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File: 38 KB, 389x495, tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3661328 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for me to remove any and all sexual urges chemically?
pic somewhat related

>> No.3661339

Yes. It's called chemical castration.

>> No.3661351

yep, just take an anti-androgen

I know from experience

>> No.3661358

Yes, you just take deadly poison.

>> No.3661363
File: 258 KB, 462x599, 462px-TeslaC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but then cum just won't tatse the same. If you don't swallow, you won't be able to make it through engineering school!

>> No.3661367

Try mercury

>> No.3661376

Any specific methods

ways of doing this without notifying any family members or breaking the law would be excellent, if you have any. I'm in the UK

Any in particular? Where get?


Not an engineer.

My great grand-dad worked in a factory that used mercury, he used to bring home vials of it for my grandmother to play with, on a tray, with her bare hands. Fun fact.

>> No.3661385
File: 153 KB, 500x487, en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try soap. With salt.

>> No.3661387

Ice soap?

>> No.3661405

>Any in particular? Where get?

spironolactone or androcur (whatever the generic name for it is, cypoterone?). Spironolactone is a diuretic so it'll make you pee more

Androcur is more effective and doesn't have the diuretic effect but it has some harsher and rarer side effects like liver damage and stuff

either one is easily obtained at a place like inhousepharmacy.biz

check out sites for trans women to get a dosage recommendation. 200mg seems the avg. for spironolactone, not sure about androcur

and be aware there are bad side effects of long term lack of sex hormones, namely osteoporosis

>> No.3661419

Thanks, this is very useful. I guess I should have probably checked FtM forums first.
looking now.

>> No.3661424

you mean MtF

>> No.3661432

I do indeed :/

I even double checked to make sure I had it right.

From personal experience, how quick do they begin to affect you?

>> No.3661447

a few days, week and a half tops

oh, right. Since spironolactone is a diuretic it effects blood pressure, so if you take it start with low dose and gradually increase. Same deal when you feel it's time to stop

That way you won't get blood pressure crashes or spikes

>> No.3661451

I think your penis will dissolve pretty soon.

>> No.3661463

Thanks. You might not know, but does it cause permanent supression or just temporary? Ideally this wouldn't be permanent.

Spironlactone looks like it can seriously mess you up if you get off it too fast, thanks for the advice.

>> No.3661483

it's for as long as you take it. There's no permanent way short of cutting your balls off (which is something I'm saving up for)

>> No.3661493

Ah, Okay.

Sorry, and I hope it goes well for you. How long have you wanted to be female?

>> No.3661567

I struggled with depression and such for a long time but it was only in the last three years or so I figured out that this was the cause of it

But now I feel tons better so it's all worked out

Anyway, have fun seeing what it's like without a sex drive. I hope it helps you figure things out

>> No.3661577

Glad it's working, and good luck in future. Thanks, I do too :D

>> No.3661607
File: 53 KB, 560x432, hahaOhWhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3661608

why the fuck would you want to

>> No.3661619

It's complicated. Depression along with social anxiety are involved.

>> No.3661622

It could be to reach a heightened mental state without having to worry about bodily distractions.

>> No.3661629

this, also. I'm interested in mixing it up with caffeine and adderal at some point.

>> No.3661652

your emotions are directly associated with your actions.
if you part your lips, and pull up the corners of your mouth all the way, you will smile. this smile will cause you to feel joy.
if you paralyzed your face, you would no longer be able to relate with those around you, since you could no longer share a connection in mirroring emotions.

There are much better ways to discipline oneself, and that is through the mind.
Go be a buddhist monk in the mountains for a couple years and you'll learn plenty of tricks.
Otherwise the placebo and nocebo effects take a great toll on the effect of any substance that you consume or merely touch.

>> No.3661683

and If I move my hand up then tilt my head back and swallow, I perform actions that reduce my sex drive. My mind is the problem at the moment, self control alone isn't as effective as I'd prefer. Buddhism, I'm afraid, is bullshit and deserves to be treated as such.

>> No.3661691 [DELETED] 

You made the thread, we helped. You owe it to us to explain. How old are you, anyway? Seems that sex drive goes away with age and time.

