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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 600x840, ron_paul_photo_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3656397 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3656413

He denies evolution, we know.

But he's cool on 4chan because he thinks pot is ok.


>> No.3656424


>> No.3656434
File: 275 KB, 1181x1732, flowergirltroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool guy

>> No.3656440

* doesn't understand evolution
* smokes pot

hmmmm I wonder if these are related...

>> No.3656443

>inb4 200 posts

>> No.3656454

>implying there's any scientific evidence that pot is bad

>> No.3656459

>i won't vote for someone on the basis "they dont believe in evolution"
>i will however vote for anyone, no matter how radical, as long as they believe in evolution.

>> No.3656465

honestly, him not being a retarded neocon, i find his views on evolution to be beside the point

he's much more learned on economics than any other congressman

>> No.3656475


>> No.3656496

Why do faggots built a cult of personality around this guy?

>> No.3656502

>implying evolution is real

>> No.3656509

Libertarians are just that stupid.

>> No.3656512

lol, amerifats

>> No.3656518

it's part of being a politician stupid fuck.
if you're successful, you have one

>> No.3656526

A doctor who doesn't think evolution is true, why do people like this guy again?

>> No.3656528

>governmentz iz evilz we shud b free 2 do anythin. environmental regulation? NO WAY! stop businesses screwing people over? NOPE! have a basic right to health care? NAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ANARCHY RULLLLLLLLEZZZZZZZZZZZZ

>> No.3656531

Obligatory post.

>> No.3656541

Its really important. If he believes a magical genie created the universe with an incantation than who knows what other crazy shit he believes in? For one to deny that evolution happens requires that they turn their back on evidence and reason. I don't want someone in charge if they turn their back on evidence and reason.

>> No.3656546

Make fun of him for his stance on evolution, but remember that being Christian is still a fundamental requirement to presidency.

>> No.3656553

Out of 100 percent, a candidate's stance on evolution plays less than 0 percent.

>> No.3656554

Its funny how food isn't a right and its cheap and easy to get but medicine on the other hand. Hmm could it be AMA, Tax credits for employer insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, the FDA, not allowing insurance to compete past state lines, malpractice laws, and an assload of other regulation.

>> No.3656556

>being Christian is still a fundamental requirement to presidency.
Don't bet on that, people weren't happy when Kennedy became president because he was a Catholic but look how popular he became. Times they are a-changin'.

>> No.3656565

>less than 0 percent
Do you even think before you speak? How can you have an effect that is less than 0, explain that.
inb4 trolled etc, Don't try to hide your stupidity.

>> No.3656568

>pot legalized
>everyone dies from putting lava lamps in microwaves to see what happens

>> No.3656575

>less than 0 percent
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.3656576

>be a faggot
>post a no-text picture of Ron Paul
>on /science & math/
>no relevance whatsoever
>shithead tripfags like "Liberty" clutter up the thread
>inb4 300 posts

>> No.3656580

at least he isn't an economic creationist.


>> No.3656581

I'm curious now, what DOES happen?

>> No.3656584

it's funny how liberals spread this bullshit.
sure, he's religious, but have you read any of his statements or seen how he votes (consistent at that, unlike your prized candidates).
he believes that he is a statesman because he was elected by the people, and he is there to serve the people. he may be a religious man, but he does not believe religion belong in the government or his role as a stateman.
issues like the teaching of evolution, abortion, drugs, etc, he thinks to be at the very most, the STATE's decision, never the federal government's, and ideally the individual's decision.

>> No.3656585

Not only that. His inability to pass any of his crazier ideas through the legislature is actually a selling point for me.

He can't do too much damage, but he can do some badly-needed house cleaning with purely legal executive branch authority.

>> No.3656589


The creationists have won, guys. They have made it so people don't care if their leaders reject science.

If you can't destroy science, water it down. Water down how much people care.

Fuck you people for allowing fundamentalist Christianity to deleteriously and furtively push science to the side.

