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File: 720 KB, 1944x1919, Eagle_nebula_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3660955 [Reply] [Original]

I hope that in my life time, immortality becomes available. I want to be alive, or at least still conscious, in a thousand years when the light of these monsters being destroyed reaches Earth.

>> No.3660988

The cruel thing is that immortality is likely to become possible in our lifetimes, but will probably cost too much for most of us to afford the necessary procedures.

>> No.3660997

Or we will start to see the developments towards it, but completion time would be beyond our lifetime.

>> No.3661016

Well, regardless of what happens, I'm going to tell my children to tell their children to tell their children ( etc. ) to unfreeze, revive and then augment my corpse before this happens.

>> No.3661044

You do realize the invention of an immortality treatment means the end of human race? It might have been invented already and killed in the egg by good intentioned people.

>> No.3661050

How does it mean the end of the human race?

>> No.3661054

Demographic explosion. Not enough resources.

>> No.3661062

>100 billion stars in the Milky Way
>100 billion galaxies, if not more
>babies don't spontaneously generate, if life extension comes available there should be the rule 'Get treatment, get sterilized'

>> No.3661078

I think a limit should be put in place for children.

If you're given life extending enhancements, you're required to be sterilized after your fourth child, or something along those lines.

>> No.3661085

>Get treatment, get sterilized
Possibly growing pool of sterilized undying people + pool of not sterilized people reproducing at a the same rate as today = demographic explosion

>Space colonization
Possible scenario... Quite optimistic imho.

>> No.3661094
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>you're required to be sterilized after your fourth child
Sorry bro but that is going to make overpopulation in the seriously bad sense a very real possibility.

It'll have to be less until we figure out how to mass-produce near-c spaceships, or a Dyson ring.

>> No.3661096

>Dyson Ring
So children in the future are going to be bladeless fans?

Awesome. As. Fuck.

>> No.3661105
File: 118 KB, 800x1000, 1296648160834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you.

It's also known as a ringworld, a hypothetical superstructure in which a ring is built around a star, made to rotate for artificial gravity and then materials required for the sustainability of life are added, water, air and so on.


>> No.3661111

That's fucking awesome. So it would be kind of like that artificial moon from that one cartoon movie where they're space pirates and the guy has a rocket powered hoverboard and they get treasure n' shit.

>> No.3661130
File: 30 KB, 500x300, treasure-planet-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I loved Treasure Planet so much.

Montressor spaceport.

But a Dyson ring is MUCH MUCH larger. Montressor spaceport is more of a thin version of an O'Neill cylinder.


>> No.3661182

That's sick as fuck.

I'd love to be able to be alive when mankind has the power and resources to create a life-sustaining superstructure that's home to billions in outerspace.

>> No.3661214
File: 39 KB, 1024x768, ringworld1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ringworld is like a ribbon of land, that's been put in Earth's orbit around the sun.

It would have a surface area about three million times the Earth's.

This is the classical view of it, showing the inner-orbiting shadow-squares, which give the ringworld a day-night cycle.

The thing is spinning fast enough to keep an apparent 1g surface acceleration due to centripetal force.

The thing is open to space, with only the acceleration keeping the air on the ringworld, between the 100 kilometer high sidewalls.

There are two extremely large seas, one in which there are several 1-to-1-scale maps of earth-size'd planets.

Just to give you some sense of scale.

>> No.3661224

A good youtube video that shows the scale of the ringworld.


>> No.3661227

Let's do it. Right now. I'll go start collecting rocks and bottles of water.

>> No.3661232
File: 120 KB, 1024x712, 1314452624948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say that materials with the tensile strength required for an O'Neill cylinder are nearly here. Then it's just a matter of having an affordable construction technique for such a structure, which I've outlined in the other thread I'm active in relating to the profitability of space. Not to mention life extension:










>> No.3661240
File: 18 KB, 484x399, 1300181850448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted that

>> No.3661319

No atmosphere :(

>> No.3661327
File: 168 KB, 700x900, 1264899346495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thing is open to space, with only the acceleration keeping the air on the ringworld, between the 100 kilometer high sidewalls.

>> No.3661345


The only problem is that the materials for a Ringworld are next to impossible to produce, unless you spend a few subjective millennia studying nuclear physics with a vengeance and discover something like the magmatter in Orion's Arm.

Seriously now, a much better way to go about doing this is by having a set of swarms in orbit around the Sun (Statites would have to reflect far too much sunlight to stay afloat, which could be used for computation).

But I still like the small <1000km wide habs like O'Neill Cylinders and shit. Thousand kilometers is the limit of Carbon nanotubes, I think.

>> No.3661347


Isn't there a much higher danger of space rocks hitting and destroying large chunks of your space ring than earth?