Also, do you just not want the sex drive? Because if you go on HRT, it will do more than just lower your drive. Even if you used exclusively androgen antagonists, is there any guarantee you won't get, say, manboobs?

What about health benefits of testosterone?

>> No.3661700

I'm 21, this has been a problem since I was about 12. I'd really rather not elaborate, sorry. You can probably guess why.

Lack of teststerone AFAIK isn't going to give me boobs.

I'd argue the mental health benefits of a sound mind will do me more good than the physical benefits of testosterone. Concern appreciated though

>> No.3661722

>Buddhism, I'm afraid, is bullshit and deserves to be treated as such.
>buddhism is bullshit and deserves to be treated as such
>im afraid
>deserves to be treated as such

Holy fuck, you're a huge aspie.

Meditation yields many benefits, along with attempting to have the beginner's mind.

Just because it's classified as a religion doesn't nullify any of the benefits and actual practices that grant them.

Aspies be aspien.

>> No.3661728

Stop fapping you fuck wit.

You'll be like "hurr ill just watch porn a little bit"
No fuck you, don't.

>> No.3661739
File: 47 KB, 654x471, 1312855173276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to destroy your humanity

>> No.3661740

Meditation isn't Buddhism. I made a conscious effort not to mention it. If you think they're one and the same you *really* need to read up on your definitions

Why don't you just stop being an amputee you faggot?
>sub text: I can't do this

>> No.3661756

I have successfully stopped fapping, you are weak.
I didn't do it in one hit, oh no I didn't, but I used to fap three times a day, then I slowed down to 3 days, then started daily again but only once, then went back to 3 days (or so) and then went to once a week untill I stopped fapping.

I still get wet dreams, but I feel at peace now.

>> No.3661765

Why not? It's 4chan. We start molested-by-uncle-at-5 generals to while away the boredom here. If you don't wanna, I guess you don't wanna. I'm just kind of interested in the concept myself. (Personally, I think it'll be easier to for me to just be patient and find a girlfriend, but I'd like to hear it from the other point of view)

By the way, 21 is young. I'm 22 and since I was 12, I was sure the rampant libido and compulsive, daily masturbation would never go away. Then some time after I finished college, suddenly it... I just started caring slightly less and less over time.

I just kinda threw the manboobs thing out there. Aren't there small amounts of female hormones in men, which are suppressed by high androgen levels? I dunno, I suck at endocrinology. Also, we had a castration thread some weeks back, which concluded with the idea that testosterone significantly alleviates cancer risk among other things, and for this benefit you must have had high levels all your life (this is mainly in the sense that injections at 40 won't save you, but who knows what a few suppressed years in your prime will do?).

Also you might be able to find a sympathetic psychiatrist/doctor. Just saying.

>> No.3661781

>made a conscious effort not to mention it

you generalized a religion that millions of people follow. you mentioned everything without specifically pointing out anything.

meditation and a state of zen are part of buddhism, to deny such is a denial of reality.

which is what you seem to be great doing.

>> No.3661782

loss of libido was an unfortunate side effect of zoloft for me

>> No.3661785

inject potassium chloride into your veins. That should pretty much take care of it, OP

>> No.3661801

>I can do this, therefore everyone can
because I suspect, paranoid as I may be, that what I say is going to be recorded. I've not committed any crimes, but I have sexual urges I don't want to entertain.

If I still have a problem, drugs will help it. If I don't, they won't make it worse.
So is using the word "and". That doesn't mean I discounted the word "and" as bullshit because I said Buddhism was. You're making a massive leap.

>> No.3661806

>meditation and a state of zen are part of buddhism

sorry, but that's Zen Buddhism, other form like Nichiren Buddhism are about raucous chanting and bell ringing

Good job showing you know nothing about a major religion except what you see in films

>> No.3661823

You're still trying to avoid the best path, which is doing it by your own will, what I did isn't superhuman, I merely stopped fapping, doesn't mean I have abandoned my libido like you did.

Also, if you ever decide to go through with this, fuck off and don't taint Tesla's name with your filthy, weak-minded mouth.

