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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3670282 [Reply] [Original]

where is your science now?


go in church and repent for your sins

>> No.3670296

wow. thanks for this.

this may be prove of advanced conscious life... think of it.... astronomical structures that conscious beings brought about rather than nature did, and akin to how we control nature here on earth like building massive dams. This could be the equivalent of a cosmic gravity well used by some advanced species.

Epic win!

>> No.3670294
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>> No.3670299 [DELETED] 

>Mfw idiots who follow religion think a scientists word is the absolute truth when talking about stuff outside of earth.

As if we arn't humans an can't ever be wrong.

>> No.3670308

Thanks for the article, troll. Was a pretty interesting read.

>> No.3670381
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>> No.3670392
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A possible generation III star?


I remember speculation that if a dwarf star had formed at the earliest stages of the universe, it could survive to this day, but the chances of finding one were so minuscule.

Hooray for astronomy!

>> No.3670415 [DELETED] 

>Mfw idiots who follow religion think a scientists word is the absolute truth when talking about stuff outside of earth or on earth.


i agree with your sentiment, but you should know that the whole basis of the scientific method is you can never know ANYTHING to be 100% true.

>> No.3670416
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Christfag here.

>> No.3670427


Nature Journal

[1st September 2011]

[Entry]: In retrospect, we should have wiped that fucking lens before contacting the media.

>> No.3670538

Well the earth isn't flat.
Where is your god now?
Not sure where to send you though. A school maybe? To get educated.

But you wont do that. And the bible won be revised. While science will continue to be updated and progress based on new findings like these.

>> No.3670574
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>> No.3670582
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Aliens did it. They must be stopped, so they stop ruining our models.

>> No.3670599

That's no star...That's a RKV coming in directly at us.


>> No.3670610

>“It is a mystery how the lithium that formed just after the beginning of the Universe was destroyed in this star.” Bonifacio added.
>“It was surprising to find, for the first time, a star in this ‘forbidden zone’, and it means we may have to revisit some of the star formation models.”

Omg, who the fuck funds these people?? They're paid to look at photos of stars and guess "the composition" from their spectrum, based on another theory. And now they need a new theory, and this is so baffling to them. Hahahahahahaha, we are wasting money on this shit, researching a 13 billion years star, based on some bulsshit theories, that now need to be "revisited". How much do these guys make/year?

>> No.3670614

>"blah blah blah idiotic bullshit"
You don't say. I think it's time for your afternoon nap. Now don't try to escape the crib or you'll hurt yourself.

>> No.3670615
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Fist religion was disproved and now science! What will we use now to try and explain how things work and happen?!

>> No.3670618


If a star exists that technically shouldn't exist I don't see why the suggestion that it was created artificially would be laughed at. Of course theres no way to prove such a theory so it will for ever remain a theory, an interesting one though.

>> No.3670630

Srsly tho

They should be there is a chance some stars are survivors when the universe only composed of H and He. It's not like early stars had a lot of heavy metals.

Why can't it be just an artifact from the early universe? An under cooked hydrogen/Helium stage star with low mass and never got a full load of hydrogen to make it super massive.

>> No.3670632
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The Japanese did it.

>> No.3670642


whats this guys name?

>> No.3670636
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A mystery..

>> No.3670634

well yes, it's a fucking old dwarf star... you can read it right there

>> No.3670641

Slow the fuck down....

You mean to tell me.....there is shit we don't understand in that mindfuckingly huge spot we call the 'universe'?

Monitoring this shit

>> No.3670662

> implying we already know EVERYTHING about the UNIVERSE
> implying our models are infallible

this, my friend, is called a ``discovery"

>> No.3670664
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Mr. A

>> No.3670665


Giorgio Tsoukalos

>> No.3670677

Yes, they discovered they know shit about stars, and we've been paying for it until now.

>> No.3670717

It was still formed 13 billion years ago, i dont think there would be any species advanced enough to travel space shortly after the big bang let alone artificially create stars.

>> No.3670742

And if we havn't we wouldn't even know shit.

Quit being stupid.

>> No.3670743

>Implying anything that "shouldn't exist" but does exist isn't covered by science
>Implying "sins" automatically exist because of a new discovery
>Implying God wouldn't be science if he existed
Reported for religion trolling.

>> No.3670776


How do we know the universe is only 14 billion years old, because thats as far as we can see? Standing on a beach I can only see so far out, does the planet end at the furthermost point I can see?

It's the biggest durr move of science I know of, just because we can only see that far doesn't mean thats where it magically comes to a stop. Dealing with these kind of distances, time and space becomes a big what the fuck is going on here.

>> No.3671453

More so proof that the big bang never happened.

(RANDOM EXPLOSION = universe) = desperation for an answer

The universe was formed in a way we have no way of proving

>> No.3671463

Christians, explain this:

Why did god need a week to create the earth, couldn't he do it instantly?

>> No.3671495


Oh and explain how "god" created light, if he created source of light waaay later?

>> No.3671505

>How do we know the universe is only 14 billion years old, because thats as far as we can see?
no, we can see up to 46 billion light years away not 14 billion. there goes your whole argument.


>> No.3671519


Actually makes sense. Think of how abundant both of those things are. What if they made an artificial star to support their life forever? If this is true, we may have found a likely area for extremely advanced beings.

>> No.3671531


> Implying the universe didn't expand faster than the speed of light.


>> No.3671556


You're bad at this.

The comoving distance from Earth to the edge of the observable universe is about 14 billion parsecs (46 billion, or 4.6 × 1010, light years) in any direction.

>>Comoving distance

>> The same as absolute distance

>> Trollface.jpg.


Seriously, 4/10 for making me respond. That's the best I can do.

Also: religitards: If God can be self-caused, why can't the universe?

>> No.3671572


Also, FTA:

Many secondary sources have reported a wide variety of incorrect figures for the size of the visible universe. Some of these figures are listed below, with brief descriptions of possible reasons for misconceptions about them.

>>13.7 billion light-years. The age of the universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion years. While it is commonly understood that nothing can accelerate to velocities equal to or greater than that of light, it is a common misconception that the radius of the observable universe must therefore amount to only 13.7 billion light-years. This reasoning makes sense only if the universe is the flat spacetime of special relativity; in the real universe, spacetime is highly curved on cosmological scales[citation needed], which means that 3-space (which is roughly flat) is expanding, as evidenced by Hubble's law. Distances obtained as the speed of light multiplied by a cosmological time interval have no direct physical significance.[20]

>> No.3671620

>How much do these guys make/year?
Scientists like this can make up to $200,000 a year depending on the funding and research, as well as years of experience and reputation (meaning a straight-out-of-college or grad-school scientist probably wouldn't make anything yet).