>> No.3656593

I guess that's true, people are even talking about maybe a Mormon getting in the race nowadays. What great progress!

>> No.3656602 [DELETED] 

The problem with Ron Paul's plan is that it will only get half completed. Congress might actually be able to end social welfare programs like social security and medicare but the whole part of his plan to end corporate welfare by stopping things like the bullshit subsidization of oil. So if he was elected this country would most likely just take a firm step toward fascism rather than the libertarian ideal.

>> No.3656610

The problem with Ron Paul's plan is that it will only get half completed. Congress might actually be able to end social welfare programs like social security and medicare but the whole part of his plan to end corporate welfare by stopping things like the bullshit subsidization of oil would never happen. So if he was elected this country would most likely just take a firm step toward fascism rather than the libertarian ideal.

>> No.3656614


It is less than unimportant.

>> No.3656619

>implying throwing out the corrupt bureaucrats and their lackies is more of fascism than the current system of today.

>> No.3656623

I actually attribute the anti-intellectual movement to be the main reason we have allowed our infrastructure to start falling apart.

>> No.3656629

some faggot is being a pinko communist faggot and deleting the posts in this thread.

>> No.3656631

He's not gonna win the primary guys, think about the largest source of news for the voting Right and then think about who they're pushing as candidates.

>> No.3656632


I actually attribute the welfare state movement to be the main reason we have allowed our infrastructure to start falling apart.

>> No.3656637

We should put an atheist in office, Amazing Atheist for President, because we know all that being an atheist means being perfectly rational and never being wrong. I guess you fags would vote Ayn Rand into office if you could, she was an atheist.

>> No.3656647

>head of state believing in a higher power that supercedes federal law

>> No.3656655


> europe has a huge welfare state
> infrastructure is fine

time to get a new hypothesis, bro.

>> No.3656656

lol he wants to dismantle the fucking public school system so he doesn't think it should be the States decision, he thinks it should be a private decision. Its shouldn't be the governments decision at any level anyway. All evidence shows that evolution is an undeniable fact. How it occurs and at what rate is still debated but that it occurs is a fact. The only reason to not teach evolution is because of religion. Freedom of religion necessitates freedom from religion or the first amendment means nothing at all.

>> No.3656659

ron paul status:
* FUCK CIVIL RIGHTS (opposes the 1964 civil rights act)

oh boy great candidate guys

>> No.3656666


Europe has a welfare state?

>> No.3656670


But Kennedy was still a Christian. We've had Mormons, too. It's still an absolute requirement.

>> No.3656676


Ron Paul was a doctor in Catholic church. He made 3 dollars and hour and they turned nobody away.

He opposes the 2nd part of the 11 part civil rights act.

>> No.3656685

She had faith in her whole objectivism belief which isn't supported by evidence at all. For instance she believed that global warming couldn't be a problem because one individual does not have the power to influence the global environment because he is to insignificant in comparison to it and since the world consist of many individuals who can't effect it global warming can't happen. She may not have believed in god but she had faith based beliefs that she couldn't back up with evidence and that makes her a theist to me.

>> No.3656679

nothing like unfettered private tyrannies raping everyone making less than 250k a year

>> No.3656687

At the time of Kennedy's presidency Catholicism, despite being Christian, still wasn't popular in America. Maybe not as feared as Islam is now but it was still something major that a Catholic became a president. In fact, i think he's the only Catholic president to date, but i'm not sure.

>> No.3656688

The public school system is regarded as shit-tier and needs to be replaced anyways.

It's like if he gets elected immediately Congress will bow to his every whim. Worked out great for Obama, huh?

>> No.3656692


> Catholic hospital.

Appropriating funds gotten through theft of labor is not really caring for the poor. Working for almost no money as a doctor in a hospital that turns nobody away is.

>> No.3656697

The welfare system entrenches poverty and with the civil rights act the welfare system was created as well as affirmative action. Saying the government shouldn't steal from others to give to others isn't anti poor or anti helping others. Saying the government should tell people what they can buy is not anti environment. The same applies to science.