>> No.3661826

>lol i didn't read anything

>generalized buddhism

>> No.3661845

My own will is to not try and go it alone and instead use the vast amount of medical knowledge and material at my disposal. I don't get why you are thinking A) I haven't already tried this and B) I'm not still doing it, in a different way.

Tesla verged on woo.

>> No.3661852

What you say IS recorded. It's stored on the 4chan server and deleted within hours. You're on an anonymous imageboard, even your IP is kept on the server like, months. Namefagging was dumb, but you don't even have a trip. Yeah you're paranoid.

Again, I respect your decision, but this just makes me more curious. What IS your problem, exactly? From the sound of it, sounds like good old fashioned therapy would be far less dangerous and far more effective. I can personally vouch for Zoloft like >>3661782, and as a bonus it will probably get rid of the depression you probably have.

So, why do you think your problem is special, and needs special treatment? Again, just curious.

>> No.3661858

Your own will sucks, you're weak, fuck you, I despise drug users and I despise religious fuckheads who cling to god and I despise you.


>> No.3661863

maybe he thinks he might be trans?

>> No.3661878

People have been arrested and charged because of those logs. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sarah+palin+hacker&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.m

I realise the chance of me being in trouble for posting something here is low, but it's still non-zero.

My problem is hebephilia, which I strongly dislike. If I could enter therapy without fear of repercussion I would.

You should probably take some kind of mood suppressant. Oh wait, you're too weak to do that.
Nope, good guess though. Thanks for sticking around.

>> No.3661921

That kid was a retard who did all sorts of retarded crap. He made the mistake of attacking a high-profile republican. He "hacked" into her email and didn't properly cover his tracks. You are cannot be identified from this thread, period.

But given your reason, I can understand the paranoia. So basically, you're a repentant pedo? Huh. You go to /tv/ as well? I think it's rather admirable of you, seriously.

Anyhow, once again, consider therapy. Client-therapist confidentiality is fairly reliable, just make sure never to mention that you plan to molest children, even if you do, then the only exception clause comes into effect. By the way, even if you DO get in trouble for this, somehow, the fact that you sought therapy would reflect VERY well on you, both legally and socially.

Also, you could just convince yourself to stick with the socially acceptable age range. Not like it's that unnatural at your age, just society ignores the fact.

Anyhow, best of luck with your endeavor.

>> No.3661961

Also, don't answer this, but animu or actual 3DPD? If only the former, therapy is definitely safe. Lolicon is legal pretty much everywhere, although I don't recall whatever happened in UK.

>> No.3661970

Yes I can. He was identified, by moot, using logs from 4chan. It's in the transcript. Rejecting that it's probable my actions will be recorded is fine; rejecting the notion is absurd.

Essentially, yes. I haven't met any pedophiles who are OK with the fact they're pedophiles who I'd agree with. I don't, and thanks, but I don't consider my actions admirable. I think I'm just more stubborn when it comes to keeping emotion out of arguments.

I do consider therapy, frequently. The few qualified people I've spoken to over the web have been rather discouraging ("You're too young to be a pedophile"/insult followed by disconnect) but it's always worth a try. My fear is that if I do end up with someone who takes a dislike to me, and who misconstrues something I say, I will lose my family and my friends regardless of whether what's said is true.

It sounds like I'm weak and/or not making an effort, but I genuinely seem to lack the drive to make any efforts like this. I see little to no appeal in legal porn, and the appeal I do see is in people who are deliberately portrayed as young. My goal here is actually to medicate myself into a state where I can make stronger decisions and hopefully lever myself into a good position.


Neither, one thing I am successful in doing is avoiding outright CP or simulation of it. When I was 11 or 12 I stumbled into a shotacon board somewhere and went back a few times, but I haven't since. IANAL, but I think graphical representation in the UK counts as indecent images of children so I could still be convicted

>> No.3662021

I got worried when I heard of the Palin-fag too, but after reading up decided he got caught because he was a retard, not because 4chan is insecure. Don't remember details. Anyway, you're right, a minimal risk exists.

Your actions aren't admirable, but the fact that you want to change yourself so drastically for the sake of society's baseless opinions is exceptionally selfless, I think. Keep that in mind- until you are, oh, 40 and STILL really want to go after kids, the problem probably lies with society not you.

