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File: 1.45 MB, 471x4974, evolutionthouroughlydebunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3657902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The whole theory of evolution debunked in a single comic.
150 years and evolutionists still can't find anything solid to support their theory while every other branch of science (such as thermodynamics) shows macro-evolution to be impossible!

>> No.3657921

wow good argument. i now no longer believe in the fallacy that is evolution

>> No.3657922
File: 19 KB, 200x200, mayandinosuar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the evidence that humans and dinosuars lived together at one point and blindly swallow the scientific elite's dogma about "millions and millions of years"

>> No.3657924

macro-evolution has been observed and we have terms to describe the different ways it occurs

>> No.3657929

Mfw OP is a retard and makes or is mimicking a comic strip that falsifying prays on the unknown hyoptheticals of evolution without disproving it in general, I.E: Looking at human trivialities in evolution.

And instead looking at God for an answer. Silly Christian. You haven't disproved anything.

God = irrelevant


>> No.3657933

Liar. There's a reason you're not using any citiations, and it's because you know you're making stuff up.
Protip: flies that can't mate with their cousins is not "macro-evolution." So far there isn't any scientific record of one kind of animal turning into something else, no matter how much evolutionists try to make it happen.

>> No.3657939

nylon eating bacteria

>> No.3657948

That bacteria was designed by god to be able to adapt to different environments through the use of plasmids. And even if it did "evolve" new genetic information (which is impossible since information can't be added to a genome) it wouldn't still only be micro-evolution

>> No.3657949

Yeah, fuck him, he didn't even post a shitty comic to back up his theory.

>> No.3657957
File: 32 KB, 810x800, fanboycomic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this comic in a nutshell

>> No.3657970

This shit again?


>> No.3657971

>are there not six basic concepts of evolution?

oh man that's some funny shit. too bad some people actually believe this

>> No.3657987

It's frustrating to me just to know that there's someone out there who took the time to make that comic. I can't even describe the feeling... It's like I kind of feel sympathy for the guy's insecurity, but at the same time it's hard to feel sorry for someone who is so consumed with insecurity that they actually took the time out of their life to draw that.

It's like the kid who got beat up by a bully when he was ten, and all he could do was go home, crying, and draw pictures of himself beating up that bully. Amazing... the comic actually says "He's destroying me!"

Well, whatever. Maybe the "artist" got some small little emotional release out of it. Still, though, if you're placing bets on the next guy to shoot up a school or some crazy shit like that, keep your eye on this guy.

>> No.3657994

Oddly enough, I've heard just as many creationists say that Lucy was "an old man with arthritis." They can't agree whether it's human or "just a monkey," but it definitely can't be a transitional, apparently.

>> No.3658058
