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[ERROR] No.3673753 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any real geniuses on /sci/ (IQ >= 160) besides me?

>> No.3673764


>> No.3673759

sage for pretending to be Einstein

>> No.3673774 [DELETED] 

No one on /sci/ has an actual (as opposed to e-IQ) IQ over 120, with maybe a few exceptions.

case in point; can't locate email field

>> No.3673772
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>> No.3673766

>genius will describe himself as a genius

>> No.3673776


>> No.3673778


>not implying IQ 145+ (or 3 standard deviations on a SD15 IQ test), which is about 1 percent of the population is the bar for genius
>Implying that IQ is an accurate measure for determining that someone is a genius.

I hope you're not doing this.

>> No.3673801

I've met 145s. They're nowhere near my level of intellect.

>> No.3673817


The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

And you seem to not even know that.

On a related note, no matter how smart you are, unless you learn some people skills, you aren't going to go far with it. There are 1000 people with the IQ of an Einstein for each actual Einstein.

Why do you think most of those 'child prodigy' children who can do Calc at 12 turn out to be dismal failures?

>> No.3673819
File: 98 KB, 600x450, 1311807360930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what is the meaning of life?

>> No.3673830

OP, why don't you contribute to science instead of bragging about your IQ?

>> No.3673851 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 134x181, 1311104454101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have a written-test IQ of 173 at age 19

>> No.3673868

Don't worry about these idiots OP.
I hate how everyone, like the people in this thread, expects you to go contribute to society in some boring way. Let me tell you something folks; science doesn't require geniuses these days. All you do is glorified trial and error. Its basically a button pressing job that requires you to memorize a shitton of boring information first.

>> No.3673876
File: 43 KB, 418x367, MotivateLucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I mean, it's not like being smart is completely useless unless you do something with it, like a naturally strong person sitting in front of the TV all day and not moving.

I mean come on, do you think smart people inherently understand that by helping society they are promoting a world in which all other smart people also help society and thereby helping themselves? Naw man. That's boring. Just stay at home and read books and brag on the net about your IQ.

Now THAT'S Living!

>> No.3673889

OP, since you are apparently a 'genius', why do you put so much emphasis on a one-dimensional measure of intelligence? Are you feeling insecure? I've met brilliant, arrogant intellectuals before but usually they provide something more substantive to their cliams besides their IQ 'number'. What school did you go to? What position do you hold in society? What awards and papers have you published? You might very well believe you are the smartest person on Earth but doesn't mean shit if there isn't a bunch of relevant evidence to substantiate it.

>> No.3673893

I'm unimpressed, genius by it's self means nothing.

think about those that make the top 1 percent in intelligence are incredibly abundant, that's 3,000,000 people in u.s. alone.

Not even 1 percent of these people will turn out to be anything like Einstein .Not to mention Einstein never took an iq test in his life, his iq has always just been assumed to be the highest possible.

>> No.3673896

187 reporting in.

>> No.3673902

>never contributed anything to humanity

pick one

>> No.3673903

lol this guys a fucken genuis holy shit

>> No.3673917

I'm a 142, really.

Not saying I'm the best, it's annoying to know too much in today's society.
As I would never level down my "actual intelligence", I wouldn't either get it up too much

>> No.3673919

Everyone on /sci/ is over 160, OP. Nobody is impressed with you.

>> No.3673925

Honestly, I don't think IQ means anything beyond about two sigma.

>> No.3673932


Top 1% (99th percentile) is actually pretty low, IQ 135 or so. It gets exponential after that, 99.9 is 146, 99.991 is 156, 99.999 is 172.

Each basically means you tested higher than that percentage of the population.

>> No.3673934 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 155x202, 1314808489287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

114 here.

3rd year of my engineering undergrad.

I'll soon be making my 200k while getting all the pussy.

>Mfw the kids that claimed they had high IQs in high school are either still unemployed or dropped out of college.

>> No.3673947
File: 38 KB, 600x398, l_d76b164058e4f6c8df4fb68fae61bbfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an IQ of 70 and I'm the smartest guy in my gang.
I'm also the only one who is able to read and write.

>> No.3673955

163 here

deal with it

>> No.3673962
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When did you know you were a homosexual? Were you born that way? Or did engineering turn you queer?

>> No.3673969


Yeah, I noticed that too, but in my case there were guys who I thought were legitimately intelligent, but who were as a result not challenged at all in high school, dropped out, and never continued schooling.

I was lucky enough to stick around despite the boredom. But I do blame at least in part a school system that is forced to cater to the least common denominator. If I had a nickel for every-time in high school some idiot held up the entire class asking what a covalent bond was for the 5th time, well, I'd have a few nickels.

Also, jesus christ, have you ever heard some people read aloud in high school english classes? It scares me. They could not pronounce words like "similar", they stumbled over commas, it sounded like an 8 year old.


>> No.3673990

I never liked Shakespeare. Thought he was overrated. To many classroom readings, and high school productions I guess.

A few years ago I saw a production by the Shakespeare company in DC. And it blew my mind. It was amazingly good.

>> No.3673984

Not my real equation but good enough for /sci/

1. IQ= basic hardware capabilities

2. Intelligence=(basic hardware capabilities)+( education+mental tools+creativity)

3. Scientific achievement= (("hardware capabilities)+( education+ mental tools+creativity))+(goals+willpower+curiosity)

Thats why while there are Tenths of Millions of people that have IQ of Einstein's level only a dozen of those people can be considered 'genius'.

>> No.3674001

I dont like shakespear because he is too mainstream.
>hurr hipster.
No seriously, it really spoils everything when batshit niggers recite lines from it.

>> No.3674016
File: 18 KB, 430x225, vess_puck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is some really good shit in Shakespeare. I liked a Midsummer Night's Dream.

"If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here, whilst these visions did appear,
And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding than a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend, if you pardon, we will mend.

And as I am an honest Puck, if we have unearned luck,
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue we will make amends 'ere long, else the Puck a liar call,

So, good night, unto you all.

Give me your hands if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends."

Good times.

>> No.3674022


I know what you mean. The first time I read shakespeare in a group it became so dull that whenever I was a reader for the class, I would make it as close to an actual actor's as possible (or at least as hammy as possible)

>> No.3674167

I now agree, I was blinded by the method of delivery. The finest steak in the world would taste like shit if served on a cow pie.

>> No.3674184

>Measure of genius
>measure of anythiing bar how good you are at IQ tests
How about NO.

>> No.3674191


mine are 98+87i

>> No.3674273

>Are there any real geniuses on /sci/ besides me?
Nope your the only beautiful unique snowflake.

>> No.3674591


135 is not low, you only need 130+ to be considered a genius in most iq tests.

Even if we take a extremely strict stance on the word genius however say top 0.1 percent that's still 300,000 people in the U.S. alone.Where at best only a couple hundred will accomplish anything comparable to Einstein .