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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.3659453 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, my brain is slow.
How do I speed it up?

I'm not stupid but my brain seems to take a lot longer than most other people to comprehend ideas, I'm studying math and I never understand anything straight away, there seem to be people who can just pick up new ideas instantly. I do just as well, even better than some of the instant comprehension people in exams but I feel disabled somewhat because I can never really discuss things on the spot.

All aspects of my life are affected, want to teach me to play a new card game? No chance. But write down the rules and give me until the next morning and I'll be boss at it. As you might guess I suck at debating, unless it's via long distance mail.

Pic semi-related

>> No.3659473


>> No.3659484

I've found that just the task of understanding a concept and being able to apply it to solve problems helps me think quicker. Shit makes me happy yo

>> No.3659492

1) Modafinil
2) Caffeine
3) Aniracetam

>> No.3659501

4) Heart attack
my BP is already through the roof, not even supposed to drink caffeine so fuck that.

I know the other people don't use drugs too, so why should I need to?

>> No.3659506

Some people just really need to think over a concept and get comfortable with it in their heads first. You shouldn't feel bad as long as you can comprehend it fully given some time and are willing to put in that extra effort to make it happen.

Speed is a petty thing to concern you with, it's the same sort of problem with people who masturbate over the idea of having an IQ. What matters in the end is what you do with it and from what you said, there's nothing stopping you from accomplishing something.

>> No.3659507
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Don't worry OP, that just means you are not as inteliigent as most people. Learning and understanding quickly IS inteliigence.

Going home and memorizing things will get you by though, so keep at it. You're doing a good job though! if i was in your situation I would just accept my intelligence and do something easier, like arts or maybe an apprenticeship. It would really annoy me if I was always behind and not undertstanding the content.

Oh well, you keep at it!

>> No.3659509

*having a high IQ

>> No.3659517

Modafinil and Aniracetam shouldn't mess with BP. You're clearly at a disadvantage to others, so you should take all the help you can get.

>> No.3659521


Sounds like brain cancer


>> No.3659523
File: 31 KB, 180x300, Hacker_Steroids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your too good for drugs, well if you not born with it and unlucky enough to not get there yourself then your fucked. Though have fun being pretentious.

>> No.3659526

try thinking abstractly rather than literally or materially if that makes sense

>> No.3659527

I appreciate the condescension but it's really not the case, it's not possible to memorise your way through the course I'm doing. I'm actually really good at problem solving believe it or not, I think it's speech that's the issue. I'm terrible at understanding spoken explanations, I need it written down in front of me to go through it myself.

>> No.3659534

>Though have fun being pretentious.
So just stay on /sci/ then.

>> No.3659537
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Y'see, people like this are problematic. They have such narrow and absurd views of what defines genuine intelligence. Your problem is more one of self esteem than anything OP, and you shouldn't let people like this lead you into a drug addiction or feeling inferior.

I learn pretty fucking fast, but I recognize that how fast you learn isn't what's going to count. At the end of the day, chances are you and I, were we in the same class, would know the exact same things and could likely apply them just as well, you simply would have to put in a bit more time. As a bonus, that means you're much less likely to get lazy, and your study may actually stick around in your head longer. I tend to forget things pretty quickly if I'm not actively using them.

Remember, it's how you apply it. The smartest man in the world is worth nothing if the refuse to do anything with it and create nothing over their lifetime. Though admittedly that's just my personal philosophy on the matter.

>> No.3659536
File: 28 KB, 350x297, 1313987806966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need to try harder. Try looking at it from other angles. Not everyone is gifted in every subject, I had to do the same shit in Spanish.

>> No.3659541

Methamphetamine. It is non-addictive and has no side effects. And it will not make your teeth fall out.

>> No.3659549

It is addictive and would most certainly give the OP a heart attack due to his condition.

However, it probably wouldn't make his teeth fall out, that's true. I think that's only crystal meth.

>> No.3659562


Dude, have you ever heard about neuronal plasticity? That basically is the concept that proves to us that we are capable of everything if we practice hard to get there, for neurons can change their conections and adapt. Fill your daily doings with this pratice you need. Training your brain at this is the best (and only) way to get where you want

>> No.3659567

Sounds like you might be building on top of shaky foundations to me, perhaps you need to revisit your high school math and become an absolute boss at it. That stuff is just assumed all the time at college, and the people who did sufficient practice will just be able to do it in their heads so follow everything the lecturer does. Perhaps you didn't practice enough, which leads to you having to try and work something out in the middle of a lecture, or getting stuck when he takes something for granted. Then you can never catch up with what the lecturer is saying and it ends up with you feeling slower, that's my theory anyway... math builds on top of itself all the time.

>> No.3659596

I haven't heard of it, can you elaborate?

>> No.3659605

Crystal Meth = Methamphetamine.
Extremely addictive, and will probably kill OP.

>> No.3659623

I'm the exact same, OP. It sucks.

>> No.3659652

I think the term intelligence is used too broadly these days.

>> No.3659663


As long as you think, you are not stupid. Its just that, some minds have a brain structure that processes information faster, and have a better working memory.

The reason because you should not be bothered by this, is because; As soon as we create a conscious computer, we will all be inferior to the machines.

>> No.3659670

yes, but it's a specific form of it. I'm pretty sure the teeth getting fucked up is mainly unique to it.

>> No.3659677

Modafinil is what you want OP. See the film limitless? That's based on Modafinil.

I used it for my mech eng exams last year, and it's the biz.

Adderall makes you all hyped up and jumpy, modainfil just keeps you awake without the shakes, and increases your short term memory like nothing else.

Try it and see.

>> No.3659731


Of course I can. Neuronal plasticity is a property every neuron has to change their conections with other neurons in the brain, changing the information processes as well. You know, neurons conections is the fundamental biological way information is stored, processed and associated with other informations. Changing the web of conections in the brain changes the way brain processes information. This property is one of the few we never lose, neighter with age. So, how do we change our neuronal conections? by behaving. I mean, the behaviors we do most is those our neurons develop most in their conections. A soccer play, for example, must have his motor neurons with extremely dense conections in order to process all kinesthetic information needed. And how did he get all those conections? Training soccer. The same principles applies to math sciences, and social capabilities. If you have difficulties in debates and reasonings, that's exactly what you should do to practice. In time you'll get better at it, and that will be when you have developed you neurons conections. I don't know if i'm being clear enough. I can try to explain better if you will

>> No.3659917

I see!
It makes sense, I spend about 8 hours a day on the computer with information at my fingertips so perhaps my brain has become complacent because it's used to being able to instantly reference things from an outside source.

>> No.3659976

its the hare and the tortoise.

if you understand in the end, what does it matter how long it takes you to get there, your exam results wont be marked on how fast the information sunk in.