>> No.3656707

Lets instead have faith that the government can fix all our problems when the empirical evidence shows the exact opposite.

>> No.3656709

I may not agree with some of his policies, but he is the most wholesome politician out there.

>> No.3656721

Of course its shit they have less and less money to work with each year. They are having to cram 40+ kids in to classrooms designed for 25. In my district they alone they had to close three schools in the last four years due to budget cuts. Schools are shit because the republicans made them shit. Who wants to invest in the future anyway right? Maybe if we get rid of public schools and in a few generations a decent percent of the population become illiterate we will have and excellent source of cheap labor right? We need to fix the schools not get rid of them. If you get rid of them you just turn and education in to something only the privileged get to receive.

>> No.3656728

If ron paul got elected he would dismantle 200 YEARS of progress like the new deal, social security, medicaid and medicare. He would end the wars but AT WHAT COST?
I don't want to live in a country that doesn't take care of it's sick and elderly. Ron Paul is for taking away their healthcare and giving it to the SUPER RICH corporations. The top 1% who own 90% of the wealth.

He wants to end MINIMUM WAGE! We will go back to the pre 1900 with children working in dangerous factories for pennies per day the second Ron Paul gets his way. These facts are irrefutable.

>> No.3656731

If you want to understand how medicine is socialized here is an outline.

Subsidies ----> price inflation -------> price controls --------> shortages --------> rationing.

>> No.3656739


>never smoked weed before

>> No.3656740


The amount spent per pupil keep rising, even adjusted for inflation.

>> No.3656743

vs. what? How would any of the other candidates fare?

>> No.3656749


> ron paul wants to give healthcare to rich corporations


>> No.3656750

Wouldn't Ron Paul's presidency just be a series of political stalemates unless an equally radical/libertarian Congress is also elected? I feel like 90% of the things he says he would do are impossible for him to actually do.

>inb4 most presidents don't accomplish 90% of what they say they'll do

>> No.3656762


Check out the second half of >>3656688. Either a Ron Paul victory means all democrats everywhere lose their senate and congressional elections to republicans, who coincidentally also agree 100% with everything Paul wants, or Ron Paul will become El Presidente upon taking office, and declare the legislative branch unconstitutional and take over their responsibilities.
Actually if he was more "global conquest" minded, that'd be okay by me.

>> No.3656763

The government being as useless as it is now is a relatively new development in history of this country. Government can fix things but the current two party system we have which is basically the social welfare party vs. the corporate welfare party leads to shit not getting done at all.

I honestly think that its time to end the two party system and do some rather massive rearrangements of how government functions to avoid shit like the bickering that occurred during the debt ceiling issue. The republicans have held the country hostage three times now and that shit is not acceptable. I hope there is a violent revolution and all the assholes entrenched in politics now get killed.

>> No.3656765

Paul has said that recognizing same-sex marriage at the federal level would be "an act of social engineering profoundly hostile to liberty."[192]

I bet this libertarian retard would have said the same thing about interracial marriage in the 1960's.
Imagine that, recognizing interracial marriages would "profoundly hostile to liberty".

Same fucking nonsense, same bigotry, different decade.

Bigotry has always hid behind "state's rights". Libertarians, however noble their intentions, are unknowing trojan horses for discrimination.

>> No.3656772

>thinking fag marriage and interracial marriage are at all the same thing


>> No.3656771

pretty much. Except he'll definitely get the votes needed to reduce taxes more, cut spending, and weaken the government so corporate power can fill the vacuum.

>> No.3656775
File: 78 KB, 1000x500, 1310133470078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opposes abortion

>> No.3656777

I hate minimum wage. Time was I could get a job making 7.50 an hour, and fee good that I was making 3 dollars an hour more than my classmates. Then they kept raising minimum wage, and my wages grew at a slower pace.

>> No.3656782
File: 53 KB, 611x404, Ron-Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever an independant

>> No.3656784

I'm pretty sure he meant that dictating marriage from the federal level is bad, not same-sex marriage itself.