>> No.3661353
File: 134 KB, 950x497, 1304120213692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer the concept of O'Neill cylinders more, as they're far easier to migrate.

>> No.3661355


If it survives spinning fast enough to get an Earth gravity on the Sunward surface, it can probably survive meteorite impacts.

I want to how how well it fares against relativistic rockets.

>> No.3661393

well for first world people at least wouldn't this not really be a problem? Couldn't a program be set up where people get a lone and pay it off over 10 thousand years or so? Sure you would be crippled for debt for millenia but you would still live forever.

>> No.3661399

crippled by** debt

>> No.3661421
File: 25 KB, 760x492, whycureforagingcheap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biological immortality costing millions has no incentive behind it other than 'we can have it, you can't.'

See pic.

>> No.3661453

The Niven ringworld was protected by an automated system that used artificially-induced solar flares as a lasing medium and blasted any object which had a trajectory that intersected with the shadow squares or the ringworld.

Also, the construction of the ringworld pretty much depleted any and all solid objects in the system, with even non-usable elements getting transmuted to usable ones.

Still, in the first book, there were two punctures. One that had punched through from the inside and one from the outside.

The one that punched in from the outside left a hole the size of the moon with the sides punched up into a mountain, higher than the atmosphere.

The one that punched out from the inside left a huge hole and a resulting hurricane. But as big as the hole was, the Ringworld was big enough that it would have taken at least hundreds of thousands of years for it to cause a life-threatening danger.

And yes. The Ringworld was created from the sufficiently advanced material "scrith", which was as strong as the nuclear force. Also it was able to stop something like a third of all neutrinos.

>> No.3661455

True, but what if it requires some kind of process or material that is inherently obscenely expensive so that the cost would be justified? There's no real way to make thousands of hours of therapy done by experts in the field inexpensive.

>> No.3661465


hey look this kid played halo and is now actually serious about these magical rings

>> No.3661471

>LHC costing billions has no incentive behind it other than 'we can have it, you can't.'

>> No.3661474

talking about the economic implications of immortality, sorry if that wasn't clarified by the post I was linking to.

>> No.3661478

I'm not scared of dying so I don't care. best I can do is to pass on what i learn in life to someone else.

>> No.3661488

it's not about being afraid of dying for me, it's the disappointment that I will never be able to see humanities greatest achievements.

>> No.3661492


>implying you can't be happy without material goods

>> No.3661502

it isn't material goods, it's about being around to see the dawn of a new humanity

>> No.3661504

You can always try to destroy humanity. That way there will never be any achievements greater than there are today, and you can die happily.

>> No.3661510


that's my plan.

>> No.3661516

>Rinworld published in 1970
Hey look this kid thinks ring-shaped space habitats were invented in Halo.

I didn't say the thing should be built, dipshit.
People talked about the ringworld, so I decided to provide some more in-depth information.

>> No.3661517
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uhhh? what?

>> No.3661543


ringworlds are a fantasy that don't work. your response to everything was magical broscience like "advanced material scrith which is as strong as the nuclear force" and magical lasers that shoot down asteroids

>> No.3661654
File: 36 KB, 480x365, 3629535meta_cooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I see my future:
>born 1990.
>die in 2060s.
>'freeze' body.
>preserve brain as perfectly as possible.
>unfreeze several decades later, when medical technology can treat me.
>live several decades.
>get a neural uplink when they become available.
>browse 4chan with my mind.
>begin using hiveminds, cloud computing, external memory, ect, to augment my brain.
>upload my mind when it becomes possible.
>control prosthetic proxy body in the physical world.
>mind is distributed among many machines, largely immortal and safe from destruction.
>eventually, join hivemind colony in controlling a horde of robot workers to construct a dyson sphere.
>become Mecha-Cooler.
>destroyed by genetically engineered physically augmented super saiyans.

Gonna be pretty sweet.

>> No.3661678

also the ringworld wasn't in a stable orbit. it couldn't be in orbit and provide artificial gravity at the same time.

That's why something like a Halo or Culture orbital makes more sense. They also do a better job of providing for day/night, and potentially even seasons.

>> No.3661804
File: 299 KB, 1024x768, Evermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's wonderful to see how shit you are at reading comprehension. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Let's see if this gets through your thick skull:

If you have a problem, you can go and whine to the author about it.

Larry Niven retconned the ringworld to have a system of engines at the rims that would stabilize the ring and prevent it from drifting into the sun.

>> No.3661836
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1304599220120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how I see your future:
>born 1990.
>die in 2014 in a car crash

>> No.3661876

How I see your future:
>born 1990.
>die in 2060s.
>'freeze' body.
>‘freezing' rapes your brain
>dendrites suffer irreparable damage
>wake up as a retard in 2400.