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File: 13 KB, 290x228, homicide offending by gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3667769 [Reply] [Original]


Scientists develop a reliable and affordable method for two human females to reproduce. A few years later, a plague sweeps the globe that kills off every male human, and aborts every male embryo, at a rate of 100%.

What is the all-female civilization that remains like? Pic related.

>> No.3667772

> endless lesbians

>> No.3667798


You think that in the absence of men, they'll all just become lesbians? This implies that all women are bisexual, right?

>> No.3667808

I'm glad I would be without me, 'cause I wont live in that world.

>> No.3667817
File: 10 KB, 200x284, 200px-Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of towers and skyscrapers we'll live in massive holes.

>> No.3667818

If my thinking is right, 2 men can have both girls and boys if you take out the gametes or dna in a egg and then put one guys gametes with two x chromosomes in to replace the ones in the egg then put the egg back into some chick(might need to be a relative to the XX guy or whatever makes it compatible) and then let the second guy fuck the girl and tada you have a kid with both of the dads traits. U might be able to do the same with chicks but you could take a y chromosome from one of there dads and replace on of there x chromosomes.

But then again I'm just a physics major.

>> No.3667822

Everyone is bisexual.

>> No.3667827

Humanity would die off relatively fast, unless someone figures out how to make artificial sperm. Only the lesbians would survive to reproduce, and it is not guranteed that their offspring would be lesbian as well.

>> No.3667837

the pic proves the reasoning i use to exclude all non-related males from my life, whenever possible. men=violence.

>> No.3667842
File: 390 KB, 584x904, freud3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you, Freud.

>> No.3667850


The assumption is that reproduction is not the result of sexual acts - it's like a medical procedure. There's no reason reproduction would have to be limited to lesbians.

>> No.3667864


I think that's probably an overreaction. Violence almost always implies men, but the converse is not true.

>> No.3667871

women probably manipulated the man to do it or nag so much they go crazy.
And besides most of those males are niggers.
And I'd like to know what data they pulled that up and what constitutes "murder" in there data.

>> No.3667878


kitchen=food poisoning
food poisoning=bad

>> No.3667881
File: 13 KB, 290x228, g2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what your homicide graph would look like, OP.

Also original graph can be interpreted as higher acquittal rate for women.

>> No.3667886


looks legit

>> No.3667887
File: 121 KB, 1280x800, awesome.1312988707044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most women are straight, so they'd be pretty frustrated for like, 50 years.

>> No.3667889


Okay, man. I just need to tell you that I fucking laughed.

>> No.3667891

Human evolution come a halt. The males are usually the ones who want to be better at everything. They are more competetive, the fighters. Yes this means if they fail, it's more likely that they will turn violent. But it's better than staying on the smae stage forever. This is also the reason why male dominate the world and female emancipation will fail. They might demand equality, but males want to be better and they will be.

>> No.3667897

Houston, Houston, Do You Read?

>> No.3667922
File: 49 KB, 604x453, notsureiftroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also original graph can be interpreted as higher acquittal rate for women.
>implying women are at least 10 times as likely to get away with murder
>actually questioning the fact that men are more violent than women

>> No.3667941

>does not know what evolution means

>> No.3667950


I don't doubt that males in general are more ambitious, but to say that all women entirely lack ambition is full retard.

>> No.3667988

>And I'd like to know what data they pulled that up and what constitutes "murder" in there data.

Murder is pretty straightforward, bro. And even if you were trying to hide the real stats, I don't see how you could hide them for men but not women.

Source is US Justice Department


>> No.3668000

men are more likely to take risks and have abilities in the far ends of the distribution. hence more genius and humanity-advancing men, and more murdering and worthless men

>> No.3668014


And also more retarded/stupid and aspie men.
The opposite of intelligence is not violence, you know.

>> No.3668030

I wish I still had the graph from Robert Sapolsky's Behavioral Biology lecture that compared how often women commit murder to what part of their cycle they're on.

>> No.3668047

> The opposite of intelligence is not violence, you know.

Not the opposite but clearly they're empirically correlated

>> No.3668051

I guess nobody read this, so here it is:

The story portrays a crew of three male astronauts launched in the author's near future (i.e., within a few decades of the story's publication date; hence, presumably late 20th or early 21st Century) on a circumsolar mission in the spaceship Sunbird. A large solar flare leaves their craft damaged and their position in space uncertain. They make repeated attempts to contact NASA in Houston, to no avail. Soon, however, they begin to pick up strange communications on their radios.

They are puzzled by the fact that most of the voices are female, and a strong Australian accent predominates. They overhear odd conversations about personal matters (including the birth of a cow back home) as well as slang terms and references unknown to them. Various theories are discussed by the perplexed astronauts: hallucinations? A hoax? A hostile power trying to trick them? They record and playback the conversations over and over, trying to ascertain their source. Soon, they realize that these unknown people are aware of them and their craft and are offering to help.

