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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3680547 [Reply] [Original]


SCIENCE: Electricity, Cars, Airplanes, Television, Space Travel, Computers, and Internet Porn.


>> No.3680555

Is this a troll thread?

I guess philosophy gave us the scientific method.
The first scientists were philosophers too after all.

>> No.3680562


Phil isn't doing well lately.

>> No.3680564

All threads are troll threads.

And good to see it took less than a minute for philosophy to take complete credit for the entire scientific accomplishments of mankind based on the work of one philosopher that's been dead for 2500 years.

>> No.3680597

I explained to my technical writing TA(who was working on his PhD or something in analyzing Victorian literature) that I could never respect his field because no matter how introspective or revealing it is about the human condition, it couldn't "do" anything. It could only analyze and possibly postulate without any means of confirmation. It generated only "understanding" that fueled itself.

I guess it was a feeling similar to that conveyed in "The Astronomers Wife" or whatever that short story is called.(Philosophers and Scientists suck, Engineer's get mad pussy)

>> No.3680609

And Religion gave us the Scientific Method, thanks to Allah.

>> No.3680617

Critical thought?
Logic and ethic systems?

Ignorance is not strength, OP.,

>> No.3680619


The modern scientific method was developed by muslim philosophers and then Renaissance philosophers. Even concepts like psuedo science and science itself were really only developed in philosophy.

>> No.3680625

>I explained to my technical writing TA(who was working on his PhD or something in analyzing Victorian literature) that I could never respect his field because no matter how introspective or revealing it is about the human condition, it couldn't "do" anything. It could only analyze and possibly postulate without any means of confirmation. It generated only "understanding" that fueled itself.

I'll humor this and assume he's masturbating.

Also this.

>> No.3680631

Yes, if it weren't for philosophers, critical thinking and logic would never have been invented, and we'd all still be swinging from trees and picking ticks out of each others' fur.

Took a philosophy-logic course after I'd already learned mathematical logic. What a fucking joke.

(inb4 philosophers take credit for mathematical logic)

>> No.3680636

PHILOSOPHY: society, science, wisdom

>> No.3680647


>> No.3680654

The guy was more of a theologist, but yes, he can also be considered a philosopher. Not to mention that he used the Koran as his basis, although I do not follow the logic of it, to be honest.

>> No.3680658

fucking insects have invented "society"

Just because a philosopher happened to be the first person to actually write down modus ponens in a book that survived to the present day doesn't mean he gets credit for everything it has ever been used for throughout history.

Yeah, that's totally a tangible, objective benefit.

>> No.3680665

Philosophy gave us laws and ethics. It is an important foundation of our civilization.

>> No.3680683

Religion too.

>> No.3680687

I respect you so much Sasha Grey <3

>> No.3680704

google: renee descartes

>> No.3680708

Those are things that are present in animal cultures. At best, philosophers were the first people to recognize ethics as a thing.

>implying religion has benefited mankind

>> No.3680718


I can say the same about mathematicians and calculus.

Philosophers pioneered a lot of that stuff and it's still applicable to things that involve communication, ethics, and social analysis today.

Then again, you might be one of those types who measure value in tangibles only.

>> No.3680727


No one said philosophy needs to be credited with everything that has been achieved through the scientific method. But Science isn't an isolated phenomenon that just emerged out of nowhere, neither were systems of government and law. The philosophies throughout history likewise weren't the isolated speculation of great thinkers, they had real impact on the shaping of civilizations and their views about the world and thus shaped the world, and shaped science to what it is today, even today science shapes philosophy and philosophy shapes science. Look at recent philosophies of mind, most are related in some way to neurology, and basic assumptions of science, like what exactly is energy are being scrutinized to form a more meaningful foundational basis. It's pretty naive to think of philosophy or any system of thought as simply in a vacuum with it's practical and directly connected achievements.

>> No.3680734

>I can say the same about mathematicians and calculus.

What? That we'd all be swinging from trees if not for calculus?

No, but you'd have a lot more free time for your philosophical thinking while walking to work every morning.

>> No.3680747


Actually, I don't know why we bother why we make this a discipline troll thread, it could be nationality troll thread.

France: Invent rationalism, scientific method, etc
World: Even trying?

>> No.3680762

>it's still applicable to things that involve communication, ethics, and social analysis today.

Of course there will be no explicit examples of these applications forthcoming ITT...

Writing philosophy books that are only read by other philosophers who then do nothing but write more useless books isn't doing anyone any good except the people who get paid to do the writing.

>> No.3680772

"Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds." -Feynman


>> No.3680795
File: 304 KB, 1407x660, cHybM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That we'd still have calculus somehow even if there are no dedicated mathematicians...

I can see a parallel between what theoretical physics to that average facebook layperson and what philosophy is to the average /sci/ poster.

Just because you don't understand its utility and value doesn't mean that they do not exist.

Pic related: that is you.

>> No.3680800


Except for that one time in texas where the demarcation of science need to be defined, or they would end up teaching creationism in texas science classrooms. The lawyers in there would have made Feynman suck his own dick while he begged philosophers to fuck his ass in apology.

>> No.3680824

Philosophy isn't like other sciences in the sense is that it's goal in untangible results.
Without "philosophy", there wouldn't be a benefit to science because we wouldn't recieve any happyness/ satisfaction from it, or really with anything.

>> No.3680836

>That we'd still have calculus somehow even if there are no dedicated mathematicians...

From Euclid until the late 1600's and Newton, about when "mathematician" became a real profession, mankind had invented roughly all the math you learn up to about grade 10 in high school, and not much more.

If noone ever got paid to do mathematical research and we had to rely on amateurs and independently wealthy geniuses, it would be another thousand years before we got to a place where physicists could talk about string theory.

>Just because you don't understand its utility and value doesn't mean that they do not exist.
I shouldn't have to understand the latest philosophical research to understand what benefit it's doing for mankind anymore than you need to understand advanced engineering to see how much easier cars make your life.

>> No.3680839

So philosophers invented happiness?

That sounds pretty tangible to me.

>> No.3680861

1st off can you touch happyness? can you measure happyness?
no you can't. you could try to measure it, but it is all relative from person to person.
2nd, philosophy is just trying to understand things in general; to question the way things work.

>> No.3680867

>1st off can you touch happyness? can you measure happyness?
can you spell it?

>> No.3680890


But you do need some background in philosophical theory to understand the mechanics behind political rhetoric, marketing, propaganda, persuasive speech, why/how the public react to ideas and people the way they do, etc...

Again, lack of tangibility does not mean lack of value.

And I'd like to hear your reason for why the public should continue to subsidize "nontangible" sciences.

>> No.3680894

Philosophers - I can't be bothered to do fuck all on getting empirical evidence, so I talk out of my arse instead.

>> No.3680899

no, i guess i can't.
want to answer the question and not worry about my shitty grammar?

>> No.3680906

None to /sci/ as they are all nihilist misanthropes who are dumb enough to believe in any world ending conspiracy theory.

>> No.3680920
File: 49 KB, 442x418, rageface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be trolls...PLEASE!!!