>> No.3656789

Ron paul recently said he would support legislation to remove all marriage from government, and leave it in the hands of religious institutions, where it belongs.

>> No.3656803


That is what he meant and that's a bad thing.

Imagine if the federal government didn't step in and tell the states to recognize interracial marriages.

It's just an attempt to stymie the rights of others, obfuscated purposely as "state's rights"

>> No.3656807

How would this effect the fifth amendment though? Under the fifth amendment you do not have to testify if it will incriminate you or your spouse. The government is already involved in marriage either way.

>> No.3656808


There is no "right" to have government recognize your marriage contract with anyone.

>> No.3656811

Why do people get in such a fuss about him denying evolution? Woopty fucking do. Does he support public education? That's all that fucking matters. Support public schools and evolution will be taught ten fold.

>> No.3656812


>support legislation to remove all marriage from government, and leave it in the hands of religious institutions, where it belongs.

>and leave it in the hands of religious institutions, where it belongs.

>where it belongs.

lol nope. i am an atheist and would like to get married. i don't need a christ fag telling me i can't or that if i do it has to be by his rules.

>> No.3656824

Indeed. Oh well the closer we get to being a fascist nation the closer we get to a seconded revolution.

>> No.3656830

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

i don't see the words marriage or spouse in there.

>> No.3656831

>picture of ron, no text
>73 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3656832

That is recognizing the existence of marriages, not creating them.

>> No.3656833

^This. Marriage is a privilege, not a right.

>> No.3656828


It's back asswards thinking like this that allows bigotry to fester in this country.

Thank Jeebus people like you will be laughed at in 50 years by high school children in 10th grade history.

>> No.3656836

He wants to dismantle public education.

>> No.3656837


All medicare does is inflate prices, its funny how leftists believe that subsidies to oil are corporate welfare but a giant subsidy to medicine is not.

>Ron Paul is for taking away their healthcare and giving it to the SUPER RICH corporations

taking away whose healthcare how and giving it to whom. Taking people money through taxation is theft, letting people voluntarily go to EBUL CORPORAYIons to get medicine is not.

>The top 1% who own 90% of the wealth.

and you want to steal their money which they earned and give it to yourself, through the use of government force.


>minimum wage


>back to the pre 1900 with children working in dangerous factories for pennies per day

before those times children worked on their parents farms in worse conditions, it's the wealth that the factories created that finally allowed children to go to school. It is easy for government to ban something after it is no longer a problem and take credit for it.

>> No.3656843

marriage is conducted and has always been conducted by the state. It's an incentive that conduces social stability.
>>hurr durr, but religious institutions started it.
yeah, back when people didn't know that the state is separable from their fallible religious leaders and back before they had rights

>> No.3656849

Are you stupid? This whole argument is about what the government will recognize as a marriage. What do you mean by making marriages? I don't see government officials walking around and forcing people to get married.

>> No.3656854

You realize that some Mormons are claiming that if we can have gay marriage, then we ought to have polygamy as well.

Do you want polygamy in America? I don't.

>> No.3656863

So go get married. If you don't want a christian ceremony, find a rabbi. Or have the drive-thru guy at mcdonalds do it.

Get james spader to perform the ceremony. We don't care.

Have a jedi vs klingon themed event with billy bob thorton as both best man and dj.

Why the fuck do you need a government, to get married?

>> No.3656868

What's wrong with polygymy? It's not like it wouldn't be concentrated in Utah and surrounding states anyways.

>> No.3656871

And then after that, NAMBLA will want man-boy marriage, bestiality advocates will want to marry a sheep, etc, etc.

>> No.3656879

What is wrong with that?

>> No.3656884
File: 31 KB, 417x297, whiney_liberal_award.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All leftists must be put into camps and murdered. Seriously.