I can totally relate to your wish to keep emotions out of your decision making process, but I guess I'm far more selfish than you are to ever do anything of the sort you intend.

You *are* too young to be an actual pedophile. Because western society is unable to treat this issue objectively and rationally, however, legally you are. It's a horrible arrangement, but governments get away with it because few are really hurt and none will speak up.

All this aside, the goal of therapy is not to make you not a pedophile. It is to make you not feel distressed over something. It would be monstrous for a therapist to ignore your complaint of self-loathing and fear of being persecuted by those around you.

At the least, see a therapist, and begin by saying nothing of your complaint, and simply explaining you are concerned about anyone hearing of it. They'll probably explain why you shouldn't feel so concerned about that, and you'll feel better about talking once the unspoken contract, which is always in place with therapy, has been spoken, so to, uh, speak.

Also, tip: Lose that habit. You just implied you live in the UK, careless things like that are the real risk.

>> No.3662054

Oh and, also, the therapists I've dealt with personally, if I went up and told them "I have a sexual fetish and it's not a socially acceptable thing, I don't wanna talk to you about it, but I feel very guilty about my fetish and would like help with that", I think they'd be ok with it, and probably be able to help.

>> No.3662072

He did make some fairly glaring errors. I'd still rather err on the side of caution though.
>the fact that you want to change yourself so drastically for the sake of society's baseless opinions is exceptionally selfless, I think
I'm not doing it for society, I'm doing it for the people I could potentially hurt. Also, I'd say there's a decent basis and I think if I heard someone I knew being accused of being a child molester by a psychiatrist (or hell, by anyone with a shred of credibility) I would immediately stop seeing them as a friend. Hopefully, I can get dissonance like that worked out as soon as I'm drugged up.
>guess I'm far more selfish than you are to ever do anything of the sort you intend.
I don't know, I'm pretty selfish :D. After all, I'm not going to a therapist for self preservative reasons, even though I know it may well help.
>You *are* too young to be an actual pedophile.
I disagree. My attraction is mainly to kids who aren't old enough to reproduce, and it's not a component of a greater range of groups I'm attracted to. Were I non-exclusive I'd probably agree with you, but I think they're right on this one.

>the goal of therapy is not to make you not a pedophile. It is to make you not feel distressed over something. It would be monstrous for a therapist to ignore your complaint of self-loathing and fear of being persecuted by those around you.
This is what I try to do with myself, it seems to work okay most of the time. When I say things like "I find myself disgusting" I no longer feel genuine disgust, I'm simply aware that I initially felt it and the situation has not changed.
The problem with therapists is that I've known a few bad ones, and not that many good ones. My fear of them is pretty much unfounded :s

>Also, tip: Lose that habit. You just implied you live in the UK, careless things like that are the real risk.
Way ahead of you, I'm not in the UK. Check my spelling of pedophile further up for proof.

>> No.3662126

There is basically no way a therapist would go and "accuse" someone of anything. The only exception is if you were *about* to commit a crime. Probably even if you were in therapy because you had urges to molest children, if the shrink yapped on you, first off it wouldn't be admissible evidence in court, and second you'd be able to sue his ass out of his license, money and possibly freedom.

As for bad therapists, yes. Certainly stay away from those. My psychiatrist was an enormous douche, to the point my psychologist and I decided on medication and then came up with a pitch to convince the idiot psychiatrist to prescribe it.

With everything else, you have good points.

>> No.3662159

Therapists are people too. They're fallible. Whether intentional or not, something as simple as "I find myself attracted to kids" could be seen as evidence I'm going to do something. If this happened I'd have limited legal recourse and no way of going back socially. If I did say something truly stupid because it was what I genuinely thought (like "I fear I'm going to do x at some point") Then I'd have no ground to stand on.

Props to the Psychologist for handling that well.

Thanks. This conversation is immensely relaxing, and even limiting what I say I feel like I can talk honestly for once. People like you are who I aspire to be <3

>> No.3662225

Reading upward, skimming.

Monkhood is not about Buddhism, although it is a heavy proponent in Buddhism. Many religions, and non-religions, have monkhood.

Ultimately, it's a discipline of self-control that happens to coincide with many people's spiritual interests. It is something you can seriously consider, without attaching religious stigma to it.

In either case, I haven't had time to read all of what has been said on here (because, frankly, there's a fucking ton), but I remember hearing from someone on 4chan who had pedophilic urges that they went to a therapist to try and overcome those urges.

The therapist asked him to come in, sit down, etc., and asks him what's wrong.

He says, very modestly and shamefully, that he finds himself being attracted to things he shouldn't, and he really feels disgusted and wants to get better.

"Like what?"

".....little kids"

Get the fuck out of my office before I call the cops"

Scarred the guy and he felt like he couldn't go to anyone for therapy

>> No.3662235

Nah, you probably don't wanna be me.

Anyway, there's always risks. You're completely correct about what you said, except that you don't necessarily not have legal recourse, but IANAL, so yeah. However, don't overlook the fact that you simply cannot self-medicate and get results better than a competent trained professional. Finding a competent professional is another matter, of course.

Also, unrelated to your primary thing, look into sublimation and all that. Sometimes just focusing on something positive is more effective than you expect.

>> No.3662249

Ya know, I would really like to at least reduce my libido. Its a fucking problem. Like right now. .should be studying calc..what am I doing? Fapping on /gif/ and /d/ . . God damn it. Celexa is supposed to curb that shit.. .not hardly. .

>> No.3662263

The long and short of it is that I asked for hormone suppressants, got them, then got onto talking about possible strategies (like meditiation) and how they'd already been attempted, and then we got here. The tl;dr for me is that I'm a 21 year old male homosexual attracted to pubescent kids, and I'm looking for a solution of any kind
I haven't yet said this in the thread, but suicide would be a valid option if it came to that. I'd prefer, however, to spend my last days tracking down the people I don't want to be like, establishing beyond doubt they are child molesters, and killing them.

My experience with therapists and psychiatrists thus far has been similar. I understand why they react like they do, if it turns out they knew a guy was a pedophile months before he molested a kid, then they'd lose everything regardless of what they're supposed to do legally. That said, They still have a strong ethical obligation to help if I ask for it, as far as I'm concerned.

True, you can always sue for damages. I realise that what I do in the immediate future isn't really a fix, and hopefully I'll work out some way of getting therapy I'm comfortable with in the future. I don't want to put too much effort into researching anonymity, because of tor.

I know that feel. For me it isn't the sex drive that causes the inactivity, but it's still similar.

>> No.3662288

>>3662263 >>3662235 here, will use a trip for now

Do you have any confidants you can just lean on?

Sometimes just having someone who's there for you will make a world of difference in recovery, and draw you out of the bottomless pit you usually dig when spending too much time mucking around in your own head and building anxiety.

>> No.3662308

Op get your self some goals and Prozac.

>> No.3662330

I have one close friend :/
He's mentioned in the past that when someone else mentioned they were a necrophile it royally fucked up their friendship. The same is almost certainly goint to happen if I tell him.
Plus, I almost feel better talking to complete strangers. With all due respect, if I manage to mess up this conversation and we part on bad terms my loss will be smaller than if the same happens with someone I know well. It makes conversation a lot easier

I realise this sounds odd, and it's probably a sign I've ASPD or something, but I feel very little emotional attachment to the fact I'm a pedophile now. It doesn't cause me any actual anxiety except when I fear people I know might find out. By all means, I still see it as a huge problem and my largest by far, but I just lack emotional response to it from spending weeks depressed because of it.
Do want. I think the internet's ruined by attention span, perhaps I should cut down on it.

>> No.3662398

I understand that, that's why I thought it might be a concern. (Regarding a confidant)

I understand your need for anonymity in situations like this, but if you can think of a good anonymous way to stay in contact (fake email, tripfagging on here under a proxy), I'd be happy to keep progress with you and help you through it.

>> No.3662406

Hmm, I would want information about this.

Every time I see a girl in short shorts, I want to rape her right then.

My sex drive has caused me to get lower grades in HS, by staying up and watching porn.

Its a combo of my high testosterone and ADD

>> No.3662418

If you can find an email service that doesn't need javascript that'd be great. Otherwise, I'm probably not going to be able to get behind sufficient proxies.

