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[ERROR] No.3669357 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that a group of social outcasts were capable of changing our entire civilization with their ideas (i.e. Personal Computers)

How likely is, that something like this happen s again in this decade?

And how hard will it be in the future, considering that we will have totally different networks and corporations.

Is it still possible to

>> No.3669368

Ignore the "Is it still possible to", I fucked up.

>> No.3669365

elevated roadways would be amazing

>> No.3669375

They proved that all it takes is one mind (or maybe a few) with a great idea to completely change the face of the world. I believe this is extremely likely nowadays, especially with all the freedom of information their inventions have brought us. The problem is that everybody seems to know everything nowadays, so all the good ideas can easily get drowned out by the massive amount of bad ones.

>> No.3669389
File: 197 KB, 650x520, Furries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you expect furries to change the world?

>> No.3669405


The fact that you're talking about them proves they have.

>> No.3669408

I wasn't referring as change as in social networks, I mean as in the boom of personal computers, and I think it's an interesting question considering that nowadays corporations and governments are the ones in charge.

I'm just wondering if we could experiment another change just like we did with the internet and computers led by another group of outcasts or social rebels that could change us entirely.

>> No.3669412
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>> No.3669415


They wouldn't.

A good majority of them are fucking idiots along with them being more artsy than technical.

>> No.3669432

I'm also talking to you, and I'm pretty sure the world won't change shape if you didn't waste your life on 4chan with meaningless responses.

>> No.3669435


I wasn't referring to change as in social networks either. I have no idea where got that from other than what I said about freedom of information. My point was that scientific innovation is still exploding. Science is advancing so quickly that it's normal for things to change rapidly.

But yeah, corporations are in charge of a majority of these changes. And they thrive more off of profiteering than pure innovation for the good of mankind. So radical changes in our infrastructure is something they would be against as this poses too much risk.

But you can't prevent the best ideas from having heavy consequences, even if it has to be backed by independent developers. With all the power granted by technology nowadays, somebody is going to use it for better or for worse and it's going to change the world.

>> No.3669436


It wasn't just a great idea, it was a great idea combined with a bunch of other factors that let it happen.

>> No.3669438


If bitcoins ever take off, there's one.

>> No.3669455
File: 154 KB, 956x756, 3dprinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys developing (relatively) cheap do-it-yourself 3d printers could have a similarly revolutionary impact on the world.

If/when they manage to build multi-material printers capable of printing circuit boards and so forth, expect a massive change to the current consumerist paradigm.

>> No.3669453
File: 29 KB, 276x276, 20100908111322_1531_DontThinksoTim..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3669463

inb4 singularity

>> No.3669464


You're disagreeing with a conditional? So you think if bitcoins take off, it will not have a profound effect on the world?

>> No.3669468

I doubt bitcoin in particular will ever take off, but I suspect there will be other more stable electronic currencies that will gain popularity in the future.

>> No.3669492


Yeah, I really hope reasoning is a lot less calculable than people see to think it is. There are a lot of factors that go into the choices we make and I don't know if a computer would be able to simulate it perfectly. It certainly wouldn't have the same motivations as we do (even if you programmed intelligent AI with that kind of motivation, if would have reason to distrust that particular portion of its own programming.

So who fucking knows. I just hope people are a little more capable of creativity than computers are so that we don't become completely obsolete.

>> No.3669549

Cool picture. Where is it from?

>> No.3669560

Some initial conditions are laughable.

>If invisible pink unicorns exist, everyone gets jelly beans!

>> No.3669565


Which is a true statement.

>> No.3669571
File: 1.79 MB, 2800x1600, der.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I have a couple ones, I don't know the source.

>> No.3669584

Were they really social outcasts? They needed business savvy in order to get shit done, to them manipulating others was no different from finishing a little project on one of their machines. The real social outcasts would have been left behind to stagnate and achieve nothing. Anxiety isn't a good thing.

>> No.3669594


Looks like the it's a park with a "city" theme, so many attractions.

I've been looking at the details for 15 min straight.

>> No.3669604

Which isn't?

>> No.3669621


It is. If invisible pink unicorns existed, then everyone would get free jelly beans.

>> No.3669622

It's Treasure Town, the setting of the movie TekkonKinkreet.
It's actually an incredible film, you should watch it. Here's a torrent if you're interested: