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File: 30 KB, 304x304, higss boson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3671253 [Reply] [Original]

hello /sci/ I was wondering (while i was researching on the LHC) what are the possible uses of the higgs boson particle to humanity (if any) could be?

>> No.3671284

it can give mass

>> No.3671288
File: 18 KB, 432x476, 1263844172971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Information and maniuplation of the Higgs Boson will eventually lead to our ability to control mass/gravity at will.

Basically flying cars, and colinization of space on a fucking mass scale. This won't happen until at least a couple hundred of years after the discovery though (time for the tech to be invented and perfected).

The Higgs Boson probably doesn't exist though.

Anyother questions?

>> No.3671294

So scientists.
So far, in physics, when MOST scientists agree on something theoretical, without it being proved and support it ONLY because it fits to the theory...almost ALL times, the experiment done to prove it is TRUE.

Based on that it is almost impossible for higgs boson not exist.

>> No.3671297

>Anyother questions?

Why is your pic so disturbing?

>> No.3671302


>almost impossible

95% is still a 1-in-20.

The RPG player within me always knows to consider the critical hit.

>> No.3671303

We don't know yet, anon. We just know that the presence (or absence) of this particle would have important theoretical repurcussions.

We didn't know what the application of early E&M studies would be either.

>> No.3671314
File: 2 KB, 80x80, polls_th_met_cmanagerblue_2850_109627_answer_6_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause you don't like Melodic Death Metal?

>> No.3671321

> the experiment done to prove it is TRUE.
What do you think this means?

The experiment is done to check WHETHER it is true. If the experiment does not distinguish between the theory being correct or incorrect, it's just a bad experiment.

How about observing stars passing behind the sun during a solar eclipse, to see if there is distortion in their rate of movement? This made Einstein's theory of general relavitity a massive success, when his predictions were verified.

Was that an experiment to prove his theory was true? Or just an experiment to check his prediction? Is there a difference? What do you mean by "prove it is true"?

>> No.3671323

Ive always wondered how many bosum higgs there are in english merchant marines

>> No.3671330

I like melodic death metal.
But that's not an excuse to look gay.

>> No.3671331

any ideas on the time it would take for the application of antimatter as a viable fuel source? you know so it dosn't cost $70 trillion to create a gram..

>> No.3671343

>you know so it dosn't cost $70 trillion to create a gram..
Not in this century. Unless the singularity is soon and has surprises in store, I suppose.

Why do you need it? I'm not sure it would be worth it for anything besides interstellar travel.

>> No.3671362
File: 25 KB, 548x169, Antimatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a high energy source such as antimatter the sci-fi stuff you see in those shoddy films you see could become more realistic

>> No.3671369

>energy source
That's the problem here. It's not an energy source, because there isn't much lying around (there may be a little stuck in the Earth's magnetic field in orbit). It's an energy storage mechanism.

Antimatter will not be an energy SOURCE until you find a bunch of it just lying around somewhere. Same thing with hydrogen.

>> No.3671385

hmm my bad i didn't mean energy source more like fuel for rockets and other spacey things.. and antimatter lying round sounds a bit.. dangerous

>> No.3671388

>and antimatter lying round sounds a bit.. dangerous
You've got that right.

If you want the future you're talking about, it just takes lots of energy. Maybe once we get fusion working, or have a metric fuckton of orbital solar panels.