If you feel like chatting over IRC somewhere I can swing that at the moment

>> No.3662436

Get the ADHD treated, trust me, sexuality goes down.

Anaphrodisiacs are not developed yet. Overdosing with melanotan II or preferably bremelanotide might work, but you might end up blacker.

SSRIs work in 1/3rd of people to suppress sexual responsiveness.

>> No.3662446



This lets you send some anonymously. I'm not sure if you can receive mail back, though.

>> No.3662451

Nice. For reception only we can use 10minutemail.net

>> No.3662459

10minutemail.com*, sorry.

>> No.3662476

Tor has an anonymized messaging feature. Not sure how it works.

>> No.3662496

Hmm, that works for right now, but it's rather useless to try and contact each other another time.

I'll secure this trip, for now. I come on /sci/ randomly in the evenings, (anywhere from 8-11PM CST.) Not comfortable just tossing on a proxy and hopping on here?

>> No.3662510

Onionforum is a terrible place to go for this kind of advice. It's mostly filled with paranoid nutjobs

>> No.3662517

I would, but like I said I'm unfortunately pretty paranoid. CAPTCHAs use javascript, which is problematic.

If I can find some way of registering an email address I'll give you a link to it. torchat looks like it could be useful.

>> No.3662537

Ok, I have something.

download the tor browser bundle then download and unzip torchat. It should be safe and easily deletable if you so wish

>> No.3662538

Alright, I'll join back in. First, there's many free encrypted email providers on google. Unfortunately, they tend to have ToS saying "if gov't asks for your email, we'll decrypt it". And the encryption is not client side.

I propose we do the following:

1) Find an anonymous, non-logged (or several logged) service to message.
2) Use this to share a very large encryption key file (better yet send parts of the encrypted file trhough different services).
3) Henceforth conduct our communication through a free-non java based email service, using Tor, and hand encrypting/decrypting every communication.

If you are interested, I'll talk about encryption software and so on. There is the risk that one of us is undercover FBI or will give them the key out of spite. That risk is impossible to eliminate.

Justin? Moon?

>> No.3662550

Shiiiit. You realise the reactor schematics aren't yet in my posession?

Seriously though, that sounds like overkill. I like the idea of encryption through public channels but all we want to do is talk.

>> No.3662563

That'd be some pretty desperate measures for an agent to take in order to assault someone who has never done anything illegal. If he's that paranoid, I'm sure he doesn't keep CP on his computer.

Besides, FBI agents just don't go off and do something cuz' they want to-- if it's not a funded sting/program, they wouldn't be doing it.

"...... ON /SCI/ OF COURSE..."

>> No.3662570

...how about a simple IRC channel? 3-way chat is easy enough that way

>> No.3662580

I don't have CP, if I did it would be encrypted.

Everyone knows /sci/ is where all the serious criminals hang.
Could do. Any suggestions as to where?

>> No.3662579

Haha, but to be honest, I was doing a drug/terrorism sting, /sci/ seems to be a great place to look for suspicious advice seeking.

Whatever mang, you're the paranoid one. I just saw an opportunity to go nuts, and my dick gets hard at cypherpunk roleplay, so yeah. It would be easier than it sounds, and honestly, you can't get very safe with email, really.
>this is my fetish.jpg

>> No.3662600

Rizon has many weird chan-related channels. I think I recall a channel that claims they don't log. A channel in a 3rd world country would be relatively safe from official inquiry.

>> No.3662606

Installing IRC now. I have used it, but scarcely. Whateva's good by me, just tell me where to go

>> No.3662608

Sounds good. Now, to work out a way to use a client through tor :s

>> No.3662648

All my exit nodes are banned on rizon, this isn't working too well. Anyone mind having a got on the torchat thing?

>> No.3662654

I'll be back in ~30. Post the info if you get it to work.

othadude, besides me and justin, can you give us a pseudonym~
It's what all the cool kids are doing these, dialing to the "World wide web" with a pseudonym, or an "alias" as they call it

>> No.3662661

>installing irc

fucking pedophile.
you are of negative worth to society.

>> No.3662668

I will do. Seems ok at the moment

>> No.3662680

Two options:

Othernet #valcea

Tor bundle (google it)
Torchat (google it too)
then post your ID

>> No.3662795


Is this thing on?