At first, the Sunbird's commander, an authoritarian Christian fundamentalist, refuses to communicate with them, remaining suspicious of their origin and motives. As they continue to plead with the astronauts to accept their rescue offer, the three men are chilled to hear their mission referred to in historical terms. Gradually, they come to realize that they have not merely been thrown off-course in space, but in time as well, and that their flight was presumed lost centuries ago. They are given bare details of an Earth that is very different from the one they left: an undefined cataclysm has reduced the human population to a mere few million. NASA and Houston no longer exist. Eventually, the Sunbird agrees to rendezvous with the spaceship Gloria to allow the three astronauts to spacewalk to safety.

>> No.3668055

The Gloria is an enigma to the three astronauts. Besides having an almost all-female crew, the ship seems to be very haphazard and cluttered, with plants and even animals on board. None of the technology on board seems very advanced from what they left behind in their own time, and some of the ship's functions are even powered by crew members riding stationary bikes. Their culture shock is compounded by the very cryptic and incomplete answers they are given by the Gloria's crew concerning the fate that has befallen Earth.

Little by little, the three men start to gather clues from both observations and slips of the tongue. They note that while crew members often refer to their "sisters," there is never any talk of husbands, boyfriends, or families back on Earth. There are two twins on board (both oddly named Judy), yet one seems older than the other. The one male on board, named Andy, seems strangely unmasculine. Technology, and science and culture in general, seems to be relatively unadvanced considering the long period of time that has elapsed. Even while playing chess with the Gloria's senior member, it is noted that only one new opening has been developed in 300 years.

>> No.3668056

Women are overprotective, clannish, and unforgiving. They would start another world war eventually.

>> No.3668057


still didn't read lol

>> No.3668060

Eventually, the truth is reluctantly shared with them. A plague wiped out most human life, including all the males. Only about 11,000 people survived, mostly concentrated in Australasia and a few other areas of the planet. They reproduce by cloning, and all living humans are clones of the original 11,000 genotypes. Babies are raised communally in crèches, and all members of each genotype are encouraged to add their story to a book that is passed on for the inspiration and education of future "sisters." Certain genotypes are given early androgen treatments (hence, the pseudo-male crew member's name) to increase bulk and strength for heavy physical tasks. The resulting almost communal maleless society has settled into a peaceful, yet strangely moribund pattern -- without major conflict, seemingly happy, yet more or less marching in place, with very little advancement.

The Sunbird's crew members react to these revelations in different and bizarre ways. The fundamentalist commander considers this to be a great tragedy, and believes himself chosen by God to lead these females back, with men as family heads and leaders. Another drools at the prospect of millions of women who have not known a man's physical love, and fancies himself as being the object of desire for them all when he returns.

It is then uncovered by the third crew member that his fellow crewmates have been given a drug by the women -- one that causes their behavior to represent their "true selves". He realizes that they are most certainly not headed home, and the crew of the Gloria do not intend for them to survive. They are perfectly happy living without men, and the astronauts are merely being studied, pressed for any useful information, and (in the case of the overamorous astronaut) used to obtain sperm samples, presumably to introduce fresh genetic material and create new genotypes.

>> No.3668061

Women would talk about their feelings to someone who cared.

>> No.3668068
File: 24 KB, 450x311, 2075300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll wreak havoc on our plumbing.

>> No.3668091

Women commit less crime because their needs are always met. They can get sex, meals, and housing whenever they want from men.

>> No.3668105

>>3668091 They can get sex, meals, and housing whenever they want from men.

Not to mention drinks. Sigh... one of these days I'll find a girlfriend that can actually pay half the rent.

>> No.3668113

just too many sandwiches.

>> No.3668125

That is true.
This. When was the last time you heard a white woman comitted suicide? Women can get what they want, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.3668134

>>3668125When was the last time you heard a white woman comitted suicide?

Women actually attempt suicide more often than men, but men succeed at it more. This suggests women do it mostly for attention and only actually die when they mess up.

>> No.3668167

>herp derp women are so innocent, peaceful and empathetic

>> No.3668244

I'm a bisexual man.

I disagree with the proposition that everyone is bisexual.

>> No.3668279

>implying that violence occurs because men can't find sex, meals, and housing
>implying their are no poor women

>> No.3668290

Men are more likely to perform violence on others when stressed, women are more likely to perform violence on themselves. That's why women are more likely to have eating disorders or cut themself.

>> No.3668296



>> No.3668308


I don't know about innocent, but definitely peaceful and empathetic. Also, responsible.

>> No.3668323

It doesn't work like that there are many other factors that go into causing a fertilized egg to develop into a zygote.

>> No.3668395


>Human Behavioral Biology

stopped watching right there