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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 193x261, einsteinPrinceton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3679357 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ will there ever be another scientific celebrity that's of the caliber of Einstein? My first guess would be Stephen Hawking, but even though he's incredibly brilliant I don't feel he has the same "celebrity" status. Einstein has been parodied in everything and his name is associated with pure genius. He has left a legacy behind that has made him not only popular among our scientific community, but even the layman knows him and is at least somewhat aware of what he did.

tl;dr Will there ever be another Albert Einstein?

>> No.3679370

The problem is that nobody will ever make a poster of stephen hawking's crippled body with some kind of motivational quote attached to it. It would frighten children.

>> No.3679377

Did Einstein ever appear on the Simpsons?

Atheists 0
Matt Groening 1

>> No.3679382

To be honest no one has done anything as monumental as Einstein did. Hawking has contributed a lot of cosmology, but he hasn't caused anywhere near of a paradigm shift. Much like Einstein "overthrew" Newton, someone would probably need to "overthrow" Einstein and mesh cosmology and quantum mechanics.

>> No.3679385
File: 38 KB, 298x440, ````.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you dick.

>> No.3679390

I guess Nikola Tesla was the closest thing to Einstein in terms of the importance of their contribution to their fields.

>> No.3679410


Except Nikola Tesla didn't turn engineering on its head.

He just made flashy shows and nifty gadgets.

Seriously, stop overstating Tesla. Dude was awesome, dude was not earthquaking. Everything he's done was developed linearly in the following 50 years. He was ahead of his time, but engineering is not like physics, other people WILL invent what you did.

And don't even fucking whisper "Teleforce" or "earthquake machine", those were the inane ravings of an insane hobo driven to poverty because he was a shitty businessman.

>> No.3679415

Just as there have been many geniuses in the art world over time... from Bach to Beethoven to Liszt to the Beatles, there have and will be more popular scientists. Einstein is just relevant to our era.

>> No.3679421

>mesh cosmology and quantum mechanics.

I can't imagine in this day in age one person doing something so monumental. It just seems today's discoveries have to be made by more than one person.

>> No.3679440

Agreed on that death ray shit. But his discovery/invention of AC turned mass power on its head. Can you imagine projects like ITER or the LHC running on DC-mains? The running costs? That single invention/discovery recreated city planning and expanded the horizons of all future research into electrics. Not to mention the obvious at-home benefits.

>> No.3679446


>engineering is not like physics, other people WILL invent what you did

I'd feel the same way about physics, if Einstein never came along with his accomplishments others possibly/probably would have.

>> No.3679451

>invent the radio
>oh its just a nifty gadget

>> No.3679458

>engineering is not like physics, other people WILL invent what you did.

Other people would have proposed Einstein's theories, too.

>> No.3679461

Oh, wow.

>> No.3679464
File: 19 KB, 360x240, cutey_Emma_overlightening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact:
the guy who voices Scorpio and many other Simpsons characters is Albert Einstein. For se showbiz, he changed his name to Brooks.


>> No.3679479

He wasn't the first one.