>> No.3662798

one moment

>> No.3662804

Ok, you've been added. The message should get through soon.

>> No.3662933


the BS is right, holy shit

>> No.3662934

there's this psychiatrist in the U.K. (i believe) that treats people who believe they have pathological sex obsessions by prescribing Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors.

>> No.3662935

ok, adding you now. Takes a few minutes to start working.

>> No.3662984

Step 1: Acquire sharp objects and take lots of painkillers
Step 2: Viciously attack genitals
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit! Disregard women, acquire currency!

>> No.3663103

OP have you ever acted on your impulses and had sex with a minor? If not, there is no reason for any psychologist to deny you help. Having any urge is not illegal in any way though acting on them may be.

>> No.3663141

diversity of MHC complex signifies how attracted we are to potential mates

if there is a gene separate from the actual MHC complex that is used to detect the MHC in others, then you would just need some enzyme to inhibit its expression, and you could probably isolate which enzyme you could use by studying the protein structure that results from the corresponding gene and determine how to break it down

>> No.3663148

If a psychiatrist has reason to believe a crime will be commited, they can also report it.

>> No.3663813

so are things typed on here traceable or not traceable?

how much can the mods/janitors see in terms of IP, etc?

>> No.3663930

Yes, but you'll still be depressed and lonely, even if you're not horney.

Asexuals still want companionship even though they literally feel no sexual attraction, and they still care about their apperance and everything else everyone else does.

>> No.3663935

oral spironolactone can kill you because of the interaction with ka+ or something i thought?

don't recall it offhand, just remember some people wanted to take it for hair loss but it could be dangerous to take without getting blood work done

>> No.3663943

>implying humanity is not at it's very fundamental core, intelligence and nothing more.
without intelligence we're no different then apes

>> No.3665313

    Well, whenever you post to the board your IP address is logged, meaning it's recorded along with the time and content of your post. Very little is genuinely traceable unless immediate action is taken to acquire logs, but if it is, then your IP address along with everything you've posted can be recorded. If you post images then that goes to a different server that also logs IP addresses, I think for a bit longer, so images posted can also be incriminating.
The problem with just an IP address from a law enforcement point of view is that IP addresses can only be useful for telling you which router sent information. However, with this you can track down the concrete location of the router better than any of us could, by contacting the ISP that owns that namespace so it's not all bad.
If you're using a dialup modem and live on a farm 20 miles from the nearest house then this is far more incriminating than if you have unsecured wifi and live in a flat in a city. That still along isn't evidence enough that you're guilty, but it's possible to look at the MAC addresses of any device that's ever connected to most modern routers, which is the unique non-changing address that can be used to identify any PC. If you're the only person whose ever connected then you'll be, again, in a worse position. The thing about MAC addresses is that it's possible for your machine to "spoof" them and pretend to have a different one so they too aren't convicting evidence.
    Mods can get IP addresses, Janitors don't see diddly squat and aren't allowed to talk about it.

Tl;Dr is everything is traceable to a physical location but you can't prove it was sent from the inhabitants of it. Posting something incriminating will probably get you on a watchlist, but it isn't bad enough for an arrest to be made.

>> No.3665318

That's fine with me. I'm fine with a purely platonic relationship with an adult of either gender.

>> No.3665531

>without intelligence we're no different then apes
than apes

we are apes

>> No.3667371


thank you very much for your explanation!

so if I understand correctly, once the thread clears, the information is gone for good? (unless they took the trouble to record it while the thread was still active?)

sometimes I've felt the desire to express difficult emotional issues anonymously (nothing illegal in a hurting-others sense, just depression/anxiety related things really), but my comprehension of the internet is not sufficiently developed to permit me to do so without experiencing fear that someone will somehow know who I am, or that it'll come back on me.

>> No.3667397

what would be the point?
Its part of you and denying yourself sex will simply have a negative impact on your mind, unless you are born with a predisposition for total abstinence, as was the case with Tesla.

>> No.3667405


>> No.3667587

I think OP needs to get therapy for his paranoia. After that's sorted, he can better assess his other situations.