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[ERROR] No.3676906 [Reply] [Original]

yfw you realized that corporations have more power than government, and probably have had for the last 20 years.

>> No.3676911
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>> No.3676916

>implying that is a bad thing
>implying that is true

Walmart has never once threatened to use their power to harm me. The government does it every day.

>> No.3676917

If by corporations you mean banks, and by banks you mean der Juden, I agree.

>> No.3676919


>> No.3676925
File: 66 KB, 579x329, 1313486396052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this is not 2027

>> No.3676945
File: 14 KB, 396x223, obama smile 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw corporations are the children of the state

>> No.3676952
File: 30 KB, 704x480, 6-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face when you don't even know what you mean by "corporations" and are the same level of sheeple as the conspiracy theorists you listen to

>> No.3676956

Corporations provide funding and promote candidates that are favourable to policies that are advantageous to them. The dumbass public still has to vote them in though, and unfortunately, they usually do. Basically any power corporations have over policy making is obtained through shear ignonrance and stupidity of the people who vote their candidates in.

>> No.3676959
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt pretty bad man

>> No.3676960

>Goldman Sachs

Companies of that nature. Heaps of large companies that don't advertise themselves that would go unnoticed by the general public

>> No.3676963

Just finished DX:HR?

>> No.3676970

For a hundred years, there’s been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people. Don’t believe me? It’s all in the numbers.

Number one: That's terror. Number Two: That's terror.

>> No.3676988

>last 20 years

implying that corporations have not had government by the balls since 1869 when the Transcontinental Railroad was completed.

>> No.3677045

>implying non-competitive government has advanced society more than the private sector

I, for one, welcome our corporate overlords. Keep extending my lifespan, improving my porn-viewing experience, and creating delicious food and I will happily oblige.

>> No.3677093

Why would we distinguish between one large, unresponsive organisation that seeks power over us and another? Without government forcing us to bail them out or pay to clean up their messes, we'd have more power to bankrupt those corporations that are actually using bad business practice. Without corporations funding election campaigns and then pocketing politicians with outright bribes and cushy jobs when they're out of office, we'd have more power to put people who actually represent us into office. It doesn't work without both. Either system can be dysfunctional in their own ways, sure, but to get the situation we see right now you need both in cahoots.

>> No.3677094

Corporations ARE government, idiot.

>> No.3677097

>>implying non-competitive government has advanced society more than the private sector
Well, the government can always steal technology from other countries (e.g. World War II)

>> No.3677098


Corps and banks have been in power in the US since Regan.

>> No.3677102


But that isn't realistic. Corporations used to do that, but now they are hell bent on taking your money and killing you if that is what it takes. Medical companies and pharmaceutical companies are the best thing to look at. Deadly drugs are on the market for a decade before they are taken off, even though they already know their dangers. Have you ever heard of floroquinalones? Look that stuff up.

>> No.3677105

longer bro


>> No.3677108

>implying that a species of jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii as T. nutricula, is not effectively immortal because of its ability to transform between medusa and polyp, thereby escaping death.

y'all is just jelly.

>> No.3677107


I said CORPS and banks. Not banks. Banks have been in power since the IMF and Federal Reserve.