe it's because you're lazy regardless of the difficulty of work and you're blaming your mother in an attempt to feel better about yourself.

>> No.3690189

Don't misunderstand, I said the "My grades are mediocre" as in they used to be during school life, now I'm in college and I'm still lazy as ever, but I gets Bs-As without any studying in the slightest.

>> No.3690202

>but I gets Bs-As without any studying in the slightest.

damn you must be one smart motherfucker. Somebody call steven hawking and albert einstein, they could probably learn a thing or two from this guy. Get this kid in mensa man, he gets B's and A's without studying! I bet your IQ is like 200

>> No.3690223


Just tell your mum how grateful you are that you now can't get into any good-tier or top-tier university.

>> No.3690229
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>implying he could have anyway

>> No.3690230


Stop trying to be that sarcastic douche. You're not good at it.

He never said his grades were great, either, so stop trying to be a clever motherfucker because it just makes you look insecure.

>> No.3690237


That's not the point. Also, if you think it's actually hard to get into somewhere like Drexel, Tufts or GeorgiaTech then you must be retarded.

>> No.3690240

>Be in 6th grade.
>smarter than entire class combined.
>Be in 7th grade
>7/8 split with mostly grade 8s
>teacher always sends grade 7s to other room. doesn't give a shit about what we're doing. other grade 7s mostly talk about call of duty and have pretend orgies.
>be in 8th grade
>able to get 100% on every unit test before unit is taught.
>teacher lets me and friend do whatever shit we want, waste time on school media cart laptop all year.
>be in 9th grade
>start high school
>finally get into gifted program
>all other kids are asian super geniuses
>dumbest and fucking laziest kid in gifted program

>> No.3690284


Actually most of my family is in Mensa, closest one that was in it was my grandmother who had an IQ of 142. Still haven't bothered to get tested.

>> No.3690291

American Homeschooler here, this thread fills me with rage.
What sucks is that when I was 13 i was diagnosed with autism, and my parents put me into the public school system so I could gain some social skills.
All my college level studies disappeared, and now I can't even do basic Calc. or Trig. and ended up dropping out of university in spite of constant top grades in high school.
At least I can talk to girls and other folk without seeming like a freak now, so that's an upside.
Fuck public schooling.

>> No.3690294

Holy shit. Actual autist.

>> No.3690298

>You need to learn to write in cursive! You'll be doing it for the rest of your life!


>> No.3690306 [DELETED] 

>draw exceptionally well for my age
>when finishing tasks, fill my notebook with grotesque drawings involving orgy of gore, violence, scat, guns, spaceships and moomins
>my religious ass teacher sees this and is shocked
>calls my parents for a meeting
>my mother looks at me disappointed and spews some worried bullshit, my father smiles and is about burst with laughter
>some more worriysome babble insues
>keep drawing that shit
>boys respect me and girls get attracted to me
>teacher starts to periodically check my notebook and give me detention, if she finds my grotesque art in there - reason = corrupting the minds of other kids in the class.

>> No.3690311

>draw exceptionally well for my age
>when finishing tasks, fill my notebook with grotesque drawings involving orgy of gore, violence, scat, guns, spaceships and moomins
>my religious ass teacher sees this and is shocked
>calls my parents for a meeting
>teachers shows my drawings to parents, my mother looks at me disappointed and spews some worried bullshit, my father smiles and is about burst with laughter
>some more worriysome babble insues
>keep drawing that shit
>boys respect me and girls get attracted to me
>teacher starts to periodically check my notebook and gives me detention, if she finds my grotesque art in there - reason = corrupting the minds of other kids in the class.

>> No.3690316


Fucking teachers drilled it into our heads that we'd be writing nothing but cursive for the rest of our lives, turns out we NEVER had to

I don't even remember how to write cursive.

>> No.3690320

What the fuck? I can't even write in print.

>> No.3690352


>> No.3690493
File: 1.73 MB, 289x216, 1256235484266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I feel bad for you.

>find taser glove schematic on instructables
>a fucking taser glove
>build that shit out of a camera, just like that guy
>taze everyone at home
>take it to school
>everyone is amazed
>my teacher sees it
> says it's cool

>> No.3690615

I know that feel bro

>> No.3690625

>elementary math class
>epic teacher
>i own at math
>help him go around the class and check answers and help out
>wanted to become a teacher thanks to him

>> No.3690642
File: 37 KB, 500x283, EEOGUIDANCE.pin.single.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to socialism.

>> No.3690675

Wow, this thread is full of some of the most bitter pedants on 4chan.

The best is when people are blaming their teachers or fellow students for somehow causing them to grow up either indolent, or with stunted intelligences.

Some of you are cool and I can tell, but a disturbing lot of you really need to grow up, and I hope that eventually you will become more well-adjusted people.