>> No.3656888
File: 83 KB, 750x600, g00Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks a man should have the right to marry your 5-year old son

>> No.3656899

If they're at the age of consent, and consent, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.3656909

>he thinks the government should place no restrictions on the consensual relationship and legal marriage between two people no matter how different they are

>> No.3656914
File: 50 KB, 640x512, double-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some guy's 5-year old son is capable of consenting to marriage+sex.

>> No.3656917

As long as it's not pedophilia, yes.

umad conservatard?

>> No.3656921

He can marry your 12 year old daughter right now.

>> No.3656924

>If they're at the age of consent

Did you even read my post? Are you upset conservatard?

>> No.3656926

No, i was actually parodying the retard who was arguing with you.

>> No.3656931

>implying marrying a child isn't pedophilia

Shame on you, /sci/. I thought you were smart.

>> No.3656932

Who keeps making these threads with just a picture? They are pretty amusing. Im guessing its the same person who make the two threads that were pictures of Ayn Rand books.

>> No.3656943

>still didn't read the part where I said they must meet or exceed the age of consent

>> No.3656945

I was explicitly talking about men wanting to marry a child who is _not_ at the AOC.

>> No.3656951

>implying fags have rights
>implying anyone cares about fags
>implying you even have to be religious to hate fags

>> No.3656958

I long for the day when i can come to this board and not have to see this cunt's face smiling at me.

>> No.3656971

^ lies, mistruths and opinion not based in fact.

>All medicare does is inflate prices, its funny how leftists believe that subsidies to oil are corporate welfare but a giant subsidy to medicine is not.
^ ^ lies, mistruths and opinion not based in fact.

>taking away whose healthcare how and giving it to whom. Taking people money through taxation is theft, letting people voluntarily go to EBUL CORPORAYIons to get medicine is not.

This doesn't take in to account corporate welfare, like the bailout or the billions in oil subsidies. The wealth isn't being redistributed to the poor its being redistributed to the rich. Since the Reagan administration the middle and lower class have seen their incomes lower 30% adjusting for inflation where as the upper class have seen their income increase 200%. We aren't stealing form them they are stealing from us.

>and you want to steal their money which they earned and give it to yourself, through the use of government force.
You mean through use of law but no I want them to pay their fair share to keep society in good condtion. If they make 90% of the income they should pay 90% of the taxes but they don't. They only pay 75%.

>> No.3656979

Come on. We all know it is you trolling /sci/.

>> No.3656984


>> No.3656993

I agree in the sense that gays have done nothing to earn equality. Blacks fought for 200 years to be free. Where were gays during that time?

>> No.3656998

killing persians by the sea?

>> No.3657007


>> No.3657008

Hiding from a society which refused to tolerate their presence. You can hide gayness. You can't hide blackness.

>> No.3657011

You're right a people shouldn't be free until they have fought for freedom for at least 200 years. We should revoke the right for white men to vote immediately for at least 200 years.

>> No.3657016

>implying white men didn't fight to earn the right to vote

>> No.3657031

Not for 200 years.

>> No.3657033

Right; they were cowardly betas.

>> No.3657035

At first I wanted to make fun of you for saying that someone who wanted to return the gold standard knew something about economics

Then sadly I remembered that we're comparing him to other people in congress, and so I reluctantly agree

But even if Obama doesn't personally know much about economics, at least he'll surround himself with enough smart people that he won't do something insanely destructive like bring back the gold standard.

>> No.3657037
File: 1.64 MB, 1680x1050, 300SpartanMenReadyToDance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3657044

Were you watching "300" while stoned? I don't get it.

>> No.3657051

they sex little boys.

>> No.3657056
File: 154 KB, 760x596, son_of_kronar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3657057

Ah, it took almost that long. Europe was convulsed by the struggle between liberal democracy and monarchy for 100 years.

>> No.3657062

Your point?

>> No.3657063

What's wrong with a gold standard?

>> No.3657069

Same with women. They too fought for equality for many years.

>> No.3657077

gays have homosexual sex
spartans have homosexual sex

There is a chance that some or many spartans are gay.

There is also a chance that some or many gays are spartans.

