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[ERROR] No.3663832 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose you were standing next to a green button that could instantaneously remove the greenhouse effect from the Earth. Would you press it?

Now suppose there was a red button that could remove all poverty from humanity. Would you press it?

Now suppose there was a yellow button that could remove all stupidity, greed and vanity from humanity. Would you press it?

Now suppose there was a blue button that could remove all suffering, hunger, sickness and death from the human race. Would you press it?

Now suppose OP is not a faggot. Does he make a valid point?

>> No.3663837

No, in fact no point was made. Op is a fag.

>> No.3663849
File: 133 KB, 330x278, buttonmashing_7039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> remove all stupidity, greed and vanity from humanity.

I see no harm in pressing the yellow button actually.

>> No.3663855

Pressing yellow will eventually reach the same result as pressing all the other buttons.

Humanity has fucked itself over.

>> No.3663854

OP hasn't actually made a point.

OP is just asking loaded questions like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.3663859


>hurr durr, cant infer, where spoon

>> No.3663863

Press all except the green one, because I'm not a fucking idiot that wants to freeze the planet.
Also, OP is dumb.

>> No.3663864


>durrr which breast make milk

>> No.3663873


>> No.3663884

Removing greed would collapse the economy. Just saying.

>> No.3663890

>Suppose you were standing next to a green button that could instantaneously remove the greenhouse effect from the Earth. Would you press it?

no because then we actually need the greenhouse effect
>Now suppose there was a red button that could remove all poverty from humanity. Would you press it?

World doesn't work that way, poverty relative to what. What is poverty if not an arbitrary number.

>Now suppose there was a yellow button that could remove all stupidity, greed and vanity from humanity. Would you press it?

No because I'm not suicidal, greed is how evolution works, why we breath. Stupidity is subjective what is stupid to one is not to another.

>Now suppose there was a blue button that could remove all suffering, hunger, sickness and death from the human race. Would you press it?

No because suffering causes the human spirit to strive.

whats the point of living if everything is given to me and I have to do nothing. I might as well be dead. I don't need anything when I'm dead and I'm equal to all the dead people, I have no problems, no illness.

>Now suppose OP is not a faggot. Does he make a valid point?

Only that there are pathetic people that hate themselves, the world, and all of humanity.

>> No.3663888

without green we will freeze to death

without red we would have no possessions

without yellow we will have no motivation to improve or contribute, also, there would be no leaders

blue seems like the only safe button because even though there will be overcrowding, there would also be no suffering, sickness etc etc and all the ill effects of overpopulation. so it would presumably be okay.

>> No.3663898


no blue is fine.

no death, but also no suffering etc etc.

there will be no harm in overpopulation without sickness or hunger, now that another's pressence will not affect your happiness nor will there be increased competition for food (because we dont get hungry)

>> No.3663907

Yeah, press blue. If the world gets overpopulated we would send people to mars, and they wouldn't die or suffer from lack of food/oxygen ect.

>> No.3663912


quit being such a bitch OP, only the dead don't suffer.

>> No.3663919


Jus sayin, no poverty would imply having no material wealth whatsoever (the only way that nobody can be deemed poor)

No stupidity would imply no consciousness whatsoever (the only way that nobody can be deemed stupid)

We'd literally just be a bunch of animals.

>> No.3663926


But without greed / vanity, we wouldnt bother with anything. There would be no incentive to do anything if everything is all hunky dory for us (no suffering).

We would be no different from bacteria growing on the planet.

>> No.3663940
File: 323 KB, 500x500, 2sb75hf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove greenhouse effect
>earth freezes
>all of us must into space in order to survive
OP is a fag.

>> No.3663941
File: 32 KB, 330x280, Communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having no material wealth whatsoever

>implying thats a bad thing

>implying that wasnt what john lennon was talking about in Imagine

>> No.3663942

Where's the button that kills someone and gives me a million dollars? I press that button ten times.

>> No.3663946
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The only remotely acceptable buttons are green and red

The human race needs death, and we cant survive on this world without the greenhouse effect

>> No.3663949

Quite a lot of stupidity in this thread.

The Earth will still be habitable without the greenhouse effect.

Heat from the sun will still travel toward the earth. All we have to do is find a way to keep warm during the night. (we could always hide underground, keeping warm via terrestrial radiation from the core. in fact, there would be layers of land miles thick and almost as long as the circumference of the earth where the temperature is just nice for us to survive.)

>> No.3663958
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because this would happen (pic related)

>> No.3663967

The human race does not need death. That's dumb.

>> No.3663970

Now suppose there was a orange button that would make all women consent to sex with you?

>> No.3663971


>> No.3663976

Unless we just start flinging people into space in random directions. They don't die, right?

>> No.3663979

Actually, come to think of it. Green button is fine too.

We can artificially create a greenhouse effect.

The countries too poor to afford a greenhouse screen over their cities/ farmland would just perish.

Essentially, we will wipe out most of the middle east, africa and parts of asia, where we can later colonize and build artificial ecosystems over.

Might consider.

>> No.3663989

what is a sky zombie was to make everything just and painless where we live eternally, we never get hungry or need anything.

>> No.3663991


>nagger dont know how to b -> C -> w

>> No.3663999
File: 5 KB, 252x187, 1313031933588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>memorise hotkeys on DF

>300k starting any job i want

>> No.3664002

>green button


Red button - depends on what that would entail, how it would be done.

yellow button - Stupidity is relative. How does it remove stupidity? Lowering the standard? How does it remove greed and vanity? Killing us? No i wouldnt press this one anyway, greed can be a productive emotion, just like vanity.

blue button - Yes

I have a feeling like OP is talking about transhumanism. Good. WE will all be computers soon

>> No.3664006

Yeah, we could just fling people into space. They don't suffer either.

>> No.3664008

>>Suppose you were standing next to a green button that could instantaneously remove the greenhouse effect from the Earth. Would you press it?

Life would freeze to death, why would anyone press it?

I would pound the other three buttons until they broke.

>> No.3664011

Why would you press any of them? They all sound shit.

>> No.3664025

Press em all at once.

If there's no suffering, eternal life has no existential crises or dementia.

If there's no suffering AND no poverty, people must have material goods.

tl;dr eat it capitalists.

>> No.3664113




But I suppose essentially being a bunch of animals is about the same as essentially being a bunch of rowboats. Maybe he was talking about transhumanism. In that case, the warmbodies can perish for all I care.