>> No.3690699

I took the batteries out of a disposable camera and took it apart. It still tazed me. Felt bad man.
My teacher told me the same thing! Now I have this cognitive dissonance whenever I here about it. It actually happens to a lot of things that I was taught wrongly about. Someone said you can't take the square root of a negative number in 7th grade and hearing that i is a "number" still bothers me.

I'm jelly of the people who had science fairs.

>> No.3690715

I'm one indolent guy. And I love it! I never step outside my comfort zone and I couldn't be happier. Life serves me up everything I want on a silver platter, almost as if the universe was handcrafted to fit my needs.

>> No.3690717
File: 18 KB, 300x300, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus I remember this shit when I used to read the OMG RED TABBED BOOKS when i was like 8.
Blitzed past the fucking top level purple shit and went onto the 9 year olds books.
Cant believe how seriously people would take that shit, the book rack was in the hall and when the 9 year olds saw me taking the red tabbed books theyd look at me like a criminal lol.
Fucking teacher told me off and said I couldnt read the red ones even thought i had read ALL OF THE PURPLE SHIT. FUCK YOU. I STAYED ON THE RED SHIT ANYWAY CUNT. I cant believe how immature the teachers were in my school, it was like they were us but they could drive.

>> No.3690724

>year ago
>teacher told me that I am stupid
>became best student in my class in that subject

>> No.3690729


>> No.3690730
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I'm jelly of people who had science fairs too. Was always watching on TV or hearing about science fairs, people making volcanos or potato lights, it seemed so fun.

We never had one in any of my schools or my city, that always kind of depressed me.

>> No.3690810

I was awesome in elementary school. Then I nerded up for a while. Now I am rich. I always wanted to be rich.

>> No.3690832

>Went to a private school for preschool
>learned cursive, wrote it like a boss
>Kindergarten came around, teacher says "oh no, that's for older people." Wouldn't let me write cursive
>Third grade comes around where we have to learn it
>mfw I can't remember any of it
> I can look back at my writing in preschool and I did better cursive then than now

>> No.3690839

>be female
>best science and math student in the entire school
>new chemistry teacher
>treats me like shit because I do better than the boys in class
>become depressed and start performing poorly

I should've just reported his sexist ass but I was a shy, terrified loser and girls aren't "supposed to speak up for themselves". Fuck this stupid society.

>> No.3690926

>In Kindergarten, super ahead of my time (reading "middle school" level books in the library.
>Science fair time
>Everybody does simple stuff like which toilet paper is the strongest
>I do friction and test it with my hotwheels and a sweet ramp my grandpa made me
>Get best of show in Kindergarten
> Awarded best project Kindergarten-second grade, beat my 2nd grade sister

>> No.3690953


Let's say you got kid A and B who both have the same IQ and are equally intrested in science / reading.

Kid A is put in an environment where he gets bullied and beaten up for liking science, not sports. He gets discouraged to learn science and has little access to more scientific knowledge.
Kid B is put in an environment where he gets praised, rewarded and encouraged for liking science. He also has a lot more scientific knowledge at his disposal.

In the end, kid B will likely have more motivation to persue scientific knowledge and is perhaps a bit more intelligent than kid A (Synapse elimination).

Just pointing out, environmental factors such as teachers and fellow students do have an influence on people. For better or worse.

>> No.3690955

tits or gtfo

>> No.3690965


Wow. Blaming society for you being too much of a pussy to speak up?

I also suspect this to be a troll so 2/10.

>> No.3691478

They put the emotionally disabled with the mentally disabled. Do to my depression, I was treated like an idiot. I found that belittling and it made me depressed. They were actively keep me from growing "For my safety" they told me.
One problem is my goals grew exponentially as I learned what I could do, which is anything given the time and resources. Then in college, I learned so much as an engineer student. Only to now be doing business, partly because I very smart but not very fast, timed tests will be the death of me, and I trusted my advisers not to do things like put me in courses out of order.
I would show them all if I had 10,000 dollars and place to setup my lab. As I finished my business work in record time and then had time to work, albeit with no space or money. So I then addressed the issues I wanted to and figured out not only how much on some conspiracy were partly true, but just messed up the system is. I found and treated the cause of my depression and got all my doctors to remove all my meds and left them very confused when my tests only showed zero trace toxins, they ran the test twice at two different labs because they thought it was an error and scared the hell out of my dentist when my cavities show signs of healing. Now I am labeled as dangerous by may and am probably on some watch lists. I may not have official documents, but my results speak for themselves if any one would listen. Now I am board with no money and the skills needed to do just about anything, if I had a place to work and resources. Still working on my degree in business because I am well aware of how important such pointless pieces of paper are if people are to ever take me seriously. Any ideas on what I should do now with my time and skill? So I guess in my case it was partly me trusting authority too much and them not letting me grow.