>> No.3657082

Yeah, the Spartans had a lot of gays. What's your point?

>> No.3657085

His point is that the gays have lots of spartans

>> No.3657095

>yfw Pascal is a NAMBLA member

>> No.3657097
File: 114 KB, 500x386, regulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean through use of law but no I want them to pay their fair share to keep society in good condition.

yes law aka government force, and no there is no such thing as a fair share and no society is not maintained by government, it does not create the wealth around you we already contribute to society through commerce. The rich do not owe you anything, they already gave back by selling you the things you bought.

>We aren't stealing form them they are stealing from us.

You can't be voluntarily robbed in the same way you can't be voluntarily raped. Although the disparity in wealth is higher the average wealth of people is higher, wealth is not a finite pie that everyone gets a piece of, wealth grows and as it grows everyone gets richer but not at the same rate.

There is corporate welfare, but there also is welfare for the poor, these are all government functions as well, the government pretends it can help but all it does is distort market forces that is what government does.

>> No.3657098

The poster asked what gays did for equality, while blacks fought for 200 years. So I pointed out that pointy sticks were used for combat.

>> No.3657107

Thats why I stopped mentioning I am in mensa, people kept confusing it with nambla.

>> No.3657109

>So I pointed out that pointy sticks

Uh yeah, I'm aware that that's probably very common in the gay community.

>> No.3657110

Marriage should not be handled by the state, the state is not god, their shouldn't be a single draft contract that gives all your money to women if shit goes bad.

>> No.3657123

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Sparta the least cultured of the Greek cities? Pretty much just a huge war machine.

IIRC the Nazis were big admirers of Sparta.

>> No.3657126

>Although the disparity in wealth is higher the average wealth of people is higher, wealth is not a finite pie that everyone gets a piece of, wealth grows and as it grows everyone gets richer but not at the same rate.

Except in the last 20 or so years its been basically only the top that have been getting richer, which is in fact a problem. When the middle class' real wages have been flat, but the top 5% has grown at an extreme rate, this is a problem.

>> No.3657135

The Nazis were also fairly big on homosexuals too

>inb4 Nazis persecuted gays

That was a conflict between the butches and femmes.

>> No.3657137
File: 254 KB, 500x333, 1313552355543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Well, first i thought it was a very inappropriate question, you know, for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter," he said. "I think it's a theory...the theory of evolution and I don't accept it as a theory. But I think the creator that i know, you know created us, every one of us and created the universe and the precise time and manner and all. I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side."
>"... I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side."

>mfw Ron Paul is agnostic

>> No.3657142

but that's wrong.

>> No.3657146

herpa derpa

>"I think the creator that i know, you know created us"


>> No.3657150

>smoke too much weed
>start believing in God
>denies evolution

Christfag stoners and regular stoners should be shot

also he wants to get rid of the military budget (say good by to science funding)

>> No.3657155

Whites have struggle against monarchy and authoritarian regimes for thousands of years.

>> No.3657156

>OP posts pic with no text

>139 posts and 9 image replies

>> No.3657187

>People post strawman arguments everywhere
>90% of this thread are people trolling/getting trolled
>9% is people who have an opinion on him
>1% are people with serious answers/questions getting ignored
Welcome to every4chanthreadever!

>> No.3657193

Especially any and all religion threads on 4chan.

>> No.3657198

the only thing different between a gold standard and fiat currency is that there is a limited amount of gold. since wealth is generally increasing, you have a fixed amount of gold that can be exchanged for a growinth amount of wealth => epic deflation => really bad for the economy.

having a central bank to (somewhat) control a currency means there's way more flexibility. ron paul hears this and freaks out about this and says there's been massive inflation and everyone now is way poorer than they were 100 years ago when we still had the gold standard. but look around you. are you poorer?

>> No.3657199

Plus we invoked Godwin's Law in here.

>> No.3657201
File: 27 KB, 344x341, 1281378265462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ, really /sci/?

A picture of Ron Paul with no text.
>143 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.